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Saturday, May 15, 2010

Fwd: Six Nations Rep. alleging it is Canadian govt who owes them billions?!! Oh really!

---------- Forwarded message ----------
From: David Jeffrey Spetch <>
Date: Fri, May 14, 2010 at 9:45 PM
Subject: Six Nations Rep. alleging it is Canadian govt who owes them billions?!! Oh really!
To: P0liticalF0rum <>

Six Nations Rep. alleging it is Canadian govt who owes them
billions?!! Oh really!

The man I saw on the news representing Six Nations appeared to carry a
good congenial energy about him, however ...

I recently on the news saw this man representing Six Nations talking
about Canada land disputes and how the government he claims owes Six
Nations Approx. 80 billion and yet I never once heard him make mention
of all of the years these Six Nation have been using tax payer
services and living within tax payer communities without paying taxes.

So lets investigate how many people with status cars have been using
tax payer services for at least the past 100 = 150 years while those
with status cars have not been paying taxes and see how many billions
that amounts to. Then we can add up all of the tax dollars that also
went towards building structures etc. on these reserves. We combine
the two numbers then we subtract the 80 billion alleged our government
owes Six Nations from the total number then they can pay however many
billions they owe tax payers / government and transform the Caledonian
disputed land into a park for government revenue for everyone on both
sides of the fence.

What I'm really getting at is that I strongly suggest 1st and Six
nations both give up their land claims (keep some reserves for nature,
poor animals and wild life deserve a home) and start paying taxes for
governing services to help keep their future generations from further
falling behind the rest of the globe and suffering for it! I mean I
have seen over the years such heart breaking stories as children being
raised on reserves becoming depressed and inhaling gasoline! They
deserve better than that is how I certainly feel and yet it is up to
their chiefs etc. to wake up and see that if they had just chosen
governing instead of reserves through land treaties in the first place
these poor children would have a chance as all other children in
Canada have opportunities on even a global level and all of the
advantages of being a part of a governing system. We become stronger
together united as one instead of furthering our divides over
delusional ideals from hundreds of years ago still lingering. We are
all here in Canada together and neither tax payers or First / Six
Nations are just going to get up and leave Canada. It's time we start
living in the present and unite under one government or we can
continue wasting precious time and resources arguing and fighting
(lets not kid anyone it is without resolve in days of now) over
decisions made hundreds of years ago by people who didn't have a
portal (pardon my use of my imagination for description using portal)
to see into the future!

Start from scratch with a clean slate. Give up land claims and start
paying taxes and call it even. You can also call it David Jeffrey
Spetch's gift to everyone on every side of this fence throughout
Canada! I'm one of the financially poorest people in Canada and I am
going around handing out the greatest of gifts on a silver platter and
all because I care more about the world we live in than I do my own
selfishness and I get great satisfaction helping the world become a
better place for us all even though there are people being paid
apparently to do this job I have to do and because obviously those who
get paid haven't a clue how to do the job they are paid to do someone
has to and since apparently I'm the only one capable here I am. I
think by now our government has made that quite obvious as there has
been no resolve for hundreds of years until I stepped up to the plate
months ago saving tax payers billions and broguth to the attention of
First / Six Nations the importance of paying taxes for recieving
governing services! I don't know for sure but I bet our government has
taken credit for my work even though evidence of my work is all over
the net on the subject dated before they made any announcements. The
job is obviously not complete and since no one else appears to have a
clue within our governments I guess I have to step up to the plate
once again. I'm not asking that anyone else be as selfless as I for I
think our economies would likely crash if everyone were, I'm pulling
for people from Canada as well all around the globe to awaken from the
veils of ignorance to help the entire planet recognize that the life
on this planet deserves better and as you may now realize that vision
becoming reality starts right here in Canada!

I not only plan to unite Canada but one day the entire globe without
even having to set foot outside of Canada! Instead of wasting
resources arguing and fighting one another over greed selfishness and
ignorance, we can all recognize thus accept the facts backing the
claims I make to do with Canadian / global issues and progress
together in prosperity as a whole and be proud of our global
civilizations that in days of now are obviously not all that civilized
at all!

It certainly would be a great start if Canada wakes up and unites to
set and example and I call upon my fellow brothers and sisters of
Earth within the First and Six Nations to step up to the plate and do
their part. Lets make Canada strong together!

Oh and by the way I have always gotten along with First and Six
nations people on an individual level socializing among them. In my
experience the majority I have come across treat me with respect as I
have socialized with them, partied with them, made love to a couple of
them :) lived with them, went to school with them, even hitched a ride
with them. My grandfather was also born on a reserve called Parry
Island (I can't remember what Six Nations calls it)! We are all human
with minor differences like anyone on the globe is from anyone else
only we are all living in Canada. I love being a native of Canada
myself as it is a beautiful diversity of landscapes and I have
absolutely no desire to even travel to anywhere else on the globe. No
offense to anywhere else on the globe but as an individual this is
where I feel I will always belong and will willingly stay until the
day my body is ready to push up daisies.

As a matter of fact, once you guys are paying taxes and accepting the
benefits of integrating with the rest of the country I would love it
that if any or all of you guys felt that I deserve your support to
straighten out our democratic governments many flaws! I rather enjoy
slapping them around from time to time to improve Canadian and global
way of life while raising public awareness to the non contestable
facts backing the claims I make to accomplish this. Go ahead and
investigate me over the Internet.

Really, doesn't the thought of a fresh start and a clean slate for us
all as Canada (let alone the globe but first thing is first) excite
you with visions of a better future improving the quality of life when
differences are finally dealt with and time and resources are no
longer wasted arguing amongst ourselves? I feel amazing and free
thinking about that myself!

David Jeffrey Spetch

Ps. Be good, be strong!

Have a nice day!

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