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Monday, May 4, 2015

Saudi Bombers Using Banned, US-Made Cluster Bombs In Yemen

Saudi Bombers Using Banned, US-Made Cluster Bombs In Yemen

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In Solidarity
Binu Mathew

Saudi Bombers Using Banned, US-Made Cluster Bombs In Yemen
By Robert Barsocchini

Now we know what has become of the thousands of banned cluster bombs Obama shipped to Saudi Arabia in 2013.US-based group Human Rights Watch said in a statement "Yemen: Saudi-Led Airstrikes Used Cluster Munitions" -Credible evidence indicates that the Saudi-led coalition used banned cluster munitions supplied by the United States in airstrikes against Houthi forces in Yemen… US-coordinated and assisted Wahhabi bombings using cluster and other weapons "have been hitting areas near villages" HRW said, adding that cluster bombs: …should never be used under any circumstances. Saudi Arabia and other coalition members – and the supplier, the US – are flouting the global standard that rejects cluster munitions because of their long-term threat to civilians

Devastated Nepal Receives Tuna Fish And Mayonnaise
While It Needs Grain Salt Sugar And Tents

Along with slow pace of relief operation, lack of helicopters and coordination, and rising death toll in the earthquake devastated Nepal a mockery in aid response has got unearthed: Tuna fish and mayonnaise have been delivered while the devastated rice producing people need grain, salt and sugar

Climate Change – Too Late To Halt?
By Sanjeev Ghotge

Rusbridger and the Guardian are exceptions to the rule, most of the world media are busy projecting that there is a carbon budget available before the 2 deg C threshold is breached. This belief is contrary to what the science has been saying for a long time now

Palestine Faces Grave Climate Threat, But Lacks Voice At UN Talks
By Ed King

Few conflicts generate as much heat and rage as the ongoing tussle between Israel and Palestine. Peace appears as far away as ever, after the recent collapse of US-led talks, and the 2014 Gaza war. The two nations face an added, unseen and growing threat – that could heighten tensions yet further. Rising global temperatures are likely to make drought in the region more common, a UN panel of scientists reported in 2014

Steady State Socialism
By Alan Johnstone

Competition for the appropriation of world profits is one of the bases of the present system. So it is not "Humans" but the capitalist economic system itself which is responsible for ecological problems and the capitalist class and their representatives, they themselves are subject to the laws of profit and competition

Police Caught In Lies, Charged With Murder, Homicide In Freddie Gray Killing
By Robert Barsocchini

The day after WaPo issued its police-sourced "quote" from the prisoner who shared the van with Gray, Business Insider released a report from the same prisoner, Allen, who says that the Baltimore police and Washington Post misquoted him, and he didn't say Gray was trying to hurt himself. "…why the [expletive] would he do that to himself?" Allen said to Business Insider. Indeed, the Medical Examiner's report has now been released, and has determined that "Mr. Gray's death was a homicide"

The Violence That Created Baltimore
By Mickey Z.

The violence in Baltimore didn't begin with the Blue Bloc murder of Freddie Gray. The United States is built on and based on and functions on overt and covert violence. Any discussion of violence, non-violence, and social justice that ignores this reality is an exercise in deep denial

Britain, Libya And The Mediterranean: The Creation Of A Humanitarian Emergency
By Dan Glazebrook

Last week's drownings in the Mediterranean were the foreseeable, and indeed deliberate, result of the anti-human policies of strategic violence by a dying neo-colonial empire. They were the consequence, firstly, of a series of wars of aggression that have made life intolerable across vast swathes of Africa and West Asia, and secondly of the fateful EU decision last November to end Italy's search-and-rescue programme, Mare Nostrum

Australia Trashes Free Speech – SBS Sacks
Journalist Scott McIntyre Over Anti-War Tweets
By Dr Gideon Polya

Free speech has been trashed in jingoistic, pro-war , US lackey Australia. Scott McIntyre, a courageous young sports journalist with Australia's substantially taxpayer-funded, multicultural Special Broadcasting Service (SBS), was sacked after he tweeted a succession of truthful anti-war comments on Anzac Day (Australia's war dead remembrance day). Only a few, notably John Pilger, came to his defence, and the rest was silence or strong condemnation of McIntyre

Mad British Colonialist Legacy And The Hidden Tears of Punjab
By Andre Vltchek

The British Empire was actually based on enforcing full submission and obedience on its local subjects, in all corners of the world; it was based on fear and terror, on disinformation, propaganda, supremacist concepts, and on shameless collaboration of the local "elites". "Law and order" was maintained by using torture and extra-judiciary executions, "divide and rule" strategies, and by building countless prisons and concentration camps

Unmasking The GMO Humanitarian Narrative
By Colin Todhunter

The pro-GMO lobby is fond of trying to discredit its critics and engages in pious, emotive rhetoric. They often ask them: 'What are you doing to save the lives of millions?' The question for them is: What are you?

Sri Lanka Deterioration Of The legal intellect (6):
Pattini Razeek's Body Buried Within A Half Built Private House
By Basil Fernando

The discovery of the body of Pattini Razeek buried under a half-built private house, in a remote village on Uddamaveli, in Valaichchenai, would have flared up the imagination of any detective. However, despite of the discovery on 28th July 2010, the case itself, remained buried till to date

What Happens When Tribal Women Manage India's Forests?
By Manipadma Jena

Unfolding out of sight and out of mind of India's policy-making nucleus in the capital, New Delhi, this quiet drama – involving the 275 million people who reside in or on the fringes of the country's bountiful forests – could be the defining struggle of the century. At the forefront of the movement are tribal communities in states like Odisha who are determined to make full use of a 2012 amendment to India's Forest Rights Act (FRA) to claim titles to their land, on which they can carve out a simple life, and a sustainable future for their children

Bol ke Labb Aazad Hein Tere – Speak For You Must, You Are Free To Speak
By Shalu Nigam

'Ban culture' surpasses literature, art forms including paintings and music, movies and even television channels. It is evident in day to day lives. Making a comment on social media, or even issues as trivial as `raising voice' or `shouting'. are not tolerated. Often, control and domination are the major devices used by the authoritarian and totalitarian regimes to limit people's right to express freely. In the context of South Asia, these hold meaning in historical, socio-economic, religious and political context

Of Jammu And Kashmir Professional Board For Entrance Examination
Issuing Admit Card To A Cow
By Dr. Fayaz Ahmad Bhat

Jammu Kashmir State Board for Professional Entrance Examinations has issued an admit card to a cow with the signature of the Chairman on it. This reflects the sorry state of affairs of education, government and Administration in the state of Jammu and Kashmir. The following write up attempts to make humor out of it

Natural Calamities: Wrath Of God or Human Error
By S Darapuri

In the present time, being a Third World Country there is a need to save our natural and human resources from all kinds of destruction. There is a need to draw out clear cut plan to save the country from natural and manmade calamities. Science and Technology should be directed to produce devices that avert recurrent disasters, if not avert, atleast alert the people at the right time

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