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Thursday, August 4, 2011

Fallen Pharaoh lands in cage Mubarak on trial, Arab world pinches itself in disbelief

Fallen Pharaoh lands in cage
Mubarak on trial, Arab world pinches itself in disbelief

Cairo, Aug. 3: Hosni Mubarak was rolled into a courtroom cage in a hospital bed today to face trial for killing protesters — a seminal moment for an Arab world roiled by revolt.

The sheer symbolism of the day, covered live by television and watched by millions, made it one of the most visceral episodes in the Arab world, where uprisings have shaken the rule of authoritarian leaders.

In a region whose destiny was so long determined by rulers who deemed their people unfit to rule, one of those rulers was being tried by his public.

Even the most ardent in calling for his prosecution doubted until hours before the trial began that Mubarak, 83, would appear in a cage fashioned of bars and wire mesh, a reflection of the suspicion and unease that reigns in a country whose revolution remains unresolved.

The caged image thrilled those who overthrew him and must have chilled other autocrats facing popular uprisings in the region.

As a helicopter ferried him to the courtroom, housed in a police academy that once bore his name, cheers went up from a crowd gathered outside.

"The criminal is coming!" shouted Maged Wahba, a 40-year-old lawyer.

On this day, the aura of power — uncontested and distant — was made mundane, and Mubarak, the former President, dressed in white and bearing a look some read as disdain, was humbled.

"The first defendant, Mohammed Hosni al-Sayyid Mubarak," the judge, Ahmed Rifaat, said, speaking to the cage holding Mubarak and his co-defendants — his two sons, Gamal and Alaa, former interior minister Habib el-Adly and six senior police officers.

"Sir, I am present," Mubarak replied into a microphone, from his bed.

"You heard the charges that the prosecutor made against you," the judge said from his podium in the wood-panelled courtroom. "What do you say?"

"I deny all these accusations completely," he replied, wearily waving his hand.

With those words, the reverberations of those epic protests in Tahrir Square were incarnated in one man, Mubarak, who last appeared in public on February 10, when he uttered a phrase that suggested the heedlessness of absolute authority. "It's not about me," he said then, to the disbelief of hundreds of thousands demonstrating in his capital.

On this day, television captured him picking his nose. The two lines were the only words he uttered to the judge. Hard of hearing, Mubarak looked to his son to repeat the judge's question to him.

As Mubarak denied the charges in the proceedings, which were broadcast on a huge television outside the police academy, his opponents gathered there roared in disapproval.

"Then who did it?" some asked.

The scene was tumultuous there in a sun-drenched parking lot, with a few dozen of Mubarak's supporters sharing space with his opponents. At times, they scuffled; in intermittent clashes, the two sides threw rocks at each other. As Mubarak arrived in the courtroom, some of his supporters cried.

Those sentiments were overwhelmed by the denunciations of his critics, in a trial that, for a moment, seemed to represent all the frustrations and degradations of a state that treated its people as rabble. Someone was finally being held to account, many said.

"Today is a triumph over 30 years of tragedy," said Fathi Farouk, a 50-year-old pharmacist who brought his family to watch the trial.

The trial has transfixed a turbulent Arab world, where autocrats in Libya, Syria, Yemen and Bahrain have all been challenged by rebellion. Some Arab officials have said the very spectacle of the trial would make those leaders all the more reluctant to step down.

On the very day Mubarak's trial began, President Bashar al-Assad of Syria escalated his own crackdown on a city at the heart of the uprising against him.

But many gathered here said Arabs should take the opposite lesson from the proceedings. "All of the Arab world has to know that any leader who makes his people suffer will face this fate," Farouk said. "From today, history will never be the same."

Indeed, the country was awash with cries for justice, calls for vengeance and, not uncommon, expressions of regret for the fate of an old man who never seemed quite as loathsome as some of his contemporaries.

There was fascination at the spectacle itself. "I am dreaming," said Hossam Mohammed, as he watched the trial. "Somebody pinch me."

Today's session lasted about four hours and was then adjourned until August 15. The charges can carry the death penalty.

Indian hot seat in Arab Spring

New York, Aug. 3: Between external affairs minister S.M. Krishna and his permanent representative at the United Nations headquarters, Hardeep Singh Puri, the world body is being shorn of its holidays.

August is normally marked by a sense of somnolence at the UN, when its civil servants and envoys from member countries take their holidays and little other than emergency work is transacted on Turtle Bay, the part of Manhattan which houses the UN and its key permanent missions.

But not this year. Puri, who assumed the presidency of the UN Security Council on Monday, will not have any opportunity to let the grass grow under his feet.

Within hours of the Indian presidency, Puri received six requests in writing to call an emergency meeting of the Security Council to discuss the raging violence in Syria between protesters demanding political reform and the government of President Bashar al Assad.

By 5pm, the Council was in consultations and Britain reintroduced its two-month-old resolution on Syria with technical updates.

But with India in the chair, none of the big powers want to take any chances and will want their ambassadors to forgo their August holidays, stay put in New York and not leave the business of running the Security Council to junior diplomats as they always did at this time in previous years.

That is because India is not one of the cabal that is used to "managing" the Council as a relic of the post-World War II geopolitical equations. Nor is India anyone's poodle in the Council, unlike some others who are prepared to play that role.

Puri made it plain yesterday at the customary media briefing given by permanent representatives to outline the Council's monthly work at the start of their rotating chairmanships that India is "deeply worried about the situation in Libya".

That, for instance, is not something the Council's cabal wants to hear. That sort of talk is also new in this chamber because India is assuming the presidency of the Council after nearly two decades.

The western powers which pushed Libya into its present predicament misled the Council in March into believing that popular discontent against Muammar Gaddafi was so pervasive that all that was needed to topple him was a little push from the UN.

The Indian permanent representative revealed yesterday that he had warned the Council when it was passing resolutions to act on Libya that a "calibrated" approach, instead of headlong involvement, was called for. Otherwise, options would be exhausted creating a stalemate of the present kind.

Yesterday, he warned against repeating the mistakes of March on Libya in the case of Syria. Some members are calling for fortnightly reporting to the Council by secretary-general Ban Ki-moon on the situation in that country, for example.

But Puri asked what the Council would do if the Syrians simply failed to comply with the prescriptions by Ban and approved by the UN. He, therefore, called for caution in dealing with Damascus.

Even as Puri advised caution in the Council, the external affairs minister used India's influence in Damascus to propose that Assad's government should "exercise restraint, abjure violence and expedite the implementation of political reforms taking into account the aspirations of the people of Syria".

At the same time, Krishna "expressed concern on the recent escalation of violence". His meeting on Monday with Syria's vice-foreign minister, Faisal Mekdad, has brought India into reckoning in the crisis triggered by popular uprisings in the Arab world.

Mekdad was on a tour of India, Brazil and South Africa, prompting questions at the UN yesterday if the three countries, the IBSA group, was trying to evolve a common position in the Council.

Puri chose his words carefully and said the present composition of the Council was unique and "interesting". It has five permanent members, five aspiring permanent members and the rest, "sovereign and independent states".

In a sign that India was following its independent line on Syria, Puri pointed out that more than 350 Syrian security personnel had been killed and the country's infrastructure had been damaged, pointing to violence on both sides.

It is clear that India would make every effort during its presidency to restore some of the lost authority of the Council. Decades ago, the Council took "decisions" instead of merely passing resolutions.

The Indian permanent representative pledged yesterday to "find an innovative way of doing it" all over again because the UN Charter does not call for "resolutions". It calls for "decisions" by the Council.

As in the case of Syria, India has been active on Libya at a bilateral level. Libya's foreign minister Abdel Aati al Obeidi was in New Delhi 10 days ago when the minister of state for external affairs, E. Ahamed, called for "immediate cessation of all hostilities and support(ed) peaceful resolution of the Libyan crisis through dialogue".

Ahamed also "expressed support for the African Union-High Level Ad-hoc Committee initiatives and the African Union Road Map for the peaceful and consensual resolution of the conflict", according to South Block.

Puri pointed out yesterday that Security Council resolution 1973 called for cessation of hostilities, but the Council now finds itself in a situation where "it cannot act on its own resolution".

A highlight of the Indian presidency will be a thematic debate on August 26 on UN Peacekeeping Operations, a subject in which India has an important stake.

Arab Spring

From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Arab Spring
الثّورات العربيّة
Collage for MENA protests
Clockwise from top left: Protesters gathering in Tahrir Squarein CairoEgypt; Demonstrators marching through Habib Bourguib Avenue in TunisTunisia; Political dissidents inSana'aYemen, demanding the resignation of the president; Protests in DoumaSyria.
Date18 December 2010 – present
Location Arab World (see list of countries)
StatusOngoing (as of 7 July 2011)
  • Tunisian President Ben Ali ousted, and government overthrown.
  • Egyptian President Hosni Mubarakousted, and government overthrown.
  • Unclear situation in Yemen as Yemeni President Ali Abdullah Salehleaves for Saudi Arabia for medical treatment and hands over power to his Vice President.
  • Libya divided by civil war and experiencing foreign intervention in the form of a no-fly zone and air strikes.
  • Civil uprisings against the governments of Syria and Bahrain, despite government changes.
  • Jordan, Kuwait, Lebanon and Oman implementing government changes in response to protests.
  • Morocco implementing constitutional reforms in response to protests.
  • Ongoing protests in Algeria, Iraq, and other countries.
Death(s)16,841–17,113+ (International estimate; see table below)

The Arab Spring (Arabicالثورات العربية‎; literally the Arabic Rebellions or the Arab Revolutions) is a revolutionary wave of demonstrations and protests occurring in theArab world. Since 18 December 2010 there have been revolutions in Tunisia[2] andEgypt;[3] a civil war in Libya;[4] civil uprisings in Bahrain,[5] Syria,[6] and Yemen;[7]major protests in Algeria,[8] Iraq,[9] Jordan,[10] Morocco,[11] and Oman,[12] as well as on the borders of Israel,[13] and minor protests in Kuwait,[14] Lebanon,[15]Mauritania,[16] Saudi Arabia,[17] Sudan,[18] and Western Sahara.[19] The protests have shared techniques of civil resistance in sustained campaigns involving strikes, demonstrations, marches and rallies, as well as the use of social media, such asFacebookTwitter, and YouTube, to organize, communicate, and raise awareness in the face of state attempts at repression and internet censorship.[20] Many demonstrations have also met violent responses from authorities,[21][22][23] as well as from pro-government militias and counter-demonstrators.[24][25][26] A major slogan of the demonstrators in the Arab world has been Ash-sha`b yurid isqat an-nizam("The people want to bring down the regime").[27]




The series of protests and demonstrations across the Middle East and North Africahas become known as the "Arab Spring",[28][29][30][31][32][33] and sometimes as the "Arab Spring and Winter",[34] "Arab Awakening"[35] or "Arab Uprisings"[36] even though not all participants in protests identify as Arab. It was sparked by the first protests that occurred in Tunisia on 18 December 2010 following Mohamed Bouazizi's self-immolation in protest of police corruption and ill treatment.[37][38] With the success of the protests in Tunisia, a wave of unrest struck AlgeriaJordan,Egypt, and Yemen,[39] then spread to other countries, with the largest, most organised demonstrations often occurring on a "day of rage", usually Friday after noon prayers.[40][41][42] The protests have also triggered similar unrest outside the region.

As of July 2011, demonstrations have resulted in the overthrow of two heads of state: Tunisian President Zine El Abidine Ben Ali fled to Saudi Arabia on 14 January following the Tunisian revolution protests, and in Egypt, President Hosni Mubarakresigned on 11 February 2011, after 18 days of massive protests, ending his 30-year presidency. During this period of regional unrest, several leaders announced their intentions to step down at the end of their current terms. Sudanese President Omar al-Bashir announced that he would not seek re-election in 2015,[43] as did IraqiPrime Minister Nouri al-Maliki, whose term ends in 2014,[44] although there have been increasingly violent demonstrations demanding his immediate resignation.[45]Protests in Jordan have also caused the resignation of the government[46] resulting in former Prime Minister and Ambassador to Israel Marouf al-Bakhit being appointed prime minister by King Abdullah and tasked with forming a new government.[47] Another leader, President Ali Abdullah Saleh of Yemen, announced on 23 April that he would step down within 30 days in exchange for immunity,[48] a deal the Yemeni opposition informally accepted on 26 April;[49] Saleh then reneged on the deal, prolonging the Yemeni uprising.[50] Libyan leader Muammar al-Gaddafi has refused to step down, causing a civil war between his loyalists and rebelsbased in Benghazi.[51]

The geopolitical implications of the protests have drawn global attention,[52] including the suggestion that some protesters may be nominated for the 2011 Nobel Peace Prize.[53]

      Revolution       Civil war       Sustained civil disorder and governmental changes       Protests and governmental changes
      Major protests       Minor protests
      Protests outside the Arab world

[edit]Summary of protests by country

Country Date started Type(s) of protests Outcome Death toll Situation
 Tunisia 18 December 2010 Mohamed Bouazizi's self-immolation,
Nationwide protest, occupation of public places
 • Ousting of President Ben Ali[54]and Prime Minister Ghannouchi

 • Dissolution of the political police[55]
 • Dissolution of the RCD, the former ruling party of Tunisia and liquidation of its assets[56]
 • Release of political prisoners
 • Elections to a Constituent Assembly on 23 October 2011[57]

223[58][59] Revolution
 Algeria 28 December 2010 Self-immolations, major protests, riots, road blocks  • Lifting of the 19-year-old state of emergency[60][61] 8[62] Major protests
 Lebanon February 2011 Protests, riots, anti-sectarian protests 0[63]


Protests and governmental changes
 Jordan 14 January 2011 Major protests and demonstrations, self-immolation.  • King Abdullah II dismisses Prime Minister Rifai and his cabinet.[66] [67][68] Protests and governmental changes
 Mauritania 17 January 2011 Self-immolation, protests[69] 1[70] Protests
 Sudan 17 January 2011 Minor protests  • President Bashir announces he will not seek another term in 2015.[71] 1[72] Protests
 Oman 17 January 2011 Major protests  • Economic concessions by Sultan Qaboos;[73][74][75][76]

 • Dismissal of ministers;[77][78]
 • Granting of lawmaking powers to Oman's elected legislature[79]

2–6[80][81][82] Protests and governmental changes
 Saudi Arabia 21 January 2011 Self-immolation, minor demonstrations, frequent medium-scale (100–1000 people) protests in Eastern Province[83][84][85]  • Economic concessions by KingAbdullah;[86][87]

 • Men-only municipal elections to be held 22 September 2011[88][89]

2[90][91] Protests
 Egypt 25 January 2011 Self-immolations, nationwide protests, occupation of public spaces, attacks and burning of official buildings and police stations, storming prisons, raidingState Security Investigations Service buildings  • Ousting of President Mubarakand Prime Ministers Nazif andShafik;[92]

 • Assumption of power by theArmed Forces;[93]
 • Suspension of the Constitution, dissolution of the Parliament;[94]
 • Disbanding of State Security Investigations Service;[95]
 • Dissolution of the NDP, the former ruling party of Egypt and transfer of its assets to the state[96]  • Prosecution of Mubarak, his family and his former ministers.[97][98][99]

846[100] Revolution
 Morocco 30 January 2011 Self-immolation,[101] protests,[102]attacks on properties[103]  • Political concessions by KingMohammed VI;[104]

 • Referendum on constitutional reforms;
 • Respect to civil rights and an end to corruption[101][105]

7[106][107][108][109] Protests and governmental changes
 Yemen 3 February 2011 Nationwide protest, riots, fighting between local tribes and government forces[110]  • Resignation of MPs from theruling party[111]

 • On the June 4, President Ali Abdullah Saleh is injured in an attack on a mosque in his compound in the Yemeni capitalSana'a, causing him and 35 members of his family, including his wife, as well as the prime minister and the Speaker of the Yemeni parliament, to leave Yemen for Saudi Arabia. As of 7 July, Saleh has not returned to Yemen.[112]

 • Vice President Abd al-Rahman Mansur al-Hadi takes over as Acting President on 4 June 2011.[113]

967-1,203[114][115] Sustained civil disorder and governmental changes
 Iraq 10 February 2011 Self-immolation, major protests, riots, attacks on official buildings[116]  • Prime Minister Maliki announces that he will not run for a 3rd term;[117]

 • Resignation of provincial governors and local authorities[118]

28+[119] Major protests
 Bahrain 14 February 2011 Major demonstrations, occupation of public spaces  • Economic concessions by KingHamad;[120]

 • Release of political prisoners;[121]
 • Dismissal of ministers;[122]
 • GCC intervention at the request of the Government of Bahrain

36[123] Sustained civil disorder and governmental changes
 Libya 15 February 2011 Nationwide protests, armed revolt, defections, occupation of cities,civil war  • Opposition forces seize control of numerous Libyan cities[124][125][126]

 • Formation of the National Transitional Council[127][128]
 • UN-mandated NATOJordanian,QatariSwedish, and Emiratimilitary intervention[129]

13,000[130] Ongoing civil war
 Syria 17 February 2011 Self-immolation, nationwide protests, attacks on official buildings  • Release of political prisoners;[131][132]
 • End of Emergency Law;

 • Dismissal of Provincial Governors;[133][134]
 • Military action in Daraa and other areas;[135]
 • Resignations from Parliament;[136]
 • Resignation of the Government[137]
 • Small defections within Syrian army and clashes among soldiers;[138]

1,888–2,134[139] Sustained civil disorder and governmental changes
 Kuwait 18 February 2011 Protests, clashes between riot police and 'bidoons (bedouns)'  • Resignation of Cabinet [140] 0[141] Protests and governmental changes
Western Sahara 26 February 2011 Minor protests[142][143] 0 Protests
Israel Borders of Israel 15 May 2011 Major demonstrations, clashes at the borders of Israel[144][145] 30-40[145][146] Major protests
Total death toll: 16,841-17,113+(International estimate, ongoing)

Timeline of Arab Spring




Numerous factors have led to the protests, including issues such as dictatorship or absolute monarchyhuman rights violationsgovernment corruption (demonstrated by Wikileaks diplomatic cables),[147] economic decline, unemployment, extreme poverty, and a number of demographic structural factors,[148] such as a large percentage of educated but dissatisfied youth within the population.[149] Also, some attribute the 2009 Iranian protests as one of the reasons behind the Arab Spring.[150] The catalysts for the revolts in all Northern African andPersian Gulf countries have been the concentration of wealth in the hands of autocrats in power for decades, insufficient transparency of its redistribution, corruption, and especially the refusal of the youth to accept the status quo.[151] Increasing food prices and global famine rates have also been a significant factor, as they involve threats to food security worldwide and prices that approach levels of the 2007–2008 world food price crisis.[152] Amnesty International singled out Wikileaks release of US diplomatic cables as a catalyst for the revolts.[153]

Photo calling on a revolution in the Arab world

In recent decades rising living standards and literacy rates, as well as the increased availability of higher education, have resulted in an improved human development index in the affected countries. The tension between rising aspirations and a lack of government reform may have been a contributing factor in all of the protests.[151][154][155] Many of the internet-savvy youth of these countries have studied in the West, where autocrats and absolute monarchies are considered anachronisms. A university professor of Oman, Al-Najma Zidjaly referred to this upheaval as youthquake.[151]

Tunisia and Egypt, the first to witness major uprisings, differ from other North African and Middle Eastern nations such as Algeria and Libya in that they lack significant oil revenue, and were thus unable to make concessions to calm the masses.[151]

[edit]Recent history

The current wave of protests is not an entirely new phenomenon, resulting in part from the activities of dissident activists as well as members of a variety of social and union organizations who have been active for years in TunisiaAlgeriaEgypt, and other countries in the area, as well as in the territory of Western Sahara.[156]

Tunisia experienced a series of conflicts over the past three years, the most notable occurring in the mining area of Gafsa in 2008, where protests continued for many months. These protest included rallies, sit-ins, and strikes, during which there were two fatalities, an unspecified number of wounded, and dozens of arrests.[156][157] The Egyptian labor movement had been strong for years, with more than 3,000 labor actions since 2004.[158] One important demonstration was an attempted workers' strike on 6 April 2008 at the state-run textile factories of al-Mahalla al-Kabra, just outside Cairo. The idea for this type of demonstration spread throughout the country, promoted by computer-literate working class youths and their supporters among middle-class college students.[158] A Facebook page, set up to promote the strike, attracted tens of thousands of followers. The government mobilized to break the strike through infiltration and riot police, and while the regime was somewhat successful in forestalling a strike, dissidents formed the "April 6 Committee" of youths and labor activists, which became one of the major forces calling for the anti-Mubarak demonstration on 25 January in Tahrir Square.[158]

In Algeria, discontent had been building for years over a number of issues. In February 2008, United States Ambassador Robert Ford wrote in a leaked diplomatic cable that Algeria is 'unhappy' with long-standing political alienation; that social discontent persisted throughout the country, with food strikes occurring almost every week; that there were demonstrations every day somewhere in the country; and that the Algerian government was corrupt and fragile.[159] Some have claimed that during 2010 there were as many as '9,700 riots and unrests' throughout the country.[160] Many protests focused on issues such as education and health care, while others cited rampant corruption.[161]

In Western Sahara, the Gdeim Izik protest camp was erected 12 km south-east of El Aaiún by a group of young Sahrawis on 9 October 2010. Their intention was to demonstrate against labor discrimination, unemployment, looting of resources, and human rights abuses.[162]The camp contained between 12,000 and 20,000 inhabitants, but on 8 November 2010 it was destroyed and its inhabitants evicted by Moroccan security forces. The security forces faced strong opposition from some young Sahrawi civilians, and rioting soon spread to El Aaiún and other towns within the territory, resulting in an unknown number of injuries and deaths. Violence against Sahrawis in the aftermath of the protests was cited as a reason for renewed protests months later, after the start of the Arab Spring.[163]

The catalyst for the current escalation of protests was the self-immolation of individuals such as Mohamed Bouazizi, which brought together various groups dissatisfied with the existing system, including many unemployed, political and human rights activists, labor, trade unionists, students, professors, lawyers, and others.[156] These groups have become an unprecedented movement that has built sufficient momentum to engender the current scope of events.[citation needed]

[edit]Tunisian revolution

Demonstrators in downtown Tunis on 14 January 2011

Following the self-immolation of Mohamed Bouazizi in Sidi Bouzid, a series of increasingly violent street demonstrations through December 2010 ultimately led to the ouster of longtime PresidentZine El Abidine Ben Ali on 14 January 2011. The demonstrations were precipitated by high unemployment, food inflation, corruption,[164] lack of freedom of speech and other forms of political freedom,[165] and poor living conditions. The protests constituted the most dramatic wave of social and political unrest in Tunisia in three decades,[166][167] and have resulted in scores of deaths and injuries, most of which were the result of action by police and security forces against demonstrators. Ben Ali fled into exile in Saudi Arabia, ending his 23 years in power.[168][169]

Following Ben Ali's departure, a state of emergency was declared and a caretaker coalition government was created, which included members of Ben Ali's party, the Constitutional Democratic Rally (RCD), as well as opposition figures from other ministries. However, the five newly appointed non-RCD ministers resigned almost immediately.[170][171] As a result of continued daily protests, on 27 January Prime Minister Mohamed Ghannouchi reshuffled the government, removing all former RCD members other than himself, and on 6 February the former ruling party was suspended;[172] later, on 9 March, it was dissolved.[173] Following further public protests, Ghannouchi himself resigned on 27 February, and Beji Caid el Sebsi became Prime Minister.

[edit]Egyptian revolution

Celebrations in Tahrir Square after Omar Suleiman's statement concerning Hosni Mubarak's resignation

Following the uprising in Tunisia and prior to his entry as a central figure in Egyptian politics, potential presidential candidate Mohamed ElBaradei warned of a 'Tunisia-style explosion' in Egypt.[174]

Protests in Egypt began on 25 January and ran for 18 days. Beginning around midnight on 28 January, the Egyptian government attempted, somewhat successfully, to eliminate the nation's internet access, in order to inhibit the protesters' ability to organize through social media.[175]Later that day, as tens of thousands protested on the streets of Egypt's major cities, President Mubarak dismissed his government, later appointing a new cabinet. Mubarak also appointed the first Vice President in almost 30 years.[citation needed] On 2 February, pro-Mubarak activists led a counter-protest that turned violent.[citation needed] Many international journalists complained of harassment and one local journalist was killed in the protests.[citation needed]

On 10 February, Mubarak ceded all presidential power to Vice President Omar Suleiman, but soon thereafter announced that he would remain as President until the end of his term.[176] However, protests continued the next day, and Suleiman quickly announced that Mubarak had resigned from the presidency and transferred power to the Armed Forces of Egypt.[177] The military immediately dissolved the Egyptian Parliament, suspended the Constitution of Egypt, and promised to lift the nation's thirty-year "emergency laws". It further promised to hold free, open elections within the next six months, or by the end of the year at the latest.[citation needed] A civilian, Essam Sharaf, was appointed as Prime Minister of Egypt on 4 March to widespread approval among Egyptians in Tahrir Square.[178] Protests have continued through July 2011, however, in response to Sharaf and the Supreme Council of the Armed Forces' perceived sluggishness in instituting reforms.[179]

[edit]Libyan civil war

Egyptian youth at a Benghazi rally supporting the Libyan protests in February 2011

The protest began in Libya, after the success of the revolution of Tunisia and went out the first demonstration to protest living conditions in the city of Al Bayda on 14 January, and protesters clashed with police and attacked government offices.[180][181] Anti-government protests began in Libya on 15 February 2011. By 18 February, the opposition controlled most of Benghazi, the country's second-largest city. The government dispatched elite troops and mercenaries in an attempt to recapture it, but they were repelled. By 20 February, protests had spread to the capitalTripoli, leading to a television address by Seif al-Islam Gaddafi, who warned the protestors that their country could descend into civil war. The rising death toll, which currently numbers in the thousands, was drawing international condemnation, resulting in the resignation of several Libyan diplomats and their call for the regime's dismantlement.[citation needed]

On 26 February 2011, amidst ongoing efforts by demonstrators and rebel forces to wrest control of Tripoli from the jamahiriya, the opposition set up an interim government in Benghazi to oppose Colonel Muammar al-Gaddafi's rule.[182][183] However, despite initial opposition success, government forces subsequently took back much of the Mediterranean coast.[citation needed]

On 17 March, United Nations Security Council Resolution 1973 was adopted, authorising a no-fly zone over Libya, and "all necessary measures" to protect civilians. Two days later, France, the United States and the United Kingdom intervened in Libya with a bombing campaign against pro-Gaddafi forces. A coalition of 27 states from Europe and the Middle East soon joined the intervention. The forces were driven back from the outskirts of Benghazi, and the rebels mounted an offensive, capturing scores of towns across the coast of Libya. The offensive stalled however, and a counter-offensive by the government retook most of the towns, until a stalemate was formed between Bregaand Ajdabiya, the former being held by the government and the latter in the hands of the rebels. Focus then shifted to the west of the country, where bitter fighting continued. After a three-month-long battle, a loyalist siege of rebel-held Misrata, the third largest city in Libya, was broken in large part due to coalition air strikes. The three major fronts of combat are generally considered to be the Nafusa Mountains (also known as the Western Mountains), Misrata District, and the Gulf of Sidra,[184] though a fourth front may have opened as of late July 2011 in the southern Libyan Desert.[185]

[edit]Syrian uprising

Large protests in Al-Assy square inHama

Protests in Syria started on 26 January, when one case of self-immolation was reported. Protesters have been calling for political reforms and the reinstatement of civil rights, as well as an end to the state of emergency which has been in place since 1963.[186] A "day of rage" was set for 4–5 February, but it was uneventful.[187][188]

Thousands of protestors gathered in DamascusAleppoal-HasakahDaraaDeir ez-Zor, andHama on 15 March,[189][190][191][192] with recently released politician Suhair Atassi becoming an unofficial spokesperson for the 'Syrian revolution'.[193][194][195][196] The next day there were reports of approximately 3000 arrests and a few 'martyrs', but there are no official figures on the number of deaths.[197] Protests have continued through July 2011, with the government responding with harsh security clampdowns and military operations in several districts, especially in the north.[198]

[edit]Yemeni uprising

Protesters in Sana'a on 3 February.

Protests occurred in many towns in both the north and south of Yemen starting in mid-January. Demonstrators initially protested against governmental proposals to modify the constitution of Yemen, unemployment and economic conditions,[199] and corruption,[200] but their demands soon included a call for the resignation of President Ali Abdullah Saleh,[110][200][201] who had been facing internal opposition from his closest advisors since 2009.[202] A major demonstration of over 16,000 protesters took place in Sana'a on 27 January,[203] and soon thereafter human rights activist and politician Tawakel Karman called for a "Day of Rage" on 3 February.[204] According toXinhua News, organizers were calling for a million protesters.[205] In response to the planned protest, Ali Abdullah Saleh stated that he would not seek another presidential term in 2013.[206]

On 3 February, 20,000 protesters demonstrated against the government in Sana'a,[207][208] others participated in a "Day of Rage" in Aden[209] that was called for by Tawakel Karman,[204] while soldiers, armed members of the General People's Congress, and many protestors held a pro-government rally in Sana'a.[210] Concurrent with the resignation of Egyptian president Mubarak, Yemenis again took to the streets protesting President Saleh on 11 February, in what has been dubbed a "Friday of Rage".[211] The protests continued in the days following despite clashes with government advocates.[212] In a "Friday of Anger" held on 18 February, tens of thousands of Yemenis took part in anti-government demonstrations in the major cities of Sana'aTaiz, and Aden. In the capital, Sana'a, the crowd marched towards the Presidential Palace, chanting anti-government slogans, despite the attempts of riot police to stop them. Three people were killed in the demonstrations, one of whom was killed by a hand grenade in Taiz. There were also reports of gunfire in Aden during a rally, and as the riots continued overnight protesters set fire to a local government building. Security forces killed one demonstrator, and killed another demonstrator during protests the following day.[213] Protests continued over the following months, especially in the three major cities, and briefly intensified in late May into urban warfare between Hashid tribesmen and army defectors allied with the opposition on one side and security forces and militias loyal to Saleh on the other.[214]

After Saleh agreed to accept a Gulf Cooperation Council-brokered plan allowing him to cede power in exchange for immunity only to back away before signing three separate times,[215][216] an assassination attempt on 3 June left him and several other high-ranking Yemeni officials injured by a blast in the presidential compound's mosque.[217] Saleh was evacuated to Saudi Arabia for treatment, but he handed over power to Vice President Abd al-Rab Mansur al-Hadi, who has largely continued his policies[218] and ordered the arrest of several Yemenis in connection with the attack on the presidential compound.[217] It is unclear whether Saleh will return from Saudi Arabia or when he might do so, but he appeared briefly on television from Riyadh to address the Yemeni people on 7 July.[219] Protests have continued in his absence and are ongoing as of July 2011.[220]

[edit]Concurrent incidents

Concurrent with the events in Tunisia, Egypt, Libya, Syria and Yemen, protests flared up in other parts of the region, some of them becoming violent, some of them facing strong suppression efforts, and some of them resulting in various political changes.


8 January protests in Algeria.

On 29 December, protests began in Algiers over the lack of housing, quickly escalating to violent confrontations with the police. At least 53 people were reported injured and another 29 arrested.[221] Over the course of the Algerian protests, three demonstrators were killed, over 800 were injured, and at least 1,100 were arrested.[citation needed] From 12–19 January, a wave of self-immolation attempts swept the country, beginning with Mohamed Aouichia, who set himself on fire in Bordj Menaiel in protest at his family's housing. On 13 January, Mohsen Bouterfif set himself on fire after a meeting with the mayor of Boukhadra in Tebessa, who had been unable to offer Bouterfif a job and a house. Bouterfif reportedly died a few days later, and about 100 youths protested his death, resulting in the mayor's dismissal by the provincial governor. At least ten other self-immolation attempts were reported that week.[citation needed] On 22 January, the RCD party organised a demonstration for democracy in Algiers, and though illegal under the State of Emergency enacted in 1992, it was attended by about 300 people. The demonstration was suppressed by police, with 42 reported injuries. On 29 January, at least ten thousand people marched in the northeastern city of Béjaïa.[222]

In an apparent bid to stave off unrest, President Abdelaziz Bouteflika announced on 3 February that the 19-year state of emergency would be lifted,[223] a promise fulfilled on 22 February when Algeria's cabinet adopted an order to lift the state of emergency.[224][225] Bouteflika said on 15 April that he would seek revisions to the country's constitution as part of a broad push for democratic reforms.[226]


Thousands of demonstrators gather for "National demands: An elected government" rally in Karrana, Bahrain on July, 8

The 2011 protests in Bahrain were initially aimed at achieving greater political freedom and respect for human rights, and were not intended to threaten the monarchy.[227] Lingering frustration among the Shiite majority with being ruled by the Sunni government was a major root cause, but the protests in Tunisia and Egypt are cited as the inspiration for the demonstrations.[228][229] The protests began in Bahrain on 14 February[227] and were largely peaceful, until a raid by police on the night of 17 February against protestors sleeping at the Pearl Roundabout in Manama, in which police killed three protestors.[230][231] Following the deadly raid, the protestors' aims expanded to a call for the end of the monarchy.[232] On 18 February, government forces opened fire on protesters, mourners, and news journalists,[233] prompting protesters to begin calling for the overthrow of the Bahraini monarchy and government.[234] On 19 February, protesters occupied Pearl Square after the government ordered troops and police to withdraw.[235][236][237] On 22 February, an estimated one hundred thousand people, one fifth of the nation's population, marched. On 14 March, at the request of the Crown Prince, GCC Saudi Arabian troops entered the country,[238] and opened fire on the protesters, several of whom were killed.[239][240] Later thousands of Shia protesters arose in Iraq and Qatif in opposition to the Saudi-led intervention in Bahrain.[241][242][243]

King Hamad bin Isa Al Khalifa declared a three-month state of emergency on 15 March and asked the military to reassert its control as clashes spread across the country.[244] It was later lifted on 1 June 2011.[245] On 16 March 2011, the protesters' camp in the Pearl Roundabout was evacuated, bulldozed, and set on fire by the Bahraini Defense Force, riot police, and the Peninsula Shield Force, the military arm of the Gulf Cooperation Council, which intervened reportedly at King Hamad's behest.[246] Later on 18 March, the Pearl Roundabout monument was torn down as part of the crackdown on protesters.[247]

Since the lifting of emergency law on 1 June, several large rallies have been staged by the Shi'ite community demanding the release of detained protesters, greater political representation, and an end to sectarian discrimination. As of July 2011, medical personnel are being prosecuted for treating injured protesters, and several human rights groups and news organizations have alleged they have been deliberately targeted by the Bahraini government.[248]


In an effort to prevent unrest, Iraqi Prime Minister Nouri al-Maliki announced that he would not run for a third term in 2014.[249] Nevertheless, hundreds of protesters gathered in several major urban areas (notably Baghdad and Karbala) on 12 February, demanding a more effective approach to national security, to the investigation of federal corruption cases, as well as increased government involvement in making public services fair and accessible.[250][251][252] In response, the government promised to subsidize electricity costs.[253]

Israel's Haaretz reported that a 31-year-old man in Mosul died from self-immolation, while protesting high unemployment. Haaretz also reported a planned 'Revolution of Iraqi Rage' to be held on 25 February near the Green Zone.[254]

On 16 February, up to 2,000 protesters took over a provincial council building in the city of Kut. The protesters demanded that the provincial governor resign because of the lack of basic services such as electricity and water. As many as three people were killed and 30 injured.[citation needed] On 24 February, HawijahMosul, and Baghdad featured violent protests.[255]

[edit]Israeli border

Free Palestine rally in Cairo

Inspired by the uprisings and revolutions taking place in the Arab world, Palestinians usedFacebook to call for mass protests throughout the region on 15 May 2011, Nakba Day.[256][257] A page calling for a "Third Palestinian Intifada" to begin on 15 May garnered more than 350,000 "likes" before being taken down by Facebook managers at the end of March after complaints from the Israeli government that the page encouraged violence.[258][unreliable source?] [259] The page called for mass marches to Palestine from Egypt, Lebanon, Syria and Jordan to commemorate the Nakba and demand the right of return for all Palestinian refugees.[260] Palestinians from Egypt, Jordan, Lebanon, Syria, the Gaza Strip and the West Bank attempted to reach and cross the Israeli border. However, they were all stopped and 12 were shot and killed by Israeli security forces. Lebanese armed forces also made efforts, including the use of live fire according to some reports, to stop protestors from approaching the Israeli border. Almost 300 people were injured, including 13 Israeli soldiers. There were also clashes across the annexed east Jerusalem.[261]

On 5 June, 23 Syrian demonstrators were killed and hundreds injured by Israeli forces after entering the Golan Heights to protest the controversial Israeli occupation of the territory.[262][263][264] Included among the dead was an unarmed 12-year old boy.[265] In the aftermath, thousands began a sit-in near the Golan Heights,[266][unreliable source?] resulting in the Syrian government creating a security buffer zone to prevent more demonstrators from approaching the border.[262] Lebanese President Michel Sleiman accused Israel of genocide over the incident,[267] U.N. High Commissioner on Human Rights Navanethem Pillay condemned the Israeli Defense Force's use of force against the allegedly unarmed, civilian protesters,[268][unbalanced opinion] and the Syrian Social Nationalist Party called for an international response to the incident, calling it a "massacre".[269] An IDF spokeswoman called the Golan Heights violence "an attempt to divert international attention from the bloodbath going on in Syria."[263] Several days later, The Daily Telegraph reported that leaked Syrian state documents seemed to support Israel's claim that the Syrian government orchestrated the Nakba Day protests as a deliberate provocation to distract from the ongoinguprising in Syria proper.[270]


On 14 January, protests commenced in the capital Amman, as well as at Ma'anAl KarakSalt and Irbid, and others. The protests, led by trade unionists and leftist parties, occurred after Friday prayers, and called for the government of Prime Minister Samir Rifai to step down.[271]The Muslim Brotherhood and 14 trade unions said that they would hold a sit-down protest outside parliament the next day to "denounce government economic policies".[272] Following the protest, the government reversed a rise in fuel prices,[273] but 5,000 protested on 21 January in Amman despite this effort to alleviate Jordan's economic misery.[274]

On 1 February, the Royal Palace announced that King Abdullah had dismissed the government on account of the street protests, and had asked Marouf al-Bakhit, a former army general, to form a new Cabinet.[275] King Abdullah charged Bakhit to "take quick, concrete and practical steps to launch a genuine political reform process". The monarch added that the reforms should put Jordan on the path "to strengthen democracy", and provide Jordanians with the "dignified life they deserve".[276] This move did not end protests, however, which peaked with a rally of between 6,000 and 10,000 Jordanians on 25 February.[277] A protest camp led by students calling for democratic reforms was established on 24 March in Gamal Abdel Nasser Circle in downtown Amman,[278] but at least one person was killed and over 100 injured the next day after pro-government vigilantes clashed with the protesters in the camp, forcing police to intervene.[279] These clashes and belated police interventions have become a hallmark of the Jordanian protests, with a major rally in central Amman planned for 15 July being derailed by belligerent regime supporters.[280] As of July 2011, protests are ongoing.


Thousands of demonstrators gathered inCasablanca.

Inspired by events in Tunisia and Egypt, at least four Moroccans set themselves on fire on 30 January 2011 at a protest gathering in Tangier.[281] According to a media report, Moroccan authorities approved the anti-government protest that was planned through the popular social networking site Facebook. The same report said that the government had welcomed the plan by several Moroccan youth movements to organize an Egypt-style anti-government protest on 20 February.[282][283]

On 20 February, at least 37,000 Moroccans rallied in the capital, Rabat, to demand that King Mohammed relinquish some of his power.[284] The protests were not aimed at overthrowing the king, however, as he remains revered by Moroccans[285] Everything calmed down for about a week following the demonstration, but on 26 February about 1000 demonstrators gathered inCasablanca to demand political reform.[286]

On 9 March, in a live televised address, King Mohammed VI announced that he would begin a comprehensive constitutional reform aimed at improving democracy and the rule of law. He promised to form a commission to work on constitutional revisions, which would make proposals to him by June, after which a referendum would be held on the draft constitution.[287]

On 20 March, at least 20,000 people,[288] including many Islamists, participated in peaceful protests in more than 60 cities across the nation. Some of the demonstrators demanded greater political change than what King Mohammed had promised in his 9 March address, while others continued pressuring the government to make the promised reforms.[289] The police did not intervene and no violent acts were reported.


Protesters set ablaze Lulu Hypermarket inSohar, Oman on 28 February 2011

In the Gulf country of Oman, 200 protesters marched on 17 January 2011, demanding salary increases and a lower cost of living. The protest shocked some journalists who generally view Oman as a 'politically stable and sleepy country'.[290] Renewed protests occurred on 18 February, with 350 protesters demanding an end to corruption and better distribution of oil revenue.[291]Some protesters also carried signs with slogans of support for the Sultan.[292]

On 26 February, protesters in Sohar called for more jobs.[293] On the following day, tensions escalated with protesters burning shops and cars.[294] The police responded using tear gas to contain and disperse the crowds of protesters.[295] Demonstrations also spread to the region ofSalalah, where protesters had reportedly been camping outside the provincial governor's house since 25 February.[295][296] In Sohar, witnesses claimed that two protesters were killed when police fired rubber bullets to disperse the crowds.[80][81][82][297] Witnesses further reported that protesters burnt a police station as well as the Wali's house (where the representative of the Sultan to Sohar stays).[298] The Omani protesters insisted that they were not challenging the rule of Sultan Qaboos, who has been in power since 1970, but were merely calling for jobs and reform.[299] The protesters even apologized to the Sultan for allowing violence rattle the city of Sohar on 28 February 2011.[300]

The Sultan continued with his reform campaign by dissolving the Ministry of National Economy, setting up a state audit committee, granting student and unemployment benefits,[301] dismissing scores of ministers, and reshuffling his cabinet three times.[302] In addition, nearly 50,000 jobs are being created in the public sector, including 10,000 new jobs in the Royal Oman Police.[303]) The Omani Ministry of Manpower has furthermore directed various companies (both private and public) to formulate their own employment plans. The Royal Army of Oman has also initiated employment drives by publishing recruitment advertisements in newspapers, etc.[304] The government's efforts largely placated protesters, and Oman has not seen significant demonstrations since May 2011, when increasingly violent protests in Salalah were subdued.[305]

[edit]Saudi Arabia

Poster for the Saudi Arabia's #women2drive Movement, artwork byCarlos Latuff

In Saudi Arabia hundreds of people protested against the poor infrastructure in Jeddah following flooding.[306][307] At the same time, an online campaign began calling for major political and economic changes. On 5 February, forty women demonstrated for the release of prisoners held without trial.[308] Several protests of a few hundred demonstrators each took place in late February, and also in early March in the north-east, mostly in Qatif[309] but also in Hofuf, in al-Awamiyah, as well as in Riyadh.[310][311] Security in the north-east was tightened on 5 March,[312]and a 'significant' police presence in Riyadh[313] and Jeddah[314] prevented protests from occurring on 11 March. A day earlier, three protesters were injured by police gunfire in Qatif.[309]Nonetheless, protests calling for the release of prisoners took place outside the Ministry of the Interior in Riyadh on 12 March.[315][316]

Following the crackdown during the 2011 Bahraini uprising, frequent demonstrations of a few hundred to a few thousand[84][85] people occurred in and around Qatif from 15[83] to 25[317][318]March, which demanded the release of prisoners and the withdrawal of the Peninsula Shield Forcefrom Bahrain.[319][320] On 22–23 March, men-only municipal elections to elect half the members of local councils were announced for 22 September 2011.[88][89]

On June 17, the anti-government movement "Women2Drive" has organized a drive-in to demand fairer treatment of women in the country. It was sparked by the arrest and imprisonment of Manal al-Sharif[321] for driving a vehicle with another woman. al-Sharif has been called a modern Rosa Parks.[322] Reports of desperation within the government surfaced as the rally is expected to highlight one of the worst gender rights' regimes in the world.[323] On June 9, several women were arrested north of Riyadh for practicing in a parking lot.[324][325][326] On June 15, female drivers in the United States have organized a protest in solidarity with Saudi women, planning to encircle the Saudi embassy in Foggy Bottom.[327] During the month three females from Minnesota, supported by an advocacy group, announced a gender discrimination complaint against the kingdom's livery services in Rochester to coincide with the "Women2Drive" campaign.[328][329]


 • Kuwait In Kuwait, the Emir of Kuwait, Sheikh Sabah Al-Ahmad Al-Jaber Al-Sabah, gave every citizen [1.12 million people] 'free food rations and a grant of $4,000 [1,000 dinars]'.[330] Officially the grant was in commemoration of the 20th anniversary of Kuwait's liberation from occupying Iraqi forces, as well as of the 50th anniversary of the state's independence.[331] Dozens of Bedouns demonstrated in Kuwait on 19 February[332] and opposition groups called for protests on 8 March.[333][334]

In June, hundreds of Kuwaitis marched in an anti-government protest, calling for the resignation of the prime minister.[335] A 10-year old Egyptian boy named Bassem, whose father is an academic[vague] at Kuwait University, was expelled from education[vague] in the country for asking "Why didn't you have a revolution in your country?" Accused of inciting a revolution, the expulsion sparked an outcry, resulting in his reinstatement later that month.[336][337] Soon thereafter, reports surfaced of a crisis growing in the country as a rebellious parliament stepped up pressure on the ruling family over allegations of mismanagement of public funds, corruption and inefficiency.[338]

 • Lebanon In Lebanon, hundreds or protesters rallied in Beirut on 27 February in a march referred to as "The Laique pride", calling for reform of the country's confessional political system. At the same time, a peaceful sit-in took place in Saida.[339] On 13 March, tens of thousands of supporters of the March 14 coalition called for the disarmament of Hezbollah in Beirut, rejecting the supremacy of Hezbollah's weapons over political life. They also showed support for the U.N.-backed Special Tribunal for Lebanon (STL) after the fall of the Hariri government and the creation of the Mikati government.[340]

 • Mauritania In Mauritania, Yacoub Ould Dahoud, a protester, burned himself near the Presidential Palace on 17 January, in opposition to the policies of Mauritanian president Mohamed Ould Abdel Aziz.[341][342] The following week, hundreds of people took to the streets of the capital Nouakchott. The mayor of the city of Awjeft, Mohamed El Moctar Ould Ehmeyen Amar, resigned from the ruling party to politically support what he called "the just cause of youngsters".[343] In addition to the capital Noukchott, cities such as AtarZouerate, and Aleg also organised sporadic protests.[344] Despite minor economic concessions by the authorities, on 25 April protesters again took to the streets to call for the resignation of the prime-minister, Moulaye Ould Mohamed Laghdaf.[345]

 • Qatar In Qatar, a campaign called "The Freedom Revolution, March 16, Qatar" has been launched on Facebook calling for a revolution against the regime of Qatari Emir Hamad bin Khalifa Al Thani. However, on 28 February 2011, all the content of the main page of the revolution was deleted and replaced with content in support of the emir.[346] However there were no reports of major protests taking place. the Qatari media claims that the call for a Qatari Revolution was created by Pro-Assad Syrians against Al-Jazeera for its negative reports against Bashar Al-Assad's crackdown.[347]

 • Sudan In Sudanprotests took place on 30 January and 1 February, when hundreds called for Sudanese President Omar al-Bashir to step down. On 21 February, President Omar al-Bashir announced that he would not seek to run in the next presidential election (in 2015).[348]

 • United Arab Emirates In the United Arab Emirates, a group of intellectuals petitioned their ruler for comprehensive reform of the Federal National Council, including demands for universal suffrage. About 160 people signed the petition, many of whom were academics and former members of the FNC.[349] On 12 April, Ahmed Mansoor, a prominent blogger and pro-democracy activist, was charged with possession of alcohol. According to his lawyer, two other men, a blogger and a political commentator, were detained a few days earlier, a charge denied by the police.[350] In May, the government started expanding its network of surveillance cameras, as a preventive measure against revolts.[351] In June, Mansoor and 4 other reform activists pleaded not guilty to insulting the ruling family after being charged.[352]

 • Palestinian territories In the Palestinian TerritoriesHaaretz suggested that an announcement by the Palestinian Authority on 1 February to holdmunicipal elections in July was a reaction to the anti-government protests in Egypt. On 14 February, amid pan-Arab calls for reform, the Palestinian Authority's Prime Minister, Salam Fayyad, submitted his resignation along with that of his cabinet to President Abbas.[353] After consultations with other factions, institutions, and civil society groups, Abbas asked him to form a new government.[354] The reshuffle had long been demanded by Fayyad as well as members of Abbas's Fatah faction.[354]

 • In Western Sahara, young Sahrawis held a series of minor demonstrations to protest labour discrimination, lack of jobs, looting of resources, and human rights abuses.[162] Although protests from February 2011 onward were related to a series of Sahrawi demonstrationsoutside El Aaiun that originated in October 2010 and died down the following month, protesters cited inspiration from the events in other parts of the region. A few academics, notably Noam Chomsky, viewed the October protests as the starting point from which 'the current wave of protests actually began'.[355]


[edit]Ethnic scope

Many analysts, journalists, and involved parties have focused on the protests as being a uniquely Arab phenomenon, and indeed, protests and uprisings have been strongest and most wide-reaching in majority-Arab countries, giving rise to the popular moniker of Arab Spring—a play on the so-called 1968 Prague Spring, a democratic awakening in what was then communist Czechoslovakia—to refer to protests, uprisings, and revolutions in those states.[356][357][358] However, the international media has also noted the role of minority groups in many of these majority-Arab countries in the revolts.

In Tunisia, the country's small Jewish minority was initially divided by protests against Ben Ali and the government, but eventually came to identify with the protesters in opposition to the regime, according to the group's president, who described Jewish Tunisians as "part of the revolution".[359][360] The Coptic minority in Egypt was similarly divided by the protests, with Pope Shenouda III of the Coptic Orthodox Church of Alexandria calling for them to end but a number of Coptic Christians choosing to join in demonstrations against the regime with their Muslim compatriots, a fact that did not go unnoticed by reporters and commentators.[361][362][363]

In Morocco, through a series of constitutional reforms, passed through a national referendum on 1 July, among other things, the Berber language was made an official language alongside Arabic.[364] During the civil war in Libya, one major theater of combat has been the western Nafusa Mountains, where the indigenous Berbers have taken up arms against the regime while supporting an interim governmentbased in the majority-Arab eastern half of the country.[365][366] Hundreds of non-Arab Darfuris have joined anti-government protests in northernSudan.[367] In Iraq and Syria, the ethnic Kurdish minority has been involved in protests against the government,[368][369] including theKurdistan Regional Government in the former's Kurdish-majority north, where at least one attempted self-immolation was reported.[370][371][372]

[edit]Impact of the Arab Spring

The regional unrest has not been limited to countries of the Arab world. The early success of uprisings in North Africa inspired disenchanted people in the Middle Eastern states of Iran[373][374] and Turkey[375] to take to the streets and agitate for reforms. These protests, especiallythose in Iran,[376] are considered by many commentators to be part of the same wave that began in Tunisia and has gripped the broader Middle Eastern and North African regions, even though those countries are not Arab-majority states and most of the protesters therein are not Arab, as exemplified by the Kurdish protests in Turkey.

In the countries of the neighboring South Caucasus—namely Armenia,[377] Azerbaijan,[378] and Georgia[379]—as well as some countries inEurope, including Albania,[380] Croatia,[381] and Spain;[382] countries in sub-Saharan Africa, including Burkina Faso,[383] Djibouti,[384] andUganda;[385][386] and countries in other parts of Asia, including the Maldives[387] and the People's Republic of China,[388] demonstrators and opposition figures claiming inspiration from the examples of Tunisia and Egypt have staged their own popular protests.

[edit]International reactions

Protests in many countries affected by the Arab Spring have attracted widespread support from the international community, while harsh government responses have generally met condemnation.[389][390][391][392] In the case of the BahrainiMoroccan, and Syrian protests, the international response has been considerably more nuanced.[393][394][395][396]

Some critics have accused Western governments, including those of France, the United Kingdom, and the United States, of hypocrisy in the way they have reacted to the Arab Spring.[397][398] Noam Chomsky accused the Obama administration of endeavoring to muffle the revolutionary wave and stifle popular democratization efforts in the Middle East.[399]

Protests have also affected oil prices, contributing to the 2011 energy crisis. The International Monetary Fund said oil prices were likely to be higher than originally forecast due to unrest in the Middle East and North Africa, major regions of oil production.[400]

[edit]See also


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[edit]Further reading

[edit]External links

Full coverage

Hosni Mubarak trial a seminal moment for the Arab Spring - Adrian Blomfield - ‎15 hours ago‎
Yet the potentially era-defining images of the bedridden dictator in his courtroom cage seem likely to complicate the course of the Arab Spring. With Nato's campaign mired in stagnation, western politicians have increasingly come to acknowledge that ...

Mubarak whispers defiance with Arab Spring in the dock

National Post (blog) - ‎20 hours ago‎
Today: In the first proper trial of the Arab Spring — in absentia ones like that of Tunisia's Zini Abedine Ben Ali don't count — a prostrate Hosni Mubarak was wheeled into a cage in a Cairo courtroom on the first day of formal proceedings against him....

Arab Spring sees a trial in Egypt, tanks in Syria

Washington Times - David Enders - ‎14 hours ago‎
Wednesday offered stark contrasts in the "Arab Spring," the grass-roots anti-government movement that toppled Egyptian President Hosni Mubarak in February and has been met with brutal resistance by Syrian President Bashar Assad since March. ...

What Does the Mubarak Trial Mean for the 'Arab Spring?'

Arutz Sheva - David Lev - ‎7 hours ago‎
But the sentiment in the Arab world was not all positive; so far Mubarak, along with former Tunisian President Zine al-Abidine Ben Ali, have been the only "victims" of the so called "Arab spring." There are major uprisings going in at least three other ...

This is a crucial moment for the success of the Arab Spring

Evening Standard - Tarek Osman - ‎Aug 3, 2011‎
Today's trial of President Mubarak represents the most dramatic point in the progress of the Arab Spring and the people's rejection of authoritarian rulers. The revolts have usually been portrayed as uprisings against oppressive regimes. ...

Arab Spring gives way to Army Summer as military takes a stand in Egypt

National Post (blog) - ‎Aug 2, 2011‎
Now that Egypt's military is openly in charge of the country, it is showing a lot more willingness to play tough with protesters than when Hosni Mubarak was still president. Mubarak goes on trial Wednesday on a number of charges, including claims he...

Arab Spring Redux: Hosni Mubarak Rejects Charges Against Him as Trial Starts

HyperVocal - ‎19 hours ago‎
Remember the Arab Spring? You might have to think long and hard about it because the uprisings in Tunisia, Egypt and other places we've already forgotten about seem like a distant memory lost to the lame debt ceiling debacle and Rupert Murdoch's ...

Trial of fallen Mubarak grips Arab world

Reuters Africa - Shaimaa FayedMarwa Awad - ‎Aug 3, 2011‎
... Aug 3 (Reuters) - Egyptians and their fellow Arabs were enthralled on Wednesday by the unprecedented sight of ousted president Hosni Mubarak, a leader of the region for three decades and the Arab Spring's biggest scalp, being wheeled into court to ...

Tunisia: Mubarak trial is a warning to other arab leaders

euronews - ‎18 hours ago‎
Mubarak's trial is being watched closely in Tunisia, the first country to oust its leader in the Arab spring. Former President Ben Ali fled to Saudi Arabia, but was later sentenced in his absence to 35 years' jail for embezzlement and misuse of funds, ...

Caged Mubarak Begins Corruption Trial

PBS NewsHour - ‎13 hours ago‎
Margaret Warner reports on the first Arab leader to stand trial in person in the wake of the Arab spring uprisings. JEFFREY BROWN: And we return to the epic drama still unfolding in Egypt, as its longtime leader goes on trial. ...

Egypt's military crackdown on Tahrir Square sit-in - in pictures

The Guardian (blog) - ‎22 hours ago‎
The foolish gullibility of some commentators here in cheering on the Arab spring is already returning to haunt them. Spot on!. As I posted on another thread -if the Arab spring was about democracy , it has failed utterly. McLefty gets it - but you and ...

The new new Egypt

Politico - Tom Perriello - ‎Aug 3, 2011‎
As the Arab Spring has turned into a scorching Arab summer, some voices in Washington have suggested that the US should favor the stability of the Egyptian military over the possibly scary results of Egyptian democracy. But those arguing in favor of ...

Pharaoh in a Cage: Five Lessons from the Mubarak Trial

Huffington Post (blog) - ‎22 hours ago‎
The sight of former Egyptian dictator Hosni Mubarak, his two sons, and other members of his regime in white prison fatigues, behind bars, in a cage in Cairo is the most significant event in the Arab Spring since his ouster six months ago. ...

Mubarak's Historic Trial Begins

Shalom Life - Sammy Hudes - ‎21 hours ago‎
Muhammad Hosni Mubarak, the ousted Egyptian president, faced a Cairo court earlier today, becoming the first Arab leader to be tried in wake of the Arab spring. In an unprecedented trial of a former Middle East leader, the 83-year-old was wheeled into ...

Egypt after Mubarak - ‎19 hours ago‎
Arab spring: Egypt will be a more volatile state and a less reliable Western ally following Hosni Mubarak's downfall. By Telegraph View The demeaning spectacle yesterday of a sick 83-year-old in a hospital bed being wheeled into a cage in a court of ...

Mubarak trial contentious in Mid-east

BBC News - ‎2 hours ago‎
There was no mention whatsoever of the Mubarak trial on the main news channels in Syria, Bahrain and Yemen, which have all seen Arab Spring-inspired protests demanding democratic reform. Mr Mubarak's appearance on a stretcher inside the defendants' ...

Mubarak on trial / A correctivenational experience

Ha'aretz - Zvi Bar'elHosni Mubarak - ‎12 hours ago‎
By Zvi Bar'el Tags: Hosni Mubarak Egypt Arab spring Judge Ahmed Refaat, who is presiding over the trial of former Egyptian President Hosni Mubarak that began Wednesday, has the reputation of ruling against the regime's wishes. But Refaat belongs to the ...

Arab Spring: Egypt's Hosni Mubarak, from hospital bed, pleads not guilty - ‎Aug 3, 2011‎
The prosecution is an unprecedented moment in the Arab world, the first time a modern Mideast leader has been put on trial fully by his own people. The closest event to it was former Iraqi leader Saddam Hussein's trial, but his capture came at the ...

The rise and fall of Hosni Mubarak

euronews - ‎20 hours ago‎
So began the Arab Spring. This wind of change transformed into a cyclone of revolt, striking Egypt next. Some may not have seen this coming, but in Cairo, dispute had been brewing for several months. Unrest came at the end of 2010, when the opposition ...

Egypt: A bed ridden Mubarak goes on trial

Spero News - ‎20 hours ago‎
The former president is accused of corruption and ordering the killing of civilians during 'Arab spring' protests. Scuffles break out in the courtroom between spectators. For Fr Henry Boulad, directed of Alexandria's Jesuit Cultural Centre, ...

Former Egyptian Interior Minister Returns to Court

Voice of America - ‎2 hours ago‎
Mubarak is the first Arab leader to face trial in person since the so-called "Arab Spring" of popular revolts swept across much of North Africa and the Middle East this year. He is also facing corruption charges. Mubarak's two sons, Alaa and Gamal ...

Leading article: A new nation's democratic test

The Independent - ‎15 hours ago‎
The trial was not orchestrated by the West (as in Iraq) and the ex-president was actually in the dock (in contrast to Tunisia, the first domino of the Arab Spring). But we must not be dazzled by the drama and the symbolism of this opening day, ...

In Bed and in a Cage

The National Interest Online (blog) - ‎15 hours ago‎
Surely one of the most arresting images to come out of the Arab Spring is that of deposed Egyptian president Hosni Mubarak, prone on a hospital bed inside the defendant's cage in a courtroom where he is standing—or maybe it's lying—trial for abuses ...

When Hosni met Louis

The Guardian - ‎20 hours ago‎
The Arab Spring lacked a Mandela. I think the comparison is wrong because the judges who brought kings to the scaffold were revolutionaries who had many reasons to kill them whereas the persons putting the Mubarak clan in a cage have made career under ...

Mubarak's trial enthralls the Arab world but poses troubling questions

The Guardian - ‎Aug 3, 2011‎
But beyond the immediate, mesmerising drama were troubling questions about the future of Egypt and other authoritarian countries caught up in an Arab spring whose early promise has faded, and which now face bloodshed and uncertainty. ...

All eyes on justice

The Daily Star - Ahmed Rifaat - ‎16 hours ago‎
If the ruling casualties of the Arab Spring hadn't already set alarm bells ringing in governments across the region, the nitty gritty legal process started Wednesday should remove any misunderstanding: You can no longer act with impunity; ...

Historic Mubarak Trial Begins, Former Leader Pleads Not Guilty

Christian Post - Ivana KvesicChristian Post - ‎20 hours ago‎
Mubarak is the first Arab leader since the Arab Spring movement that started early this year to face a judge. He is facing charges of unlawful killing of protestors and corruption, and he could get the death penalty if convicted. ...

Social media abuzz as former Egyptian president put on trial - Abbas Al Lawati - ‎21 hours ago‎
The Arab-Brazillian revolutionary political cartoonist, Carlos Latuff, who has taken up the cause of the Arab Spring, was quick to draw a caricature of Mubarak lying in bed with a film director sitting across from him in a lawyer's chair. ...

In Egypt, unintended consequences

Globe and Mail - Bessma Momani - ‎8 hours ago‎
Caged in a makeshift cell and lying on a hospital bed, a humiliated Mr. Mubarak was reduced to an image of an old man, an image that many protesters in Egypt and the wider Middle East were hoping for since the very start of the Arab Spring...

Will Mubarak face justice?

FRANCE 24 - Leela Jacinto - ‎Aug 2, 2011‎
What analysts don't dispute is the symbolic weight of the Mubarak trial on the Arab world in general and theArab Spring in particular. As Shehata put it: "The idea that a former head of state can be held accountable by the people is a very potent ...

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