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Thursday, December 4, 2014

For the final assault against Indian people,the Billionaire Millionaire hindutva hegemony gears up! Palash Biswas

For the final assault against Indian people,the Billionaire Millionaire hindutva hegemony gears up!

Palash Biswas

The Lal quila is booked for Gita Mahotsav and all those who are not the offsprings of Rama,has been branded as bastards.A Church is burnt in Delhi,the capital which practices apartheid with full venom.The Day is not far away as the ruling NDA is making India an America inflicted with racial Vedic civilization changing history,geography,demography and so on,that all the places of worship non hindu and all memorials and entire archaeological heritage non Hindu including the Red Fort and the Taj would be claimed by the Kar Sevaks from Gujarat!

Nevertheless, the stalemate in Rajya Sabha over the hate speech by Union Minister Sadhvi Niranjan Jyoti continued on Thursday with the Opposition appearing to be in no mood to relent on its demand for her ouster even as Prime Minister Narendra Modi has made a statement on the issue.

It would continue as I am afraid  until the bull`s eye struck the eye washing would continue to accomplish the task of reforms legislation before US President Barack Obama lands in New Delhi to celebrate a hijacked Republic Day.

As labour reforms made new laws depriving the working class, workers are told to withdraw PF and they have to reappointed afresh.The guillotine is working so fine in robotic, biometric, digital US Periphery.E tailing made FDI in multi brand retail quite irrelevant and the business friendly minimum governance is all set to kill retail business in India.

The government's disinvestment plan will kick off on Friday with a 5% stake sale in Steel Authority of India (SAIL) as it looks to raise a record amount from asset disposals with barely four months to go in the current fiscal year.The Economic Times reports.The government may raise around . 1,700 crore through the sale, going by ` the stock price. The company informed the stock exchanges about the proposed stake sale to be held through the offer for sale (OFS) route on December 5 and said that the government will decide on the floor price for the issue on Thursday .

Mind you,amid the tussle between the government and opposition parties, Parliament approved a labour law that redefines small factories and frees small companies from furnishing separate labour returns. The approval comes two days after Parliament approved amendments to the Apprentices Act, 1961, and sets the ball rolling on labour reforms to ease the process of doing business in India. The Labour Laws (Exemption from Furnishing Returns and Maintaining Registers by Certain Establishments) Amendment Bill, 2011, was approved by Lok Sabha on Friday. On 25 November, Rajya Sabha had approved the draft law after a discussion on black money.As live mint reported.

Linkage of cash subsidy to bank account would make the trasferred amount taxable and it would make subsidy irrelavnt.It is name of the game for those wo still manage to survive above the poverty line and would,however climb down with more FDI,more automation,more privatisation,more sell off,more lock out ans sutters down and the omnipotent free flow of foreign capitalas well as black money.

However,it would rather sound amusing that Oil prices have been dropping sharply over the past three months — a huge energy story with major repercussions for dozens of countries, from the United States to Russia to Iran.But on Friday, prices went into serious free-fall. The reason? OPEC — a cartel of oil producers that includes Saudi Arabia, Iran, Iraq, and Venezuela — had a big meeting in Vienna on November 27. Before the gathering, there was speculation that OPEC countries might cut back on their own oil production in order to prop up prices. But in the end, the cartel couldn't agree on how to respond and did nothing.

For the final assault against Indian people,the Billionaire Millionaire hindutva hegemony gears up!

Here you are! It is the current status of the parliamentary democracy of People`s Republic India reduced to a FDI Raj of a military state ruled by absolute power without any space of freedom whatsoever.Without any space for civic and human rights! Without any space for green,weather cycle,Bicycle,ecology,climate or environment and we stand quite detached,quite detached at this juncture so crucial for the nation and nationality,for freedom ,sovereignty and unity or integration.It is all abput money making.It is all about making in dissmissing whtever made in India.

Personally,it was a horrible day last day as we lost our friend and colleague Apan Roychowdhury,retired as Editor in Charge,Financial Express.He talked to the personnel department day before yesterday and we had to hear that he just succmbed to diabetes within a year of his retirement.I just broke the news at home but could not tell Sabita the cause of his death as we both happen to be diabetic.

On the other hand,the senior reporter in Jansatta,Prabhakar Mani Tiwari lost his father who had been in ICU for the last week.

I may not have any words for the bereaved families as I understand that no consolation is enough while someone loses his dearest ones all of a sudden.

But the nation is in ICU under the absolute rule of Billionaire Millionaire hegemony,it is more a awesome trouble.As legendary scribes Rajendra Mathur and Prabhash Joshi had been justifying the Operation blue star and writing that the nation is on operation table,similar situation has emerged.Once again the nation is on operation table.We know the results of the Operation Blue Star as no body at the time could expect.It is turning the be predestined disaster ,predestined ethnic cleansing and predestined mass destruction.

I have booked the tickets today.I would reach Nagpur on 3rd January.I have some friends there and at least one of them would accompany me on 4th January in Wardha,I hope.I would stay in Wardha on 4th and 5th January.I would attend your programme and in between I would like to interact with each and everyone in the campus,specifically every student there.

I would be in Nagpur on 6th and 7th thereafter and therefrom would return Kolkata.

I would be in Wardha and Nagpur from 3rd January to seventh January to interact with students and youth.In future,I would rather concentrate on my interactions with students,youth,ladies and workers which have the potential to do something decisive.I just wasted ten full years addressing the employees sector to sector.I It proved disappointment all the way.

Those who have grown beyond doubt and who are being hired with dollar bags ,it is going to be a merry Xmass if the Sangh Pariwar allows to celebrate. Over the next two years, the Obama Administration would focus significantly on India-US economic and financial partnership and support the reform effort of the Indian government, a US official has said.

Coincidentally,winter session of the Indian Parliament is under pipeline to pass all the reform bills with undeclared consensus highlighting non issues  all the way and making news of nonsense.

Bamboo Politics of hate speech to polarize respective vote banks is the name of the game,power politics and we have been witnessing this for decades in identity struck democratic cricket fixed as well as betted on.But the winter session is dedicated to hate speeches just because  to drop a huge curtain of legislation and policy making which herald total disaster with complete mind control with surgical precision.

Thus,Economic Times reports:

Govt ready to change `foreign investment' in Bill to FDI

The government is determined to get the long-pending Insurance Bill passed in the winter session of Parliament and may even, as a last resort, concede an Opposition demand for riders to be put in place in the legislation aimed at raising the limit on overseas investment in the sector to 49% from 26%.

To be sure, most members of the select committee that met on Wednesday for a clause-by-clause discussion on the Bill have agreed to a composite cap of 49%, but this could still be reconsidered so as to take all Opposition parties on board, a senior government official told ET.

Some members want this to be limited specifically to foreign direct investment (FDI), which means only insurers would be allowed in, the worry being that portfolio investment flows would be volatile. The government could drop the controversial `foreign investment' clause and replace it with `foreign direct investment' in a bid to get the Bill passed.

"This can be looked at, as a measure of abundant caution," the official said.

In its present form, the Bill seeks to allow overseas investments both in the form of FDI and foreign institutional investment (FII) amounting to 49% in the insurance sector.

A senior executive at a private life insurer said a composite limit was preferable, since restricting this to FDI would make the sector less attractive.

"The government should not bind itself with only increasing the foreign investment cap through FDI route. There should be a composite cap on the foreign investment giving profitable insurers the avenue to tap capital markets," he said.

Describing this as "a win-win" proposition, the US official said, the partnership would also encourage greater opening of India's economy to US firms and improving the climate for US investment in the country.

"Over the next two years, we plan to focus significant attention on the US-India Economic and Financial Partnership –the US Treasury's main vehicle to engage on economic issues with India. "Through this Partnership, we will support India in its growth and reform efforts and encourage the greater opening of India's economy to US firms," Treasury Undersecretary Nathan Sheets said.

"This is, again, a "win-win" proposition," Sheets said.

"We can create new growth and employment opportunities in the United States by further opening this growing market for US exports, improving the climate for US investment in India, and levelling the playing field for US companies," he said. "For India, faster growth, deeper financial markets, and greater openness to trade and foreign investment promise to raise incomes, reduce poverty, and bring many more Indians into the global middle class," he added.

The top Treasury official said the US has an important window of opportunity to deepen its economic engagement with India.

"India and its people share with the United States an entrepreneurial spirit, a commitment to a vibrant private sector, and a record of economic growth built largely on domestic demand," Sheets said.

He said one of the top priorities of the Obama Administration is engagement with the world economy's emerging giants, notably China and India in Asia, as well as Mexico and Brazil in Latin America.

"We are committed over the next two years to finding ways to continue to strengthen our bilateral relationship with China – such as by advancing negotiations on a high-standard bilateral investment treaty – and to work together in multilateral settings," he said.

Smriti spelt out the government's stand and policies on alternative systems of education

On the other hand,Union Human Resource Development Minister Smriti Irani in written replies to questions raised in the Lok Sabha, spelt out the government's stand and policies on alternative systems of education, revamping of mid-day meal schemes and criteria for grant of autonomy to select colleges.

On the issue of alternative systems of education, Irani said that the present National Curriculum Framework (NCF-2005) takes care of any new development and concern in the school level education system.

She further said that addressing these concerns, the NCF–2005 follows five guiding principles i.e. (i) connecting knowledge to life outside the school, (ii) ensuring that learning is shifted away from rote methods, (iii) enriching the curriculum to provide for overall development of children rather than remain text book centric, (iv) making examinations more flexible and integrated into classroom life and, (v) nurturing an over-riding identity informed by caring concerns within the democratic polity of the country.

The minister added that various curriculum materials developed by the NCERT provide children opportunities to bring experiences in the classroom and also provide scope of infusing arts, heritage craft and work across the subjects at all levels, which in turn, helps in developing sensitivity towards all culture. Cultural aspects in education are an integral part of school curriculum at all the stages.

She said that the National Policy on Education 1986, as amended in 1992, has been the guiding document for the policies of the Central Government in the education sector. "The government has been following National Policy on Education 1986, as modified in 1992, which provides for National System of Education implying that up to a given level, all students, irrespective of caste, creed, location or sex, have access to education of a comparable quality. The National System of Education envisages a common educational structure," she said.

On the revamping of the mid-day meal scheme, Irani, in her written reply, said, that the government of India has requested all states and union territories to have the meals tested in accredited labs. She further revealed that the Governments of the NCT Delhi and Punjab have engaged accredited labs for testing of samples in their state.

Governments in the states and union territories may involve food inspectors to collect the food samples for testing on quality parameters. Irani further stated that the mid-day meal guidelines envisage that teachers should not be assigned responsibilities that will impede or interfere with teaching and learning. "Teachers should, however, be involved in ensuring that (i) good quality, wholesome food is served to children, and (ii) the actual serving and eating is undertaken in a spirit of togetherness, under hygienic conditions, and in an orderly manner so that the entire process is completed in 30-40 minutes," she said in her reply.

She added, "It should however, be ensured that the food prepared is tasted by 2-3 adults including at least one teacher before it is served to children. Thus, the teacher is to supervise that the mid day meal is served in an orderly manner within specified time (recess period) and to taste the meal on rotational basis before it is served."

The guidelines provide that, as far as possible, the responsibility of cooking, supply of cooked midday meal should be assigned to local women's/mothers' self-help group or local youth club affiliated to the Nehru Yuvak Kendras or a voluntary organization or by personnel engaged directly by the School Management Committee (SMC)/Village Education Committee (VEC)/Parent Teacher Association (PTA)/Gram Panchayat/Municipality.

The minister revealed that the mid-day meal scheme covers 10.80 crore children in 11.58 lakh schools during 2013-14. The Scheme provides for a mechanism to deal with complaints and grievances of the stakeholders. The Ministry of HRD has been issuing instructions from time to time for effective implementation of the Scheme.

On criteria for grant of autonomy to select colleges, Irani said it included factors like academic reputation and previous performance in university examinations and its academic/co-curricular/extension activities in the past; academic/extension achievements of the faculty; quality and merit in the selection of students and teachers, subject to statutory requirements in this regard; adequacy of infrastructure, for example, library, equipment, accommodation for academic activities, etc.; quality of institutional management; National Assessment and Accreditation Council (NAAC) accreditation of 'B' grade or above; financial resources provided by the management/state government for the development of the institution; responsiveness of administrative structure and motivation and involvement of faculty in the promotion of innovative reforms etc.

As per the latest XIIth plan guidelines, once a college attains the status of an autonomous college, it is entitled for the following privileges: have freedom to determine and prescribe its own courses of study and syllabi, restructure and redesign the courses to suit local needs; prescribe rules for admission in consonance with the reservation policy of the state government; evolve methods of assessment of students' performance, the conduct of examinations and notification of results; use modern tools of educational technology to achieve higher standards and greater creativity; promote healthy practices such as community service, extension activities, projects for the benefit of the society at large, neighbourhood programmes, etc.

She revealed that the scheme of autonomous colleges is being implemented by the University Grants Commission (UGC) to provide autonomy to select colleges. As on date there are 487 autonomous colleges (affiliated to 93 universities) in 24 states and union territories in the country.

India's FIMI flays proposed mine legislation

The new mining and mineral sector legislation proposed by the Indian government, which envisions an auction process to allocate resources, would be the death knell for the industry, the Federation of Indian Mineral Industries (FIMI) claimed.

In a communication to Prime Minister Narendra Modi, by way of comments on the new Mines and Minerals (Development and Regulation) Amendment Bill 2014 slated to be placed before the ongoing Parliament session, FIMI said that no resource-rich country adopted auction as a method to allocate naturalresources and, if adopted, could lead to cartelization and waste of resources.

In a strongly worded response to the legislation, FIMI said that framers of the amendment Bill were not aware of the state and reality of the Indian miningindustry.

It said that most resource-rich countries had not adopted the auction route and the allocating of natural resources based on competitive bids over fears of cartelization and monopolization in the industry, rather opting for a 'first-come-first-served' philosophy as a preferred route for allocating natural resources to prospective investors.

FIMI maintained that the auction route would lead to selective mining of higher-grade mineral resources while low-grade minerals would not be optimally extracted, inflating costs of extractions and making such minerals uncompetitive compared to imported minerals.

Coming down heavily on the draft of the legislation, FIMI said that the framers of the proposed law had assumed that India possessed rare minerals not available or produced anywhere in the world, whereas the reality was that minerals produced in India were abundantly available in several countries.

On the contrary, the proposed law completely overlooked the necessity of exploring for natural resources which were currently scarce and in respect of which the country was highly import dependent.

The draft legislation also took no notice of the fact that there was scarce global capital available for exploration and development of mineral resources, a high risk venture, and made no effort to make investments in the Indian miningsector attractive to global investors, as is the case in resource-rich countries likeAustralia and South Africa, which would see foreign direct investors, instead of making India a destination, moving to other lucrative markets, FIMI said.

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