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Tuesday, September 14, 2010

Fwd: CC Issue 13 Sep - Arundhati Roy Article

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From: Countercurrents <>
Date: Tue, Sep 14, 2010 at 1:35 AM
Subject: CC Issue 13 Sep - Arundhati Roy Article

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In Solidarity
Binu Mathew

Press Release

Action Alert

14 Killed In Kashmir
By Aljazeera

At least 14 people across Indian Kashmir have been killed in protests against the Indian government and reports of Quran burning, in the most deadly day of violence since mass demonstrations against Indian rule began three months ago

Indian People's Tribunal Report On
Human Rights Violations In Kashmir Released
By Indian People's Tribunal

The findings and recommendations of the Jury

The Trickledown Revolution
By Arundhati Roy

The first step towards re-imagining a world gone terribly wrong would be to stop the annihilation of those who have a different imagination—an imagination that is outside of capitalism as well as communism. An imagination which has an altogether different understanding of what constitutes happiness and fulfillment. To gain this philosophical space, it is necessary to concede some physical space for the survival of those who may look like the keepers of our past, but who may really be the guides to our future. To do this, we have to ask our rulers: Can you leave the water in the rivers? The trees in the forest? Can you leave the bauxite in the mountain? If they say cannot, then perhaps they should stop preaching morality to the victims of their wars

Climate Educators Wanted
By Subhankar Banerjee

We must acknowledge that our youth will have to deal with climate crimes (I've been framing the climate events as crimes and will write more on that topic in future stories) much more than what we're dealing with today. We must put in place the educational system now, so that today's youth will be better equipped to fight for a liveable planet for themselves and for all other species with whom they'll share this earth

We Need Your Ideas: A Call For Direct Action
In The Climate Movement
By Bill McKibben, Phil Radford & Becky Tarbotton

An open letter from the Rainforest Action Network, Greenpeace USA, and What will it take to finally get serious about climate change?

The Pressure To Modernise
By Helena Norberg-Hodge

I believe that the most important reason for the breakdown of traditional cultures is the psychological pressure to modernise. I have come to this conclusion through almost two decades of close contact with the people of Ladakh, or 'Little Tibet'

The Infinite Hypocrisy Of The West
By Fidel Castro

What will happen if the French extreme right decides to force Sarkozy to maintain a racist policy, opposite to the norms that prevail within the European Community? Could the UN Security Council respond to those two questions? The absence of truth and the prevalence of deception is the biggest tragedy in our dangerous nuclear age

Fidel Castro: The New Fletcher Prouty?
By Sean Fenley

Fidel seems to be reading through the lines of history, to ferret out the hidden facts and truth; and uncover surreptitious information. Combing history for the grains, that many other respectable observers might move right on past, or leave entirely out. This, of course, does not describe simply a statesman, but a whistle-blower of sorts on what Fidel deems to be dishonorable intentions and impeachable targets. Only time will tell if he can establish any credibility in this new vocation

3,000 Dead In US-Complicit 9-11 Atrocity
And 8 Million Dead In US War On Terror
By Dr Gideon Polya

The US-dominated World Mainstream media are legitimately remembering the 3,000 dead in the 9-11 atrocity for which some top scientific and intelligence experts hold the US responsible. However, in marked contrast, World Mainstream media ignore the 8 million dead (mostly Asian women and children) in the post-9-11 US War on Terror (a war for Oil and Hegemony) driven politically by racist Zionist and neocon American terror hysteria, anti-Arab anti-Semitism and Islamophobia

This Is America, The Beacon Of Freedom
By Kourosh Ziabari

The ninth anniversary of September 11 attacks coincided with the offensive insults of the Americans to the holiest book of 1.5 billion Muslims around the globe. According to reports by the Reuters, near Nashville, Tennessee, evangelical Pastor Bob Old and another preacher used lighter fluid and a lighter to burn at least two copies of the Quran. Old called Islam "a false religion."

9/11 - Nine Years Later
By Dr. Habib Siddiqui

This year 9/11 fell on Saturday, which made it possible to commemorate the day with added emphasis that was simply impossible on weekdays. But what made this year's 9/11 more significant than ever before was that the event this year at one time appeared to be hijacked or, mildly speaking, exploited by right-wing extremists, fascists and bigots within the American population

Behind Intolerance
By Farooque Chowdhury

Announcement of burning of a section of believers' holy book specify a society's state of tension and decadence. The incidents in New York and in few other places are significant as it is happening in an advanced society considered center of the center of the world capitalist system

Driving The Mullahs Mad
By Dan Lieberman

Although U.S. policies can be shaped so that Iran becomes a force for peace, the present trajectory of policies tends towards another counterproductive and destructive engagement

13/2 Pune Terror, More Lies And Fabrications
From The ATS And Government of Maharashtra
By Feroze Mithiborwala

This is in continuation with our struggle to expose the truth about the Pune terror attack. Once again the Government, ATS & the Corporate Media have gone berserk with their planted stories & fictitious evidence. The ATS led by Rakesh Maria, claims to have finally cracked the case & apprehended the perpetrators. But let us begin by raising certain facts, questions & inferences

Loneliness Alert! Rounding Up
The Unusual Suspects
By Akhil Katyal

It is fruitful to constantly return our discussions on loneliness from the individual to the structural, from the psychological case-study to the everyday, from the confessional to the analytic. I locate the modern debate of loneliness in our overwhelming investment in the idea of 'personal space,' in the contemporary British multiculturalist policy of 'respect' and in our zeitgeisty idealization of individual 'independence,' even among the elderly

The Crimewave That Shames The World
By Robert Fisk

It's one of the last great taboos: the murder of at least 20,000 women a year in the name of 'honour'. Nor is the problem confined to the Middle East: the contagion is spreading rapidly

After Offshoring, Obama Needs To
Crack Down On Farmland Grab
By Devinder Sharma

Global leadership has to come to grips with the grave and disastrous consequences that awaits ahead from another dastardly offshore outsourcing that is going on with impunity. Yes, you guess it right. I am talking of the farmland grab that goes on unchecked. President Obama needs to focus his attention on the 're-colonisation' that is taking place

Fatah: Collaborationist Israeli Ally
By Stephen Lendman

At least since the Oslo Accords, Fatah has served Israel more than its own people

Israeli Soldiers Sexually Abuse
Palestinian Children
By Stephen Lendman

DCI-Palestine expressed alarm about sworn affidavits children provided, explaining instances of sexual assault or threatened assault to obtain confessions

East Jerusalem Palestinians Denied Basic Rights
By Stephen Lendman

The Association for Civil Rights in Israel in its new report titled, "Unsafe Space: The Israeli Authorities' Failure to Protect Human Rights amid Settlements in East Jerusalem," explains how Judaization harms basic Palestinian freedoms

Artificial People
By Rand Clifford

The first elections to be flooded with unlimited corporate cash will be this November, and polls are clearly showing a profound influence

Jerry Brown Widens The Chasm Between
Labor And The Democratic Party
By Ann Robertson & Bill Leumer

October 2nd is consequently unfolding as a battlefield over demands. The choice is stark: Either submit to the desires of corporations and the Democratic Party and dilute the demands or stand firmly on the side of working people and demand all that is needed in order to raise our standard of living and ensure us job security. All out for October 2nd!

What the Ayodhya Verdict Has In Store
By Syed Ali Mujtaba

The fate of the 60-year-old civil case for the title of the disputed 16th century Babri Masjid at Ayodhya in Uttar Pradesh, will be likely to be decided on September 24, 2010

Ethics And Morality In Public Life:
Need For Cultural Revolution In India
By Vidya Bhushan Rawat

By calling for a cultural revolution, one is not seeking any religious morality to curtail individual freedom but strengthen that. In fact, we want India to change for better and that change is not possible without a cultural change which can replace the tainted Brahmanical value system that never consider human being as equal and which believe in two many facets of life, thus destroying the lives of millions through cultural subjugation and deep rooted caste and gender prejudices

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Palash Biswas
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