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Tuesday, November 18, 2014

Fixing Responsibility For The Dying Women In India' s Sterilization Camps

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 If you think the content of this news letter is critical for the dignified living and survival of humanity and other species on earth, please forward it to your friends and spread the word. It's time for humanity to come together as one family! You can subscribe to our news letter here You can also follow us on twitter, and on Facebook,

 In Solidarity
 Binu Mathew

 Missouri Governor Declares State Of Emergency, Mobilizes National Guard Ahead Of Protests
 By Andre Damon

Missouri Governor Jay Nixon declared a state of emergency Monday and mobilized the National Guard, claiming that this was necessary to "keep members of the public safe and protect property" in anticipation of a grand jury decision on whether to bring charges against Darren Wilson, the Ferguson police officer who killed unarmed teenager Michael Brown in August

Ten Illegal Police Actions To Watch For In Ferguson
 By Bill Quigley

When the Michael Brown verdict is announced, people can expect the police to take at least ten different illegal actions to prevent people from exercising their constitutional rights. The Ferguson police have been on TV more than others so people can see how awful they have been acting. But their illegal police tactics are unfortunately quite commonly used by other law enforcement in big protests across the US

Obama, Not The Giant Telecoms, Is Right On Net Neutrality
 By Ralph Nader

In the aftermath of his party's defeat in the midterm elections, President Obama surprised many when he reaffirmed his overwhelming support for net neutrality, proposing that the Internet should be treated as a public utility

Net Neutrality Shows People Power Can Make The Politically Impossible, The Politically Inevitable
 By Margaret Flowers & Kevin Zeese

It is proof that even in a government corrupted by money, united and mobilized people who act strategically with creative tactics can win. Stay tuned and get ready to become engaged if things begin to turn the wrong way. Winning the battle for the future of the Internet is one that will impact each of us, and we all must take responsibility for it

The Siege of Julian Assange Is A Farce - A Special Investigation
 By John Pilger

The siege of Knightsbridge is a farce. The persecution of Julian Assange must end. Even the British government clearly believes it must end. On 28 October, the deputy foreign minister, Hugo Swire, told Parliament he would "actively welcome" the Swedish prosecutor in London and "we would do absolutely everything to facilitate that". The tone was impatient

Fossil-Fueled Republicanism : The Grand Oil Party Takes Washington by Storm
 By Michael T. Klare

Pop the champagne corks in Washington! It's party time for Big Energy. In the wake of the midterm elections, Republican energy hawks are ascendant, having taken the Senate and House by storm. They are preparing to put pressure on a president already presiding over a largely drill-baby-drill administration to take the last constraints off the development of North American fossil fuel reserves

A Communalised or A Privatised Planet
 By Lionel Anet

To survive we must gradually but quickly change from a growth economy of capitalism to an economy that can manage shrinkage until we reach a sustainable life. This can only be achieved by progressing from the unfairness of a competitive economy to the fairness of a cooperative one. The side effect would be a better physical and mental health

Relentless US Journalist Who Has Seen And Felt
 The Boot of Israeli Fascism Is Returning To Palestine For More
 By Robert Barsocchini

Journalist Zebula "Sha" Hebert has been "shot at, stabbed, pepper sprayed, maced, tear-gassed, tased, arrested, detained, beaten, and interrogated" while conducting his work. He knows what repression feels like, which is why he is undertaking a highly ambitious project: in the wake of the recent US-backed Israeli assault, Hebert will return to Palestine and spend a year in Gaza. He will conduct interviews with Gazans, publish reports, and ultimately write a book about his findings and experiences, all to help amplify the voices of a trapped refugee population being brutalized by the world's most powerful aggressors

Fixing Responsibility For The Dying Women In India's Sterilization Camps
 By Kandathil Sebastian

Death of women in the sterilization camps in India is not new phenomenon. As per the official data, between 2003 and 2012, there are at least 12 post sterilization deaths on average, per month. Unofficial estimates of such deaths put the mortality figure even higher. We routinely see umpteen debates and 'blame games' after such sterilization induced deaths. In the recent incident in Chattisgarh state where 14 women died has also resulted in such serial blame games

Battle For The Sundarban
 By Anu Muhammad

The survival and growth of Sundarban cannot be compromised for profit-mad business mafia. Battle for Sundarban continues, has to be strengthened. Sundarban must win in the battle, because there are many alternatives for power generation; but we have only one Sundarban that cannot be rebuilt or replaced with any other; there is, therefore, no alternative to Sundarban

Kashmir: Subjugation And Then Legitimization
 By Umar Lateef Misgar

This cycle has been continuing untamed since Indian state buried its teeth in Kashmir and is bound to continue unless the so called 'elected representatives' or in other words collaborators dissolve into thin air. To use this instrument of retrospective consent and devoid Kashmiris of their political rights is akin to colonialism or, in words of Dibyesh Anand, is sort of an informal post-colonial imperialism

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