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Friday, December 2, 2011

On FDI and Nuclear Deal causing logjam

Dear Pramod jee,
It was a long time since i could read your views and mr Anant Trvedi views on Way Forward ?

Wal mart shall replace the present network of services in retail by their new network and new employees and cannot increase purchasing power of people to repair sick economy.On FDI i fully endorse your views but on nuclear deal ps go through my article via goglepublished a couple of years before durning President Osama visit to dilli... tiltle : American Beggar in Delhi.

On nuclear Nuclear Deal i suggest Anna Pathshala in my old craft.... as follows ....

Bribe and Cash display in Parliament`s three years Old Video Games!-

By:Rakesh Manchanda.

Today it is becoming fashionable to sit on fast even if you have a powerful voice and Goveranance controls like Gujarat-CM.

Let us rewind our memory back to three years. When UPA-survival was challenged on the floor of the Parliament. Congress in minority was going overboard by educating as to how US-Nuclear was in favour of India and against Jehadi Terrorism after 9/11. BJP was never seen educating public as to why they were against US-Nuclear deal initiated for No Confidence brought by 59 Communists and other supporters. After 3 yrs again this old shameful event of Parliament lawmakers` corruptionrevolves around `Votes for Notes`. Corporate Nexus behind Amar Singh could have been easily exposed by tracing Bank from where bundles of notes were withdrawn. For three years no action was seen against this corruption.FIR is lodged recently now. Police is now forced to act by Court order and media pressure. US-Nuclear Deal had gone in favor of American. If 19 MPs of NDA had not crossed over the US-Nuclear deal would have failed. Communists lobby although in minority tried to build a people pressure by some education in public but BJP the prime opposition party did nothing to build people`s awareness.

BJP in Parliament says they were against this US-Nuclear deal but in actual they never wanted to oppose this deal & wanted to be in good books of America.BJP only wanted to grab power and claim that they created this Bribe in Parliament string operation. BJP is trying now after three years to convince people that instead of Bribe Takers their two MPs jailed were the chosen whistle blowers. Unlike Anna TeamBJPis still not honest.BJP leaders are not at all trying to educate people as to how US-Nuclear deal today and in the past was against Indian people and their independence.BJP leaders had lot of time like Anna Team to corner Police and their political masters(congress) with or without Roses & Get Well Soon Cards.

BJP now declares Advani ji Yatra against Corruption but fails to explain his old opportunist stand on US-Nuclear deal. Advani ji Yatra is welcomed provided they explain to people as to why they kept their Lok Pal Menu Blank for several years and then were waiting for Baba Ramdev and Anna Hazare to outsource fight against corruption. This shows the weak BJP is waiting for someone to bring a change and finally court forced leadership change in Karnatka. If Advanji fails to fill up their Blank Menu of Yatra and tell us as to how they plan to counter corruption then this knee jerk anti-corruption Yatra shall be as good as the empty vessel `Yatra` as done before in the name of Ram Rath Yatra which triggered communal riots and mistrust.

Advani ji now after three years is adding masala (spices) and emotions in this old and outdated Win-Lose Video game of the Parliament by declaring that he masterminded this sting operation of Bribe and money display in Parliament to expose corruption wherein the actual business deal is different.US Nuclear Deal and hidden corporate lobby behind Amar Singh actually `bought the Win` and India`s shameful sell out three years ago in Parliament. People of India as losers were reduced as blind followers not fit enoughto be informed as to why cheap power cannot be generated say by river water sharing instead of US-Nuclear Deal. Congress-BJP strength combine are hidden match fixers & collaborators as seen in past 42 years. Match Fixers are worst then those who fail to deliver. Both are doubtful and weak people educaters and shall play arithmetic of Power with NO action against corruption in Parliament and No effective Lok Pal. Nature and Anna Hazaare`s unfinished movement against corruption demands new leaders and new vision for new young India.

Written & released in Public Interest:

Rakesh Manchanda,

B-5,Gharonda Apartments,

Shrestha Vihar,Delhi-92.


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