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Monday, July 5, 2010

Fwd: [bangla-vision] Why Agha Khan's attacks on an Islamic woman? RE: A sympathetic study. Why is Agha Khan against Islamic women? Resembling Qadianis in British support. ? RE: Ignorant fool//RE: A multi million dollar suit against Agha Khan. RE: Why

---------- Forwarded message ----------
From: kaukab siddique <>
Date: Mon, Jul 5, 2010 at 7:05 PM
Subject: [bangla-vision] Why Agha Khan's attacks on an Islamic woman? RE: A sympathetic study. Why is Agha Khan against Islamic women? Resembling Qadianis in British support. ? RE: Ignorant fool//RE: A multi million dollar suit against Agha Khan. RE: Why is Agha Khan hiding?


Agha Khan's reps, Zina Khan, Sharouq, Yes Sir Khan [all fake names] have been attacking a pious Islamic woman Sis. Gulshan.
Why? Because Sis. Gulshan left the Agha Khani religion and embraced Islam.
The attacks on Sis. Gulshan are in the language of gangsters and thugs. Agha Khanis have outdone Jews in attacking a Muslim woman.
They also attack  Sis. Gulshan's Islamic dress and then they go on to attack Islam itself. Zina Khan [fake name] claimed that two wives of the Prophet, pbuh, were not Muslims, which is a blatant lie.
Try to understand these attacks. The reason seems to be that Agha Khan's family and Agha Khan himself have been marrying KAFIR women generation after generation.
Here are some starting points for an investigation:
1.  Aga Khan III, married an Italian sculptress;
2. their eldest son (Prince Aly Khan) even grew up in Europe and eventually selected an English lady to be his wife.
3.  Aly Khan's son, Karim -  also received a British education and married an English girl.

An unbroken line of westernization and corruption: Here is why they don't like Islamic women in burqa.

"Thus, when the 46th Nizari Imam was obliged to leave Persia in 1840, it was natural for him to seek refuge in India, where he continued to use the title "Aga Khan" (which had been bestowed on him in Persia). His grandson, Aga Khan III, married an Italian sculptress; their eldest son (Prince Aly Khan) even grew up in Europe and eventually selected an English lady to be his wife. After the death of the third Aga Khan the title skipped a generation and passed to Aly Khan's son, Karim - who also received a British education and married an English girl. "


Supported by Kaffir and munafiq governments:


"Whenever a religious sect separates from its "parent" and develops along its own path, there is inevitably a reaction by the original authority, and occasionally even by some members of the new sect: such opposition can sometimes be powerful enough to destroy the breakaway faction. Helping to prevent that, however, was the very good relationship between the Nizari community and the British administration in India - which continues today with the present Indian and Pakistani governments. "




An unbroken line of westernization and corruption: Here is why they don't like Islamic women in burqa.

"Thus, when the 46th Nizari Imam was obliged to leave Persia in 1840, it was natural for him to seek refuge in India, where he continued to use the title "Aga Khan" (which had been bestowed on him in Persia). His grandson, Aga Khan III, married an Italian sculptress; their eldest son (Prince Aly Khan) even grew up in Europe and eventually selected an English lady to be his wife. After the death of the third Aga Khan the title skipped a generation and passed to Aly Khan's son, Karim - who also received a British education and married an English girl. "


Supported by Kaffir and munafiq governments:


"Whenever a religious sect separates from its "parent" and develops along its own path, there is inevitably a reaction by the original authority, and occasionally even by some members of the new sect: such opposition can sometimes be powerful enough to destroy the breakaway faction. Helping to prevent that, however, was the very good relationship between the Nizari community and the British administration in India - which continues today with the present Indian and Pakistani governments. "





Of the various sects of Islam, there is one which stands out as being somewhat different from all others: this is the Nizari Isma'ili community, also known as "Aga-Khanis" after the man they follow.

In what respects do they possess their own special character? To outsiders, they seem quite westernized. They have coeducational schools, and their womenfolk are not expected to wear purdah. In their congregation halls, females pray alongside males - on carpets which are separate but adjacent - denoting equal rank and status for the two sexes.

Many Nizari Isma'ilis never undertake a pilgrimage to Mecca (partly because they do not really feel welcome in Saudi Arabia). The majority of them, on the other hand, make every effort to visit and pay homage to the Aga Khan at least once during their lifetime.

Two factors have contributed to the distinctive lifestyle and beliefs of the Nizaris. First, their spiritual Imam, Aga Khan IV, is much more westernized than any other Muslim leader. Second, the majority of present-day Isma'ilis originate from the Indian subcontinent, and this heritage has manifested itself in subtle but noticeable ways. During the 16th and 17th centuries CE, for example, Indian Nizaris often deemed it necessary to consult Hindu texts as well as The Holy Qur'an (which is of course their primary Book); in fact even today a fair number of Aga-Khanis enjoy and derive some inspiration from the Bhagavad Gita. Unlike other Muslims, they sometimes sing hymns during their services, usually in an Indian language such as Gujerati. In addition, many Nizaris believe that reincarnation of souls is possible under certain circumstances.

Nizaris are Shi'ites insofar as they regard 'Ali as the successor to the Prophet Muhammed (Peace be upon him). Furthermore, they trace an unbroken line of Imams descended from 'Ali right through to the present Aga Khan, Prince Karim, who is 49th in the sequence. However, they diverged from the Sh'ia mainstream when they adopted Isma'il as their seventh Imam instead of his younger brother; that Imam's name is of course the origin of the community name "Isma'ili". (Later, the Isma'ilis changed their numbering system, and now regard him as their sixth Imam).

Thirteen generations later, this secondary branch split again, also in a dispute as to who should become the next Imam, with one group following Nizar, whilst the other recognized his younger brother (and eventually developed into the Bohra community). Thus, even though the name "Isma'ili" is widely used when describing the followers of the Aga Khan, it is better to call them "Nizari Isma'ilis" to distinguish them from Bohras - and also from the Druzes, an Isma'ili offshoot which flourishes in the Levant.

Another significant difference between Nizaris and other Shi'ites lies in their choice of festivals and holy days. For Nizaris, the Aga Khan's birthday and the anniversary of his inauguration are far more important than the 10th of Muharram - on which the majority of Shi'ites commemorate the battle of Kerbala and death of Husein, their third Imam.

A brief look at history illustrates how the Isma'ilis began to diverge from other Muslims over a thousand years ago (even if some of their early customs and beliefs no longer prevail). In the 10th and 11th centuries CE, Isma'ilis ruled the Fatimid Caliphate (named after Muhammed's daughter, who also became 'Ali's wife). Based in Egypt, at times the Fatimids also controlled Mecca, Jerusalem, Yemen, Sicily, much of Syria and most of north and northeast Africa - thereby becoming a serious rival to the other caliphate (which was governed from Baghdad). Furthermore, there was an extensive network of Fatimid missionaries, agents and settlements in 'Iraq, Persia and what is now Pakistan. In fact, during 1059 CE a pro-Fatimid general even managed to seize and maintain control of Baghdad and Basra.

There were extensive trade links (and therefore social contacts) between the Fatimids and European society. Even at that early stage, it was customary for women to come to Isma'ili assembly halls - possibly encouraged by ancient Egyptian tradition; (under the Pharaohs, women made a substantial contribution to local government and administration).

The Isma'ili reinterpretation of The Holy Qur'an gathered momentum after the founding of the famous Al Azhar University in Cairo. In addition, their philosophy was influenced by Neoplatonic (Hellenistic) ideas - due to contact with Persian scholars.

After the collapse of the Fatimid Dynasty and the schisms in the Isma'ili sect, not many Nizaris were left in Africa or Arabia. However, the Persian branch of the Isma'ilis supported Nizar's claim to the Imamate - so this country became the new center of Nizari activity.

From Persia, a succession of Nizari missionaries was eventually sent to western India. One of the most important of them was Pir Sadr Al Din, whose writings actually presented 'Ali as the tenth reincarnation of the Hindu God Vishnu (although modern-day Isma'ilis no longer believe that!) From the 15th century CE onwards, Sadr Al Din and his successors managed to establish a thriving Nizari community in Gujerat and Sindh.

Thus, when the 46th Nizari Imam was obliged to leave Persia in 1840, it was natural for him to seek refuge in India, where he continued to use the title "Aga Khan" (which had been bestowed on him in Persia). His grandson, Aga Khan III, married an Italian sculptress; their eldest son (Prince Aly Khan) even grew up in Europe and eventually selected an English lady to be his wife. After the death of the third Aga Khan the title skipped a generation and passed to Aly Khan's son, Karim - who also received a British education and married an English girl.

Whenever a religious sect separates from its "parent" and develops along its own path, there is inevitably a reaction by the original authority, and occasionally even by some members of the new sect: such opposition can sometimes be powerful enough to destroy the breakaway faction. Helping to prevent that, however, was the very good relationship between the Nizari community and the British administration in India - which continues today with the present Indian and Pakistani governments.

Nevertheless, in 1866 and again in 1905 there was a reaction in Nizari ranks to the changes being initiated by the Aga Khans, and to the manner in which (as living Imams) they were reinterpreting The Holy Qur'an. In the Indian High Court in 1866, the dissenters challenged the Aga Khan's handling of Nizari finances, but the British judge ruled in the Aga Khan's favor. The 1905 dispute also resulted in victory for the third Aga Khan. As a result, many Nizaris left and joined the Shi'a mainstream; in a way, that could have helped to "purify" the original community.

"Khoja" is another name sometimes heard when referring to Nizari Isma'ilis of Indo-Pakistani origin, but this can cause confusion because the 1866 and other secessionists also continued to call themselves Khojas.

The Aga-Khanis like to regard themselves as proper Muslims. When in 1974 the Pakistani government declared the Qadianis (a rebellious Sunni group) to be "not true Muslims", the Aga Khan realised how important it was not to be too different from other sects. Hence, in recent decades His Highness Prince Karim has persuaded his followers to swing back towards the traditional Pillars of Islam - so more Nizaris are now undertaking a pilgrimage to Mecca - particularly those who live in Asia or Africa.

Also, Nizari Isma'ilis no longer try and convert other people to their beliefs: in this way, they successfully avoid being labeled "troublemakers" - as the Qadianis tend to be regarded. At times in the past, however, Nizaris have certainly been victims of persecution - which explains why they are still reluctant to discuss their religion with outsiders.

With their acute business sense and extensive contacts in Europe and America, the Aga Khan and his community have amassed considerable wealth. Much of it has been used to establish hospitals, orphanages and educational institutions, and to stimulate economic and industrial development in southern Asia and East Africa. They also have a Cultural Trust which makes awards for outstanding achievements in Islamic architecture; they are involved too in the restoration and conservation of historic forts and cities.


THE ISMA'ILIS, THEIR HISTORY AND DOCTRINES. Farhad Daftary. Cambridge University Press, UK & New York, 1990.

THROUGH OPEN DOORS, A VIEW OF ASIAN CULTURES IN KENYA. Cynthia Salvadore. Kenway Publications, Nairobi, 1983 and 1989.

THE SHI'A OF INDIA. John Hollister. Luzac & Co., London, 1953 and 1979.

THE AGA KHANS. Mihir Bose. World's Work, Kingswood, Surrey, UK, 1984. (This book was attacked during a court battle won by Aga Khan IV).

In addition, there are many interesting commentaries in standard reference-books such as Encyclopaedia Britannica and Chambers's Encyclopaedia.



You ignorant fool!
Bite your tongue before you call me dirty filthy names.
First take a look at your own community what is going on.

Today your community is filled with whores, fornicators
adulteress, homos and lesbians, which we didn't even know
back home.
Our Ismaili community had the strict rules of morality just
like the Hindus in our former country.
If you don't watch your big filthy mouth, you will truly get
the deadly disease of cancer.
Go in peace or suffer with your fire that is burning you.

Date: Sat, 3 Jul 2010 15:35:12 -0700
Subject: Re: A multi million dollar suit against Agha Khan. RE: Why is Agha Khan hiding? RE: Africawalla likes genocidal book "Kite Runner." RE: Agha Khanis threatening rape on Islamic woman. RE: Agha Khan's boy could be arrested. RE: Sharouq is more Agha Kha

Hey unknown Taliban's son..... do you really think that any Ismaili cares that she left the fold???????
You are really fucked up in your brains.
Infact they are happy that a garbage shit like her is no longer amonst them and is now sucking the Taliban cocks.
They do not need dirty whores like that in their fold.
Now you are telling her to sue the Aga Khan????.............HAHAHAHAHAHAHA
For what??????
For her being a whore?????????

On Sat, Jul 3, 2010 at 2:50 PM, kaukab siddique <> wrote:
More of Agha Khani "love" language from "sharouq" [fake name].
Let's keep this on the record.
A multi million dollar suit against Agha Khan for defaming a pious woman will teach these gangsters not to be so bold on the Internet.
Notice that each Agha Khani attack is linked to Sis. Gulshan leaving the corruption and filth of the Ismaili community.

Date: Sat, 3 Jul 2010 11:32:56 -0700
Subject: Re: Why is Agha Khan hiding? RE: Africawalla likes genocidal book "Kite Runner." RE: Agha Khanis threatening rape on Islamic woman. RE: Agha Khan's boy could be arrested. RE: Sharouq is more Agha Khani than Zina RE: The Imam is the successor of the P

As I have said are fucking NUTS
You do not know what the fuck you talking about.

On Sat, Jul 3, 2010 at 8:11 AM, kaukab siddique <> wrote:
So Africawalla
You find Sharouq civil?
You Ismaliis are supporting Zina Khan [fake name] and Sharouq [fake name].
You notice that Agha Khan is hiding?
He knows that the global Muslim ummah will not tolerate attacks on Sis. Gulshan an innocent, pious and scholarly Islamic woman.
Sharouq is the voice of Agha Khan; that's why Agha Khan is hiding.

Date: Fri, 2 Jul 2010 12:55:31 -0700
Subject: Re: Africawalla likes genocidal book "Kite Runner." RE: Agha Khanis threatening rape on Islamic woman. RE: Agha Khan's boy could be arrested. RE: Sharouq is more Agha Khani than Zina RE: The Imam is the successor of the Prophet and the Vicar of God o

Hey fuck face Kaukab.........why the hell should I apologize?????????
She is the one who went around rapping young boys!!!!!!!!
You call her a pious woman......hahahahahahaa
same as you I guess!!!!!
Both of you are so very pious that when you go to the masjid the whole crowd just gets out of there.....hahahahahaha
Why are you writing on her behalf????????
why can't she ask her own questions??????
Because she knows that I will come out with more facts ......right!!!!!!!!
I have suggested to you both before......just disappear from this is the best thing you can do for yourself!!!!!!!!!

On Fri, Jul 2, 2010 at 7:09 AM, kaukab siddique <> wrote:
Africawalla wrote: "Read Kite Runner"
How ignorant can you get!
I have read it and it is a bunch of lies written by a Shi'ite living in California.
It's purpose was to justify genocide by America against Afghanistan and the Pashtun majority supporting the Taliban.
Now we know from where the Agha Khanis get their stupid ideas about Afghanistan.
Sharouq is behaving like the kuffar did. He writes proudly about his sexual exploits on the Internet. Which Muslim would do that?
Then he attributes his fornication to an innocent pious woman, Sis. Gulshan, who left the Agha Khani religion.
Do you realize what Sharouq's emails say about the Agha Khan and your jamaat khanas?
If you are a serious person, tell your co-religionists Zina Khan and Sharouq to apologize to Sis. Gulshan. If this is not done, then the ENTIRE Ismaili community will be blamed for attacking a pious Muslim woman.
Do you think defamation and abuse cannot bring the police to Sharouq and Zina Khan in Canada?
Kaukab Siddique, PhD
Associate Professor of English & Mass Communication.


Date: Fri, 2 Jul 2010 07:43:25 -0400
Subject: Re: Agha Khanis threatening rape on Islamic woman. RE: Agha Khan's boy could be arrested. RE: Sharouq is more Agha Khani than Zina RE: The Imam is the successor of the Prophet and the Vicar of God on earth

Calm down Kaukab.  Please see my response in red.

On Thu, Jul 1, 2010 at 10:26 PM, kaukab siddique <> wrote:
You are actually a bloody hypocrite.  What makes me a "bloody hypocrite brother.  I think your rationale is baseless.  However, I request you to be civil to me as I have not been uncivil to you.  If truth hurts, it is better for you.

ou dirty Ismailis think everyone is like you?

is identity.
I am not hiding. I am a law abiding citizen and everything is known about me. What is a law abiding citizen.  One who preaches against the country he resides in?  See, I told you your rationale is not right.
I am defending the honor of a Muslim woman. Is that shocking for the Ismaili community? If you want to defend the honor of a Muslim woman, why don't you go to Afghanistan and help those women who are brutalised by Talibans.  They pick up young girls from orphanage and molest them and return them to the orphanage.  Read Kite Runner, brother.  Go help those women.
Somebody who had consensual sex in Uganda cannot be helped in the U.S. Besides, she resides in Canada.  Let us see you put your money where your mouth is.  Go to Canada and defend this woman and come back with your results.  Until the Court rules in her favor and puts us in jail, you have NO LEG TO STAND ON.
In the meantime, save your headlines for the likes of you.  You are not intimidating us.

Kaukab Siddique
B.A. [Hons], M.A., PhD
Associate Professor of English & Mass Communication


Date: Thu, 1 Jul 2010 20:10:37 -0400
Subject: Re: Agha Khan's boy could be arrested. RE: Sharouq is more Agha Khani than Zina RE: The Imam is the successor of the Prophet and the Vicar of God on earth

Attacking a Muslim woman is punishable.
Even in  America you can be arrested.
Whom are you teaching the law, Professor saheb.  Physically attacking a person, constitutes assault, and that is punishable by law in any LAW ABIDING COUNTRY in the world.  However, attacking a Muslim woman or non-Muslim women in countries where women have no rights, e.g. Pakistan, Afghanistan, Saudi Arabia, etc. is not punishable by law because women are not considered people. But again in law abiding countries this is punishable by law, you are right.
Verbal assaults are also considered assaults whether committed by men or women.
So your friend Gulshan a.k.a. Pardah is equally guilty and could be punished!  And you could be punished for being an accomplice to a guilty party!  So be careful before you threaten anybody!
And in the mean time, does FBI know that you are a Professor in a University in the U.S. where you are promoting your brand of Islam and encouraging hatred against the west, especially the U.S.?
If somebody brings to the attention of FBI some of your e mails in this forum, you think we will hear from you again?
Enjoy your freedom, Kaukabsaheb while it lasts.
Ciao, Ma Salaama, Africawalla

On Thu, Jul 1, 2010 at 3:48 PM, kaukab siddique <> wrote:
Attacking a Muslim woman is punishable.
Even in  America you can be arrested.
Sharouq, you are a dirty dog of Agha Khan.
Go ask your thug leader for advice.

Date: Thu, 1 Jul 2010 11:35:31 -0700
Subject: Re: Sharouq is more Agha Khani than Zina RE: The Imam is the successor of the Prophet and the Vicar of God on earth
Kaukab, you and Meheraly have brought her in this and she supports your Taliban she is also open to attacks.
You keep on making up stories and if you think that people are going to believe you.......then I think that you need to get your fucking brains checked out.
Just look at the mails you 3 are receiving and then decide how many people believe your bullshit.
Your best bet is to just disappear from this forum.

On Thu, Jul 1, 2010 at 7:38 AM, kaukab siddique <> wrote:
Please pay attention to what Sharouq Khan writes.
It shows what goes on in the Ismaili jamaat Khanas.
This piece of garbage who calls himself Sharouq [fake name] is insulting and abusing an Islamic woman.
This is the "battle cry" of the Agha Khanis. They insult Islamic women but hide their own names. What bloody cowards, followers of a Parisian playboy!
Inshallah, they will be declared non-Muslims.
The ENTIRE Muslim world has a consensus that Abu Bakr and Ayesha come first, then Umar and Hafsa and then Usman and Ruqayya and then Ali and Fatima. [May Allah bless them all.]
So if Sis. Gulshan is not giving first place to Ali, r.a., she is on the right path.
In any case Agha Khan has nothing to do with Ali, r.a. How can a playboy with thugs like Zina Khan and Sharouq Khan as his reps be seen as a religious figure. The Agha Khanis have been blinded by Allah.

Date: Wed, 30 Jun 2010 11:39:08 -0700
Subject: Re: The Imam is the successor of the Prophet and the Vicar of God on earth

Gulli knows NOTHING about Islam............she never learnt anything except how to  get laid........
Now it is Meherali and Kaukab who are honking her and telling her what to say in their own Taliban way.
She is a KEPT woman now by these 2 ass holes.

On Wed, Jun 30, 2010 at 10:39 AM, Zina Khan <> wrote:
A troll like burqa raaani does not have any clue about
Hassan and Hussain...if she had any idea, would she have become a wahabbi slut ? No ! least she would have remained a Sh;ia of Aliyy !!!! 
The Prophet (saw) said "Hassan is from me" !!
They both were the Youths of paradise and they used to play on the lap of the Prophet - their mother Bibi Fatima as Zahara was considered the lady of was poisoned to death ! one was brutally murdered ! by whom ? ask yourselves ? by whom ?
Now she is trying to convince the world that some of the Sh'ias do not acknowledge all this - she is damn stupid !....she is just a piece of slum shit....mehrullah farts and she barks as soon as she smells his fart...and her "slits" begin to open up....

The A-hole Kaukab calls himself an Imam ! has barely any knowledge about the quran.....seems to believe his scholars will "annihilate" us in theological and juristic arguments....
Now what kind of an Imam needs fallible scholars whose hands reek of blood and murders, to help cover his dirty ass other than help him with terrorism ? you all can judge...
AT IIS the best scholars of the muslim world do their
research independantly...they write thesis....books etc etc...there is also an ongoing research on the quran...and if any of them is "stuck" anywhere the Imam guides them or offers a clarification if and when they ask....
At the time when Hazrat Ali took the office of the 4th Caliph of the islamic Umma, in a sermon presenting his credentials to the people he said...
In case any of you do not know what it means, please ask me !
One should therefore hold fast to the rightful Imams for the benefit of his soul,.
 The Quran says: "None shall have the power of intercession, but such who has received permission (or promise) from (God), the Most Glorious" (19:87) and also:
"And those whom they call upon besides Him have no authority for intercession, except he who bears witness of the truth and they (people) know (that)" (43:86).
The Imam is the mazhar (epiphany) of God on earth as the electric bulb is a device of manifestation of electricity, which itself is invisible.
The bulb plays the same role as the body of the Imam.
Thus, the Imam is held to be the manifestation of the divine light, which is ever-present in the world.
The Imam is the Proof of God (Hujjat Allah) to mankind and the Sign of God (Ayat Allah) on earth.
Ali bin Abu Talib is reported to have said: "God has no greater sign than me" (Bihar al-Anwar, 23:206).
The Imam is the successor of the Prophet and the Vicar of God on earth.
Obedience to him is obligatory. Imam Jafar Sadik said: "We are the ones to whom God has made obedience obligatory. The people will not prosper unless they recognized us and the people will not be excused if they are ignorant to us.
He who has recognized us is a believer and he who has denied us is an unbeliever, and he who has neither recognized nor denied us is in error unless he returns to the right guidance which God has made obligatory for him. And if he dies in a state of error, God will do with him what He wishes"
SAY; were the sea to be the ink for the words of my Lord, verily the sea would be used up before the words of my Lord were exhausted, even if WE were to bring the like thereof to help..." (Sura al Kahf )
Even Jesus has been referred to as the word of God (kalimat-Allah) (read Sura al Nisa) when God wishes to bring something into being, HE says unto it "BE" and it becomes and yes HE does so but not with a voice that is sounded nor with a call that can be heard because HIS speech is just one of HIS actions whereby a thing is endowed with existence.
 --- On Wed, 6/30/10, moderate53 <> wrote:
Date: Wednesday, June 30, 2010, 2:46 PM

Brother Kaukab,

In your haste and hatred you forgot to read and comprehend with open mind. Read again:  

"Noor of Allah they believe is present in every Imam".

Palash Biswas
Pl Read:

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