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Wednesday, October 7, 2015

US special ops 'designed IED even FBI didn't know about for secret assassinations during Iraq war'

 US special ops 'designed IED even FBI didn't know about for secret assassinations during Iraq war'
News Updates from CLG
07 October 2015
Previous edition: US bombing of Afghan hospital: Patients burned to death in their beds, says MSF
US special operations 'designed IED even the FBI didn't know about for secret assassinations during the Iraq war' --Dubbed the Xbox, the IED was designed to look and act like a bomb made by Iraqi insurgents so it could not be traced back to US forces | 04 Oct 2015 | US special operation forces created an IED so that they could carry out secret assassinations without the FBI knowing, a new book claims. The bomb, developed by Delta Force and the SEAL Team 6, was designed to look and act like those that were made by Iraqi insurgents, writes Sean Naylor in his new book Relentless Strike: The Secret History of Joint Special Operations Command. Naylor writes that the IED, dubbed the Xbox, was designed by the Joint Special Operations Command to get around political restrictions during the Iraq war. Specifically, he claims in the excerpt obtained by the New York Post, JSOC wanted to stop attempts by Iranian operatives who were [allegedly] aiding a campaign waged by Iraq's Shi'ite militias.
Doctors Without Borders airstrike: US alters story for fourth time in four days | 06 Oct 2015 | US special operations forces – not their Afghan allies – called in the deadly airstrike on the Doctors Without Borders hospital in Kunduz, the US commander has conceded. Shortly before General John Campbell, the commander of the US and Nato war in Afghanistan, testified to a Senate panel, the president of Doctors Without Borders – also known as Médecins sans Frontières (MSF) – said the US and Afghanistan had made an "admission of a war crime". Shifting the US account of the Saturday morning airstrike for the fourth time in as many days, Campbell reiterated that Afghan forces had requested US air cover after being engaged in a "tenacious fight" to retake the northern city of Kunduz from the Taliban. But, modifying the account he gave at a press conference on Monday, Campbell said those Afghan forces had not directly communicated with the US pilots of an AC-130 gunship overhead.
Top U.S. commander in Afghanistan suggests fight will take longer | 06 Oct 2015 | Lingering problems with local security forces and the resurgence of Taliban fighters may force U.S. troops to stay longer in Afghanistan than previously planned, the top American military commander in the region suggested on Tuesday. In testimony before the Senate Armed Services Committee, Army Gen. John Campbell -- head of U.S. Forces Afghanistan -- said that local security forces "cannot handle the fight [to protect the CIA's poppy fields and opium production] alone" without assistance from foreign allies and gaining that capability will take "well beyond this year." As a result, Campbell said he has already offered adjustments to public plans to remove all U.S. troops from Afghanistan by 2017, with the exception of an embassy security contingent.
Russian Air Force hits 50 ISIS targets in Syria over 3 days, 'significantly' damaging militants | 06 Oct 2015 | The Russian Air Force has conducted more than 60 flights and bombed over 50 Islamic State targets in three days, according to Russia's top armed forces official. He added the strikes have significantly reduced the terrorists' combat capabilities. "The airstrikes were being conducted night and day from the Khmeimim airbase and throughout the whole of Syria. In three days we managed to undermine the terrorists' material-technical base and significantly reduce their combat potential," Lieutenant General Andrey Kartapolov, head of the Main Operation Directorate of the General Staff of Russia's armed forces, told reporters on Saturday.

Leaking Valve Causes Emergency Declaration at Millstone Nuclear Plant --NRC declares 'Unusual Event' | 04 Oct 2015 | (CT) A leaking relief valve caused a low-level emergency declaration at Millstone Power Station in Waterford briefly on Sunday. The leak was located at 9:52 a.m. and stopped at9:54 a.m., according to Ken Holt at the Millstone Power Station. The leak didn't leak anywhere outside of the plan, but it was leaking into a tank adjacent to it.

Historic Pacific 'trade' deal faces skeptics in U.S. Congress | 05 Oct 2015 | Twelve Pacific Rim countries on Monday reached the most ambitious trade pactcorporate takeover in a generation, aiming to liberalize commerce in 40 percent of the world's economy in a deal that faces skepticism from U.S. lawmakers. The Trans-Pacific Partnership (TPP) pact struck in Atlanta after marathon talks could reshape industries, change increase the cost of products from cheese to cancer treatments and have repercussions for drug companies and automakers. Vermont Senator Bernie Sanders, a Democratic presidential candidate, warned the pact would cost jobs and hurt consumers. "In the Senate, I will do all that I can to defeat the TPP agreement," he tweeted.

The Trans-Pacific Partnership charade: TPP isn't about 'free' trade at all --'The TPP would advance an agenda that actually runs counter to free trade.' | 05 Oct 2015 | ...Indeed, provisions in the TPP would restrain open competition and raise prices for consumers in the U.S. and around the world -- anathema to free trade...Given the veil of secrecy surrounding the TPP negotiations, it is not clear whether tobacco will be excluded from some aspects of ISDS [Investor State Dispute Settlement]. Imagine what would have happened if these provisions had been in place when the lethal effects of asbestos were discovered. Rather than shutting down manufacturers and forcing them to compensate those who had been harmed, under ISDS, governments would have had to pay the manufacturers not to kill their citizens.Taxpayers would have been hit twice -- first to pay for the health damage caused by asbestos, and then to compensate manufacturers for their lost profits when the government stepped in to regulate a dangerous product.

Tap water in Flint, Michigan, classified as hazardous waste | 04 Oct 2015 | Although Michigan officials have asserted there is no problem with the Flint city water supply, doctors are warning that drinking the city's lead-filled tap watercould permanently lower IQ, among other potential problems. Since the city[Gov. Rick Snyder-appointed dictator, 'emergency manager' Ed Kurtz] switched their water source from Detroit to the Flint River, tap water contains double the amount of lead. This is a result of the more corrosive water coming into contact with service lines and city pipes, requiring stricter treatment than the city is providing. Lead levels in Flint's drinking water are so high they are defined as hazardous waste,  according to the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA).

Almost 70 patients tested for HIV and hepatitis after nurse is caught REUSING a syringe while giving flu shots at New Jersey clinic --Nurse administered flu shots to 67 employees at Otsuka Pharmaceutical | 06 Oct 2015 | Dozens of co-workers are being screened for HIV and hepatitis after a nurse was found reusing a syringe to administer flu shots. Employees at Otsuka Pharmaceutical, who received the vaccination at their offices in Princeton, New Jersey on September 30, have been warned they may have been exposed to 'infected blood.' Healthcare [sic] provider TotalWellness confirmed that the nurse contracted to carry out the flu shots had 'failed to follow proper medical procedures and safeguards.'

Shock study: Chemotherapy can backfire, make cancer worse by triggering tumor growth | 06 Oct 2015 | ...The scientists found that healthy cells damaged by chemotherapy secreted more of a protein called WNT16B which boosts cancer cell survival. "The increase in WNT16B was completely unexpected," study co-author Peter Nelson of the Fred Hutchinson Cancer Research Center in Seattle told AFP. The protein was taken up by tumor cells neighboring the damaged cells. "WNT16B, when secreted, would interact with nearby tumor cells and cause them to grow, invade, and importantly, resist subsequent therapy," said Nelson.

Californian mayor forced to give up electronics and passwords to agents at SFO --Mayor compares situation to Nazi Germany | 05 Oct 2015 | Stockton, California, Mayor Anthony R. Silva attended a recent mayor's conference in China, but his return trip took a bit longer than usual. At the San Francisco International Airport (SFO) this week, agents with the Department of Homeland Security detained Silva and confiscated his personal cell phone among other electronics. According to comments from the mayor, that may not even be the most alarming part.  "In addition, they were persistent about requiring my passwords for all devices," Silva told SFGate. The mayor's attorney, Mark Reichel, told SFGate that Silva was not allowed to leave the airport without forfeiting his passwords. Reichel was not present for Silva's interaction with the DHS agents, either. The mayor was told he had "no right for a lawyer to be present" and that being a US citizen did not "entitle me to rights that I probably thought," according to the paper.

FBI, ATF Issue Safety Warning to Philadelphia Area Colleges and Universities | 04 Oct 2015 | The FBI and the ATF issued an alert to all Philadelphia area colleges and universities because of an online threat. The FBI released the following statement: "Out of an abundance of caution, the FBI Philadelphia Field Office notified local colleges and universities of a social media posting which threatened violence at a Philadelphia-area college or university for Monday, October 5..." [Looks like more false flags are on the way, folks. Gotta continue to provide a major distraction for the latest US war crime--the bombing of a hospital in Kunduz.]

4 Students Arrested in Northern California, Suspected of Plotting Killings in High School | 04 Oct 2015 | Four Northern California high school students have been arrested in connection with what law enforcement officials called a highly detailed plan to shoot and kill fellow students and teachers, just days after a mass shooting on a community college campus in rural Oregon. The four, all students at Summerville High School in Tuolumne, Calif., "were going to come on campus and shoot and kill as many people as possible at the campus," Sheriff James W. Mele of Tuolumne County said at a news conference on Saturday. Investigators have found no clear motive for the planned attack, Sheriff Mele said, but he said that "the suspects' plans were very detailed in nature and included names of would-be victims, locations and methods in which the plan was to be carried out."

U.S. to Release 6,000 Inmates Under New Sentencing Guidelines | 06 Oct 2015 | The Justice Department is preparing to release roughly 6,000 inmates from federal prison as part of an effort to ease overcrowding and roll back the harsh penalties given to nonviolent drug dealers in the 1980s and '90s, according to federal law enforcement officials. The release is scheduled to occur from Oct. 30 to Nov. 2, and will be one of the largest one-time discharges of inmates from federal prisons in American history, said the officials, who spoke on the condition of anonymity because they did not want to be identified discussing matters that had not been publicly announced by the Justice Department. The Bureau of Prisons is arranging for many of the inmates to initially move into halfway houses, one official said.

Alabama DMV closings draw call for federal voting rights probe | 05 Oct 2015 | An Alabama congresswoman has formally asked the U.S. Department of Justice to investigate the state's shuttering of driver's license offices in several heavily black counties, warning that the closures throw up another obstacle to voting. The call for a federal probe comes as opposition to the state's decision, announced last Wednesday, continues to mount. "These closures will potentially disenfranchise Alabama's poor, elderly, disabled, and black communities," wrote Rep. Terri Sewell in a letter sent Monday to Attorney General Loretta Lynch...Sewell, a Democrat whose district includes Selma, the historical birthplace of the push for African-American voting rights, called for "a full and thorough investigation by DoJ."

Rep. Jason Chaffetz launches bid for House speaker, shaking up GOP leadership race | 04 Oct 2015 | The Republican chairman of a high-profile House committee on Sunday shook up the race to succeed outgoing Speaker John A. Boehner, launching a challenge to the heavy favorite, Majority Leader [pea-brain] Kevin McCarthy. The bid by Rep. Jason Chaffetz (Utah), chairman of the Oversight and Government Reform Committee, comes amid unrest from conservatives driven by doubts that McCarthy (Calif.) will be any more inclined than Boehner to embrace the right flank of the House Republican Conference. Chaffetz said on "Fox News Sunday" that he was "recruited" by members displeased with McCarthy's ascent and that he would "bridge the divide" in the House GOP.
Biden himself leaked word of his son's dying wish | 06 Oct 2015 | Joe Biden has been making his 2016 deliberations all about his late son since August.Aug. 1, to be exact -- the day renowned Hillary Clinton-critic [corporatist troll] Maureen Dowd published a column that marked a turning point in the presidential speculation. According to multiple sources, it was Biden himself who talked to her, painting a tragic portrait of a dying son, Beau's face partially paralyzed, sitting his father down and trying to make him promise to run for president because "the White House should not revert to the Clintons and that the country would be better off with Biden values." It was no coincidence that the preliminary pieces around a prospective campaign started moving right after that column...But in truth, Biden had effectively placed an ad in The New York Times, asking them to call.
Trump sent prank water 'care package' to Rubio | 06 Oct 2015 | Donald Trump is escalating his attacks on Sen. Marco Rubio with a special delivery for his rival: "Trump Ice Natural Spring Water." Trump has previously trained his fire on Rubio, claiming he has the worst voting attendance record in the U.S. Senate and that he sweats a lot. But CNN learned that the Trump campaign sent a "care package" to Rubio's Washington campaign office that contained a 24-bottle case of "Trump Ice Natural Spring Water," with Trump's face on it, two "Make America Great Again" towels and bumper stickers and a note reading, "Since you're always sweating, we thought you could use some water. Enjoy!"
Polls: Trump still tops in Iowa, New Hampshire | 04 Oct 2015 | Donald Trump still leads the Republican pack in the two first two states in the presidential nominating contest, though Ben Carson is on his heels in Iowa and Carly Fiorina is close behind in New Hampshire. New NBC News/Wall Street Journal/Marist polls out Sunday morning show Trump up in Iowa, with 24% support to Carson's 19%. Fiorina is third at 8%, former Florida Gov. Jeb Bush at 7%, and Texas Sen. Ted Cruz, Florida Sen. Marco Rubio and Louisiana Gov. Bobby Jindal at 6% each, according to the poll.
Carly Fiorina's first political campaign had a surprising problem: Money | 04 Oct 2015 | Famed California pollster Joe Shumate was found dead in his home one month before Election Day 2010, surrounded by sheets of polling data he labored over for the flailing Senate bid of Carly Fiorina. Upon his death, Fiorina praised Shumate as "the heart and soul" of her team. She issued a news release praising him as a person who believed in "investing in those he worked with" and offering her "sincerest condolences" to his widow. But records show there was something that Fiorina did not offer his widow: Shumate's last paycheck, for at least 30,000. It was one of more than 30 invoices, totaling about 500,000, that the multimillionaire didn't settle -- even as Fiorina reimbursed herself nearly 1.3 million she lent the campaign. She finally cleared most of the balance in January, a few months before announcing her run for president.
South Carolina flood: Door-to-door searches, swamped roads | 06 Oct 2015 | People across South Carolina got an object lesson Monday in how you can dodge a hurricane and still get hammered. Authorities struggled to get water to communities swamped by it, and with waterlogged dams overflowing, bridges collapsing, hundreds of roads inundated and floodwaters rolling down to the coast, the state was anything but done with this disaster. "This is a Hugo-level event," said Maj. Gen. Robert Livingston, head of the South Carolina National Guard, referring to the September 1989 hurricane that devastated Charleston.
South Carolina Gov.: Flooding at 1,000-Year Level | 04 Oct 2015 | South Carolina Gov. Nikki Haley says her state is experiencing a 1,000-year flood as torrential rains triggered in part by Hurricane Joaquin have inundated the state and much of the Mid-Atlantic. Despite staying well offshore, Joaquin has wreaked havoc on the U.S. Eastern Seaboard. President Obama on Saturdaydeclared a state of emergency in worst-hit South Carolina. It is the sort of weather event expected only once in 1,000 years, Haley told an afternoon news conference in the capital, Columbia. She called it "historic rainfall." 
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