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Friday, April 1, 2011

Fwd: Fw: US-led airstrikes kill dozens in Libya 31 Mar 2011

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From: William Gladys <>
Date: Fri, Apr 1, 2011 at 4:35 PM
Subject: Fw: US-led airstrikes kill dozens in Libya 31 Mar 2011

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From: CLG_News
Sent: Friday, April 01, 2011 3:22 AM
Subject: US-led airstrikes kill dozens in Libya 31 Mar 2011

Breaking News and Commentary from Citizens For Legitimate Government
31 Mar 2011
All links are here:

US-led airstrikes kill dozens in Libya 31 Mar 2011 Dozens have died from US-led airstrikes in Libya as running battles persist between revolutionary forces and government troops on the outskirts of Brega. Opposition forces have returned fire with rockets and rocket-propelled grenades to shelling by forces loyal to ruler Muammr Gaddafi in the eastern oil city of Brega... The clashes come one day after Gaddafi's forces recaptured the eastern oil town of Ras Lanuf [better Qaddafi than Exxon Mobil and BP] and forced the opposition to flee further east.

40 civilians suspected killed in US-NATO Tripoli strikes 31 Mar 2011 At least 40 civilians have been killed in air-strikes launched by the US and NATO allies in Tripoli according to a top official of the Catholic Church. Reuters has reported a conversation with the Apostolic Vicar of Tripoli, Giovanni Innocenzo Martinelli, who has alleged the raids killed many civilian victims in various neighborhoods in Tripoli. Martinelli told the news agency that he had received the information from several witnesses, especially from the Buslim neighbourhood where a building collapsed, causing the death of 40 people.

Libya: CIA 'Cleared By Obama to Help Rebels' --Ex-intelligence officer: Some CIA agents had been based in agency's station in Dubai 30 Mar 2011 An US official has confirmed that CIA agents were sent into Libya undercover earlier this month after the agency's covert office in Tripoli was forced to close. CIA agents have been authorised to carry out covert missions to help rebel forces oust Libyan leader Colonel Muammar Gaddafi, according to reports. US President Barack Obama is said to have signed an order - known as a "finding" [for secret "all kinds of help"] - for the secret operations in the past two or three weeks.

U.S. intelligence source: CIA is operating inside Libya to help U.S. increase "military and political understanding" 30 Mar 2011 The CIA is operating in Libya to help the United States increase its "military and political understanding" of the situation, a U.S. intelligence source said. "But yes, we are gathering intel firsthand and we are in contact with some opposition entities," the source told CNN. The White House refused to comment on a Reuters report Wednesday that President Barack Obama has signed a secret order authorizing covert U.S. government support for rebel troops.

Libyan rebels massacre black Africans By Wolfgang Weber 31 Mar 2011 The opposition forces in Libya attempting to march on Tripoli with the assistance of American, French and British bombs are far removed from the image of innocent civilians fighting for freedom and democracy promoted by the media and political circles. This is made clear in a March 22 article in the Frankfurter Allgemeine Zeitung by Gunnar Heinsohn, the author of Encyclopaedia of Genocide (Rowohlt, 1998). Heinsohn cites a report by the well-known Zimbabwean journalist and documentary filmmaker Farai Sevenzo dealing with barbaric, pogrom-like massacres perpetrated by the so-called "rebels" against black African workers in Libya.

Turkey says arming Libya rebels could spawn terrorism 31 Mar 2011 Turkish Prime Minister Recep Tayyip Erdogan rejected on Thursday the idea of supplying arms to Libya's rebel fighters, saying that doing so could be "conducive to terrorism." Speaking at a joint press conference in London with British Prime Minister David Cameron, Erdogan said he had a "negative" view on arming opposition forces battling Libyan leader Muammar Gaddafi.

Obama not ruling out Libya arms 29 Mar 2011 US President Barack Obama has said he does not rule out arming the rebels seeking to overthrow Libyan leader Colonel Muammar Gaddafi. He said in an interview that Col Gaddafi had been greatly weakened and would ultimately step down. Asked by US media if he supported arming the rebels, President Obama said: "I'm not ruling it out but I'm also not ruling it in."

Oil climbs to highest since 2008 on Libya conflict [Obomba's illegal invasion] --Oil rises above $106 a barrel as pro-Gadhafi forces push back rebels 31 Mar 2011 The price of oil rose past $106 a barrel on Thursday as fighters loyal to Moammar Gadhafi pushed back rebels from key areas in eastern Libya. Benchmark west Texas Intermediate crude gained $2.04 at $106.31 in morning trading on the New York Mercantile Exchange. That's the highest it's been since September, 2008.

Obama Expands Bush Doctrine By Michael Rectenwald, 30 Mar 2011 Obama has made clear that the pretext for invasion of sovereign nations will not be limited to protecting Americans from "terrorism" and "weapons of mass destruction" as after 9/11 under Bush. Pre-emptive action will also be taken against threats to "values" and commerce. That is, Obama has expanded the Bush doctrine to include cases wherein U.S. commercial interests are at stake, not only its supposed safety. Of course, this is precisely what the Bush doctrine was meant to include, but Obama has expressed this fact even more nakedly than Bush himself.

Appeals Court Makes It Easier for Govt to Hold Guantanamo Detainees 29 Mar 2011 In a decision that will likely make it more difficult for Guantanamo prisoners to win release, the U.S. Court of Appeals for the D.C. Circuit today reversed a lower court's ruling in the pivotal case of a Yemeni detainee. In a 14-page decision, the appeals court rejected the lower court's ruling to release Uthman Abdul Rahim Mohammed Uthman, who has been held at Guantanamo without charge since 2002... Today's decision further clarifies that standard by declaring that the government doesn't need direct evidence that a detainee fought for or was a member of al-Qaeda in order to justify a detention.

South Korea holds drills in Yellow Sea 30 Mar 2011 Amid tensions between South Korea and the North, Seoul has staged a live-fire artillery exercise near an island where the two Koreas exchanged fire in November 2010. The exercise on Yeonpyeong Island near the tense Yellow Sea border began at 9.30 a.m. (0030 GMT) and was scheduled to last about one hour.

False flag alert: Threats Claim Nuclear Bombs Hidden All Over U.S. 29 Mar 2011 A number of days ago, an envelope, with a Chicago postmark and a hand-written address to her private investigations firm, came in the mail. The letter inside said, "The Al-Qaeda [al-CIAduh] organization has planted 160 nuclear bombs throughout the U.S. in schools, stadiums, churches, stores, financial institutions and government buildings." The writer, who claims to be Osama Bin Laden, tells the reader the nukes are remotely controlled [from Langley, Va.]. Agencies in Oregon, California, Texas and Florida also got the letter with the Chicago postmark.

MSNBC: Killer Whale Returns to Show: Is it (Not 3 Nuclear Meltdowns) Safe? By Lori Price and MDR, 30 Mar 2011 MSNBC has been reporting ad nauseum all day about the killer whale that killed a trainer returning to Sea World. (See: Whale that killed trainer returns to SeaWorld show 30 Mar 2011.) Meanwhile, three nuclear meltdowns, with radiation 3,355 times the normal levels, continue to rage at the Fukushima Dai-ichi nuclear plant Japan. Oh. MSNBC has also devoted numerous segments to promote their 'Will and Kate' interactive royal wedding website. "NBC networks will provide the ultimate wedding day coverage, with reports from more than a dozen reporters in London and a new royal wedding app for the iPad (iPhone and Android available soon)."

Japan nuclear crisis: Fukushima 50 'expect to die' 31 Mar 2011 Workers who have been fighting to bring the reactors under control at Japan's stricken nuclear plant expect to die from radiation sickness, according to the mother of one of the men. The so-called Fukushima 50, the group of around 300 technicians, soldiers and firemen who work in shifts of 50, have been exposed repeatedly to dangerously high radioactive levels as they attempt to avert a nuclear disaster. The mother of one of the men has admitted that the group have discussed their situation and have accepted that death is a strong possibility.

Japanese workers unable to mop up N-plant water 30 Mar 2011 Japanese workers have been unable to remove radiation-contaminated water at Fukushima power plant. The pumping of the contaminated water at Japan's Fukushima Daiichi power plant has been stopped due to reports that the radioactive core in reactor two had melted down. It is believed the core went through the bottom of its containment vessel onto a concrete floor. The contaminated water has been flooding through some parts of the facility.

Fukushima nuclear plant to be entombed in concrete as Japan admits it has lost battle with crippled reactors 31 Mar 2011 Japan has finally conceded it has lost the battle to contain radiation at four of its crippled reactors and they will be closed. Details of what that will entail have yet to be revealed, but officials said it would mean switching off all power and abandoning attempts to keep the nuclear fuel rods cool. The final move would involve pouring tonnes of concrete on the reactors to seal them in tombs and ensure radiation does not leak.

Radiation levels in seawater off Japan plant spike to all-time highs 30 Mar 2011 The level of radiation in ocean waters off Japan's embattled Fukushima Daiichi plant has risen to new highs -- measuring 4,385 times the standard -- an official with Japan's nuclear and industrial safety agency said Thursday. The samples, taken Wednesday from a monitoring post 330 meters (361 yards) into the Pacific Ocean, marked a significant increase from the previous day's news that the same I-131 isotope was 3,355 times the regulatory limit. Just last Friday, the radiation levels were 104 times more than a typical level.

High radiation outside Japan exclusion zone: IAEA 30 Mar 2011 Radiation measured at a village 40 km from Japan's crippled nuclear plant exceeded a criterion for evacuation, the U.N. nuclear watchdog said on Wednesday, the latest sign of widening consequences from the crisis. The finding could increase pressure on Japan's government to extend the exclusion zone beyond 20 km (12 miles) around the Fukushima power plant, which has leaked radioactive particles since it was hit by a huge earthquake and tsunami on March 11.

IAEA concerned about radiation in Japan village 30 Mar 2011  The International Atomic Energy Agency has told Japan that radiation levels recorded at a village near a stricken nuclear reactor are over recommended levels, a senior IAEA official said on Wednesday. Iitate village lies 40 km (25 miles) northwest of the nuclear plant.

Tainted seafood fears spread as Japan plant leaks --Concern over seafood spreads as record radiation found in waters near Japan's nuke plant 30 Mar 2011 Fears about contaminated seafood spread Wednesday despite [phony] reassurances that radiation in the waters off Japan's troubled atomic plant pose no health risk, as the country's respected emperor consoled evacuees from the tsunami and nuclear emergency zone. The seafood concerns in the country that gave the world sushi are yet another blemish for Brand Japan.

Radiation Found in U.S. Milk 31 Mar 2011 Tests of milk samples taken last week in Spokane, Wash., indicate the presence of radioactive iodine from the troubled Fukushima Daiichi nuclear plant in Japan, but at levels far below those at which action would have to be taken, the Environmental Protection Agency said on Wednesday. Radioactive materials in liquids are measured in pico-curies per liter, and the sample, taken March 25, showed a reading of 0.8 pico-curies, the agency said.

Japan engineers knew tsunami could overrun plant 30 Mar 2011 Over the past two weeks, Japanese government officials and Tokyo Electric Power executives have repeatedly described the deadly combination of the most powerful quake in Japan's history and the massive tsunami that followed as "soteigai", or beyond expectations. When Tokyo Electric President Masataka Shimizu apologised to the people of Japan for the continuing crisis at the Fukushima Daiichi nuclear plant he called the double disaster "marvels of nature that we have never experienced before". But a review of company and regulatory records shows that Japan and its largest utility repeatedly downplayed dangers and ignored warnings - including a 2007 tsunami study from Tokyo Electric Power Company's senior safety engineer.

U.S. Nuclear Power Plants Had 14 'Near-Miss' Problems In 2010: UCS Report 18 Mar 2011 A new report reveals that 14 "near-miss" problems prompting investigation at 13 power plants in 2010 may have been the result of poor oversight. The Union of Concerned Scientists (UCS) released a report Thursday examining the Nuclear Regulatory Commission (NRC) -- the [industry-pwned] government agency tasked with enforcing safety regulations at U.S. nuclear plants -- and 14 investigations it launched in 2010 in response to "troubling events, safety equipment problems, and security shortcomings."

Facebook shuts pro-Palestinian page 30 Mar 2011 US-based social networking website Facebook has obliterated a page that advocated a 'third Intifada (uprising)' in reaction to Israel's measures [against] the Palestinian people. The Tuesday move came after 350,000 people endorsed the campaign by 'liking' the page and many of its entries received thousands of comments, reported Ynetnews, the website for the Israeli daily Yedioth Ahronoth. The move came after Israel's Minister of Diplomacy and Diaspora Affairs Yuli Edelstein addressed Facebook's creator Mark Zuckerberg in a letter, pleading with him to remove the page.

Tea Party Activists Rally to Pressure Republicans on U.S. Budget Talks 31 Mar 2011 Tea Party activists gather in Washington today with a clear message for the Republican majority they swept into power last fall: Hang tough, or else. They're rallying on the National Mall, heightening the pressure on the freshmen they helped elect and other fiscally conservative Republicans to stand firm for $61 billion in budget cuts passed by the House last month.

Wisconsin union-curbing law not in effect - state judge 31 Mar 2011 A Wisconsin state judge on Thursday issued a terse response to Republican Governor Scott Walker's moves to implement a new law reducing the powers rights of most public sector unions, saying it had not taken effect. Dane County Circuit Court Judge Maryann Sumi had issued a temporary restraining order enjoining publication of the law by the secretary of state in mid March while she heard an appeal over the way the lawmakers approved the legislation.

Ohio Senate Approves Revised SB 5 in 17-16 Vote 30 Mar 2011 After the Ohio House approved an amended version of Senate Bill 5, the legislation went back to the Senate for a concurrence vote. Late Wednesday evening, the revised version of SB5 passed in the Senate with a 17-16 vote. Both the House and Senate are controlled by the Republican Party, which is predominantly behind the union-busting bill.

Ohio House Approves Bill to Curb Unions for Government Workers 30 Mar 2011 The Republican-led Ohio House approved a bill limiting collective bargaining for about 360,000 state and local government workers and requiring minimum contributions for health care and pensions. The House voted 53-44, returning the measure to the Senate to concur with changes it made. The Senate approved a version of the bill March 2 and Republican Governor [nutjob] John Kasich has said he supports it.

Poll: Obama's approval hits new low 30 Mar 2011 President Barack Obama's approval rating and prospects for reelection have plunged to all-time lows in a Quinnipiac University poll released Wednesday. Half of the registered voters surveyed for the poll think that the president does not deserve a second term in office, while 41 percent say he does. The decline in support for a second Obama term comes as his approval rating has dropped 4 percentage points since early March, landing at 42 percent - a record low - in the poll released Wednesday.

Food Inflation Kept Hidden in Tinier Bags 29 Mar 2011 Chips are disappearing from bags, candy from boxes and vegetables from cans. As an expected increase in the cost of raw materials looms for late summer, consumers are beginning to encounter shrinking food packages. With unemployment still high, companies in recent months have tried to camouflage price increases by selling their products in tiny and tinier packages. So far, the changes are most visible at the grocery store, where shoppers are paying the same amount, but getting less.

Longer jump for the polar bear --The maximum extent of Arctic sea ice before melting season starts is at its lowest ever measured by satellites. Without ice the polar bear hardly survives. 29 Mar 2011 Scientists at the University of Colorado have followed the extent of the Arctic ice cap with satellites since 1979. Never before has the maximum winter extent of the sea ice been smaller than March 2011, according to the findings published at the portal of the National Snow and Ice Data Centre. Climate scientists believe shrinking sea ice in the Arctic is due to global warming resulting from emission of climate gasses from human activities. Winter temperatures across the Arctic were anomalously warm this winter, reaching 2 to 6 degrees Celsius about normal in January.

Hold tight mum, I'm just drifting off: The otterly adorable dozing otters! 31 Mar 2011 There's nothing like a little snooze after you've had your lunchtime feed, but maybe this wasn't the perfect moment for junior to drop off. His mother - a rare white otter - ended up having to balance her four-month-old babe on her belly after he nodded off during suckling in the water. In the end, she carefully rolled the sleepy boy into the river where he continued to doze afloat on his back.

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