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Sunday, May 24, 2015

Paid back with BABAJI KAA THULLU,India Incs cries for reforms which would not help without addressing the Production System! Palash Biswas

Paid back with BABAJI KAA THULLU,India Incs cries for reforms which would not help without addressing the Production System!
Palash Biswas 
India Incs is in suicidal mode since it reincarnated the Kalki Avatr to end the Kaljug and bring back Satjug.Now,paid back with BABAJI KAA THULLU,India Incs cries for reforms which would not help without addressing the Production System!It has not helped during all these twenty four years since occurance of Manmohan Avtar despite consumer and technical blitz.For me it is the growth of consumer goods and not the growth of Industry and business,As agrarian India is devastated ,so had been Indian Industry and Business and the worse has to come sooner or later.
Please confirm the status and fundamentals of the economy and investigate the intersts served in Economic management of the Nation with all your resources,espionage and lobbying and forget the bullshit growth saga with manipulated facts and figoures!

Whosever it might concern!I have to retire as a journalist next year and believe me I would prove myself as a better economic analyst than the fellows you do hire as experts.Let me allow to launch an alternative forum to address the problems of public in general as well as to serve intersts of indigenous industry and businee.Because the fanfollowing of this anti National economic managers would not only destroy the Man and Nature heralding Doom`s Day,it would bing forth Quamat se Quamat for Indian Business and industry first,not to mention the ninety nine percent masses in general.

What would you do with all these reforms which opens all doors and windows for foreign interests and foreign capital at the cost of India Incs which ironicaly helped the fascist RSS to get the helms of the nation.Please engage some experts of history who might show you that NO Fascist and Nazi regime allows industry and buisness to bloom in thousnads of flowers and it is bound to help only the buch of some Adani,Some Ambani and unknown NRIs abroad who have nothing to do with India Incs.

Please read in between the lines in fine prints of policy making,legislation,press statements and execution documents with cabinet decisions and it would prove very very contradictory as the PM and FM do behave in reality as playing to the gallery only and reforms would kill your base and roots as not only the people face infinite displacement Salwa Judum afresh,AFSPA afresh,the fact remains that India Incs to be displaced from the emerging so called greatest Indian Market and this or that set of foreign companies would take over the business as governance has been hijacked with strategic reaalignment atomic!

Though I am not an economist.I dare to challenege the way the economy is managed by the governance of fascism excluding entire production system and putting the stakes on service only,Your heart and mind have been seduced by the dices which would kill you let the recession finish the Dollar hegemony sooner or later with volatile oil market subjected to oil war which has to be followed by water war again under intense global warming!

Forget not the mythically assigned task of the Kalki Avtar,the task of ending Kaljug which literally means PUNURUTTHAN OF Dark Ages ahead.Since RSS governance vests each and every national resource into foreign capital and foreign interests,pnly a selected buch of companies would get the meat of the carnival.India Incs would continue to be paid back with Babaji Kaa Thullu,I am afraid.

 As the Modi government completes one year in office, India Inc expects major initiatives in the next two quarters along with forward movement in key sectors like road, power, coal, non-renewable energy, mainly led by public sector investment, industry body Assocham said on Sunday.

Some major measures are also expected in the agriculture sector which needs huge public investment in areas like irrigation, rural infrastructure and power supply.

Besides, the government is likely to continue with support in inputs such as fertilisers, the survey said.

"Having taken several initiatives to unclog infrastructure projects and improve ease of doing business, Prime Minister Narendra Modi's government is expected to give increased attention to the rural economy, although several of the financial inclusion programmes like the Jan Dhan Yojana would help the countryside," Assocham president Rana Kapoor said.

He pointed out that there are select sectors of the economy which are under stress, including housing, real estate, banking and telecom.

Of late, the merchandise exports are also causing some anxiety with slowdown in global demand.

"But some of the innovative initiatives like monetisation of gold would bring in much-needed stability in the country's balance of payment by way of reduction in gold imports.

"Besides, there are hopes that the GST Bill would finally move towards a law," Mr Kapoor said.

He also welcomed the formation of an expert committee on resolving taxation issues like Minimum Alternate Tax for the foreign institutional investors.

According to the chamber's assessment, for kick-starting the economic growth, domestic consumer demand has to be revived with improving the sentiment on employment opportunities.

"Consumer demand and the employment prospects are closely connected. Sectors like tourism, aviation are some of the low hanging fruits, which must be ripened and plucked. They will create huge employment opportunities along with creating an uptick for sectors such as construction and real estate," it said.

A holistic view must be taken about the stressed assets in banks so that we are not left with large and uncontrolled non-performing assets, it added.

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