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Wednesday, September 15, 2010

Fwd: CC Issue 14 Sep - Wake Up, Freak Out,Then Get A Grip

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From: Countercurrents <>
Date: Wed, Sep 15, 2010 at 1:50 AM
Subject: CC Issue 14 Sep - Wake Up, Freak Out,Then Get A Grip

Dear Friend,

If you think the content of this news letter is critical for the dignified living and survival of humanity and other species on earth, please forward it to your friends and spread the word.It's time humanity should come together as one family! You can subscribe to our news letter here

In Solidarity
Binu Mathew

Press Release

Action Alert

Wake Up, Freak Out,Then Get A Grip

Wake Up, Freak Out - then Get a Grip is a short, animated film about climate change by Leo Murray. It tells we are now dangerously close to the tipping point in the world's climate system; this is the point of no return, after which truly catastrophic changes become inevitable

Warmer And Warmer

Consistent with widespread media reports of extreme heat and adverse impacts in various places, the latest results from ERA-Interim indicate that the average temperature over land areas of the extratropical northern hemisphere reached a new high in July 2010. May and June 2010 were also unusually warm

Contra Bill McKibben's Reformism
By Javier Sethness

Just as the hegemonic system McKibben mystifies—capitalism—must be dislodged and abolished, so must McKibben himself come to be displaced as leader/father of contemporary movements against climate catastrophe. His politics are legitimational and reformist; they are inappropriate for the scope of the present catastrophe

Does The Palestinian Diaspora
Care Enough To Become Engaged?
By Alan Hart

I have long been of the view that the major difference between Jews and Arabs is that Jews know how to play the game of international politics and Arabs don't. The Palestinians could prove me wrong. The world, not just the occupied and oppressed Palestinians, needs them to do so

Kashmir: Forced Ignorance And
Intellectual Arrogance In India
By Inshah Malik

Kashmir continues to make itself heard globally but sadly it needs more innocent lives from the street of Kashmir to end the 'forced ignorance' and 'intellectual arrogance' in India. There is no life of dignity in Kashmir, and street will not retreat till it catches the Indian society and intelligentsia by its moral conscience

What Are Kashmir's Stone Pelters Saying To Us?
By Sanjay Kak's_stone_pelters.pdf

Kashmir's sang-bazan - stone pelters- have captured the popular imagination, but the uprising has yet to be accorded the same political pedigree as the Intifada. Neverthless, images of boys as young as nine and ten being dragged off into police vehicles, or shot dead by the paramilitary forces, have begun to dent conventional truisms about what is happening in Kashmir

Kofi Annan Can Help Chart A Viable
And Sustainable Future For Africa.
Not AGRA, Africa Needs SAGRA
By Devinder Sharma

Kofi Annan is a wise man. I am sure he will have the courage to stand up, and demonstrate that Africa has a viable and sustainable future. Africa needs SAGRA -- Sustainable Agriculture for Africa, and not AGRA

Farmers' Apocalypse: The Globalization Of
Food Supply
By Alana Mann

Governments and policymakers need the political will to defend their citizens against short-sighted and unjust trade policies that favour agribusiness and treat food as just another commodity. Consumers need to care about where their food comes from and who produces it, and eat according to seasonal rhythms

Battle Of The Think Tanks In Peak Oil Reports
By Matthew Wild

Two think tanks, on different sides of the world, published peak oil reports earlier this month – generating very different levels of media and web coverage

Interview With Bob Hirsch On His Team's
New Book—"The Impending World Energy Mess"
By Steve Andrews

Robert L. Hirsch, Roger Bezdek and Robert Wendling have coauthored a new publication, this time a book called "The Impending World Energy Mess: What It Is and What It Means to You," a book to be released by publisher Apogee Prime late this month

A New Age Of People Power: Lessons
From The Dongria Kondh
By John Perkins

The recent and continuing triumphs of indigenous, environmental, and other movements in support of people and nature demonstrate that we the people hold more power than we often believe. In proving that victory is possible, the Dongria Kondh offer each of us the inspiration to work for a world that our children and grandchildren will want to inherit. In the light of their achievements, we see a path we all can follow

Obama Declares Another National Emergency
When None Exists
By Stephen Lendman

Perhaps martial law and suspension of constitutional protections will follow the next declared emergency, whether or not it's real. Abuses of power beget greater ones. It's just a matter of time until the worst arrive unless an alert public is aroused enough to stop them. Once in place, it's too late

Satan Of The Details
By Uri Avnery

There should be no agreement on a process that is designed to lead to a "declaration of principles" or a "framework agreement". There should be – here and now! – negotiations for a full and final peace treaty. Satan resides in framework agreements. God resides – if anywhere – in a peace treaty

If The Islamic Community Center Isn't Built,
This Is No Longer America
By Michael Moore

I am opposed to the building of the "mosque" two blocks from Ground Zero. I want it built on Ground Zero. Why? Because I believe in an America that protects those who are the victims of hate and prejudice

American Muslims Nine Years After 9/11
By Abdus Sattar Ghazali

Since 9/11, there has been a steady rise in Islamophobia, however recent months have seen exponential rise of anti-Islam and anti-Muslim bigotry. Many Religious Right leaders and opportunist politicians assert over and over that Islam is not a religion at all but a political cult, that Muslims cannot be good Americans and that mosques are fronts for extremist 'jihadis.'

Do Not Pity The Democrats
By Chris Hedges

We do not have much time left. And the longer we refuse to confront corporate power the more impotent we become as society breaks down. The game of electoral politics, which is given legitimacy by the right and the so-called left on the cable news shows, is just that—a game. It diverts us from what should be our daily task—dismantling, piece by piece, the iron grip that corporations hold over our lives

US Election Blues
By William T. Hathaway

Judging from the polls, the majority of Americans are viewing the current elections with apathy and futility. Many have lost hope in the electoral process. Despair is particularly deep in the peace movement, as Obama shifts the fighting in Iraq onto private mercenaries and local soldiers in order to transfer US troops to Afghanistan. Some activists have given up on legal methods for change and become domestic insurgents

Bradley Manning Case: Why We Can't
Have A Secret Trial
By Charles Langley

A secret government that holds secret trials is government by the few and for the few. If this isn't the America you want to live in, then do the patriotic thing – demand a fair trial

Divestment: From The Campus To The Streets
By Mohammad Talaat

Following a sharp increase in divestment efforts across North American college campuses last spring, this academic year promises an even greater number of initiatives

Veto Power Is An Insult To
The International Community:Kenneth O'Keefe
By Kourosh Ziabari

An interview with Kenneth O'Keefe who was one of the international peace activists onboard the Gaza Freedom Flotilla that was intended to end the Israeli siege of Gaza Strip

Immersed In Empire
By William Bowles

It seems we've lost a revolution before it even got started

Suicide Attacks: What Pakistan Shares With Iraq ?
By Akhtar Ali Syed

We don't know the identities of big majority of attackers in Pakistan but the assumption is the majority belongs to Pakistan . If this is the case, then Pakistani suicide attackers are more religiously motivated, more extremist, more sectarian, less nationalist and less calculated than the attackers of other regions

Ayodhya: Masjid - Mandir Dispute,
Towards Peaceful Solution
Essays/Articles by Dr. Asghar Ali Engineer,
Prof. Ram Puniyani & Adv. Irfan Engineer

An E-Digest Compiled by Ram Puniyani

Godmen Conmen
By Subhash Gatade

Why criticism of religion should now come on the ggenda?

Tar Balls Sully Goan Beaches
By Marianne de Nazareth

There was a recent flurry of media stories on the fact the many beaches in Goa were blackened with Tar balls. Especially in South Goa which is known for its pristine white beaches, tar balls continued to muck up the beaches jeopardizing the coming tourist season

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Palash Biswas
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