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Tuesday, January 5, 2016

Please Sign thisCHANGE.ORG petition which may change life of Thousands of Villagers in Karimganj, Assam Inbox x

Please Sign thisCHANGE.ORG petition which may change life of Thousands of Villagers in Karimganj, Assam


I've started the petition "Construction of RUBs in under-construction Badarpur-Agartala at Umarpur of Karimganj District,Assam" and need your help to get it off the ground.

Will you take 30 seconds to sign it right now? Here's the link:

Here's why it's important:



The project of under-construction Badarpur-Agartala broad-gauge Railway line piercing the heart of many villages has not included the measures for eradication of communication bottleneck of the tens of thousands of villagers (popular guestimate is around 50 thousand) who are unable to avail their existing village roads to come out to the national highway for reaching to the main markets, hospitals and other institutions which are important sites for their daily livelihood.
the villagers' plea to give connectivity to the village roads with national highway by providing under-track pathways (RUB, RCC BOX ROAD UNDER BRIDGES) is ignored, though the construction of such RUB needs a very small amount of fund. In absence of such pathways, the villagers have to travel nearly 10Km to reach to national highway whereas the provision of under-track roadways would have reduced this length to only a few hundred meters. For the inhabitant of these villages, it's really a big issue.
  The villagers demanded six such RUBs and the Railway authority did a survey and agreed to construct three such RUBs for existing village roads against an earlier departmental estimated amount of approximately Rs. 6 crores (Six crores) for six RUBs i.e. approximately one crore per RUB and placed the proposal to the district administration for their consent. The district administration instead of giving consent to such proposal sent it back with a requisition of constructing six such RUBs to Railway department and the local Railway authority in turn put the ball to the court of State Govt. by agreeing to do it as deposit work against sanctioning of fund by the State Govt. The real issue has thus been sidelined through such dillydallying official procedure and shifting of onus. The people with their broken hearts are striving hard to draw the attention of the opinion-builders and policy makers.


You can sign my petition by clicking here.

Sushanta Kar

Any questions? Head over to the tips & guides section for more ideas on how to promote your petition.

Good luck,

The Team

P.S.: Facebook and Twitter are a great way of finding supporters. Click here to share your petition on Facebook and Tweet about it here.

Sushanta Kar
সুশান্ত কর
তিনসুকিয়া, আসাম

আমার ব্লগগুলি:

পূর্বোত্তরের বাংলা প্রকাশনার সংগ্রহঃ

আমি পূর্বোত্তরের গৌরব এই অভিধানেও কাজ করি:

"স্বাজাত্যের অহমিকার থেকে মুক্তি দানের শিক্ষাই, আজকের দিনের প্রধান শিক্ষা" রবীন্দ্রনাথ

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