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Thursday, February 3, 2011

Fwd: Fw: Israel phobic about Muslim Brotherhood sharing power in Egypt

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From: William Gladys <>
Date: Thu, Feb 3, 2011 at 6:19 PM
Subject: Fw: Israel phobic about Muslim Brotherhood sharing power in Egypt
To: Al-Hilal <>

----- Original Message -----
From: KarimAG
Sent: Thursday, February 03, 2011 8:15 AM
Subject: Israel phobic about Muslim Brotherhood sharing power in Egypt



Israel phobic about Muslim Brotherhood sharing power in Egypt

[ 01/02/2011 - 10:00 PM ]


From Khalid Amayreh in Ramallah


Israeli leaders have been panicking at the prospects of Egyptian Islamists, especially the powerful Muslim Brotherhood, reaching or sharing power in any post-Mubarak arrangements in Cairo.
The massive protests in Egypt, demanding the ouster of President Husni Mubarak and his pro-western regime have taken Israel by surprise as Israel's foreign intelligence service, the Mossad, utterly failed to anticipate the popular revolution.
The harsh repression of Islamist forces by tyrannical Arab regimes has always been received with overwhelming acceptance and comfort in Israel.
Similarly, Israel, a regime based on the principle of Jewish supremacy, consistently advocated the adoption of Stalinist and even Nazi-like measures in dealing with Islamist political groups and movements opposed to the Israeli occupation of Palestine.
In recent days, Israeli officials, including prime minister Benyamin Netanyahu and President Shimon Peres have been lecturing foreign visitors about the wisdom of outlawing extremist religious groups from taking part in democracy.
Speaking after receiving the credentials of several ambassadors this week, Peres praised President Mubarak despite the tyrannical and thuggish nature of his regime.
Peres, a certified war criminal himself, argued that the West ought to back dictatorial regimes throughout the Arab world since they keep what he called Islamic fundamentalism at bay.
Netanyahu, whose government includes the largest number ever of Jewish religious fanatics who can be compared with Nazi ideologues with regard to Jewish supremacy and racism, told visiting German Chancellor Angela Merkel that he feared the emergence in Egypt of an Iran-like regime.
"Our real fear is a situation that could develop and which has really developed in several countries including Iran itself, repressive regimes of radical Islam."
Netanyahu, a pathological liar by every standard of imagination, was totally oblivious of the fact that the country at whose helm he stands is classified as the most or one of the most repressive countries on earth.
It is a country that rains White Phosphorus on innocent children in Gaza and drops millions of cluster bomblets on Southern Lebanon, enough to kill and maim millions of children.
 It is a country that demolished homes of innocent people by the thousands, occasionally right on top of dwellers' heads.
It is a country which a former Israeli soldier has described as "an embodiment of devil which even the Nazis themselves can learn from."  Hence, one would wonder how such a country can lecture the rest of the world about democracy, freedom and human rights.
Predictably, Israel pays no attention to the fate and wellbeing of some 80 million Egyptians. For this criminal entity, the people of this great Arab nation may be savaged, tormented, humiliated, and even crushed in both body and spirit. The paramount thing for this self-absorbed "nation" of settlers and land thieves  is always Israel's  vital  interests which can be maintained only by a Mubarak-style dictator that pays no  attention to his country's and  people's interests.
Now, al hamdullilah, thank God, the Egyptian masses have said to Mubarak "enough is enough."
This  should mean that  Egypt's illegitimate and vastly-prolonged  honey moon with Israel must come to an end sooner than later; it should mean that Egypt  will now  have to return to  its original  and  dignified self; it means that Mubarak's  Egypt is over for good.
As to the Islamists, their role in the revolution can't be denied, being an original part of the Egyptian nation. After all, they bore the brunt of the Mubarak regime's oppression and repression for nearly 30 years. Therefore, it is time they receive some of the rewards of their enduring struggle, patience and sacrifices.
Israel and the United States will continue to bark like mad dogs in a desperate effort to deprive the Islamists of their inherent right to enjoy full political rights like the rest of the people.
But the Islamists and other free-minded people in Egypt should strongly reject these condescending and provocative attitudes that urge for excluding the Islamists from any post-Mubarak political arrangements.
The Muslim  Brotherhood has  labored  for this day for so long, languishing in  the  regime's dungeons and cells  and suffering  the oppression of  periodic detentions  just  to keep them away from  the eyes  of the public.
Hence, Israel must understand that Egypt is not the West Bank where Jewish Nazism can have a free season on people affiliated with Hamas for no just purpose other than appeasing Zionist sadism and vindictiveness.
The post-Mubarak regime would have to make a full departure from all the treasonous policies espoused by Mubarak and his cohorts toward Hamas and the people of Gaza.
Mubarak colluded and cooperated with Israel to savage, starve and kill Gazans and narrow their horizons.
His regime's behavior prior during and after Israel's Nazi-like onslaught on Gaza in2008-2009 was an indelible mark of shame in the entire   Arab history, past and present.
Hence, the new regime in  Egypt would have  to do what it  takes to make millions of Egyptians,  Arabs, and Muslims around the world forget  the painful memories of Mubarak's  connivance and  collaboration with the Nazis of our time who drank  Muslim blood  in Gaza until  they had their fill.


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