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Unique Identity No2

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Wednesday, April 17, 2013

मुख्य एजंडा ही प्रकृति और मनुष्य के सर्वनाश का है तो विपर्यय मुकाबले की तैयारी कैसी?

मुख्य एजंडा ही प्रकृति और मनुष्य के सर्वनाश का है तो विपर्यय मुकाबले की तैयारी कैसी?

पलाश विश्वास

कोलकाता समेत पूरे पश्चिम बंगाल में मौसम की दूसरी कालबैशाखी में भारी तबाही मच गयी। कालबैशाखी आने की पहले से चेतावनी थी,​​ लेकिन प्रकृतिक विपर्यय से निपटने की मानसिकता हमारी सरकारों में नहीं है। कामकाजी स्त्री पुरुषों को घर वापसी के रास्ते तरह तरह के संकट का सामना करना पड़ा, जिनके लिए कोई वैकल्पिक इंतजाम नहीं हो सका। गनीमत है कि सुंदरवान की वजह से बंगाल समुद्रीतूपान के कहर से बचा हुआ है। पर पिछली दफा आयला की मार झेलने के बावजूद प्रकृतिक विपर्यय से बचने के लिए पर्यावरण और जीवनचक्र बचाने की कोई पहल​ ​ नहीं हो रही है। कोलकाता और उपनगरों में झीलों, तालाबों और जलाशयों को पाटकर बिल्डर प्रोमोटर राज राजनीतिक संरक्षण से जारी है। कोई भी निजी घर प्रोमोटर सिंडिकेट से बचा नहीं है। बेदखली के लिए अग्निकांड आम है। अंधाधुंध निर्माण की वजह से जलनिकासी का कोई ​​इंतजाम नहीं है। ट्रेन सेवा हो या विमान यातायात जलभराव के संकट से कुछ भी नहीं बचा है। कालबैशाखी को थामने के लिए हरियाली का जो सबसे बड़ा हथियार है, बंगाल ने विकास की राह पर उसे गवां दिया है। काल बैशाखी अपने नाम के अनुरूप कहर बनकर आती है। विशेषकर बैशाख माह में होने के कारण ही इसे काल बैशाखी कहते हैं। गर्मी के दिन में विशेष रूप से काल बैशाखी आती है। काल बैशाखी अपने साथ धूल भरी आंधी, तेज बारिश, कहीं-कहीं ओला वृष्टि और वज्रपात लेकर आती है जिसके कारण तबाही मच जाती है। आंधी-पानी में कई घर व पेड़ क्षतिग्रस्त हो जाते हैं। जान-माल का भारी नुकसान होता है। हर वर्ष कालबैशाखी के दौरान व्रजपात होने से दर्जनों लोग काल के मुंह में समा जाते है।भारतीय मौसम विभाग के वरिष्ठ वैज्ञानिक असित सेन बताते हैं कि सामान्यत: फरवरी माह के अंत से लेकर मई के पहले पखवाड़े तक काल बैशाखी का असर रहता है। लेकिन इसका सबसे अधिक असर अप्रैल व मई माह में होता है। देश में असम के बाद सबसे अधिक बंगाल में ही काल बैशाखी आती है। चार माह के दौरान औसतन हर वर्ष 15-16 बार काल बैशाखी आती है। वैसे किसी वर्ष इसकी संख्या 10-12 तो किसी वर्ष 22-24 तक भी पहुंच जाती है। वरिष्ठ मौसम वैज्ञानिक सेन ने बताया कि काल बैशाखी को तैयार होने में 5 से 6 घंटा ही समय लगता है। इसलिए 12 से 24 घंटा पहले ही इसकी भविष्यवाणी की जा सकती है। बहुत पहले से इसकी भविष्यवाणी करना मुश्किल होता है। इसके अध्ययन के लिए आवश्यक मौसम रडार की संख्या जितनी अधिक होगी सूचना उतनी ही सटीक होगी। भारत में वर्तमान में ऐसे 15 रडार हैं। अगले दो वर्षो में इन रडारों की संख्या 55 करने की योजना है। जिससे काल बैशाखी की और सटीक भविष्यवाणी हो सकेगी। काल बैशाखी में बादलों की विशेष भूमिका होती है। बादल पहले रुई की तरह सफेद दिखता है। उसके बाद क्रमश: ग्रे और डार्क कलर का हो जाता है। बादल कम समय में ही तेजी से ऊपर पहुंच जाते हैं। इसके बाद आकाशी बिजली चमकने लगती है और आंधी के साथ बारिश शुरू हो जाती है। जो अधिकतम एक से डेढ़ घंटे तक रहती है। इसके बाद मौसम सामान्य हो जाता है।

सत्तावर्ग भारत राष्ट्र के महाशक्ति बन जाने के गौरवगान से धर्मांध राष्ट्रवाद का आवाहन करने से अघाते नहीं हैं। उत्तराखंड में हमने बार बार भूकंप का कहर झेला है। अब तो हिमालय ऊर्जा क्षेत्र बन गया है। भारत से लेकर चीन ​​तक बिना द्विपक्षीय वार्तालाप के बड़े बांधों का सिलसिला बनता जा रहा है। ऊपर से पोड़ों की अंधाधुंध कटान और चिपको आंदोलन का ​​अवसान। अभी जो ७.८ रेक्टर स्केल का भूकंप आया वह ईरान से लेकर चीन तक को हिला गया। राजधानी नई दिल्ली और समूचे राजधानी क्षेत्र की नींव हिल गयी। गनीमत यह रही कि भूकंप का केंद्र ईरान में था। भारत में जान माल का नुकसान नहीं हुआ। लेकिन सुनामी के दौरान मची व्यापक तबाही से साफ जाहिर है कि समुद्रतटवर्ती इलाके हों या फिर हिमालय क्षेत्र, भारत में जनता को विपर्यय सेबचाने की कभी कोई योजना नही बनी।

बन भी नहीं सकती क्योंकि इसमे कारपोरेट हित आड़े आते हैं। मनुस्मृति अश्वमेध के तहत मुक्त बाजार के वधस्थल पर आर्थिक सुधारों के नाम पर जो नरसंहार संस्कृति के जयघोष में महाशक्ति के प्राणपखेरु है,उसका मुख्य एजंडा ही प्रकृति और मनुष्य का सर्वनाश है।

हम तो किसी कालबैशाखी से ही ध्वस्त विध्वस्त होने के अभिशप्त है, भूकंप तो क्या मामूली भूस्खलन और बाढ़ से ही जानमाल की भारी क्षति यहा आम बात है।मृतकों की संख्या गिने और क्षति का आकलने करने, फिर राहत और बचाव के बहाने लूट मार मचाने के सिवाय इस व्वस्था में कुछ नहीं होता। पुनर्वास तो होता ही नहीं, एकतरफा बेदखली है।मुआवजा दिया नहीं जाता, अनुग्रह राशि बांटकर वोट खरीदे जाते हैं। जबकि सबसे​​ ज्यादा और सबसे तेज भूकंप जापान में आते हैं, अमेरिका के तटवर्ती प्रदेशों में तो तूफान जीवनका अंग ही है। लेकिन वहां इतने व्यापक ​​पैमाने पर  जान माल की  क्षति नही होती।

दोनों देश पूंजीवादी हैं और वहां भी कारपोरेट वर्चस्व है। पर विकासगाथा के लिए वे पर्यावरण की तिलांजलि नहीं देते। जापान की पूरी सामाजिक आर्थिक व्यवस्था को ही भूकंप रोधक बना लिया गया है।

जीआईसी नैनीताल के हमारे आदरणीय ​​गुरुजी ताराचद्नेर त्रिपाठी ने अपनी जापान और अमेरिका यात्रा पर लिखी पुस्तकों में इस पहेली को संबोदित किया है। उनके मुताबिक सबसे​​ ज्यादा कारों का उत्पादन करने वाले जापान में तेल की खपत नग्ण्य है। वहां प्रधानमंत्री तक साइकिल से दफ्तर आते जाते हैं।

पर्यावरण चेतना के बिना कारपोरेट विकास भी असंभव है, इसे साबित करने के लिए जापान का उदाहरण काफी है। दूध दुहने के लिए दुधारु पशु की हत्या ​​भारतीय अर्थव्यवस्था का चरित्र है। प्रकृति और प्रकृति से जुड़े समुदायों के सर्वनाश से कब तक प्राकृतिक संसाधनों का दोहन संभव है,​​ इसपर हमारे शासक कारपोरेट अर्थशास्त्री समुदाय तनिक भी नहीं सोचते।

जहां अकूत प्राकृतिक संपदाएं हैं, उन्हें राजमार्गों  और रेलवे, ​​पुलों के जरिये बाजार से जोड़ना हमारे यहां विकास का पर्याय है और इसके लिए विस्थापन अनिवार्य है। विपर्यय मुकाबलका यह आलम है कि बंगाल में ही पद्मा के कटाव से बचाव के लिए बेहज जरुरी तटबंदों के निर्माम का काम हमेशा अधूरा रहता है। सुंदरवन इलाकों में नदी तटबंध अभी ​​बने नहीं है, पर पर्यटन के लिए सुंदरवन के कोर इलाके तक कोलने के चाक चौबंद इंतजामात हैं।आयला पीड़ित इलाकों में भी तटबंध का​​ काम शुरु ही नहीं हो पा रहा है।

अमेरिका महज कारपरेट साम्राज्यवाद के लिए कोई महाशक्ति नहीं है, विपर्यय मुकाबले के अपने इंतजाम और अपने नागरिकों की जनमाल की सुरक्षा की गारंटी के लिए उसकी यह हैसियत है।विपर्यय मुकाबलेमें हम कहां हैं, यह शायद बताने की नहीं, महसूस करने की बात ​​है। लेकिन देश के नागरिकों की ऐसी तैसी करने में इस देश की व्यवस्था का क्या खाक मुकाबला करेगा अमेरिका या जापान!

दुनियाभर में भारत बेचना की मुहिम पर निकले केंद्रीय वित्त मंत्री पी. चिदम्बरम ने अमेरिकी निवेशकों को आकर्षित करने की कोशिश में कहा है कि विदेशी पूंजी भारत में सर्वाधिक सुरक्षित है और भारत में प्रत्यक्ष विदेशी निवेश (एफडीआई) हासिल करने के लिए सभी जरूरी तत्व मौजूद हैं। हावर्ड विश्वविद्यालय के छात्रों और शिक्षकों को सम्बोधित करते हुए चिदम्बरम ने कहा, निवेश सुरक्षा की सर्वाधिक गारंटी है स्थिर और लोकतांत्रिक राजनीतिक संरचना. मैं कानून का शासन, पारदर्शिता और स्वतंत्र न्यायपालिका में भरोसा करता हूं. भारत में ये तीनों मौजूद हैं।'अबाध पूंजी प्रवाह और काले धन की अर्थव्यवस्था जिसे मुक्त बाजार कहा जाता है, उनकी अनिवार्य शर्त है निवेशकों को प्राकृतिक संसाधनों की खुली छूट दे दी जाये। भारत में विकास के नाम पर बेदखली की कथा व्यथा के मूल में ही यही है।

प्राकृतिक संसाधनों पर जनता के हकहकूक के ​​लिए संवैधानिक रक्षाकवच हमारे पास हैं, पर सात दशक बीतते चलने के बावजूद संविधान लागू ही नहीं हुआ और असंवैधानिक तरीके से बायोमैट्रिक नागरिकता और वित्तीय कानूनों के जरिये उत्पादन प्रणाली को तहस नहस करके , आम जनता के जीवन और आजीविका का बाजा बजाते हुए नागरिक और मानव अधिकारों की धज्जियां उड़ाते हुए विकास गाथा का जयगान अब राष्ट्रगान है और हम सभी सावधान की मुद्रा में तटस्थ हैं। ​

नस्ली भेदभाव के तहत जो जाति व्यवस्था है, जो भौगोलिक अलगाव है, वह प्राकृतिक संसाधनों पर दखल के लिए एकाधिकारवादी​​ वर्चस्ववादी सतत आक्रमण है। भारत के विश्वव्यवस्था के उपनिवेश बन जाने के बाद यह आक्रमण निरंतर तेज होता जा रहा है। राष्ट्र के ​​सैन्यीकरण का मकसद अंततः प्राकृतिक संसाधनों पर कारपोरेट कब्जा हासिल करना है।

पांचवीं और छठी अनुसूचियों को लागू किये बिना, मौलिक अधिकारों की तिलांजलि देकर सविधान की धारा ३९ बी और ३९ सी के खुल्ला उल्लंघन के जरिये यह आईपीएल पहले से जारी है लेकिन जनता के प्रतिरोध के सिलसिले को तोड़ने के लिहाज से कानून बदले जा रहे हैं।मसलन, अभी सुधार के एजंडे के लिए सर्वोच्च प्राथमिकता यह है कि पर्यावरण कानून के तहत लंबित परियोजनाओं को फिर चालू करना। सारी सत्ता की लड़ाई इस पर केंद्रित  है कि कारपोरेट हितों को सबसे बेहतर कौन साध सकता है। कारपोरेट चंदा वैध कर दिये जाने के बाद अराजनीतिक सामाजिक कार्यकर्ता और बहुजन आंदोलन के लोग भी इस तस्करी में बड़े पैमाने ​​पर शामिल हैं।

राजनीतिक अखाडा़ कारपोरेट अखाड़े में तब्दील हैं , जनता के बीच जाने के बजाय राजनेता कारपोरेट आयोजन के जरिये कारपोरेट मीडिया के जनविरोधी उद्यम और जनादेश इंजीनियरिंग के जरिये अपने अपने प्रधानमंत्रित्व के दावे पेश कर रहे हैं।

जनता को साधने के लिए धर्मांध राष्ट्रवाद पर्याप्त है, लेकिन कारपोरेट को साधने के लिए वधस्थल की मशीनरी दुरुस्त करना ज्यादा जरुरी है।

मजे की बात है कि समाजकर्म से जुड़े प्रतिबद्द जन वैसे तो वैज्ञानिक पद्धति के जरिये तर्कसंगत विचारधाराओं और सिद्धांतों की बात करते​ ​ हैं लेकिन उनकी सारी कवायद इतिहास की निरंतराता जारी रखने की है।

हाशिये पर रखे भूगोल की ओर, भौगोलिक अलगाव की ओर ध्यान ही नहीं जाता, जिसके लिए प्रकृति और पर्यावरण से तादात्म और तत्संबंधी चेतना अनिवार्य है।इस महादेश में कारपोरेट राज स्थापना के पीछे इस पर्यावरण चेतना का सर्वथा अभाव सबसे बड़ा कारण है।

सामाजिक कार्यकर्ता को पर्यावरणकार्यकर्ता भी होना चाहिए, ऐसा हम सोच भी नहीं सकते और बड़ी आसानी से पहले राजनीतिक कार्यकर्ता और फिर कारपोरेट राज के एजेंट,दलाल और प्रतिनिधि बन जाते हैं। विचारधाराओं और सिद्धांतों के अप्रासंगिक बन जानी के समाज वास्तव की वास्तविक पृष्ठभूमि किंतु यही है।

जब बेदखली और लूटखसोट पर टिका हो विकास कार्यक्रम और कानून ​​का राज,दोनों, तब विपर्यय मुकाबले का प्रस्थानबिंदू कहां बन पाता है!कानून के राज का आलम यह है कि कैंसर पीड़ित अल्पसंख्यक महिला को कानून  कोई मोहलत नहीं देता, पर समान अपराध के लिए अभियुक्त के साथ खड़े हो जाते हैं राजनेता सेलेकर न्यायाधीस तक, क्योंकि उसपरनिवेशकों का दंव लगा है। इस प्रणाली में इरोम शर्मिला, सोनी सोरी या जेल में बंद तमाम माताओं और उनके साथ कैद बच्चों के मौलिक  अधिकारों की हम परवाह करें तो क्यों करें?

प्रकृति से जुड़े तमाम समुदाय यहां तक कि इस देस के बहुसंक्यक किसान और कृषि आधारित नैसर्गिक आजीविका से जुड़े लोग बाजार में खड़े नहीं हो सकते। या तो वे आत्महत्या कर सकते हैं या फिर प्रतिरोध। धर्म कर्म और संस्कृति में प्रकृति की उपासना की परंपरा ढोते हुए भी हमारे ​

​लिए प्रकृति जड़ है।

हम धार्मिक हवाला दकर पवित्रता के बहान नदियों के अबाध प्रवाह की मांग लेकर मगरमच्छी अनुष्टान तो कर सकते हैं, पर उस प्रकृति से जुड़े समुदायों की हितों के बारे में सोच भी नहीं सकते।

इसलिए जहां देवभूमि है, देवताओं का शासन चलता है, उस हिमालयी ​​क्षेत्र में मनुष्य के हित गौण हैं। वहां पर्यटन और धार्मिक पर्यटन, विकास और धर्म एकाकार हैं। जबकि कारपोरेट धर्म और कारपोरेट राज में अब कोई बेसिक अंतर नहीं रह गया है। धर्म भी जायनवादी तो कारपोरेट राज भी जायनवादी। इसलिए हिमालयी क्षेत्र में किसी प्रतिरोध आंदोलन का जनाधार बन ही नहीं पाया, वहां  भी बहुजन संस्कृति के मुताबिक अस्मिता और पहचान पर सबकुछ खत्म है।

बहुजनों में प्रकृति और पर्यावरण चेतना​ ​ होती तो आज समूचा हिमालय, मध्य भारत और पूर्वोत्तर अलगाव में नहीं होते और आदिवासी भी देस की मुख्यधारा में सामिल होते। ​​इसी वजह से आदिवासियों की सरना धर्म कोड की मांग लेकर, मौलिक अधिकारों, पांचवीं छठीं अनुसूचियों को लागू करने की मांग लेकर​ ​संविधान बचाव आंदोलन का तात्पर्य समझना हमारे लिए मुश्किल ही नहीं नामुमकिन है।

Dharna Pradarshan of NIBBUSS on Shahabag movement of Bangladesh to support their initiative.

Dear Sir/Madam,

Pl find attached a brief press note on the Dharna Pradarshan of
NIBBUSS on Shahabag movement of Bangladesh to support their

Kindly provide some space in your esteemed daily and help us to reach
out to the likeminded and wellwishers of humanatarian movement.

We will now submit the memorandum to honorablePM,Presidentof India and Bangladesh HighCommissioner in New Delhi.


Subodh Biswas




H.O: 3, Bajrang Nagar, Jadumahal Road, Nagpur-27, Maharastra, Email:, Cell: 09422128897

Press Release


If there could be debate on issues of Pakistani minorities in Indian Parliament, why not on Bangladeshi minorities? – Dr Subodh Biswas

Every Indian fought for the freedom of undivided India as a result, modern Indian enjoys the freedom while division of the country deprived it from the Pakistani minorities. The India sympathizes about such communities of Pakistan minorities which we welcome. But we don't find similar sympathy about the minorities of Bangladesh, who have fought for freedom of India as well as Bangladesh, and lost their ancestors twice. Why the Government of India is silent on them? asked Dr Subodh Biswas, national president of Nikhil Bharat Bangali Udbastu Samanvay Samiti (NiBBUSS), an umbrella organization of about 4 crores of Bengali refugees in India. Dr Biswas was addressing the gathering of Bengali refugees from 14 states at Jantar-Mantar on 17th March 2013.

He added, the then Prime Minister of India, Smt Indira Gandhi, played an important role in freedom fight of Bangladesh to establish democracy & secularism to ensure safety & security to the minorities like Hindu, Buddhists, Christians, etc. The dream of Smt Gandhi did not realize due to assassination of Sri Sheikh Mujibur Rahaman; why not her successors took it up till date? Why the other party, which claims to be based on Hinduism, is silent on this burning issue of minorities of Bangladesh?

Dr Biswas said, we are proud of those who are fighting against the fanaticism in Bangladesh to realize the dream of Smt Gandhi & Sri Sheikh Mujibur through the Shahabag-centric movement in Bangladesh. We support them wholeheartedly and condole for the peace of their souls in heaven, who have lost their lives in this fight against fundamentalism.

If Karuna Nidhi can resign from government for the cause of foreigners (Srilankan tamilians), how can India remain silent on the burning issues of Bangladeshi minorities? We have deep relation with these Bangladeshi minorities as they are original son of the soil of India. It is for our interests and benefits we have made them foreigners by drawing a partition line between Bangladesh & India. Is it not our moral responsibility to stand beside them at this time of crisis? Does India feel so? If not, may I ask why? Why are our leaders silent? was the question asked by Prasen Raptan, the Central Executive Secretary of NiBBUSS.

The Secretary of Assam State Committee Sri Benimadhab Roy shared that there was a big Candle March of thousands of Hindu Bengalis in Guwahati on 31.03.2013 in support of Shahabag movement. He prayed the Government of India to intervene immediately and if not, he warned, there would be nation-wide movement across the country.

Sri R N Das, the President of Uttar Pradesh State Committee, wished that the Prime Minister of India must intervene at this crucial context as did Smt Indira Gandhi to fulfill her responsibility as a good neighbor of Bangladesh.

NiBBUSS, the voice of 4 crores of Hindu, Buddhist, Christian Bangali Refugees united from 18 States of India


Advocate Ambika Roy of Supreme Court of India appealed that it is the time for India to initiate necessary and appropriate for the sons of this soil who are still residing in other part of the border.

Caste, creed, race and religion are the contribution of the man-made society to us and not by birth; therefore we will not tolerate anymore torture and attacks in the name of religion, said Sri R.R. Bag, the advocate of Delhi High Court.

Every human being loves mother and motherland and those who love their mother and motherland are still residing in Bangladesh despite serial attacks on them by the Jehadi fundamentalists in Bangladesh. Is it sin on their part to love their mother and motherlands? asked Sri Sandip Biswas of Delhi addressing the gathering in Jantar-Mantar.

Hundreds of representatives from Assam, West Bengal, Uttar Pradesh, Karnataka, Delhi, Bihar, Rajasthan, Andhra Pradesh, Maharastra, Orissa, Uttara Khand, Madhya Pradesh, Jharkhand, Chattisgarh, etc.

The persons who have worked hard to make this protest a grand success are Sri Sushil Mallik, Sri Tapas Roy, Sri Gautam Majumdar, Sri Binoy Biswas, Jeewan Paul, Atul Malakar, Pradyut Malakar, Uttam Mallik and others.   

Ilaiah’s Tilak Is Communal to the Core

Book: Untouchable God

Author: Kancha Ilaiah

Publishers: Samya

Pages – 248

Price – Rs 350


Reviewed by Poornima Joshi


Ilaiah's Tilak Is Communal to the Core

Kancha Ilaiah is not an easy scholar to digest, with his brutal polemic against the Brahminical dominance of the Indian caste order. His latest assault, appropriately titled Untouchable God, is a progression of the unique line of argument he has forwarded since he burst onto the Indian sociological scene with his seminal workWhy I am Not a Hindu: A Sudra Critique of Hindutva Philosophy, Culture and Political Economy.

 In the struggle for a de-casteised society, Ilaiah's has been a radically exclusive position, unimagined even in Dr B. R. Ambedkar's phenomenal scholarly and political interventions which encompassed 'annihilation' of caste as a route towards the Utopia of a casteless and egalitarian India. Ilaiah turned the narrative of systemic exclusion and subjugation of Dalits based on debasement of labour literally on its head and conceptualised labour as an asset and a medium of creativity. As opposed to the works of scholars such as M. N. Srinivas who suggested Brahminical and dominant world views as worthy prototypes for social mobility, Ilaiah proposed the Dalitbahujan society as an exemplary model.

In his essay Dalitisation and Hinduisation (1996), beautifully analysed in comparison with Ambedkar's Castes in India (1917) and Srinivas's Sanskritisation (1952) by Kalpana Kannabiran inSociology of Caste and the Crooked Mirror: Recovering B. R. Ambedkar's Legacy (Economic and Political Weekly, January 24, 2009), Ilaiah suggests 'Dalitisation' as a process that can establish a more just social order.

He presents Dalit society as a model worthy of imitation as, in sharp contrast to the Brahminical order, the Bahujan samaj establishes more egalitarian relations between men and women; where ideas of creativity and knowledge systems are closely tied to productive processes and artisanry and also draw from agriculture and animal husbandry. As opposed to Brahminical society, which enforces a disjuncture between mental and physical labour (mental and intellectual labour being the exclusive domain of the Brahmin while physical labour is debased and consigned to the Shudra), the two constantly reinforce and enrich each other in Ilaiah's conceptualisation of the Dalit society as a model.

Untouchable God attempts to take this argument further by launching a scorching attack on the venerated historical figures of the freedom struggle, the radical left movement and the reforms being intermittently attempted by Islamic and Christian proselytizers. The idea, as far as one can make out, is to debunk the comfortable notion that the reformists engaged in the freedom struggle or in communist assertions had managed to "de-class" themselves, or were also working towards a casteless society. To some extent, Ilaiah does manage to unmask the unparalleled hypocrisy in the Bhadralok communists' personal and political lives as he exposes the dangerous dash of religious revivalism that Bal Gangadhar Tilak successfully introduced in the struggle against the British.

And as befits Ilaiah's polemical streak, the critique invariably takes the form of pamphleteering. To perhaps avoid unnecessary liable actions or confront the hordes of zealots from Maharashtra, Ilaiah's Tilak is fictional. He calls him Dharmalankar Chanakya Tilak aka D. C. Tilak and assassinates his character with undisguised contempt. There are no redeeming features in Ilaiah's Tilak. He is a Brahminical fanatic, more in the mould of the RSS ideologue Madhav Sadashiv Golvalkar than the radical right-wing corner the real-life Tilak occupied in the Indian National Congress, along with Bipinchandra Pal and Lala Lajpat Rai. In fact, Ilaiah more or less credits the fictional Tilak for the formation of the fictional RSS which he refers to as Bharatkhanda Protection Sangh (BPS).

The trouble is that Ilaiah is tailoring history to support his thesis. But one cannot argue with him because a factual argument is being made in the form of fiction. Ilaiah's Tilak is a Muslim-basher who created the fictional RSS. Now, if one argues that unlike the RSS, which has had practically no contribution in the freedom struggle because it considered the three 'internal enemies – Muslims, Christians and Communists' as a greater threat than the British, the real-life Tilak was undoubtedly the pioneer of the anti-colonial 'Swaraj' movement.

As A. G. Noorani has forcefully contended in Savarkar and Hindutva: The Godse Connection, the RSS and its political progeny, the BJP have unconvincingly tried to foist the label of freedom fighter on their ideologue V. D. Savarkar. Terming the RSS's attempts to foist its ideological ancestors on the freedom movement as "brazen falsehood", Noorani proves that Savarkar never dared use arms himself in the killing of Curzon Wylue and collector A.M.T. Jackson, and once convicted, prostrated before the British in an "abject and demeaning" way.

This is a far cry from Bal Gangadhar Tilak whose preoccupations presumably did not include ranting against Muslims. In 1908 when Khudiram Bose was hanged for erroneously killing two women whom he mistook for travelling in the carriage of Chief Presidency Magistrate Douglas Kingsford of Calcutta, Tilak strongly defended the revolutionary and was arrested for sedition. On being asked whether he had anything to say, Tilak memorably said: "All that I wish to say is that, in spite of the verdict of the jury, I still maintain that I am innocent. There are higher powers that rule the destinies of men and nations; and I think, it may be the will of Providence that the cause I represent may be benefited more by my suffering than by my pen and tongue." He was sentenced to six years in prison.

Contrast this with what Ilaiah quotes the fictional Tilak as saying as he collaborates in the formation of the fictional RSS: "Silence! All of You! Do not bother with Christianity and the British now. If we are successful, the Indian Christians will be at our feet forever. Our first priority must be to break their alliance with the Muslims because those people do the Christians' bidding. They are their arms and legs. We must hack off those limbs before they take the axe to us first…"

In the same vein, he mocks the revolutionaries from Bengal; theBhadralok, Presidency College crowd, a generation that was wiped out as the State extinguished the Naxalbari uprising and its aftermath in a bloodied swoop. Ilaiah caricaturises these young men and women, trapped as he believes they were in their Brahminical existence even as he idolises 'Pariah', whose life is the redemption point as the book climaxes.

Ilaiah does well to rubbish some popular myths and expertly brings to fore issues related to caste that a century of freedom struggle, post-Independence reforms, social movements and even the communists have failed to address. But if the idea was to popularise his model of the Dalitbahujan samaj and caricature the Brahmins, this is a spectacularly disappointing effort. Much more is expected of him than this amateurish fictionalising of popular figures.  

Dalit-Adivasi led Bhoomi Adhikar Yatra (Land Right March) rally thousands in MP

Dalit-Adivasi led Bhoomi Adhikar Yatra (Land Right March) rally thousands in MP


9th April, Damoh. More than seventy families of Dalits and Adivasis occupied land in 2008-09 for their shelter and livelihood in village Pipriya in district Damoh in Madhya Pradesh. They were ruthlessly beaten by the forest officials and many of them were put behind the bars. The court hearing went on for five years and all families were ousted from the land. However, Puna Rajak wife of Gariba Rajak will not sit in peace until she gets the land back from the Government. Hippu Dhanak and Munna Dhanak of village Barkhera joining Bhoomi Adhikar Yatra tells how 20 families of Dalits and Adivasis were cultivating land in the village for about 15 years. Government gave land titles to five Dalit families, but not the possession of the land. These five families have run from post to pillar in the district, but not to any avail. As a result Dalit families continue to be landless despite having land titles.


This is a tip of an iceberg of land situation in Madhya Pradesh. Millions of Dalits and Adivasi have no land for shelter, forget about for livelihood or cultivation. Forest Right Act has largely been a non-starter for most of the 90 million plus Adivasis in India. Land for the Dalits under the Forest Right Act is out of question as it demands from the Dalits to prove that they were living on the land for last seventy five years i.e. before the India got independence in 1947. Seems the law makers and the government has no institutional memory of Colonial Raj and the rules, where large scale land alienation had taken place.


Realizing no one coming to their rescue, the Dalits led by the Rashtriya Dalit Mahasabha(National Council of Dalits) and the Adivasis under the Banner of Adivasi Adhikar Andolan(Movement of Adivasi Rights) in Madhya Pradesh jointly launched Bhoomi Adhikar Yatra(March for Land Rights) on the 1st day of the year 2013 from district Rewa in Madhya Pradesh. At the launch they had about 300 persons attending. On 23rd February, when I went to remotely located village Jeegodar under Nagod Tehseel of district Satna, there were more than five hundred people in the meeting. Local newspaper Chattarpur Times on 20thMarch reported "Bhoomi Adhikar Yatra Ko Mil Raha Jansamarthan (March for Land Rights getting people support)."  Dainik Jagran, one of the largest read newspaper in India reported on 22nd March, "Gaon-Gaon Pahunchi Bhoomi Adhikar Yatra (March to Land Rights has reached from village to village)".  A highly respected daily Naidunia published from several locations in Madhya Pradesh informs on 5th April that Bhoomi Adhikar Yatra led by theRashtriya Dalit Mahasabha and Adivasi Adhikar Andolan had meeting in 20 villages and filled forms of the landless people. The Naidunia also reports about setting up Bhoomi Adhikar Samiti (Committee for Land Rights) in all villages.


On 9th April, thousands of people from more all over Damoh participated in Bhoomi Adhikar Yatra, where they submitted a memorandum addressed to the Governor of Madhya Pradesh through the Collector of Damoh. Dainik Bhaskar, another reputed newspaper published from multiple locations in India reported that Bhoomi Adhikar Yatra travelled from 29th March to 8th April in 52 villages of Damoh. Similar news reports have also appeared in other newspapers in Madhya Pradesh.

The Bhoomi Adhikar Yatra is unique in many ways. Firstly it is jointly led by the Dalits and the Adivasis and their organisations – Adivasi Adhikar Andolan and Rashtriya Dalit Mahasabha - have joined hands for a common cause that affects both the marginalised communities. Secondly, the Yatra is led by the grassroot Dalits and Adivasis, most of them are locally known faces. Dadu Dayal Kol, an Adivasi himself can barely read and write, but he is known for his monthly Jan Lok Adalat for Land in Rewa, which he has been organising on the first day of every month. Along with him are a number of committed Adivasi activists. Rajkali, an articulate and firebrand Adivasi women is one of them. Lal Bahadur is another Adivasi leader from Tyonthar in Rewa. Achhe Lal Kole, an intermediate and probably the highest educated among the Adivasis joining this Bhoomi Adhikar Yatra. It is not all. There is Sanjay Bharti, a ninth class pass Dalit, who shifted from Delhi to Chattarpur in Madhya Pradesh. He is the General Secretary of Rashtriya Dalit Mahasabha, Bundelkhand. It was his idea of launching Bhoomi Adhikar Yatra from Madhya Pradesh border on the first day of the year and converge the same into the capital of Madhya Pradesh on the birth anniversary of Birsa Munda on 9th June. There is Gayatri, a Dalit women. She has to manage her small baby while being part of the Yatra.  There is Munni Kewat, an OBC from village Gada in Rewa. Apart from this, the Bhoomi Adhikar Yatra is joined by a band of local people in respective district, who not only guide the Yatra through the unknown roads and tracts, but also organise boarding and lodging to the people in the yatra.

There caste, clan, name and locations where they come from may be different, but they have a common cause. They are not undertaking this Bhoomi Adhikar Yatra to oblige anyone else, but for themselves and the communities they were born into. Most of them have not seen colleges and might even not be able read Hindi or decipher English, but they know the sufferings of their people much better than those who fight for them.


Ashok Bharti



अत्त दीपो भव




Model Town-III, Delhi 110009 Phone & Fax:

011-27442744 011-27419002


National Confederation of Dalit Organisations (NACDOR)

International Commission for Dalit Rights, Washington DC.

Global Council Member, Global Call to Action Against Poverty (GCAP);

ConvenerTask Force on Social Exclusion (GCAP)

Member, Steering Committee on the Empowerment of SC, OBCs, and NT-DNT for the formulation of 12th Five Year Plan, Planning Commission, Government of India,

Member, Steering Committee on Voluntary Sector for the formulation of 12th Five Year Plan, Planning Commission, Government of India,

Open Letter to FICCI on Narendra Modi Hiding Truth about women in Gujarat_ Ila Pathak

Open letter to #FICCI on Narendra Modi hiding the Truth about Women in Gujarat #Vaw #Womenrights

3 Votes



- Ila Pathak
Dear Madams of FICCI,
From reports in media we have understood that our Chief Minister, Mr. Narendra Modihas impressed you all with his hard-hitting eloquence. On reading and hearing report of the speech, we, the women of Gujarat were wonder-struck ! Was he speaking of women in Gujarat? Was he revealing the whole truth? Certainly not. So we thought that we could enlighten you all about the reality in Gujarat.
In Gujarat's population the number of women has gone down. In 2001 there were 921 women against 1000 men. In 2011, three more were lost per a thousand, 918 were counted in the census. This is the ten year period during which nine other States recorded increase in the number of women, from 45 in Delhi to 4 in Rajastan. Gujarat kept losing.
Mr. Modi was speaking of female foeticide, an old 18th century practice. In Gujarat the sex ratio in the age group of 0 to 6 years in 2001, was 886 girls as against 1000 boys. In 2011 it was 883 girls as against 1000 boys. Difference of only 3 gained over ten years! It was only in late 2011 that the news of the government having closed 101 sonography clinics was heard; thereafter a few were reported closed in 2012. In 2013, so far, no penal action under PCPNDT Act is reported. That is the Governance in Gujarat! Does the Government care?
Latest surveys (2006) concerning married women's health note that 55.5% women were anaemic in the age group of 15 to 49 years of age. In the same age group 60.8% pregnant women were malnourished and anaemic. In 1998-99, 74.5% of dalit and tribal children in the age group of 6 months to 35 months were reported as malnourished. In 2005-2006 the number of such children increased to 79.8%. 49.2% children have not developed to normal height, 41% do not have the weight normally children of their age group could have. During the last election this issue was taken up and the minister in charge had rushed to find out where the fortified food packets had gone! That is Governance in Gujarat! Maternal mortality rate and Infant mortality rate do not come down; mothers and children keep dying in Gujarat or continue to survive as weaklings.
To refer to women as mothers all the time is pretentious. We have noted how young mothers die of malnourishment. Lack of treatment (because no government dispensary, block or district hospital has a gynecologist appointed, large city hospitals provide such facility) is one more obvious reason.. No wonder that many women deliver babies in the ambulance like buses known as 108 service. Governance of Gujarat's government does not seem to follow any policy for saving young women's lives. Even young men's lives. Very recently, a resident doctor died of Dengue fever in Ahmedabad's large Civil Hospital and many more are now dying of Swine flu in Gujarat. The deaths seem to argue absence of good governance.
Education for girls was free. In last couple of years the government has stopped encouraging continuation of such schools and colleges. Now girls have to pay hefty fees if they choose to get 'good' education. That is the Governance in Gujarat.
Mr. Modi spoke of the Bill for 50% women members in Local-Self Government which, theGovernor of Gujarat, Dr. Shrimati Kamalaji, despite being a woman herself did not sign. The Governor of Gujarat did not sign it because the provisions in the Bill were mixed up with another issue, that of compulsory voting. The Bill was returned by the Governor asking the Government to separate the issues, get the Bill for 50% reservation for women passed again and then she would be prepared to sign it. The Governor is found fault with which is emphasised by adding 'despite being a women herself'. This is Modistyle. The details of why she did not sign it are not spoken of, so the listeners are led to believe that the Governor of Gujarat is insensitive towards women's rights despite being a woman herself. Half-truth is the hall-mark of Modyism.
Mr Modi had to belittle the Governor of Gujarat because she took steps to appoint the Lokayukta in Gujarat which he did not approve of. So a long drawn battle is being fought in the Supreme Court. If Mr. Modi had only wanted to speak about his contribution for women he could have spoken of village panchayats formed fully by women members. In May, 2012, 422 panchayats were organised through consensus wherein all members were women. Such organising denies democratic election and it is implied that only those who command village level polity can have their say. One of the women attending the State function held to congratulate their becoming important office bearers in their villages, had told a reporter that her husband asked her a few days earlier to be Sarpanch in his place and he asked her to attend the function, so she had come up to Gandhinagar, Gujarat's capital, Mr. Modi could have proudly spoken of women-headed Panchayats but, unmindful of her status, self-respect or sense of decorum he preferred to take a venomous dig at the woman who holds a high constitutional office in Gujarat. A rabble could greet such comments with claps and laughter, but I believe, that you, Madams of FICCI, did not appreciate such remarks. All said and done Dr. Srimati Kamalaji is an octogenerian who commands such respect that she could be rightfully addressed as 'Ma', the mother. But this is how the people are won in Gujarat, by using half-truths and by debunking known persons without caring for their status in public life or without spending a thought on his own personal dignity. As long as the crowds go home laughing he is assured of votes, so why should he care about such silly issues like dignity of the speaker himself. That is how Gujarat is gained. And it is governed to gain accolades for him who got the votes. As long as that is gained, governance in Gujarat does not seem to matter.
Increase in crimes in Gujarat is phenomenal during last decade. Robberies and murders of old people, including women are reported every other day. 235 rapes were registered in 2001, in 2011 the number is 413. Kidnappings have increased from 731 in 2001 to 1329 in 2011. All other crimes appear to have gone down. The police stations do not want to register crimes because they are reprimanded if the number of crimes increases. Gujarat has to be shown as Crime Free State so less registration is better from governance point of view. We are aware of circulars that ask the policemen down the line not to register women's complaints in the first instance, they take 'applications'. Reduced crime rate could vouch for good governance in Gujarat. It is followed by possibilities of less punishment / justice and freedom to commit crimes.
Business is in the blood of Gujarat's people. Many women run their own business, not only in food items but also as designers, boutique owners etc and are doing very well. Many women are employed as retailers in various markets. But 'Lijjat' papads are not produced by tribal women. That is misinformation. Business by women has flourished for a long time in Gujarat, despite Mr. Modi.
Yours sincerely,
Ila Pathak

Top Photo
(Dr. Ila Pathak is a founder President of Ahmedabad Women's Action Group (AWAG). After seeing media reports and speech of Mr. Narendra Modi CM of Gujarat, as he was addressing 29th session of the Federation of Indian Chambers of Commerce and IndustryLadies' organisation, FICCI, New Delhi. Dr. Pathak had written a letter to Madams of FICCI.)

Review of untouchable God in

Untouchable God lives up to the author's reputation and delivers fantastic stories of India's fight for justice.

April 4 2013

By Grant McFarland –

 Published on


Untouchable God is another hit from an author that has so well chronicled the hypocrisies of Brahminical culture and at the same time glorified the working, productive castes to which the Brahmins have assigned abusive and derogatory names. In every story someone from the low or out castes of India dreams of equality and justice before being beaten and abused by the schemes of India's wily Brahmin national leaders. From Muslims being the victims of Tilak's conspiratorial Ganpati scheme to connive the OBCs into believing the lie that they are Hindu, to the Untouchable mixed caste Gurram Jashuva who was kidnapped by Krishnamurthy in order to steal his poems, Kancha narrates vivid and realistic accounts of the corrupt and deceitful Brahminical mindset, while portraying the harrowing tales of the victims of these wicked plots and highlighting their refusal to accept this injustice as being their destiny in life.

The "Untouchable God" is identified as simply the God that touches the Untouchables, whether that be Allah, who saved a 7 year old boy from an assassination plot, or Jesus, who rescued an Untouchable whose only crime was thinking about equality and whether or not the same God that made dogs, who eat from both Shudra and Untouchable houses, also made humans who would never behave so honorably. Kancha contrasts this God with whichever god was responsible for creating the Rig Veda, which divides humans into castes and assigns to them different worths and values based on the part of his body he used for their creation.

Kancha moves all throughout India, highlighting the differences between particular Brahmin practices, but expounding the commonality they share of their refusal to treat low and out castes with dignity, respect or honor. Each chapter is pretty well standalone once the first chapter has been read, and this allows the author to show how different religions, ideas and concepts, from Christianity in the South to Socialism in the North East, have all been co-opted by the Brahmins and have failed to produce any substantive movements towards the annihilation of caste and the restoration of dignity and justice to India's 800 million low and out caste slaves.

 Go to to see the review 5.0 out of 5 stars

Dalits flee Haryana village after upper caste attacks

Dalits Media Watch

News Updates 16.04.13


Dalits flee Haryana village after upper caste attacks - The Times Of India

 'Less than 50 percent SC, ST funds are being spent' - The New Indian Express

Cries of discrimination reverberate - The Times Of India


Govt to spend Rs 1,014 crore for SCs, STs - The Tribune


The Times Of India


Dalits flee Haryana village after upper caste attacks


Deepender Deswal, TNN | Apr 16, 2013, 05.34 AM IST


More than 100 Dalits fled a small Haryana village after being chased by upper caste goons, angry that a Dalit man had dared to marry one of their girls.


KAITHAL: As politicians and administrators in many northern Indian states were preparing to celebrate Dalit icon B R Ambedkar's 122nd birth anniversary this weekend, more than 100 Dalits were fleeing a small Haryana village after being chased by upper caste goons, angry that a Dalit man had dared to marry one of their girls.


Meena and Surya Kant of Pabnama village in Kaithal were in a relationship for the past two years and they tied the knot on April 10. But their happiest moment in life turned tragic for the entire village. The marriage - with Meena, from a community called the Rods and Surya, a Dalit - led to a bloody clash on Saturday that forced Dalit men and women to flee, fearing violent reprisals. Members of the Rod community attacked Dalits, injuring 10 people, including seven cops.


The couple has been living in a Kaithal town under police protection following instructions from the Punjab and Haryana high court last week.


Even two days after the violence, Dalits are still in a state of shock and not ready to return to the village. Except a few youths and elders, no women and children were present in the village. Several have gone to their relatives' places and a few are living in dharamshalas in Kurukshetra.


Ram Swaroop, a Dalit, said, "We agree that the marriage was against social norms. But why is the family of the groom and the entire community being targeted as we have no role in their marriage?"

He said it had become difficult for their families to return to the village under the circumstances as they could be assaulted again.


However, peace brokers were trying to calm things down. The two communities have formed separate committees to hold talks to sort out the differences and to restore peace in the village. Realizing that the couple could not be separated, the villagers on Monday started compromise talks.

Sarpanch Husan Singh told TOI, "As the couple remained firm on their decision to stay together, the villagers, including their family members, have left them to their fate. Members of both the communities held peace talks and I am hopeful that both would reach a compromise soon," he said.

A villager, who had talked to the couple, said both of them ruled out any possibility of parting ways even though the Rods had been pressuring them to break off. During a meeting of village elders, 20-year-old Meena, a student of BCom final year in Kaithal College, made it clear that "she would prefer to die rather than separating from her husband."


The sarpanch said it was impossible for the couple to enter the village as they did not abide by the sentiments of the villagers. Recalling the violence on Saturday, he said, "Some youngsters have attacked Dalit houses in a fit of rage but the village elders have sorted out the issue now."


However, a Dalit youth, Lakhmi Chand, alleged that there was pressure on the Dalits to strike a compromise and not to press for arrest of the attackers.


"Both the communities have formed peace committees which met today to discuss the issue. The Rods are persuading us to withdraw the cases and assured that our security would be ensured in the village. But we are still unsure and our women and children are still away," he said.


Kaithal SP Kuldeep Singh said the situation was under  control on Monday and police personnel were deployed in the village. "The villagers from both the communities are making efforts to sort out the issue. The administration is cooperating with them in this initiative," he said.


Related Story :

Dalit locality attacked, water supply cut after inter-caste marriage in Haryana


The New Indian Express


'Less than 50 percent SC, ST funds are being spent'


By Express News Service - HYDERABAD

16th April 2013 09:51 AM


To set the government machinery moving has been a challenge due to lack of powers in the Planning Commission, admitted Dr Narendra Jadhav, member of the Plan panel.


Speaking on 'SC/ST Sub-Plan: Issues and Perspectives' the noted economist outlined the stagnation of the policy for a period of 35 years and initiatives for revival of the allocations made under it from the 12th Five Year Plan.


Addressing students and faculty members at the third Dr BR Ambedkar Memorial Lecture at Osmania University on Monday, Jadhav expressed anguish at the lack of powers to punish officials for failing to make allocations as per the guidelines laid down in the SC/ST sub-plan. "When I took over as a member of the Planning Commission in 2009, of the 68 ministries only ministry of social empowerment and justice had opened a financial sub-head for the allocations under the sub plan. It is a good scheme which has not been implemented properly for the past 35 years," he said.


The policy suffered from four major problems including reluctance of various ministries to open a separate financial sub-head for allocations, inadequate allocations by departments and ministries which fell short of the 16.2 per cent of the total expenditure for welfare of Scheduled Castes and 6.6 per cent mandated for Scheduled Tribes.


"Of the allocations not even 50 per cent was spent. The guidelines clearly state that the funds allocated under the sub-head should not be allowed to lapse and should be made non-transferable. The diversion of funds for non-welfare project is a major problem. Recently a report also quoted a figure of Rs 732 crore being diverted by the Delhi government towards Common Wealth Games," the economist said.


The Times Of India


Cries of discrimination reverberate


TNN Apr 14, 2013, 02.24AM IST


AHMEDABAD: "We are not allowed to get our hair cut at the barber's shop in our village even if we are ready to pay a few rupees more. If the barber agrees to cut our hair, he is beaten black and blue by the upper caste people of the village," said BhupatZala, a resident of Badarkha village near Dholka.


The same problem is faced by dalits in Bhat, Kashindera, Ranoda and several other villages of Dholka district. "The dalits are not allowed to have tea in hotels in the vicinity of these villages and they are also not allowed to enter the temples built for the 'upper classes' of the society."


Tales of discrimination tore through the tag of 'developed' state as hundreds of members of the dalit community poured on to the streets of the city to raise voice against injustice meted out to them on the eve of 123rd birth anniversary of Dr B R Ambedkar. Thousands of people from 16 states of India and 18 districts of Gujarat participated in the dalit rally organized by Navsarjan and Jan Vikas.


The rally started from Aanand Ashram in Sarkhej and ended at Sanskar Kendra, Paldi. Prakash Ambedkar, the grandson of Dr B R Ambedkar, Mallika Sarabhai, the former Chairman of UGC Sukhdeo Thorat, member of planning commission Dr Sayeeda Hameed, founder of Hamal Panchayat Baba Adhav remained present in the rally to support dalit rights. The cultural groups from Tamil Nadu and Andhra Pradesh performed special art of drum beating in the rally.


People from different states who arrived in the city to stand for dalit rights unanimously said that untouchability still prevails countrywide. Suresh Kumar, a member of Dalit Foundation, Himachal Pradesh, said, "The dalits of Santoshgarh village of Himachal Pradesh are till date not allowed passing from the streets where Brahmins and Rajputs reside. If a dalit touches the house of an upper class man, he is beaten cruelly. A small boy who mistakenly entered a temple built for upper class communities was beaten to death." The dalits who came to participate in the rally from Himachal Pradesh also agreed that the police and legal system do not support or protect them.


In Rajasthan, Mamgilal Meghwal's 30 bigha land was seized by the upper class people. His land was allotted to him on three different names Magga, Mangiya and Mamgilal which is a common tradition in dalits. Taking benefit from that, his land was seized. "Even after submitting identity proofs provided by Gram Panchayat and Jilla Panchayat, I was denied. I registered a complaint against them and also filed a court case, but no actions were taken by the authorities," said Mamgilal.


Anju Saha, a student from Manjali village of Uttarakhand, said, "Dalit ladies are not allowed to cook food in our village school. If they touch it, the Brahmin and Rajput kids won't eat it. These upper class students don't sit with the dalit students. We are even asked to leave seats empty in the busses."


Ray of hope

This proves that the problem of untouchability is ubiquitous in India. However, Satara district of Maharashtra and Karmabhoomi of Dr B R Ambedkar has a different story. According to Chandrakant More and Ujjavala Bhandare from Satara, even though the district is dominated by upper class people, no need has emerged to fight for dalit rights in recent years.


The Tribune



Govt to spend Rs 1,014 crore for SCs, STs


Tribune Reporters

Kullu, April 15


Promising an all round development of a common man, Chief Minister Virbhadra Singh announced that over 1,000 unemployed youth would be trained as ambassadors of village and rural tourism at village level, while another 3,900 youth would be trained with driving skills. He further announced a tehsil and tourist information centre at Bhuntar to facilitate tourist arrivals in the Kullu valley. Greeting people on the 66th Himachal Day today, the Chief Minister unfurled the national flag at the historic Dhalpur Maidan, inspected the parade in an open jeep, took the salute of an impressive march past presented by the police, Home Guards and NCC contingents.


Addressing a large gathering, Virbhadra said there was a time when six villages had electricity and 331 villages had drinking water facility, but today every household had electricity and 70 per cent piped water.


Virbhadra said the focus of the government was on socially weaker sections, including the Scheduled Castes (SCs) and Scheduled tribes (STs), for uniform development of the common man. He added Rs 1,014 crore would be spent for the welfare of Scheduled Castes under the SC sub-plan and Rs 369 crore under the tribal sub-plan. The social service sector was the top priority with Rs 1,371 crore (34 per cent) budget for this, he added.


He recounted the budget announcements like 80 per cent subsidy on the anti-hail nets to save fruit crops from hailstorms, Rs 10 lakh each for improving agri-infrastructure in all 68 selected gram panchayats under the Mukhyamantri Adarsh Krishi Gaon Yojana, Rs 1,000 skill development allowance for youth, Rs 1,500 per month for persons with disabilities and Rs 75,000 grant under the Rajiv Awas Yojana and other housing schemes under which 10,000 houseless would get houses this year.


He reiterated that Rs 363 crore would be spent on improving power distribution system to give reliable and quality power to all consumers. The domestic consumers were getting Rs 270 crore as subsidy on electricity charges, and Rs 175 crore subsidies on three dals, edible oil and iodized salt to all ration card holders under the food subsidy scheme.


He said schoolchildren diagnosed with critical or congenital illness were getting free treatment under the Rashtriya Bal Swasthya Karyakram under which Rs 10 crore was being spent this year.


Virbhadra said the welfare and empowerment of women was getting top priority and the CCTV cameras would be installed in Shimla and other important towns for ensuring safety of women. "20 per cent women will be recruited as constable and sub-inspector level in the police," he added.


He conferred the Himachal Gaurav Purskar, Civil Service Award and Prerna Strotra Award, respectively, on Padma Shri Vijay Sharma, an artist and historian from Chamba in art and culture, Rs 2.5 lakh Civil Services Award to 38 BRTF (GREF) of Deepak Project (Border Road Organisation) for keeping open roads in Lahaul-Spiti, Prarena Sarotra Award (NGO category) to Hamirpur-based NGO for rendering humanitarian services by providing free dead body van service in the state and gave a cash award of Rs 2.5 lakh, received by Hem Raj Chadda, its coordinator and Abdul Gani, a philanthropist from Chamba, who had donated blood over 175 times. He got Rs 21,000 as cash prize.


Rural Development Minister Anil Sharma, Kullu MLA Maheshwar Singh, Banjar MLA Karan Singh, Anni MLA Khub Ram, Vikramaditya Singh, chairman HP State Sports, Cultural and Environment Organisation Chief Secretary Sudripta Roy, DGP, B Kamal Kumar and other officials were present.




.Arun Khote
On behalf of
Dalits Media Watch Team
(An initiative of "Peoples Media Advocacy & Resource Centre-PMARC")
Peoples Media Advocacy & Resource Centre- PMARC has been initiated with the support from group of senior journalists, social activists, academics and  intellectuals from Dalit and civil society to advocate and facilitate Dalits issues in the mainstream media. To create proper & adequate space with the Dalit perspective in the mainstream media national/ International on Dalit issues is primary objective of the PMARC.