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Friday, June 10, 2011

Fwd: CC News Letter, 09 June - POSCO Protesters Fear Carnage‎

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From: Countercurrents <>
Date: Fri, Jun 10, 2011 at 1:17 AM
Subject: CC News Letter, 09 June - POSCO Protesters Fear Carnage‎

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 In Solidarity
 Binu Mathew, Editor,
 Educate! Organize! Agitate!

Activists Fear Carnage As Acquisition Clock Ticks
 In Odisha

Villagers of Dhinkia and Gobindpur who are keeping a day and night vigil to prevent forcible land acquisition for the Rs 52,000 crore integrated POSCO steel project, fear that the police might unleash a mid-night action any time. More than 20 platoons of police are currently stationed at the mouth of these villages and any ill-conceived move to forcibly acquire land or evict the protesters might lead to bloodshed

World Bank Forecasts Slowdown
 In Global Economic Growth
 By Barry Grey

The World Bank released its latest Global Economic Prospects report Tuesday, forecasting slower economic growth the rest of this year and next. The World Bank is projecting a deceleration of gross domestic product (GDP) gains in the US, the euro zone, and the developing economies of Asia and Latin America compared to 2010

Global Economic Crisis Deepening
 By Stephen Lendman

Numerous European countries are deeply troubled, notably Portugal, Ireland, Italy, Greece and Spain, entrapped in debt, locked in a Eurozone straightjacket. Perhaps heading for default, they've inflicted painful austerity on working households, rallying them en masse in protest

The Peak Oil Crisis: The Gathering Storm
 By Tom Whipple

The world is beginning to look a lot like the August of 1914 or perhaps the summer of 1939 all over again. This time instead of the great powers of central Europe dragging the rest of us into a European affair, it seems that nearly every corner of the earth is facing some sort of imminent disaster that could combine into a very unpleasant situation

How Fish Use Energy Teaches True Oil Economics
 By Andrew Nikiforuk

Before building more wind farms or digging more bitumen mines or polluting more groundwater for shale gas, policy makers need to ask what they are sacrificing for energy as well as what the real energy costs and gains will be

A Bridge To Somewhere
 By John Michael Greer

Recent suggestions that the current boom in natural gas will be a bridge to a future of sustainable energy are highly reminiscent of similar claims from the past -- claims that turned out to be entirely wrongheaded. A bridge is only useful if there's somewhere to get to on the other side, and in the future ahead of us, the other side will inevitably be defined by much less energy use. With the help of a photovoltaic panel, the Archdruid explains

Pakistan's `Enlightenment' Martyrs
 By Beena Sarwar

The murder of professor Saba Dashtiyari in Quetta last week, coming on the heels the killing of investigative journalist Saleem Shehzad, is yet another sign of an ongoing `genocide' of progressive Pakistani intellectuals and activists

IMF Financial Terrorism
 By Stephen Lendman

Like all debt-entrapped countries, Greece's bailout price is structural adjustment harshness, making a bad situation worse. It requires new infusions during hard times, causing rising indebtedness - the familiar IMF-imposed death spiral no responsible leader should accept

Geneva Conventions Redefined:
 The New U.S. Department Of War
 By Lt. Eric N. Shine & Gary Corseri

Those agreements that came about in response to two horrendous world wars, have now been reversed. One sign of this reversal is the wars of aggression in which our "Department of Defense" is now engaged; another sign is the conversion of the Department of Defense back to a reinvigorated offensive Department of War, and, concomitantly, the creation of a new de facto Defense Department

US Invested Heavily In Hitler Compensated
 Europe's Jews With Arab Land - Therefore
 By Jay Janson

Israel is in bed with a US business elite that once heavily invested in Hitler, was itself anti-semitic in outlook, and coldly indifferent and even complicit during the Holocaust its investments made possible

The New Old Policy Of America Towards Palestine
 By Salim Nazzal

The belief that Obama might be much better than other united states presidents proved to be an illusion Arabs need to review. The later speeches of Obama indicate clearly that the USA is going to stand against Palestine efforts to be a full membership in the United Nation next September

Dr. King Spanks Obama: Part 5
 By David Kendall

Dr. King's views seem perhaps more applicable now, than ever before, as the first black President of the United States leaves Americans of every color to fend for themselves in a deep national crisis of education, employment, rights and housing

Holocaust Denial And Complicity
 By Apartheid Australia
 By Dr Gideon Polya

Australia is an Apartheid state because it applies discriminatory and damaging race-based laws against particular groups of non-European subjects (specifically Indigenous Australians and asylum seekers) but so far has maintained a remarkably good image through Mainstream politician and media censorship and self -censorship

Fight Against Corruption: Are We Serious
 By Vidya Bhushan Rawat

It is time we understand the dangers of the Hindutva model of fight against corruption and expose them tooth and nail. None can be a bigger threat to India than the ascendancy of the Hindutva forces to power. Let us fight against corruption and expose the very source of it

Baba Ramdev's Anti Corruption Fast:
 New Face Of Communal Politics
 By Ram Puniyani

The trend of Babas and Swamis coming to the political arena gives a very dangerous message. Is it that we want to emulate Pakistan where Mullahs ruled the roost for long time and even now have a big weight in the political affairs, and that is one of the major reasons for the problems through which Pakistan is going through currently. Baba Ramdev, Sadhvi Ritambhara, Sri Sri Ravishanker have full right as a citizen, but to dabble in politics with the claims of spiritual following is to abuse of religious spirituality

The Yogi As Commissar?
 By Farzana Versey

Ramdev is trying his stunts within the Indian nation. If he wants to create fissures, first by fighting for a civil issue and then against outsiders, then he must come clean about his intentions. Declare war against specifics instead of just aiming aimless darts and creating mayhem

Selective Democracy At Work
 By Mahtab Alam

One would want to ask Mr. Gadkari and gang, didn't the situation in Chhattisgarh remind them of emergency? Needless to remind, the situation of democratic rights in Chhattisgarh, Jharkhand and Orissa are much worse than other parts of India. The records of the NDA government show that it has been as repressive as the others

Release Prof. Davinder Pal Singh Bhullar
 By Delhi Tamil Students Union

Delhi Tamil Students Union strongly condemn President Pratiba Patil's rejection of the mercy petition of Davinder Pal Singh Bhullar. Prof. Bhullar was sentenced to death by a trial court in Delhi on 25th August 2001 under the infamous draconian Terrorist and Disruptive Activities (TADA) act. Even after the act has been scrapped, verdicts passed under its undemocratic aegis are still being upheld

Former-Political Prisoner And Ex-Black Panther,
 Geronimo Pratt, Dies; West Seeks
 Justice Against Gaddafi
 By Nick Brown

Geronimo Pratt's story sheds light to the lie that is US justice system. Geronimo Pratt, a veteran in the US's invasion of Vietnam, was a proponent of Black liberation and armed self-defense against reactionary violence

Where America Is and What We Can Do About It
 By Timothy V. Gatto

Whether you admit it or you bury your head in the sand, the plain truth is that this country is completely out of control. I'm not talking about a promising plain speaking congressman that let his lust get in the way of his sanity; I'm talking about how this nation is clearly facing its demise

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Palash Biswas
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