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Friday, May 14, 2010

Re: [indiathinkersnet] Nepal Updates: Six Days after Withdrawal of Failed Indefinite Strike: Maoists Singing New Tune?

Palash Biswas

Pl Read my blogs:

From: Sukla Sen <>
To: indiathinkersnet <>
Sent: Thu, 13 May, 2010 11:48:32 PM
Subject: [indiathinkersnet] Nepal Updates: Six Days after Withdrawal of Failed Indefinite Strike: Maoists Singing New Tune?


[Given the games, just not game, that the media play, it'd be prudent to wait a while before taking the news story at sl. no. 3 below with due seriousness.
Assuming, for the time being, the report to be correct; it's just not that the UCPN(M), or Prachanda, has significantly lowered the pitch, even if only tactically, of claimour for leadership of the "national unity government" to be formed, he has made two other significant comments:
He claimed plots were being hatched inside and outside the country to split his party. 
"Statute-drafting will not be completed even after the CA's term is extended as reactionaries are plotting," he added.  "Late Girija Prasad Koirala used to check them, but now reactionary forces have hijacked NC." 
We had earlier characterised GP's death as a "setback for Prachanda" (ref.: 'The Grand Old Man of Nepal Politics GP Koirala Passes Away!' on March 20). Not all liked that.
The talk of "plots" to split the party has serious implications given his publicly differences with Baburam Bhattarai and Mohan Vaidya. in fact, on an earlier occasion he had hinted that Bhattari is the Indian candidate for the chair of Prime Minister. So this could be a renewed attempt to forestall any such move. 

Coming back to his own claim to the chair:
"He [i.e., Madhav Nepal] will cling on another year by extending the Constituent Assembly tenure. Unfortunate for peace and the constitution."  
That almost sounds like a declaration of surrender. Maybe only to mount pressure to dislodge him. But nevertheless it's a change of gear, from frontal offensive to seemingly defensive move.

Whatever be the accuracy level of the news story, the very fact that soon after spewing fire and brimstone against the "intellectuals" in a public meet addressing the faithfuls for not supporting the failed indefinite strike to call a meeting with the selfsame "intellectuals" to virtually apologise is a very big climbdown. No doubt about that. Whatever be the purpose.
Only yesterday, we had commented:
A constitutional crisis is looming large. If by May 28, no resolution takes place and the UCPN(M) refuses to endorse the proposal to extend the term of the CA, evidently some or other "solution" will be found out by those in power. And that is sure to undermine the constitutional process.
If the UCPN(M) comes to be perceived as the main responsible party in the eyes of majority sections of Nepali population, the unattached ones in particular, it will stand to lose further instead of gaining by forcing such crisis.
With its track record of political acumen, it cannot be unaware of that (emphasis added).


Maoist chairman should put words into deed: Deuba
Thursday, 13 May 2010

Top Nepali Congress (NC) leader Sher Bahadur Deuba praised UCPN (Maoist) chairman Pushpa Kamal Dahal 'Prachanda' as a "fine speaker", but said that he can't still be trusted when it comes to putting his words into deed.

The former prime minister made this remark while talking briefly with media-persons in the capital on Thursday where he said the Maoists can't be readily trusted to fulfill the commitments they have made. "Prachanda is a fine speaker. He gives good speeches," Deuba said, "but he first needs to show that he is sincere by fulfilling the commitments he has made in the past."

While apologizing to intellectual, professional and valley folks for inconvenience caused them due to his public speech from Khula Manch (where he said "handful of so-called intellectuals who have earned some money wear fancy clothes and are writing and speaking against the people while there are petty kings in the valley") at an interaction held by his party with intellectuals and civil society leaders on Wednesday, Maoist chairman Dahal had said that that his party is ready to display maximum flexibility on not only government formation, but also on integration of Maoist combatants, dismantling the paramilitary structure of YCL, among other issues.

However, the same day he said that the ruling parties' insistence that the number of combatants to be integrated into the security forces has to be fixed right away is "a ploy to humiliate the Maoists". 

http://www.ekantipu kathmandu- post/2010/ 05/12/top- story/dahal- irked-at- govt-stance/ 208189/

Dahal irked at govt stance

  • 'PLA integration precondition humiliating'
The ruling parties' insistence that the number of combatants to be integrated into the security forces has to be fixed right away is "a ploy to humiliate the Maoists," UCPN (Maoist) Chairman Pushpa Kamal Dahal said on Wednesday. 

The Nepali Congress and CPN-UML are demanding as a precondition to a consensus government that the Maoist propose the number of combatants to be integrated. 

"It is not immediately possible to fix the number," the Maoist Chairman said at an interaction with intellectuals and professionals here. "This condition has a deeper meaning, it is guided by a remote power," he said, hinting at India.

He said his party was ready to complete the integration and rehabilitation of Maoist combatants within four months, before the expiry of the sixth extension of UNMIN's mandate on Sept. 15. The UN Security Council is yet to take a decision on the government's request to extend UNMIN's term. 

Dahal said his party was ready to disassociate combatants from the party's chain of command and bring them under the Special Committee for the Supervision, Integration and Rehabilitation of Maoist combatants. "We are ready to regroup those opting for integration and rehabilitation in two separate camps within Jestha (June 14)," he added. 

Dahal opposed the condition floated by ruling parties on transformation of the Maoist party into a civilian one saying that the issue had no relevance. He said the mainstream parties never raised the issue of the transformation of the Maoist party  while signing the Comprehensive Peace Agreement, promulgation of the Interim Constitution and the emergence of the party as the single largest one through the Constituent Assembly election of April 2008. 

Meanwhile, a senior non-Maoist leader said the signing of a deal between ruling parties and the main opposition scheduled for May 1 had been put off at the "last moment" after the former insisted on fixing the number of combatants to be integrated. "All issues were settled, the Maoists were ready to bring their combatants under the special committee but the deal was blocked after the condition on numbers," said the source. "After that, the Maoists took the tougher stance that they won't support the extension of the tenure of the Constituent Assembly unless the prime minister steps down." 

A senior Maoist leader clarified that his party was flexible about the integration process, but it fears the incumbent government will not go if concrete steps are taken before the resignation of the prime minister. 

The party is ready for integration of its 5,000-7,000 combatants into various security agencies and option of rehabilitation for the rest.  It opposes the rehabilitation package worth Rs. 250,000 per head proposed by the government. The peaceniks propose that the rehabilitation package should be worth Rs 500,000, but the opposition wants Rs. 1,000,000 for each individual.


Maoists mellow stance on unity govt

Has UCPN (Maoist) Chairman Pushpa Kamal Dahal seen the light? On Wednesday, he said constitution writing and peace process, and not leadership of a national unity government, is the prime issue.

Speaking at an interaction with intellectuals and professionals here, he said, "In an environment of peace and a new statute, we will accept anyone who can lead the unity government." This, at a time when his party has been saying it alone should lead the government.   

Dahal said he did not expect Prime Minister Madhav Kumar Nepal to resign. "He will cling on another year by extending the Constituent Assembly tenure. Unfortunate for peace and the constitution."  

He claimed forces were trying to fragment his party and keep it outside the government. 

He said, "We must create pressure from all quarters to topple this government and form one of consensus." 

He said he expected help from intellectuals to do so. Outlining his position, he said, "There are two forces — one for secularism, change, national independence, federal democratic republic and federalism and another that opposes these and progress." 

He claimed plots were being hatched inside and outside the country to split his party. 

"Statute-drafting will not be completed even after the CA's term is extended as reactionaries are plotting," he added.  "Late Girija Prasad Koirala used to check them, but now reactionary forces have hijacked NC." 

Dahal said his party was all for a commission on missing persons and a truth and reconciliation commission to make public the whereabouts of those who went missing during the insurgency. 

"We have to take the Nepal Army as well as Maoists into confidence while forming the commission," he said. Dahal also assured of disbanding the Young Communist League within days. 

He claimed he had averted confrontation in the country in the past one year. 

"Last year, I stepped down from the post of prime minister to avert confrontation. Again, we called off the indefinite strike to avert the same."

Dahal further claimed that "some forces" tried to repeat the Gaur massacre (where 27 Maoist cadres were killed) during the strike.

"Incident that were witnessed in Birgunj, Janakpur and other places where attempts to kill a number of our cadres with a view to breaking the peace process. However, we foiled these conspiracies by withdrawing the general strike," he said.

Peace Is Doable

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