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Thursday, September 30, 2010

Fwd: CC Issue 29 Sep - Energy Security: An Annotated Military/ Security Bibliography

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From: Countercurrents <>
Date: Thu, Sep 30, 2010 at 3:13 AM
Subject: CC Issue 29 Sep - Energy Security: An Annotated Military/ Security Bibliography

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Energy Security: An Annotated Military/Security Bibliography
(2010 Update)
By Rick Munroe

A selected list of studies of various aspects of energy security (including peak oil) which have either been conducted by members of the military/security research community, or which raise issues with direct military/security relevance

UK Government's Oil Shock Warning
By Matthew Wild

A UK government minister is preparing for a coming global oil shock – a possible doubling of the price of oil. As Monday's UK Daily Telegraph newspaper reported, "Energy Secretary, Chris Huhne, told the Liberal Democrat conference last week that in a world facing economic "shocks" it was possible that the price of oil would double from its current level of about $75 a barrel and that he had ordered his officials to look at the impact of a Seventies-style oil price spike on the British economy."

US Military Must Stop Using Oil In 30 Years,
Defense Think Tank Says
By Mason Inman

The success of the US military in coming decades will depend largely on the development of a world-wide system for producing a variety of biofuels, according to a new report released today. That way, the military can stay refueled and able to operate anywhere, even when petroleum supplies are tight. "Fueling the Future Force", by the Center for a New American Security (CNAS), a think tank based in Washington, D.C., makes a set of recommendations for the Department of Defense about how it can move toward running without any petroleum in 30 years' time

We Can't Use It – So Why The Heck Are We
Prospecting For New Oil?
By George Monbiot

Why are we still prospecting for oil when we can't afford to use existing reserves?

The Food Crisis Is Not About A Shortage Of Food
By Jim Goodman

The food crisis of 2008 never really ended, it was ignored and forgotten. The rich and powerful are well fed; they had no food crisis, no shortage, so in the West, it was little more than a short lived sound bite, tragic but forgettable. To the poor in the developing world, whose ability to afford food is no better now than in 2008, the hunger continues

Israeli Ties – A Chance To Do The Right Thing
By Archbishop Desmond Tutu

The University of Johannesburg's Senate will next week meet to decide whether to end its relationship with an Israeli institution, Ben-Gurion University of the Negev, on the grounds of that university's active support for and involvement in the Israeli military. Archbishop Desmond Tutu supports the move. He explains why

An Israeli Gandhi Seized At Sea
By Ira Chernus

Shouldn't we be looking for the Israeli Gandhi? The search might not take as long as you think. There are plenty of Israeli Jews nonviolently resisting their own government's policies of occupation and oppression. The latest to find the public spotlight is Rami Elhanan, a former Israeli soldier who joined other Jewish activists from Israel and around the world as sailors for peace and justice on a boat called the Irene

Hungry In Gaza, More And More
By Eva Bartlett

"The main reason for hunger in Gaza is Israeli politics on the people Gaza. Gaza is different than other places. When we have a disaster, we cannot leave our small piece of land to find work or safety elsewhere. We are trapped inside."

A Lie At The Heart Of Israel's Settlement Project
By Richard Irvine

Settlements - or to describe them accurately, illegal Jewish only colonies - did not happen by accident; nor do they continue as some sort of unfortunate but unavoidable historical hangover. Rather they are central to Israel's entire policy with regard to the Palestinian territories

Imperial Israel
By Stephen Lendman

Peace is only possible if negotiated equally for both sides, a prospect nowhere in sight, nor is Palestine's legitimate Hamas government even invited to try. The entire process again is a sham, little more than theater, one side entirely excluded, a story-line with a familiar bad ending

Palestinian Authority Recommends
Whitewashing Gaza War Crimes
By Stephen Lendman

Who do they serve anyway? It's clear from the sham peace talks and a new development. The Mahmoud Abbas-controlled Palestinian Authority (PA) wants Israel absolved of accountability for Cast Lead crimes of war and against humanity. No matter that conclusive evidence exposed them, the result of the IDF's 23-day day rampage, killing over 1,400, injuring over 5,000, many severely, and practically leveling wide areas of Gaza, affecting mostly civilian and non-military related targets

Testimonies of Crimes Against Humanity
in Fallujah - Towards A Fair International
Criminal Trial
Conservation Centre of Environmental & Reserves in Fallujah (CCERF) & Monitoring Net of Human Rights in Iraq

A report

US-Led NATO Forces In Afghanistan
Extend War Into Pakistan
By Abdus Sattar Ghazali

With three cross border attacks into Pakistani territory the US-led NATO forces in Afghanistan have apparently extended Afghan-war into Pakistan

The Jury Verdicts of IPT, Ranchi
By Gladson Dungdung

We are extremely pleased to inform you that we had organized a very successful Independence People's Tribunal on Operation Green Hunt in Ranchi on 25th and 26th of September, 2010 under the banner of the Jharkhand Alternative Development Forum with the support of Operation Green Hunt Virodhi Nagrik Manch, Jharkhand Indigenous People's Forum, Jharkhand Initiatives Desk, Jharkhand Jungle Bachao Andolan, Jharkhand Mines Area Coordination Committee and many other groups

Ayodhya Verdict: All Parties Must Act
To Face The Situation
By Rajender Sachar

It is only the weakness of political will that is responsible for the Ayodhya imbroglio to continue as one of the bitterest disputes within the country. By keeping the Ayodhya issue alive, the country has been kept away from addressing its most urgent task — how to meet the challenge of the growing pauperisation of the masses. And that includes both Hindus and Muslims

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