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Monday, September 13, 2010

Fwd: [bangla-vision] Geelani proposals

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From: Habib Yousafzai <>
Date: Mon, Sep 13, 2010 at 3:44 AM
Subject: [bangla-vision] Geelani proposals
To:, Hasrat Hazeen <>, Hazeen Hasrat <>


Geelani proposals [1 Attachment]


On 11 September 2010 04:35, Nova Academia <nova.academia89@...> wrote:

Geelani proposals (August 31, 2010)
&#61656; India should accept Kashmir is a dispute
&#61656; Start demilitarization, AFPSA PSA revocation
&#61656; Guarantee from PM to stop further killings
&#61656; Action against troopers responsible for 65 killings
&#61656; Release of political prisoners

In order to obviate the chance of repetition of Geelani proposals already givena wide publicity I will only elaborate on the broad principles incarnate in the proposals. I will first make a clear submission to the authorities in New Delhi that they must take this opportunity expeditiously and urgently as the problems in Kashmir demand a critical management consideration. The 63 year old pent upturbulence has come to surface as never before and the danger is it may spill over to a state of mayhem. There is enough evidence that if we play the ostrich game and bury our eyes in sand, there may never be a Kashmir in peace. There are parties who do not want a lasting solution. It is important to recognize
egocentrism in their intentions and deliberate prevarication. May be it serves the interests of a few people who have a precarious future if people to people relations in the subcontinent normalize?

People in J&K are not the people they were in 1947. This afternoon I was trying to plead with some 7 year olds to let me pass the barrier they had erected. I got a stone on the roof and what language with it stunned me. 'Have you any idea why we are doing this? We want them to go away. We want that space in freedom'. Every home has a newspaper and someone that can read it. They will never go back to the days of ingenuousness when a fainéant citizen was subservient worshipper of tyranny and tyrants. The youth of today will grow up differently and react differently. This is the opportune time to preempt the disaster because if a solution is not thought through and peremptory rule foisted on unwilling population recognized, there will be more blood in the streets and turmoil. In the end like every other political upheaval in the world International norms will be activated. For example Western Sahara Case
(1975) established that people determine the destiny of the territory and not the territory to determine the destiny of the people. There are other factors that should urge the managers of Indian politics into a change in direction and lateral thinking. Every method to suppress the political movement has been
tried as gambit technique and the relations between the people and Indian Union on a sliding scale have plummeted. For years in the past Indian army absorbed as people with others realized you have to share their values, beliefs and ideas that has now turned into us and them. The feeling is getting worse and it may be true that the populations will be beaten with force into submission but power resides in the human resource and will win in the end.

Apart from physical force and with the best of intentions working groups and Human Rights Commissions to encapsulate zero tolerance to violations and dialogue with political parties have all been tried and failed. The Prime Minister even made specific declaration that non-lethal weapons will be used and 69 children have since been killed. The Union Home Minister Mr. P. Chidambaram is on record that he is prepared to discuss right to self-determination and inclusive talks on a political settlement of Kashmir. Is it not an opportune time to take up the Geelani Proposal offer and make a visible start on this process? Mr. P. Chidambaram and Dr Manmohan Singh have expressed concern on
the vicious cycle of violence. Should the Self fulfilling prophesy dictum not be recognized in which the authorities expect violence and take aggressive measures that brings a violent reaction from the people. The initiative remains with the authorities to break the cycle.

The five points of peace deal from Syed Ali Shah Geelani are significant and must be taken seriously. I would like to dilate on the package in some detail so that it clears the antithetical mist that may blur all its dimensions. The proposals have hazy margins and can be understood in confluence as a single preposition. India has already a commitment before the International Community about the disputed nature of Jammu & Kashmir. The political rhetoric of its being an integral part of the Union is not a point of reference when serious debate begins. I will elaborate on the demilitarization, the second condition to the last because it is the most important of all. The 3rd proposal of Mr. Geelani is an assurance from the Prime Minister that the killings will stop and AFSPA will be revoked. The PM has advocated zero tolerance against human rights violations and his assurance will be reiterating that pledge but furthermore this condition is subservient to demilitarization because unless the armed forces act out Scorch Earth policy when they decamp there should be no killings and no need for revocation of the black laws because there will be no forces that will use them. AFSPA (Armed Forces (Jammu & Kashmir) Special Powers Act 1990 and declaration of disturbed Area in which it is applied was authorized by Government of India and the State Government recommend its application to Jammu as well as Kashmir.

AFPSA is a British legacy when in 1924 Quit India rebellion reached virulent proportions and force was required to quell the agitation. British army soldiers were Indians and they had to kill Indians. The AFSPO (Ordinance was repealed by India) was an extra tool of confidence to soldiers to kill their own countrymen. In Kashmir the Act is a red-herring and too much has been made from its imposition.
Major Avatar Singh acted under cover of AFPSA but under pressure from International Community he was tried and found guilty to, disappear, torture in custody and then murder Jalil Andrabi a human rights lawyer. The Interpol has traced him in Los Angelis and awaits an extradition request from India. Surely from a total of 120,137 killed by army action, one case of murder could be established and the culprit punished under section 302 of IPC. That could be hanging in public in India. 

The last Geelani condition to prosecute the perpetrators of recent killings is a part of that equation. It also follows as cause and effect theory that when the armies start to leave the prisoners have no reason to be kept locked up and their trumped up charges to be pursued at great cost.

The most incisive condition of Mr. Geelani is demilitarization. There are numerous points to consider when this condition is taken on board:

&#61656; The first deployment of army in 1947 was an intervention of assistance afforded to Maharaja Hari Singh to ward off an attack from the NWFP Tribals and not to confront local population.

&#61656; The armed forces in very large numbers have not succeeded in containing insurrection.

&#61656; It is the brief from the government in India carried out by forces that resulted in massive destruction of habitat and habitation in Kashmir with invidious repercussions for the image of the largest democracy on Earth planet.

&#61656; The million strong forces and support staff have been resident in a small place and weighing down on space for public use. The state of Land and properties are in dire strait.

&#61656; The maintenance of this quantum of active forces tears in the seams the infrastructure and resources for this tourist paradise. Hotels, clubs, schools, lakes and all tourist resorts have been acquired for housing battalions of armies converted to cantonments.

&#61656; This disposition of forces is warranted only when there are war alerts.

&#61656; Reconciliation with Pakistan and China will be a part of the peace package. In the event the two countries do not conform to a peace deal and return of assets to the people of Jammu & Kashmir then the Indian army will be requested to intervene.

&#61656; It is the mere presence of forces in uniform and laced with weapons that incites passions and intimidation. The same people in civilian clothes are treated with respect and affection.Continuous and effective governance over a long period of time permits international law to stay in control of a territory. Based on evidence and deliberations in legal scholarship, discovery and examination of treaties and agreements or admissions in official statements it is expected that the largest democracy in the world will follow due process of justice, normative wisdom and law and deliver on the start made on the proposals announced. People of Kashmir understand that the combination of Mr. P. Chidambaram and Dr. Manmohan Singh at the helm in government of India is a great serendipity in their political
struggle and their hopes are at a pitched height as a result.

01b60791acffa_TopText>from Nova Academia included below]

 please peruse article published in Kashmir Times saterday 11 Sep. Editorial
 page 6. Please let me have your comments or contact ktsrinagar@....
 Attached Geelani Proposals towards normalizing Kashmir.




Palash Biswas
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