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Friday, September 17, 2010

Fwd: [bangla-vision] FW: TTS Sep 15: Headlines...Video: CIA Admits faking Binladen tapes

---------- Forwarded message ----------
From: A. Moussa <>
Date: Sun, Sep 12, 2010 at 4:25 AM
Subject: [bangla-vision] FW: TTS Sep 15: Headlines...Video: CIA Admits faking Binladen tapes
To: "A. Moussa" <>




From: Alex James
Sent: 16 سبتمبر, 2010 09:37 م
To: Alex James
Subject: TTS Sep 15: Headlines...Video: CIA Admits faking Binladen tapes


Must Watch: CIA admits faking Osama bin Laden 9/11 confession video 

Videos: 7/7 The Big Picture 

Anti-Zionist Israeli Journalist Gideo Levy to tour 7 Canadian cities 

Bank of England first step towards ending fractional reserve banking? 

Video: Chemtrails do exist, watch them 

Does Dershowitz advise Mossad on what to do with folks like Gilad Atzmon? 

Flashback 2008: Christian Science Monitor reported on Zionists ban of the press in the Gaza Strip... 

reality101_redux] Baking Soda & Epsom Salts (sodium bicarbonate) removes toxins from the body (corexit, and others) 

Lockerbie bombing: Megrahi Was Framed explained By John Pilger 

If you want to regain your basic rights through peaceful assembly 

Flashback Video: REMEMBER Sep 15-1982 massacres at SABRA/CHATILA, no Zionists was even tried, just like for burning over 400 Palestinian villages in 1948 

New Film Explains Christian Zionism: A Cure for Christian Zionism, a giant leap of faith 

Must Watch Video: Oliver Stone forced to apologize for telling truth about Zionist domination of media and foreign policy of US. Jewish media moguls like Haim Saban mounted campaign against Oliver 

The Bush War On Media Liberty Intensifies under Obama 

Dr. Mercola: Easy Way to Slim Your Waistline - Just Eat "This" Instead of "That" 

Is secession the way to escape the Elites' enslavement? 



From: alex james []
Sent: Thursday, July 22, 2010 8:03 PM
Subject: TTS Jul 22 Headlines...Tom Burghardt: Money Laundering and the Global Drug Trade Fueled by Capitalist Elites


*       Tom Burghardt: Money Laundering and the Global Drug Trade Fueled by Capitalist Elites 


Must Watch: Indian Army in Kashmir launches manhunt against freedom activist movie maker: video "Stone In My Hand" showing Indian Army atrocities against Kashmiris 

Video: Brother Nathaniel Anti Zionist Foundation, face the reality 




Learn about the Kent State Truth Tribunal now focusing on the 1970 shootings at Kent State. 


The Nuke Bombing of Nagasaki: The Untold Story; Whitewashing of Hiroshima nuking 


Video: Satanic Hand Signals of the elites 


Fed's own watchwolf -- how can the wolfpack have an internal "sheep complaint agency?" where a wolf is sent to each heard to find out their problems? 


July Gold Report Jim Willie contains some interesting quotes 


Zionism Explained: The Philosophy of Jews Against Zionism 




Global Scientific Dictatorship; Agenda 21 Exposed;The Rothschild's Demon in Israel 


MUST READ: Back to the Middle Ages Debtors Prison: ironic that judges would throw debtors in prison, depriving them of their livelihood and ability to pay, legal system now turned into debt collection agency for Banksters and Lawyers 


King Saud on Zionism to Alfred Lilienthal, The Federal Herald, October 1954 


BP's Long, Bloody History of Reckless Greed 


From Ghost Trooper Captain May: remembering 9/11 Inside Job 


Info on 9/11 inside job by John Schou 


The James Von Brunn story 


Jewish VOice for Peace & Video & UK Guardian reports on one of thousands of Zionist atrocities in Palestine since 1917, murder, rapes, ethnic cleansing, etc.....‏ 


Horrific Pics: Zionist Talmudic Beasts Cut Arm Off Palestinian Youth For Throwing Stones, gang rape Palestinian girl, execute rock thrower, gangs storm Arab villages 


Global Shame- Can the Aggressors be Peacemakers? Wars orchestrated by privileged ruling elite, humanity becomes targeted victims for global hegemonic governance 


Kids abduction and chip implanting under the skin 


Kaminski: Oil lies becoming more preposterous, just like their 9/11 lies, Afghan lies, Iraq lies, Palestine lies, 7/7 lies, Mumbai lies, etc. 


HOW ZIONIST JEWS SILENCE & DISCREDIT THEIR ENEMIES!!!! -- Also See Revelations 2:9, Revelations 3:9, Revelations 20:4 and John 8:44 


Anti-Zionist Canada discussion group : We have compiled evidence of the overweening and deleterious influence of Zionism on Canada's foreign and domestic policies 


Camp Fema, the movie (new world order) 


A Brief History of Khazars in the 'Goldene Medin' ; fall of Obama...ALEXANDER COCKBURN;FARRAKAHN on International Bankers, FED & WWI(Video); 


WRI-7/23/10--THE FASCIST BOOT ON YOUR FACE.doc (L-1) Billions of your money spent to spy on you! 


FW: Former NASA aerospace research engineer, Dwain Deets, a member of Architects & Engineers for 9/11 Truth, launches new site on WTC 7 controlled demolition 


The Social Insecurity fringe is baaaack . . . U.S. is no longer a functioning democracy. 


ICH: The Other Tragedy/LABOR FIGHTS BACK! 


Dispatch: BP Oil Poisons the Gulf of Mexico's Food Chain

Evidence that the Lockerbie Bombing in 1988 was another False-Flag Terror-Act: BBC found a suitable headline: Megrahi: 'A convenient scapegoat? 

Must Watch Video: If Americans Knew What Israel Is Doing! VIDEO WAS CENSORED by Youtube ... 

9/11: No, It wasn't arabs or muslims, it was Zionists Mafias, the 9/11 Missling Links and End of Zionist Denial 

California Official's $800,000 Salary in City of 38,000 Triggers Protests 

Food Co-Op in Rachel Corrie's Hometown Boycotts Israeli Goods 

Zionist Genocide: 'For sheer cynicism, the policy takes the biscuit.' Peter McCaffery, Oxford (Corpus) contemporary as Zionist destroy tents in Jordan Valley 

Must Watch Video: Public Manipulation Unlimited: how zionists PR men in NYC using CIA (E. Howard Hunt of Watergate Plumber fame) staged a coup to assassinate Democracy 

Gunmen murder Greek investigative journalist Socratis Giolas 

KALI YUGA REPORT 100720 - Sayanim : Israeli Operatives in the U.S.- Zionists Behind Instability and Terrorism- The Ministry of Truth - Dumbing Down Society - 

MarketWatch News: Rich keep getting richer at middle class expense; Halliburton net income rises 83%; Double-dip looks certain; 




From: Alex James []
Sent: Wednesday, July 21, 2010 9:18 PM
Subject: TTS Jul 21 Headlines...10 Ways You're Being Fleeced by Banks, and I'm sure there are many more......

Bank "Reform" bill does not address the problems 

Injustice Everywhere, 2010 Q2 NPMSRP National Police Misconduct Statistical Report 

Movie.. OPERATION TROJAN HORSE, One persons story of waking up to reality 

Example of sick people torturing children 

Dylan Ratigan's Righteous Rant Regarding Robbed & Raped America: We need a new government and media that works for the people 

Aspartame: Slow Death 

Slaying the Debt Spider, Vulture/Disaster Capitalism 

Jesse on silver and Alternative Consumer Inflation Measures 

Never believe anything BP says, BP is all about profit and self protection and has yet to mention the massive gushing hole on the ocean floor a few miles away 


10 Ways You're Being Fleeced by Banks, and I'm sure there are many more...... 

Video: Gog and Magog in Modern Age: House Of Rothschild: No One Can Understand What Has Happened To The Planet Without reading this.... 

Israel demolishes Palestinian tents 

Want Anti-Semitism? Go to Israel/ RAY MCGOVERN AND THE IRANIAN NUCLEAR SCIENTIST SCAM;Tea Parties are Unmasked as Republican attempt at Rebranding says Gallup 

Israelis Dump Sewage in Palestinian Villages 

Is the Real Unemployment Rate 16.5%, 22%, or. . .? -=More than one million American households are likely to lose their homes to foreclosure this year 

The History of the House of Rothschild by Andrew Hitchcock 

dangerous psych drugs (another hornet's nest poked): Mad in America: Bad Science, Bad Medicine and the Enduring Mistreatment of the Mentally Ill 

The Coming American Police State , Albert Pike's Amazing Predictions Of Three World Wars 

Thousands Injured by Asbestos, 275 Dead, WR Grace Not Guilty: Russell Mokhiber is the editor of the Corporate Crime Reporter. 

U.S.To Grant Israel ANOTHER 2.775 Billion In Security Aid, More U.S. Tax $; some $$$ is diverted to AIPAC which is funneled to congress as campaign donations/bribes 

1983: Zionist Yosef Harnoi murders an 8-year old and gets off lightly because he is sick, no damages ever paid to victims of Zionism 

1800 to 1940: Europeans waged 278 wars: UK 28%, France 26%, Spain 23%, Russian 22%, Austria 19%, Turkey 15%, Poland 11%, Sweden Holland 8%, Germany 8%, Denmark 7% 

Washington Post: Intelligence Outsourcing//Social Security Under Attack: Amy Goodman to appear tonight on CNN's John King, USA 

Jewish Voice of Peace Petition for divestment from companies supporting Zionist occupation of Palestine 

Minister Farrakhan speaks plain truth "Open Letter to Black Leadership" and "Letter To ADL's Abraham Foxman" about Jews selling Blacks 

ATZMON: Give History a Chance. Israelis are actually horrified by their own cruelty which they project onto others, The more hopeless and defenseless the Palestinians are, the more vicious the Israeli becomes 

SECRET GOVERNMENT / DRIVEN BY FEAR, BIG BROTHER IS HERE: Some 1,271 gov organizations, 1,931 private companies work on programs related to security in about 10,000 locations across US, 854,000 people hold TOP SECURITY clearance 

Why did the Founding Fathers give us the right to bear arms? What is your stance on Guns in the home???? 


'Mossad agents' expelled from Mauritius 

Tea Party rally featuring extremist Zionist anti-Islam keynote speaker who said Muslims should not be allowed to hold public office, that an American Muslim "cannot be a loyal citizen" and that Islam is the "real enemy." 

FW: Video exposes the horrible crimes commited by US/UK troops in Iraq 

Former Malaysian PM "It is a matter of time before the war criminals in Israel and the United States launch another war of aggression, once Iran has been weakened by sanctions 



it was the Rockefellers who funded the Feminist movement, see Aaron Russo's interviews regarding Nicolas Rockefeller 

The most commonly heard estimate is that Israeli criminals control no less than 75 percent of the Ecstasy market in the U.S. 

Broken Promises by US Rulers inside and outside the US, has reservations on the right not to be tortured...... 

LUNATICS WHO MADE A RELIGION OUT OF GREED a la Goldman Sachs doing god's work, etc.... 

Must Watch Video explains How television imagery acts as a mind control device, how the public is controlled....... 

Videos: Sad Truth To Why Most People May Not Wake Up to The Truth......the chemical dumbing down of the masses who can no longer think...... 

Videos: Zionist Rothschild (Bank Of England) Banking With Hitler, just like Zionist Wall Street Bankers, and Swiss Bankers...... 

Dengue Virus Plague - Haemorrhagic Fever Engulfing Philippines /My Proposal/Final Version of the Letter to the President 

Do YOU Take Any of These 11 Dangerous Cholesterol Drugs? Over 900 studies now show these dangerous drugs are linked to cancer, sexual dysfunction, muscle weakness, cognitive decline, Lou Gehrig's disease, and more. 

House Republicans admit They intend to bring back George W. Bush agenda which drove our economy into the ditch. 

DC Declares War On States by Chuck Baldwin, July 20, 2010 

Frank Weltner confirms Ataturk was a Donmeh Sabbatean Jew pretending to be a muslim (Rothschild also a Sabbatean) 

Dual Covenant Armageddonist "Christian" ZIONISTS (DeLay, Brownback, Santorum, Hagee, Falwell, Mehlman, etc.) don't love Christian Arabs, by Jon Basil Utley 





From: Alex James []
Sent: Tuesday, July 20, 2010 1:44 AM
Subject: TTS Jul 18 Headlines...Ex-CIA agent confirms US ties with Jundullah terrorist group that is attacking Iran


Why Rep. Larry McDonald was eliminated by crash of KAL-"007" in 1983 -- the last true and outspoken opponent of the conspiracy in Congress -- exposer of finance capitalism links to communism -- the last true-to-mission JBS leader 

Fidel Castro Ruz explains The Source of Wars 

Sanhedrin (Babylonian Talmudic Judges) initiative calling world to Pesach Sacrifice 

Soros tax exempt org attacks TEA Party 

Texe Marrs on Rothschild's Black Gold Empire-The Hidden Conspiracy Behind the deliberate BP Oil disaster..... 

Oil Spill = Illuminati's Covert War on America 

National Police Misconduct NewsFeed Daily Recap 07-16-10 

Ex-CIA agent confirms US ties with Jundullah terrorist group attacking Iran 

Must Watch: "The REAL Agenda of the New World Order" 

Must watch: "Tavistock Institute for Global Manipulation": The Science of Mass Manipulation through Crisis Creation; using Hitler, the British Zionist Agent, etc.. 

The 9/11 passengers plane that no one saw, people were saying that it did not look like a commercial aircraft, had military like emblem....... 

Iran has evidence linking Jundullah to CIA: Larijani 

Police are now trained that the scum American Public need to learn that protesting is evil: Video: Lying NY Cop Faces Prison for Brutal Attack on Cyclist 


Loan Auditor Describes Bank Foreclosure Fraud: We are now living in a criminal culture where the Banksters are running the show with impunity. 

Col. Ann Wright and Joe Meadors: What really happened on the Freedom Flotilla, Gaza Freedom Flotilla : Participants Speak Out 

Goodbye America - by Dr. Lasha Darkmoon 

Ecumenical WND describes Catholic media organization as "A Christian-inspired media group": ROMAN CATHOLICISM IS NOT BIBLICAL CHRISTIANITY. 

Israel re-arms ready for war with Iran 

History of American False Flag Operations; Post-KGB Agency Given Wider Powers to Kill Russians 

Manufacturing Consent For Attack On Social Programs: Will we lose mortgage deductions, Medicare, Social Security, etc....? 

Actor Steven Seagal speaks out against Oil Companies. 

Say NO TO VACCINES: Injecting Animal DNA Directly Into Your Blood 

Netanyahu (like Sharon earlier) on video early 2001: "I know what America is. America is a thing you can move very easily, move it in the right direction. They won't get in the way." 

The Rest Of The 9/11 Street Engine Story leads again to the Zionist Inside Job 

Well Cap Causing Seabed to Leak -- Engineer 

Our reign of terror explained by the Israeli army -shocking testimonies that reveal abductions, beatings and torture, Israeli soldiers confess the horror they have visited on Hebron 

Electricity supplies in North America being taken over, consolidated in hands of fewer and fewer large corporations. Northland Power is now to own a major part of the production of electricity in Saskatchewan 





From: Alex James []
Sent: Saturday, July 17, 2010 9:24 PM
Subject: TTS Jul 17 Headlines...Lockheed did influence decision that led to destruction of Iraqi schools, hospitals, museums, water infrastructure - - everything

When they come, DON"T TAKE THE VACCINE - Listen to Dr Rima Reports Urgent News! 


Must Read: 30 Facts Evidencing The Rothschild League Of Bankers Planned The Gulf Oil Crisis 

Today, July 16, was the anniversary of the blasphemously named "Trinity" Atomic Bomb Test 

Lockheed did influence decision that led to destruction of Iraqi schools, hospitals, museums, water infrastructure - - everything 

Goldman Sachs Settles Civil Fraud Case for $550M/Wall Street Starved Millions in 2008 Food Bubble/Lynne Stewart Resentenced to 10-Year Term 

Was the Social Security Money "Borrowed" or "Stolen"? and used somewhere violation of federal law: The solution to every theft by the Elite Banking Dynasties is to cut benefits and raise taxes……. 

24,000 children die every day of hunger: 2008, Goldman Sachs & swaps traders drove price of wheat to levels causing starvation around globe. Oil prices similarly skyrocketed as a result of speculation. 

Dangerous liaison...; Paul Balles: 'Iraq War Is All About Israel's Quest For Oil'; watch also Louis Farrakhan on Satan's Rule and Bankers 

U.S. Authorities Shut Down WordPress Host With 73,000 Blogs now out of action: Many antizionist and antibanksters blog on wordpress 

Petition against Tim Geithner urging President Obama NOT to appoint the most credible person as its leader: Elizabeth Warren. 


The sham goes on: Judge Rules CIA Can Suppress Information About Torture Tapes and Memos 

Dr. Alan Sabrosky: The Madness of Arrogance: Israel's Attack on the Gaza Aid Flotilla 

Absolute Must Know: WHO IS HUMAN? WHO IS NOT? Complete Guide to Killing Non-Jews , Rabbi Eliyahu exhorts killing of women and children just as the Israelis are doing day and night..... 

Rockefeller Study Envisages Future Dictatorship Controlled By Elite;Lieberman's Model For America: Purging The Internet of Dissent 

De-classified Vietnam-era Transcripts Show Senators Knew Gulf Of Tonkin Was A Staged False Flag Event to provide an excuse to colonize Vietnam 

Upcoming False Flag? Put Options Placed On Energy Co.s;Facebook Deletes Official Alex Jones Page Over Gadsden Flag,Rockefeller Study Outlines "Doom Decade": Life For All But Super Wealthy Will Be Hell On Earth,Rockefeller Study Env 

UK Ambassador's blog removed over praise for Shia cleric;incident follows the firing of a senior CNN editor for sending a message on Twitter praising the cleric 

Network News: Seeing Through Illuminati Eyes, (CBS logo is also the symbol of the Illuminati) 

The Illuminati Build-Up to WW3? 

Col. House's Version of the "Protocols" of The Elders of Zion 

Sinn Fein Veteran says the Toronto arbitrary arrest using agent provocateurs were a dry run by the Elite fascists, were held in cages...... 

Is New Oz PM Head of Satanist Lodge? Julia Gillard (lesbian) 

Amazing: Whale Said Thanks in her own way to each of the fishermen who untangled her from a web of nets and ropes....... 





From: Alex James []
Sent: Friday, July 16, 2010 8:51 PM
Subject: TTS Jul 16 Headlines...Financial Brokers Became Bookies - Insidious Transformation of Markets Into Super-Mega Casinos.....more......

Financial Brokers Became Bookies - Insidious Transformation of Markets Into Super-Mega Casinos 


Must Watch VIDEOs: the war against the third world what i've learned about us foreign policy (controlled by Neocon-Zionists) 

Update: Picture of a Masonic Initiation Ceremony was not of a Masonic ritual 



'10,000′ throng vent anger at moslems collectively instead of the ZIONISTS WHO PERPETRATED THE 9/11 INSIDE JOB 

food supply sabotage around the world - hunger and hunger-related deaths will be all around you and possibly at your door next spring -- before there is time to replant 

Who Was Jewish Mason Dictator Mustafa Kemal (posing as a moslem) And What Was His Mission? 

British Jews Support Israeli War Crimes - Tricky Bibi wants to do it by deceit - We've gone from being a Jewish state to being a Jewish mini-empire 

Jews Against Zionism Neturei Karta has a Solution to end the Zionist occupation of Palestine 

PHOTOGRAPH: Your tax dollars are funding remote controlled killing by Zionists 

resend: Pictures of Zionist Controlled Allied Concentration Camps where millions of Germans died: This was the real holocaust... 

Jews Against Zionism Neturei Karta: "Judaism And Zionism Are Not The Same Thing"..... 

Swedish researcher examined every human rights violation from 1948 -- Zionists responsible for over 90 percent of the incidents..... 

A One Page Summary of the Protocols of Zion in Modern English.... 

Zionist Isreal What the World Should Know.... 

Website Exposing International Zionism.... 

Mindsets by Zionists Crime Syndicate....using grip on film/TV/Media, they promote bias against Arabs/Muslims/normal people while promoting Banking Gangsters 

Video Flashback 1967 Zionist ATTACK on THE USS LIBERTY with Links.... 

Is Obama is a servant of Neocon/Zionists Cabal?...The race to the White House begins from the Zionist Wailing Wall 

Neocon-Zionists want India to send troops to Afghanistan; Indian Intelligence stages bombings to get support.... 

Barry Chamish Exposes Zionists Conspiracies, murders, tortures, genocides.... 

Daryl Bradford Smith interviews Ray McGovern (ex-CIA): exposes the Zionist mafia that is controlling many governments 

Ralph Nader with Amy Goodman on "Democracy Now": [Hijacked] US Carries "Inescapable Responsibility" for "Israeli Government's Escalating War Crimes" 

A Government Approval to Sell YOUR Own Home! America turned into Zionist Occupied Territories 

Iraq's artists reflect pain, trauma of the war: "The woman is Iraq and the rapist is the American occupier," said Khalil. 

fair and balanced?!?- A song about the lying/deceiving Zionized corporate media 


Israel steps up its warmongering against Gazans 

Obama's strange adoration of Bibi Netanyahu: In the Temple of the Western money markets 

Jewish shop owner offers Holocaust soap JTA - Jewish & Israel News: It has already been proven that SOAP STORY WAS ANOTHER ZIONIST HOAX


Holocaust Tax Allowance by Gilad Atzmon: Jews don't pay any taxes in Greece.. 




Don't believe the nuclear hype about Iran: ElBaradei Former IAEA director general 


Trapped by Gaza Blockade, Locked in Despair 


US military prepares to 'microwave' Afghan people 


New Video: The Barbaric Siege of Gaza VIDEO 


Contractors' roles in propaganda psychological operations raise concerns 


Iran scientist: CIA offered me $50m to lie about nuclear secrets 


Video: MSNBC July 15: Matt Simmons still says BP covering up MASSIVE HOLE miles away, cap test is "absurd" 


L.A. Times: Babylon & Beyond -- Jewish terrorism suspect arrested, alleges he's been framed 


Fw: Be Alert! Is Internet Freedom in Danger? 


Three major BP Texas City refinery explosions 2005- restricting American supply and raising prices. 


Canadian Soldiers forced to stand down while they watch women & children & men get raped 


Prof. L. Manwell U. of Guelph: "false flag" operations have advantage over truth: "research shows people far less willing to examine info that disputes, rather than confirms, ... 


Central Banks dumping Gold at a Torrid Pace; Repression in America; Is New Oz PM Head of Satanist Lodge? 


Senate VIP Loans Mount by Countrywide Financial Corp. that provided cut-rate terms to favored borrowers. 


All anyone needs to know about Israel. 'Ten big media lies' about Israel 


Videos: The Inner Sanctum of the Iluminati exposed by son of a mason 


Videos: 9/11 Kabbalah written into black ops -=- D.Rockefeller addresses Bilderberg - Homeland Security is about control not rescue or protection 


Chemtrail Sunset: What in the World Are They Spraying? by Michael J. Murphy: Chemtrails are as real as Agent Orange is real and 24-D is real and Depleted Uranium (DU) is real and phosphorus bombs are real (just ask a Palestinian from Gaza). 


Rockefeller duPont Rothschild population culling: deliberate poisoning of 7 million seedlings discovered in Austrailia, MURDER IN PROGRESS -- 4 BILLION VICTIMS 


9/11: 50 Questions/ 50 answers, leads to inside job: send further questions to: Ask-And-Thou-Shalt-Be-Answered@Everywhere.Biz 


BP Cap=PR stunt:??? If they could have solved the problem so easily they would have done it long ago! 


They have layed out your future as debt slave -- are you acceping it? How $47,000 owed by every American to the Rothschilds will be paid 


PHARISEE WATCH: SAVING Your Brother From Christian Zionism 


Jeff Gates: Will Israel Assassinate Barack Obama and frame a Pakistani or Iranian as the culprit? 


Yashuah-Jesus-Issa, The Worlds First Recognized Activist, among others who challenged the ruling Moneymasters Elites..... 


Hate Mongerors Palin, Beck, Limbaugh and the return of dark times 


Home sales have dropped to all-time record lows. Is there an end in sight? New home sales in the US dropped a record 33 percent in May. 


9/11 Truth Meeting Tonight @ Friends House, Euston Road opposite Euston Station, UK


Must Read Richard Forer, a former member of Zionist AIPAC exposes their crimes: Cutting Through the Confusion About Israel/Palestine 


Is Israel a Normal Country? actually, an abomination.... 


Israeli Soldiers kill by remote control 


Half a million Israelis live on stolen West Bank land: actually all lands forming the Zionist state are stolen 


Michel Collon: 'Ten big media lies' about Israel promoted by the zionist media 








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Palash Biswas
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