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Tuesday, August 2, 2011

Fwd: Syrian tanks continue to bombard civilians

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From: <>
Date: Tue, Aug 2, 2011 at 1:51 AM
Subject: Syrian tanks continue to bombard civilians

Subject: Fw: KarimAG Reveals He's a Liar, Fraud and Simpleton re: Auschwitz
Date: Thu, 28 Jul 2011 13:58:00 GMT

OF course the "article" Karim references below is a coimplete fabrication...the only "hoax" vis-a-vis the Holocaust is the notion that there WEREN'T homicidal gas chambers in Auschwitz and the other camps. 
The "holocaust deniers" were debunked years ago Karim - many imbecilic bigots like yourself have even backed away from this nonsense.  You're apparently so far incredibly stupid...that you forward this laughable garbage and think you're making a point?
This is why you, Brian Rayner and the rest of your ilk are losing and will continue to lose.  You're done son.

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From: KarimAG <>
To: Undisclosed-recipients:;
Subject: Auschwitz Museum Director Reveals 'Gas Chamber' Hoax
Date: Thu, 28 Jul 2011 08:47:54 +0100



Auschwitz Museum Director Reveals 'Gas Chamber' Hoax

created 06/07/2004 - 12:02, updated 02/08/2006 - 15:45 by cybe



By P. Samuel Foner
The Spotlight
Volume XIX, Number 2
 OBOR Comment- Some "Jews*" (Like the Rothschilds) paid for world  war and revolution and then made a hansome proffit. Why help them by bringing about more war and terror.
* King of kings' Bible - Revelation 2:9

I know thy works, and tribulation, and poverty, (but thou art rich) and [I know] the blasphemy of them which say they are Jews, and are NOT, but [are] (Idumeans) the synagogue of Satan.



In a dramatic and unprecedented videotaped interview, Dr. Franciszek Piper, senior curator and director of archives of the Auschwitz State Museum admitted on camera that 'Krema 1,' the alleged 'homicidal gas chamber' shown off to hundreds of thousands of tourists every year at the Auschwitz main camp, was, in fact, fabricated after the war by the Soviet Union -apparently on the direct orders of Josef Stalin.  What Piper said - in effect and on camera - was that the explosive 1988 Leuchter Report was correct: no homicidal gassings took place in the buildings designated as 'homicidal gas chambers' at Auschwitz.  With this admission by none other than the respected head of the Auschwitz State Museum, one of the most sacred 'facts' of history has been destroyed. This 'gas chamber' is the major historical 'fact' on which much of the foreign and domestic policies of all Western nations since WWII are based.  It is the basis for the $100+ billion in foreign aid the United States has poured into the (Jewish) state in Israel since its inception in 1948 - amounting to $16,500 for every man, woman and child in the Jewish state and billions more paid by Germany in 'reparations' - not to mention the constructing of (the Jewish State in) Israel's national telephone, electrical and rail systems...all gifts of the German people. It is the basis for the $10 billion 'loan' (read 'gift') made to Israel for housing its immigrants in the occupied territories...while Americans sleep on the streets and businesses are bankrupted by the thousands. (Note - As of 2004, not a single 'loan' of US tax money made to the (Jewish) state in Israel by Washington has ever been paid back. -ed)  Germany is paying 'reparations' - the the United States is making major contributions - to atone for the 'gassings at Auschwitz' and elsewhere. If the 'homicidal gas chambers' were postwar creations of the Soviets, in which no one was gassed regardless of race, creed, color or country of national origin, then these 'reparations' were unnecessary, and were based on fraud. The videotape on which Dr. Piper makes his revelations was made in mid-1992 by a young Jewish investigator, David Cole and follows 12 years of intensive investigation by dozens of historians, journalists and scientists who have tried to get to the bottom of what really happened at Auschwitz.  Like most Americans, since his youth, Cole had been instructed in the 'irrefutable fact' that mass homicidal gassings had taken place at Auschwitz. The number of those executed - also declared irrefutable - was 4.1 million.  Then came the Leuchter Report in 1988 which was followed with an official 're-evaluation' of the total deaths at Auschwitz (down to 1.1 million). As a budding historian - and a Jew - Cole was intrigued.  Previous to 1992, anyone who publicly doubted or questioned the official 4.1 millon 'gassing' deaths at Auschwitz was labeled an anti-semite, neo-nazi skinhead at the very least. Quietly, because of revisionist findings, the official figure was lowered to 1.1 million. No mention was made of the missing 3 million.   The Cole videotape interview proves that the people who run the Auschwitz State Museum had made a practice of fabricating 'proofs' of homicidal gassings. Keep in mind that over the years millions of tourists have been told that 'Krema 1' is in its original state, while officials knew that 'original state' is a lie.

The political, religious, financial and historical ramifications of this proof of no homicidal gas chambers at Auschwitz cannot be measured.

Coupled with the Leuchter Report, the Cole interview with Dr. Piper on videotape proves that what Western governments have taught about the Auschwitz gas chamber since WWII is a lie. It proves that what televangelists such as Jerry Falwell and Pat Robertson have been telling their flocks is simply not true.   No one, regardless of race, creed, color or country of national origin was gassed to death in any building so designated at Auschwitz. And without 'homicidal gas chambers' at Auschwitz, where is the reasoning for the special treatment of the (Jewish) state in Israel?  Note - This is excerpted from the orginal, much longer article by P. Samuel Foner.

From Michael Rivero
5-31-4 Current events should make it clear that deceptions in support of a war are the rule rather than the exception throughout history. Looking at the post-WW2 climate, the need for a cause on which to base the formation of (the Jewish state in) Israel was clear. Here the allies had waged war on Germany for invading other peoples' lands and taking them by force, and here those same allies were asked to reverse themselves and allow the exact same thing to happen in Palestine. Clearly, only a monstrous propaganda hoax would trick the same world which halted the Nazi's land grab into turning a blind eye to the same thing being done in Palestine.


The ONLY solution is to enforce The Plan against the NWO perpetrators of these horrendous wars and hoaxes:-


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