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Sunday, January 4, 2015

WPI reiterates demand for communal violence bill

WPI reiterates demand for communal violence bill

Submitted by on 4 January 2015 - 12:20pm
By TCN News,
New Delhi: In response to the Union Home Ministry's latest decision to make "derogatory and racist remarks against people from Northeast part of the country" a punishable offence, Welfare Party of India said it is the right time for enacting the Communal Violence Bill also.
Though political benefit motive can be traced to tame the 23 lakh strong Northeast people ahead of the Delhi assembly poll, Welfare Party of Indianational general secretary P.C. Hamza in a statement expressed optimism that the proposed Bill aimed at safety and security of Northeast people and setting up fast track courts for speedy trial of related cases will bring halt to the atrocities against them.
Reminding that the same motive had played behind in drafting the Communal Violence Bill by the previous UPA government though it couldn't be introduced in the Parliament, Welfare Party urged Union Home Minister Rajnath Singh to table the Communal Violence Bill in the forthcoming budget session.
Welfare Party national general secretary expressed concern over escalating communal incidents and attacks against places of worship belonging to minorities. Gujarat Police mock drill where "so called terrorists" were forced to wear skullcaps and were forced to call "Islamic slogans" shows the gravity and immensity of the religious hatred towardsMuslims, a section of the Indian society.
Another section, the Christian community in Chhattisgarh and palso bear the brunt of this religious hatred. It is the real right time to enact an effective Communal Violence Bill that would rein and control all kinds of violence in the name of religion and faith against any community.

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