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Sunday, April 24, 2011

Fwd: Sun TV's Caldwell account putting a self serving greedy low life on a pedestal

---------- Forwarded message ----------
From: David Jeffrey Spetch <>
Date: Sat, Apr 23, 2011 at 9:07 PM
Subject: Sun TV's Caldwell account putting a self serving greedy low life on a pedestal
To: P0liticalF0rum <>

Sun TV's Caldwell account putting a self serving greedy low life on a

Here we have Caldwell putting this Liar of filth (Jesus claiming to be
a god / son of a god ~ How can you get any greedier or more selfish
then that) who lies lead to his own death upon clashing with the lies
of the Roman religion of the time. Since millions have died over these
very same lies and think Caldwell stoops to putting this low life on a
pedestal. Just so happens that this is a monumental undeniable example
of religious lies leading to war and divide.

These selfish low life's claimed that this guy died for you and yet a
woman (Christian) and her family died just months ago by being stoned
to death by Muslims in Pakistan. And how is it they still get away
with claiming such disgusting filth you wonder? The answer is
ignorance which is religions only defense because they are that
selfish and greedy.

You do not see Caldwell or anyone else on Sun TV. has even attempted
to contradict this following non contestable factual evidence which
proves that there is no such thing as a god and that every religions
fundamental is based upon lies:

first off I have just found the key / the missing little wee piece of
information society desperately needs to be able to recognize the non
contestable factual evidence which proves beyond any shadow of doubt
that every religion is based upon lies and that there is no such thing
as a god.

OK, here it is again, and at the end I'll tag that little piece of
information at the end in bold.

First off the fundamental of any / every religion is some ridiculous
story about how we came to be / exist in our present form.

Energy = the exertion of force.

Matter = what makes up mass.

Time = the endless duration it takes for all change to occur.

It takes energy matter and time to re create energy and matter.

Proof that energy matter and time always was, is, and always will be
is that it takes energy matter and time to re create energy and
matter. In other words the fact of the matter is that not anything
goes poof into existence out of nothingness and not anything that
exists goes poof into nothingness. The fact remains that it takes
energy matter and time to re create energy and matter. Which is the
very non contestable factual evidence which proves what we /
everything is in our present form and how we came into existence. The
only thing that doesn't change is that change occurs and that is
because energy matter and time are always present.

You want to contest this as fact, then quite simply share with us all
even just one factual example of anything that exists going poof into
nothingness, or even just one factual example of anything going poof
from nothingness into existence. You will never find one example of
such because the fact remains that it takes energy matter and time to
re create energy and matter.

For anything to first develop intelligence, or come into existence to
develop an intelligence, or use that intelligence to come up with a
plan or put that plan into motion (to first be able to create / re
create) it takes three things, it takes energy matter and time to re
create energy and matter. Quite clearly this is evidence which already
has easily proven beyond any shadow of doubt that there is no such
thing as a god (which is the fundamental lie of many religions) and
that the fundamental of every religion is based upon lies.

It is easily proven with multitudes of factual examples that energy
exists, that matter exists and that time exists and these factual
examples are everywhere around us all which is the very non
contestable factual evidence which proves how we all came into
existence in our present form. All lies fabricated as truth and belief
of every religion crumbles vs. this simple fact and yet the worlds
agony is prolonged by the selfish and greedy religious because they
resort to ignorance while pleading for tolerance and like this guy on
Sun TV's The Source even try and speak for the public claiming that it
is even too boring for the public to even have cause for concern.

Now here is that little piece of information:

Here we have people praying to something that doesn't even have
intelligence / that can't comprehend what speech is which proves them
ignorant because again how does that even make sense to pray to
something / talk to something unless it has some sort of ability to
understand what is being said by the person praying: "For anything to
first develop intelligence, or come into existence to develop an
intelligence, or use that intelligence to come up with a plan or put
that plan into motion (to first be able to create / re create) it
takes three things, it takes energy matter and time to re create
energy and matter. Quite clearly this is evidence which already has
easily proven beyond any shadow of doubt that there is no such thing
as a god (which is the fundamental lie of many religions) and that the
fundamental of every religion is based upon lies. What are these
people disillusioned to think they are praying too if not some sort of
intelligent being? lmfao that was easy! Celebrations are around the
corner! Every religion that claims there be a god, they worship or
pray to it which confirms that this delusion has intellect to be able
to understand these so called prayers or apparently be flattered by
being worshipped which takes intellect to recognize. Yet if they claim
to be praying to something that doesn't have intelligence, is because
they are even still delusional to so much as think that even makes any
sense what so ever. Yeah go talk to a brick wall! Backed into a corner
and it's about friggen time. It just hit me like a tone of bricks to
actually share that instead of just knowing it myself. It was like I
always treated it as a given without taking into consideration that I
live on a planet full of dummies lol!

How do you like me now :) :) ;) Hey you can be happy that I love and
care about you all and that I dedicate myself towards the well being
of the future of the life on this planet! I never claimed to be the
quickest thinker, but I do claim to be one of the deepest that ever

Praying is a disgusting sign if ignorance towards respecting your
environment for what it does or does not provide for you.

At best there is some alien life form [of which again "For anything to
first develop intelligence, or come into existence to develop an
intelligence, or use that intelligence to come up with a plan or put
that plan into motion (to first be able to create / re create) it
takes three things, it takes energy matter and time to re create
energy and matter."] taking credit for what even created it thus
proving again this alien is no more than a liar for taking credit for
what even created it / us and everything throughout the universe in
it's present form!

Is faith diminishing along with religion? No it is not. I for example
have faith in my ability to get these facts through to the public for
the destruction of such filth known as religion. I factually exist, my
abilities factually exist yet my abilities are yet to be proven.
Because I have faith in my abilities I continue to fight for the well
being of the future of the life on the planet here I am sharing these
very facts with all of you.

Do not confuse faith with religion because the religious have been
stealing from society / Earth for thousands of years in attempt to
attribute what they steal to their religion!

There is life after death, when you die, life goes on :) and when you
die, the corpse pushes up daisies.

Even if ones presence exists after death (claims of ghosts etc.) that
is no confirmation of any fundamental of any religion, that is just
religion attempting to steal the paranormal from the Earth in attempt
to attribute it to their fundamental of lies to aid the selfish and
greedy ignorant low life's (such as you had on your show) in taking
advantage of those from a time of weakness for power and control over
the many! If a part of you / your essence remains in tact after what
we refer to as death, it still does not detract from the fact that for
that essence to have developed / retain any sort of intelligence,
remember it first took energy matter and time to re create energy and
matter for anything to first develop it's presence / it's
intelligence / it's being / existence!

The religious are the most notorious liars, thieves and cheaters ever
known to the human race. You can't get any lower or more deceitful
than to be religious and thousands of years of war and divide over
such filthy lies along with this non contestable factual evidence
which proves that the very fundamental of every religion is based upon
lies backs that claim as proof of that claim with the greatest of
ease! The lowest of the low! Those who value lies more than they value
life is the real definition of the religious to a T!

Again, no need to thank me, it is my pleasure because I genuinely care
about the well being of the future of the life on this planet!

As far as this Sun TV / News / business goes, are they going to
continue their bias one sided support of such religious filth (those
who value lies over lives) or are they going to be genuine to
Canadians and simply share this very genuine factually based
information I share which proves them beyond shadow of doubt the
selfish greedy ignorant liars they are? They have been supporting this
filth and have offered nothing of valid opposition. What ever happened
to both sides Sun TV?!! Liars???

Remember, beliefs are validated or falsified by fact. Religious
beliefs are proven false even on a whole new level of eye opening on
this day and yet they likely still think that they are still going to
get away with being ignorant towards the very non contestable fact
which proves them followers of fundamentals of lies by still claiming
to believe in that which is already proven false / not to exist. Now I
wouldn't be so concerned if this filth hadn't already been leading the
globe to war and divide for thousands of years only to serve the
selfish and the greedy who use such lies to take advantage of those
from a time of weakness for power and control over the many such as
obviously who was on Adlers show Thursday April 21 2011 are still
trying to do!

Why do Canadians condemn Catholics or any religion? Because religious
lies of which every religion is factually proven to be based upon have
been leading us to war and divide for thousands of years / to the
death of millions / billions! Anyone dares stoop to attempt to call
this bigotry, perhaps you call murders being thrown in jail for
murdering bigotry against murderers under these same standards too!
Canadians are sick of filthy lies plaguing the world / this country!
Religion is going downhill in a huge way and yes it is my pleasure to
play my part ;)

Just like every other religious person on this planet, the Sun TV
hosts obviously practice religions only defense which is ignorance
towards fact because they are the greediest of the greedy,. the most
selfish of the selfish, the lowest of the low the human race has ever
known. They don't care that religion has lead to the death of
millions / billions over these filthy lies, they obviously want people
like this woman and her family in Pakistan who was stoned to death to
die over filthy lies because it is more important to them to value
lies as they quite obviously value these factually proven lies more
than they value life because again they are the most greedy selfish
low life's that the human race has ever known to bear witness!

Sun TV. still goes on to claim they will share both sides with
accountability to you the viewer and yet this proves them a bunch of
liars trying to win viewers with lies. No matter your religion, your
religion is factually proven to be based upon a fundamental of lies
and all of your so called religious martyrs / saviors are no more than
greedy selfish low life self serving lying pieces of deceptive low
life human filth!

Not one person on Sun TV has contradicted this non contestable factual
evidence which has already proven that every religion is based upon a
fundamental of lies and that there is no such thing as a god. Like
this Caldwell, he even said something along the lines that no one
knows what god is (yet this guys prays to it? lmfao) and that there is
this delusional claim of a god exists beyond a human lie is quite
simply already factually proven a delusional lie. Non of them contest
it because again like I have been sharing for years "Ignorance is
religions only defense!" I really do live on a planet full of dummies
and these dummies for the most part here on earth are the religious
followers! This Caldwell even says in Sun TV promotional commercials
something along the lines (if not his exact words if I remember
correctly) "we will get to the truth no matter where the facts may
lead" and yet the truth is the garbage that crumbles when pit vs. fact
every time. He openly puts the truth on a pedestal (which lies are
fabricated as truth and religion if proof of this) while putting the
facts second like facts carry no relevance. Ignorance at it's most
obvious. Thousands of years proves that this guy doesn't care who dies
over religious filthy lies as long as this guy gets to use these
filthy lies to deceive you. I suspect that the owners of the sun are
lowly religious humans. That would certainly explain why they are bias
one sided lie pushing spin doctors (pathetic at that) who practice
ignorance towards fact, who practice ignorance towards the fact that
their religious lies have lead to the death of millions / billions
over thousands of years. These are people who value lies more than
they do life quite obviously and here these people are in control of
the media?!!

the only thing significant about this Friday is that it is foremost
Earth Day! Then we have this Azra (if that is how you spell it)
butchering a tree and yet he is calling people who care about our
environments the nut cases when this religious low life even read some
filthy piece of scripture from some religious book of garbage. This
guy is trying to put religious filth on a pedestal while trying to
make the people who actually care about our environments out to be the
nut jobs. Go figure! That's the warped mentality of the religious for
you! Trees can't speak for themselves and when humans speak up for
them, they get made out to be the nut jobs by the religious such as
this Host of The Source on Sun TV. How would you like it as a human if
trees suddenly animated into locomotion and started lopping peoples
heads off only to stick them on a pole and decorate them for a week,
then when the week is over just throw the head in the garbage like
that was the humans main purpose to live. This is what the religious
inspire people to so ignorantly do to trees for one day Dec 25 in
honour of one of the most notoriously selfish greediest low life's
that ever existed. Not only that they get kids all excited about some
guy who brings presents down a chimney and yet this Saint Nicholas AKA
Santa clause when alive sacrificed children's lives to perpetuate his
own so called immortality. The religious put this sick murderer of
children up on a pedestal like he is something for your children to
look up to dummies. Yet this Azra calls environmentalists the nut
jobs. Oh and what's wrong with mother Earth? For one at least the
Earth exists, and number two we all eat it, breathe it, drink it, live
upon it in reflection of the sun. We are all attached to that same
umbilical chord metaphorically speaking. Oh but it is those who care
about our environments who are made out to be the nut jobs the the
religious. They are obviously trying to evade focus on themselves
because again ignorance is religions "only" defense.

Then they claim that Earth Day has to do with paganism. Here we go
again with yet another religion attempting to steal from the Earth in
attempt to attribute what they steal to their religion. Again for
anything, including the Earth to come into it's present form it took
energy matter and time to re create energy and matter. It's like they
are trying to make you think that caring about our earth / our
environments / our planet is a filthy religious thing. I care more
about the life on this planet / our environments perhaps more than
anyone ever did hence is why I subject my life towards addressing
fundamental issues to do with humans. I know that accomplishing my job
will bring us away from this age of manipulative ignorant. BS. and
into an age of understanding. Once this is accomplished then the other
activists of the world for the most part will be taken all that much
more seriously by the globe because the globe will no longer be
wasting time and resources supporting a fundamental of lies which has
lead us to war and divide for thousands of years. Religion inspires
ignorance which is why many don't listen to things that actually do
exist and effect us all. Religion inspires greed and selfishness on
the most repulsive level hazing our globe with a veil of ignorance.
Lift that veil, release the globe from such anal corruption and only
then can we genuine focus as a whole together, progressing together. I
can't blame other activists for at least trying, even though they get
made out to be nut jobs by these religious who value lies more than
they value life.


I am no atheist, an atheist merely believes religious fundamentals are
based upon lies. I on the other hand have proven with non contestable
factual evidence proving that every religious fundamental is based
upon lies. Notice not one person has contradicted these very facts,
instead, again they practice ignorance towards these very facts
because again they obviously value lies above all else so they
practice ignorance which is religions only defense! The planet is
sick, religion is the primary disease and what I share is the vaccine.
The vaccine has been released and it's now only a matter of time
before this disease is wiped off the planet. I'm taking the world
under my wing for I am here to protect the life on this planet because
I said so! I'm not in it for the money, I'm in it for the well being
of the future of the life on this planet which is why I gave up on my
own selfishness long ago to pursue the work you now see me do. I'll do
this even until the day I starve to death if need be. If the world
feels I deserve a better / monetary enriched life style, then people
will step up on their own accord and provide it with no strings
attached, if not I am more than happy to continue on poverty stricken
because it's not about my own greed / selfishness, it's about the well
being of the future of the life on this planet. I feel I would be too
much of a burden to put on any woman in a relationship, I'm pretty
confident that ship has sailed as a part of my sacrifice. What woman
would want a guy with nothing except himself to offer :) and with
himself comes literally the weight of the world on his shoulders? I
doubt there be such a woman but I don't blame any of you, I know what
the world is like, just so happens I got what it takes to keep mowing
the whole lot of them down with the greatest of ease as I have already
demonstrated. Doing what I do enriches my life and propels me to move
on ever stronger with passion. I am a factual fundamentalist. If
someone were to offer me even a trillion dollars to stop fighting for
the well being of the future of the life on this planet, I would turn
them down in a heartbeat.

the ignorance the religious exemplify towards respecting life and our
environments is a red flag representation for all those who do care
about life and our environments. It gets under my skin that this has
gone on for so long, and pretty much anyone who tries to do anything
about it get wiped from historical records or made out to be the
instigator by these ignorant selfish greedy low life's aka the

Religious = greedy selfish low life's who values lies more than they
value life and non contestable facts have easily proven this.

Members of Canadian parliament, I understand the constituency thing
however remember the government specifically pays me to share this
information with you. I'm likely the cheapest costing consultant
(am0ong other things) you ever had so you may as well put this
information to good use!

David Jeffrey Spetch

Ps. Be good, be strong!

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Palash Biswas
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