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Tuesday, November 18, 2014

U.S. Senate Rejects Construction of Keystone XL Pipeline

News Updates from CLG
18 November 2014
Previous edition: 'FBI Warns Ferguson Decision 'Will Likely' Lead to Violence By Extremist Protesters.' 
Doubles generated of CLG Newsletter is a technical problem - we are not sending two copies 10 Nov 2014 This problem involves the mail server that disseminates the CLG Newsletter...the problem is being addressed.
Senate Rejects Construction of Devastating Keystone XL Pipeline --In *pathetic* reelection bid, TransCanada troll Sen. Mary Landrieu (D) fails in bid to get Senate approval for eco-terrorists' pipeline to be built over US aquifers 18 Nov 2014 The U.S. Senate today rejected a bill requiring the construction of the Keystone XL pipeline. The pipeline, which would transport tar sands oil from Canada to Texas, would worsen the climate crisis and put rivers, streams, wildlife and pristine landscapes directly in harm's way. "This vote offers a glimmer of hope that there's some sanity left in the Senate," said Bill Snape, senior counsel with the Center for Biological Diversity.
U.S. Senate Roll Call on Keystone XL Pipeline 18 Nov 2014 U.S. Senate Roll Call Votes 113th Congress - 2nd Session as compiled through Senate LIS by the Senate Bill Clerk under the direction of the Secretary of the Senate - Vote Summary Question: On Passage of the Bill (S.2280 ) Vote Number: 280 Vote Date: November 18, 2014, 05:55 PM Required For Majority: 3/5 Vote Result: Bill Defeated Measure Number: S. 2280 Measure Title: A bill to approve the Keystone XL Pipeline. Vote Counts: YEAs 59 NAYs 41.
Key Polar Bear Population Plummets in Alaska and Canada 17 Nov 2014 A key polar bear population fell nearly by half in the past decade, marked by a dramatic increase in deaths of young cubs, a new U.S.-Canada study says.Researchers chiefly blame shrinking sea ice from global warming. Scientists from the U.S. Geological Survey and Environment Canada tagged and released polar bears in the southern Beaufort Sea off Alaska and northwestern Canada from 2001 to 2010. The bear population shrank to about 900 in 2010, down from about 1,600 in 2004.
Five killed in Jerusalem synagogue terror attack --Fifth victim, Druze police officer Zidan Nahad Seif, succumbs to wounds Tuesday night; seven others also wounded; FBI announces investigation into the attack. 18 Nov 2014 Five Israelis were killed and several others wounded in a terror attack on Tuesday morning in a synagogue in the western Jerusalem neighborhood of Har Nof. Two assailants were killed at the scene by police. Seven people were wounded in the assault, including three seriously, two moderately and two lightly. Magen David Adom ambulances administered first aid to the wounded before evacuating them to hospitals in the city. Five were taken to Hadassah University Hospital, Ein Karem, and the rest to Shaare Zedek Medical Center.
At least 18 killed in US airstrikes in E Afghanistan 18 Nov 2014 At least 18 people have been killed in two separate US-led airstrikes in the eastern Afghan province of Nangarhar. Twelve people were killed after a vehicle was attacked in the Bati Kot district on Tuesday. Local police authorities said six people were also killed in another US-led drone strike in the Haska Mina district.
Spain parliament symbolically recognizes Palestine 18 Nov 2014 Following similar moves across Europe, Spanish lawmakers have overwhelmingly approved a resolution recognizing Palestine. Though non-binding and largely symbolic, the resolution gleaned 319 votes in its favor, two against it, and one abstention. The motion was proposed by the main opposition Socialists.
Did pictures of Homeland Security vehicles massing near Ferguson get man fired? 18 Nov 2014 A Navy veteran in Missouri said he was fired from his job and called a terrorist for posting pictures to Fb of Homeland Security vehicles massing near Ferguson. Mark Paffrath, who worked for the Drury hotel chain, said he could not believe what he was hearing when he was called into his boss's office last week, a couple of days after posting the pictures which he took in the parking lot of the hotel where he worked. The pictures he took and posted on Thursday were of dozens of vehicles marked with the logos of the Department of Homeland Security and Federal Protection Services. Paffrath said the large number of federal vehicles and employees arrived last week.
Voter Laws Scrutinized For Impact On Midterms 18 Nov 2014 In North Carolina, early voting was cut by seven days. In Kansas, 22,000 people were stopped from registering to vote because they lacked proof of citizenship. And in Texas, Democrats say the country's toughest voter ID law contributed to a one-term congressman losing a tight race to his Republican rival. After an Election Day that featured a wave of new voting restrictions across the country, data and details about who cast a ballot are being picked over to see if tighter rules swayed the outcomes of any races or contributed to the lowest voter turnout in 72 years. [*Duh.*]
Are Flu Vaccines Risking Senior Citizens' Lives? Some Say Yes 16 Nov 2014 ...In her blog, Sharyl Attkisson cites a buried JAMA study from almost a decade ago which showed that there was no improvement in mortality rates among senior citizens with a flu vaccine, even after greatly increased vaccination rates...Johns Hopkins scientist, Peter Doshi, Ph.D., issued a report in the prestigious British Medical Journal, according to NewsLI, asserting that the CDC policy of routinely recommending the flu vaccine is being based on "low quality studies that do not substantiate claims." Interestingly, Doshi cites an Australian study which found significant risks for children as well, stating that "one in every 110 children under the age of five had convulsions following vaccinations in 2009 for H1N1 influenza." During the dr-g trials for the Fluzone flu vaccine, 23 seniors out of 3,833 died after receiving the shot, according to the dr-g's package insert, reported by Health Impact News. Another 226 experienced "serious adverse effects."
Appeals court affirms that Maine's Medicaid program must cover low-income 19- and 20-year-olds 17 Nov 2014 Gov. Paul LePage's administration [of lunatics] cannot remove thousands of low-income young people from Maine's Medicaid rolls, a federal appeals court judge ruled Monday. Chief Judge Sandra Lynch of the 1st Circuit Court of Appeals in Boston ruled that the federal government was correct in rejecting the Republican governor's plan to eliminate coverage for about 6,000 19- and 20-year-olds...Maine has covered that population for more than 20 years, the judge said.
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