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Thursday, May 26, 2011

Fwd: Fw: neo-nazi Brain Rayner/William Gladys craps his pants

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Subject: Fw: neo-nazi Brain Rayner/William Gladys craps his pants

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From: "William Gladys" <>
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Subject: Fw: Israeli Jew Bibi Netanyahu Lectures America
Date: Wed, 25 May 2011 22:31:19 +0100

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From: "William Gladys" <>
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Date: Wed, 25 May 2011 22:31:19 +0100
Subject: Fw: Israeli Jew Bibi Netanyahu Lectures America
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From: KarimAG
Sent: Wednesday, May 25, 2011 8:00 PM
Subject: Israeli Jew Bibi Netanyahu Lectures America



It's The End of The World As We Know It…

Israeli Jew Bibi Netanyahu Lectures America

Posted on May 22, 2011 by INCOG MAN


"I know what America is. America is something that can easily be moved. Moved to the right direction."

— Israel's Prime Minister, Benjamin "Bibi"  Netanyahu, caught on video while talking privately with a Jew family living on stolen Palestinian land.

IN A DISGUSTING display right in front of the press on Friday, arrogant Jew Bibi Netanyahu lectured Barack Obama like a school boy about precious Israel and the 1967 borders, along with the usual, tiresome crap about Jews being victimized for eons.

Basically, all Obama said in his speech to the Muslims at the State department Thursday night, was that Israel should give up a small amount of land to equal the amount stolen (my word, not his) by Jew "settlers" (Orwellian term for Jew land thieves) in the West bank and return to the 1967 borders as much as possible. The crazy Jew "settlers" get to stay right where they are — hell, the Jews already have plans to build 300 more settlements on Palestinian land.

Obama's suggestions are actually what many previous US presidents have also brought up as a solution, including George W. Bush to Ariel Sharon. And both the last PM of Israel, Ehud Olmert and the Israeli ambassador, Michael Oren, said the same thing. But crazed über-Zionists don't want to give an inch, since they think the whole place really belongs to them to begin with. These jerkwads get clean away with it too, since Jews own the US media back here — Americans are just not going to get the straight scoop.

More than likely the whole razmataz of Obama's speech is nothing but a big show — orchestrated with Tel Aviv to make Obama look like he's not a Jew puppet. Both Obama and Netanyahu know it's only for consumption by the oblivious US masses, since the perfidious Israelis already have plans to finally rid themselves of the pesky Palestinians now taking up precious Jew space. The operation will kick-off soon after another giant 9/11 type false-flag event to get America distracted and pissed about Iran, so we go along with eliminating the possibility of nuclear threat to sacred Israel down the road.

Now, I'm not an Obama supporter at all, as you well know. However, I don't care what half-wit moron — retardican Bush or democrap Obama – is occupying the oval office when it comes to some other country's leaders telling us what to do. Especially so, when that other country exists only because of all the money and weaponry we give them.

Of course, your ISRAEL-FIRSTERS were yukking up a storm, saying Netanyahu "punked Obama and read him the riot act." Doesn't that just show you 100% that these lousy Jews are full-on traitors to America? I mean think of it, Jews like Mad Jewess and her lousy traitorous ilk, think it's just dandy for an Israeli to come here and tell us Americans what to think and do.

Description: GD nerve of these people!

These Jews go on and on and on about the Jews being victims forever, how Israel is their sacred homeland, yada, yada, yada. They try to tell you Christian sites will get turned over to the evil HAMAS, closed and bulldozed — totally transparent attempts to jack-up Christian Zionists on the issue. What a crock of crap — there's plenty of Christian Palestinians, in case you don't know.

They tell us "if we don't support Israel, God will curse us." Uh, how do they know what God thinks? Just because they think they are the holy "Chosen Ones," closer to God than anyone else? Hello! If you really believe in the Bible, make note that it says God broke the Covenant when the Jews turned over Jesus to the Romans for brutal execution.

And that's if you think ANYONE has a real, direct connection to God in the first place. These arrogant Jews act like they have a high-speed T1 connection, while the rest of us are still using old dial-up modems with phone cups, like the one in "War Games."

Let's zero in on another giant-sized helping of in-your-face Jew hypocrisy: Israel as a "Jewish State." The Jews don't want to deal with the Palestinians until they formally recognize Israel as a Jewish State, so they can crow about it later and use it against them politically.

You probably heard bits and pieces of that in the media, carefully tip-toed around since the media knows well it's total hypocrisy with the PC mindset we're all supposed to think and live. Oh yeah, that's only for us White people of European descent, eh?

Just think a second: What if America (or any White nation) declared itself a White Christian country? Just imagine it: The lousy Jews everywhere would be screaming bloody murder!

The whole business about "giving up land" is a crock too, since most of your prime real estate and water sources in the West bank has already been stolen by orthodox Jews to begin with. Obama said these "settlers" can stay, only that Israel should give the Palestinians some minor amount land in return. Knowing the Jews, they could just give them a piece of barely habitable desert.


The lousy Jews have already stolen prime Palestinian land  — building fancy "settlements" with pools and private roads, all paid for or subsidized by rich American Jews, big corporations controlled by International Jews (like AIG) and fooled Christian Zionists. Orthodox Jew nutcases make "aliya" from America and are given at least $20,000 in squatter's fees by the Israeli government.Description:

Media Ziowhores, like Glen Beck (right), went wacko over Obama's speech (Beck is sucking up to the Jews so much now it's embarrassing). These Israel-Firsters are all saying Obama wants to make Israel nine miles wide, giving the evil terrorist HAMAS a spot three miles away from the Tel Aviv airport, where they can down planes full of innocent holy land tourists with primitive, garage-built missiles that don't even explode, let alone much else!

One thing Bibi boy did say that is certainly true, is all the 1967 borders business is not going to happen. Once the Jew have their yellowed vampire fangs sunk into something, there is no way they'll give it back until they've sucked it bone dry and don't want it anymore; or the locals finally get sick and tired and give them the big boot, amidst even more tiresome Jew wailing and gnashing of teeth to last them for another century or two.

Sure, the Jews gave up the Sinai territory to Egypt, but there's pretty much nothing there and the Jews could take it back again in a heartbeat by using their overwhelming military — bought and paid for by all us suckers in America.

Just face up to the fact: Israel does what it wants and when it wants. It truly is a case of the tail wagging the dog.

Pseudo-conservative "American" Jews, such as the "Mad Jewess" call me a "lefty" because I say this kind of thing in support of the Palestinians. These people have been screwed royally by the Eastern European Jews who invaded their lands — simply because they got it into their heads that God promised the place to them.

That's how the Jew brain-warps unaware people – call any of us White people who can still think for himself any old BS name they can come up with. They also call any Palestinian they kill a terrorist — little old men and boys are routinely picked off by Israelis snipers while working their farmlands. Over 2 dozen Nabka day protestors were recently gunned down by Jew IDF forces, but the only thing you heard about in the media were Syrian protestors killed by Assad!

If that display in the oval office the other day wasn't enough, then wait till this week: Bibi-boy Netanyahu will be given "the honor" of addressing our combined Congress and Senate, like it was a State of the Union address. Maybe it is. Bibi is going to tell American politicians exactly what Zionist Jewdom wants and will have zero problem with anything he says, because the Jews basically have the entire audience in their pockets.

None of these so-called leaders are going to say one damn thing whatsoever since the lousy Jews own our media, too. Hell, they all know this. One word against sacred Israel and phone calls get made, reporters are given new assignments. Next thing you know, the politician is all over the news, smeared with whatever purid crap the stinking Jews can dredge or make up from next to nothing.

This week is the annual Jew traitor celebrations at AIPAC headquarters. Obama will be there kissing major Jew ass today (Sunday) and expected by everyone to make conciliatory remarks to the crazy Zionist Jews, now all torqued-up about Obama's measly suggestions over some piece of crap, dried-up desert land.

– Phillip Marlowe

"American" Jews are lousy traitors and we're being used!


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