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Friday, September 17, 2010

Fwd: CC Issue 16 Sep - Remembering Sabra And Shatila

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From: Countercurrents <>
Date: Fri, Sep 17, 2010 at 12:30 AM
Subject: CC Issue 16 Sep - Remembering Sabra And Shatila

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In Solidarity
Binu Mathew

Press Release

Action Alert

Remembering Sabra And Shatila
By Sonja Karkar

It happened twenty-eight years ago – 16 September 1982. A massacre so awful that people who know about it cannot forget it. The photos are gruesome reminders – charred, decapitated, indecently violated corpses, the smell of rotting flesh, still as foul to those who remember it as when they were recoiling from it all those years ago. For the victims and the handful of survivors, it was a 36-hour holocaust without mercy. It was deliberate, it was planned and it was overseen. But to this day, the killers have gone unpunished

Return To Shatila
By William A. Cook

To return to Shatila is an act of retribution, an act that gives voice to the dead that suffered there, to accept responsibility for the horrors we allowed to happen there, to seek forgiveness of those who lost their lives there and cannot ever live those lives again nor see the sun rise or hear the baby's cry or know the laughter of their children or weep at the loss of a mother or father … their voices have been silenced forever, yet they echo throughout the ages how vicious is the soul of humankind to remain silent and indifferent to their brothers and sisters in death

My Road Trip With A Solar Rock Star
By Bill McKibben

Notes on the White House Enthusiasm Gap

A Little Missed Sunshine
By Amy Goodman

When first lady Michelle Obama started an organic garden at the White House, she sparked a national discussion on food, obesity, health and sustainability. But the green action on the White House lawn hasn't made it to the White House roof, unfortunately

9/11: The Mother Of All Coincidences
By Eric Margolis

So what, in the end, can we conclude? 1. We still do not know the real story about 9/11. 2. The official version is not credible. 3. 9/11 was used to justify invading strategic Afghanistan and oil-rich Iraq. 4. The attacks plunged America into wars against the Muslim world and enriched the US arms industry and more

Hate Mongers Among Us
By Jeff Gates

Hate is bankrupting us financially and psychologically

"President Obama Is Involved In War Crimes
Right Now: Noam Chomsky"
By Alyssa McDonald

The New Statesman Interviews Noam Chomsky

Fish Kill Whodunnit In Gulf:
Is Big Ag or Big Oil The Perp?
By Tom Philpott

A waterway that drains into the Gulf of Mexico has become literally blanketed at the surface with the dead bodies of pogies, redfish, drum, crabs, shrimp, and freshwater eel, the New Orleans Times-Picayune reports. What killed the fish? There are two major suspects. The crime scene -- Louisiana's coastal Plaquemines Parish -- lies at a crossroads frequented by two confirmed eco-thugs: Big Ag and Big Oil

Pelosi's Probe: Oil Sands And
America's Addiction To Oil
By David Hughes

US House of Representatives Speaker and California Congresswoman Nancy Pelosi arrived in Canada last week ostensibly to get the real goods on Alberta's oil sands. As an environmentalist up for re-election in November, Ms. Pelosi is under pressure from her constituents about the carbon footprint of the oil the US gets from its Number One supplier – the Canadian oil sands. The question is, if not Canada, who?

The Limits And Potential Of Plant-Based Energy
By Lester Brown

As oil and natural gas reserves are being depleted, the world's attention is increasingly turning to plant-based energy sources. The potential use of plant-based sources of energy is limited because even corn -- the most efficient of the grain crops -- can convert just 0.5 percent of solar energy into a usable form. In contrast, solar PV or solar thermal power plants convert roughly 15 percent of sunlight into a usable form

Lucas Tete, Maoist Violence And K Balagopal
By Biswajit Roy

It's a welcome development that Arundhati Roy, G N Saibaba, Mahasweta Devi, Sujato Bhadra and others have condemned the killing of Maoists' POW and Bihar policeman Lucas Tete as reported by Bengal Post

The Secret Lives Of Big Pharma's
"Thought Leaders"
By Carl Elliott

Today the pharmaceutical industry uses the terms "thought leader" or "key opinion leader"—KOL for short—to refer to influential physicians, often academic researchers, who are especially effective at transmitting messages to their peers. Pharmaceutical companies hire KOL's to consult for them, to give lectures, to conduct clinical trials, and occasionally to make presentations on their behalf at regulatory meetings or hearings

Conflict Erupts Between EU
And France Over Roma Expulsions
By Antoine Lerougetel & Peter Schwarz

The French government's policy of mass expulsions of Roma has led to a sharp conflict between Brussels and Paris. In a press conference on Tuesday afternoon, EU commissioner for Justice, Fundamental Rights and Citizenship Viviane Reding accused the French government of "discrimination on the basis of ethnic origin or race" and of calling into question "the common values and laws of our European Union". She described the French policy as a "disgrace"

America's War On Islam
By Stephen Lendman

Washington's one-sided Israeli support underscores its disdain for Islam. Obama accentuated it by telling Netanyahu that "The bond between the United States and Israel is unbreakable," assuring him of America's "deep, abiding interest in Israel's security," a message Palestinians and world Muslims know means no interest in theirs

Hypocrisy Defined: Another Round of Peace Talks
By Stephen Lendman

Dealing with Washington and Israel is like swimming with sharks. Get out of the water or be eaten. Achieving an equitable Israeli/Palestinian peace settlement is no more likely now than ever. Both sides know it but pretend otherwise, suggesting perhaps a finessed or arranged resolution - a sham one or capitulation if anything is agreed

Another Buzzword; Another Dustup
By Case Wagenvoord

In spite of its absurdity, "The Mosque at Ground Zero" continues to stir passions and fears. This is largely because the Left, once again, has allowed the right to frame the issue and seems unwilling to challenge its premises

Kashmir: Let's Blink
By Dr. Shah Alam Khan

The bloody trail of the past three months should be discomforting for a nation which bears foundation of a non-violent freedom struggle. The call for azadi can be overlooked but can we ignore the smell of human flesh and blood? It is said that peace is not the absence of war but the presence of justice. The Kashmir valley pleads for justice

Space For Peaceful Protest In Kashmir Valley
By Mustafa Khan

This time there is a sea change in the valley. The youths have taken over the protests, they are the ones who go before the soldiers who have their guns drawn and aimed at them with fingers in a reflex situation of pressing the trigger as the scene is too violent and bloody. There is an action packed drama going on in the streets that calls for a different response than the reloading of the smoking guns

Burma Election, Refugees And Media's Role
By Nava Thakuria

A day-long media workshop on the forthcoming military sponsored election in Burma (Myanmar) and its implication on hundred thousand Burmese refugees will take place in the Indian capital on September 27. Organised by Burma Centre Delhi and Burma Center Prague, the workshop will accommodate journalists from both Europe and Asia. The workshop on September 27 will be followed by a press conference in the Press Club of India, New Delhi

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Palash Biswas
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