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Sunday, January 4, 2015

Conspiracy to end freedom of religion in the name of Ghar Wapsi: Maulana Umari

Conspiracy to end freedom of religion in the name of Ghar Wapsi: Maulana Umari
Posted on 03 January 2015 by Admin_markaz
Conspiracy to end freedom of religion in the name of Ghar Wapsi Maulana Umari
New Delhi, 03 Jan 2015: Jamaat-e-Islami Hind organized its monthly press conference at its headquarters here today. Maulana Syed Jalaluddin Umari, Ameer (National President), Nusrat Ali, Secretary General and central secretaries Mohammad Salim Engineer, Mohammad Ahmed, Mohammad Shafi Madani and Ejaz Ahmed Aslam addressed the press conference. They talked about conversion and situation of justice in the country.
1.    The Contentious Issue of Conversion
Talking about conversion, Ameer-e Jamaat said: Recently the issue of conversion has been raised as a big issue. Some affiliates of RSS are organizing campaigns in the name of Ghar Wapasi (home coming) and re-conversion, and vitiating the atmosphere. In these campaigns there is much sound and fury and propaganda and less significance and reality. For example in December 2014, in the alleged conversion in Agra, a few poor Muslims were given the enticement of provision of Aadhar cards and some other facilities. They were hoodwinked to participate in a religious ceremony and it was propagated through media that they converted to Hinduism. The relevant people contradicted the news and confirmed that they are still firm on Islam.
Jamaat-e-Islami Hind wants to clarify Islam's position on certain basic points regarding conversion. Almighty Allah has clearly distinguished what is Truth and what Untruth and given this right to every individual to follow the religion of his choice. Indian constitution also grants full freedom of faith and religion. It also stipulates that every citizen has the right to preach and propagate the religion of his choice and persuade people to accept it. The only condition is that coercion and fraud should not be used. This is a basic human right which has been accepted by every religion and all civilized societies.
It appears that the ruling party BJP is more than eager to legislate to ban conversion. Legal and human rights experts are of the firm opinion that a ban on conversion would be against the universally accepted principles of basic human rights and the basic principles of Indian constitution also.
It is unfortunate that an atmosphere of feared hatred is being created in the country and threats are being employed. Jamaat demands that all such activities should be banned. It is a must that the Prime Minister should clarify his position on these activities. It is a fact that, after BJP's coming to power, a number of organizations have become emboldened to pursue their communal agenda, which is vitiating the atmosphere of the country. The purpose behind these activities is to divide the people of country and gain political mileage.
2.    Justice, Law & Order
While talking about the present condition of justice and rule of law in the country, Secretary General of Jamaat Nusrat Ali said:
Jamaat-e-Islami Hind wants to remind the people that stability of a country depends on the rule of law and justice, and to maintain it is the responsibility of the government and judiciary. Burden on courts, slow judicial process and delay in getting justice are causing hopelessness and uneasiness among the people.
The government and judiciary should execute their duties in this regard. Appointment of more judges and creation of more courts have become necessary. Attention should be given on disposal of petty issues pending in courts and those languishing in jails in such cases should be released. A special CBI court in Mumbai recently gave a clean chit to BJP president Amit Shah in the Sohrabuddin Sheikh fake encounter case. Law fraternity are shocked at the development and blaming CBI and its lethargic attitude for his acquittal. It is also being alleged that CBI dances to the tunes of the government, and this is hugely damaging the credibility of CBI. Very recently, the Supreme Court had snubbed the then CBI director Ranjit Sinha for his objectionable attitude in 2G scam probe.
After the change of power, it seems, government agencies are busy in suppressing the murder cases of Sohrabuddin Sheikh, Kausar Bi and Prajapati and most of the accused police officers have been granted bail and many of them have been reinstated. There is a need to respect the rule of law and to give full freedom to government agencies. Their use for political purposes should end and confidence of people in the rule of law should be restored.
Answers to questions raised by mediapersons
Answering about the film PK, Mohammad Salim Engineer, central secretary of Jamaat-e-Islami Hind said that he thinks the film is not against any religion, rather superstitions and frauds being done in the name of region. The violent protests against the film are not right. Attempts are being made to take political mileage out of provoking religious sentiments.
To a question about NITI Aayog recently set up in place of Planning Commission, he said the termination of the Planning Commission was unnecessary; it could have been improved. We feel that the current central government has only changed names of some schemes and institutions and coined some slogans. This all is being done to promote free market and benefit the corporate sector.
On the situation in Assam following the killing of tribals by Bodos, Mohammad Shafi Madani, Secretary of Jamaat said that Jamaat is doing relief work there and it was going on for some time. The situation after targeting of Muslims by Bodos last year had not yet returned to normal that this incident took place. He informed that Ameer-e Jamaat will be visiting Assam on 7th January and will inaugurate a village of 350 houses built by the Jamaat.


Posted by: Shah Abdul Hannan <>

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