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Thursday, March 25, 2010

US, Pakistan see new spirit of trust while India remains INDULGED in Chidambaram`s corporate war!Operation Green Hunt kills 90 Maoists in Chhattisgarh as Chidambaram say that US, UK should pressurise Pak to close terror camps!US assures Pak of securi

US, Pakistan see new spirit of trust while India remains INDULGED in Chidambaram`s corporate war!Operation Green Hunt kills 90 Maoists in Chhattisgarh as Chidambaram say that US, UK should pressurise Pak to close terror camps!US assures Pak of security assistance package!

Troubled Galaxy Destroyed Dreams, chapter 461

Palash Biswas
  1. Palash chandra Biswas's Blog at BIGADDA

    his Pakistani handlers in course of planning an attack in India has ...... Our friend SHEETAL Makram has posted his E Book on Refugee Problem recently. ...
  2. Bengali Politicians Did Everything to Destroy Us in accordance ...

    15 Oct 2009 ... Results include your SearchWiki notes for Sheetal Makram on Refugees in bengal. ..... Bengali refugees heading to India to flee persecution during the 1971 war of ...... The uprising received extensive assistance from the US Central ...... In 1976 the Maoist revolutionaries were overthrown in China. ... - Cached
  3. MULNIVASI Aboriginal Indigenous TRADE Union Global Must Be the TOP ...

    6 Nov 2009 ... I talked to SHEETAL Makram and wrote to VTR, the editor of Dalit Voice. ..... If the central government's desired objective is to use the money from ... What sort of free India was it to be, what would be the contours of its .... could be allowed to develop where Maoists can instantly mobilize a few ... - Cached
  4. palashbiswas - Friday, November 06, 2009 Entries

    6 Nov 2009 ... I talked on this from the Dias of India International Centre in presence of ...... Is central to the examination of any environmental issue. ...... I talked to SHEETAL Makram and wrote to VTR, the editor of Dalit Voice. ..... True, the Left is under great stress since the Maoists, for their own ... - Cached

  1. EDITORIAL - Dalit Voice - The Voice of the Persecuted ...

    According to such savarna manuvadi maoists India may be a subcontinent of several nationalities. But if any sensible Dalit ever dares to suggest that the ... - Cached - Similar
  2. ARTICLES - Dalit Voice - The Voice of the Persecuted Nationalities ...

    13 Aug 2008 ... Maoist Prachanda has become the Prime Minister of Nepal and this ... No wonder then at a recent Central Committee meeting of the Maoists, ... Snub to India: Meanwhile, Prachanda's fake maoists have decided to embrace ... - Cached - Similar
  3. Naxalite Maoist India

    6 Jan 2010 ... The Naxalite Movement in Central Bihar- By Bela Bhatia ... War With its People Anything goes against the Maoist insurgency in Central India ... - Cached - Similar
  4. CPI(Maoist) Documents, Statements and Press Releases

    press statement in memory of Dr. K. Balagopal by the CPI(Maoist) Central Committee ..... All democratic forces should raise their voice for his right to a lawyer and ... "Paper Presented by the Communist Party of India (Maoist) on the ... CPI(Maoist) statement on Dalits: "Observe Vidarbha Bandh on 8th December. ... - Cached - Similar
  5. Maoists Ripping India apart slowly « Pakistan Ka Khuda Hafiz

    24 Nov 2009 ... Maoists in India are breaking India from within itself, While Maoists cut ... The mine exploded when a Central Reserve Police Force party was on a .... Go and check 'Dalit voice' the same sort of comments which Mu-salman ... - Cached
  6. India: Challenges for Government-Maoist Talks - South Asia ...

    8 Dec 2009 ... One thing is clear: the Central Government has taken the initiative in ... Since the Maoists also operate as an all-India movement, ... This trend is being resisted in many parts of India where adivasis, Dalits, backward classes, ... the Maoists who have given them a sense of dignity and voice to ...
    www.sacw.netNational Interest vs People's Interest - Cached
  7. "Sri Lanka solution" threatened for Maoist-led uprising in India ...

    16 Nov 2009 ... Right now in central India, the Maoists' guerrilla army is made up .... This is the official website for Revolution newspaper, voice of the ... - Cached
  8. Maoism in India: Panic or Panacea? at Sanhati

    19 Jun 2009 ... In a recent development, Maoists have openly come forth to voice their ... in the form of 'levy', police and central security officials said. .... after the welfare of the marginal and displaced tribals and dalits. ... - Cached - Similar
  9. Rumours of Maoism « Kafila

    25 Mar 2010 ... The context of colonial India was also, in a significant sense, quite clearly ... of the adivasi voice into the voice of the Maoist vanguard. .... a dalit community, have led to the formation of splinter groups like ... - 10 hours ago

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  10. CPI(Maoist) « Kasama

    Earlier, five states across east and central India were put on a high alert as the Maoists called a two-day strike. One district in West Bengal briefly fell ... - Cached
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  1. Naxalite Maoist India

    6 Jan 2010 ... spokesperson of the CPI(Maoist) to EPW articles. Maoists in India : A Rejoinder · The Naxalite Movement in Central Bihar- By Bela Bhatia ... - Cached - Similar
  2. Naxalite Maoist India: From the Economic and Political Weekly ...

    30 Nov 2006 ... Naxalite Maoist India ... Economic and Political Weekly April 2005 ... The main achievement of the Naxalite movement in central Bihar is ... - Cached
  3. The Interesting Times We Live In: EPW Commentary

    31 May 2008 ... Petition Against Military Offensive in Central India · India: Protect Civilians in Anti-Maoist Drive – Human Rights Watch ... - Cached - Similar
  4. CPI(Maoist) Documents, Statements and Press Releases

    press statement in memory of Dr. K. Balagopal by the CPI(Maoist) Central ..... "Paper Presented by the Communist Party of India (Maoist) on the Occasion ... spokesperson for the CPI(Maoist), Economic and Political Weekly, Oct. 14, 2006. ... - Cached - Similar
  5. Maoism in India: Panic or Panacea? at Sanhati

    19 Jun 2009 ... This paper seeks to place the present panic over Maoism in India in ..... [23] Gautam Navlakha, "Maoists in India", EPW, Volume 41, ... - Cached - Similar
  6. 'Maoists have traversed through a torturous path': News

    22 Feb 2010 ... Our unified party, the Communist Party of India (Maoist), .... People's power is emerging in Dandkaranya (an area in central India, ... - Cached
  7. [PDF]

    The People's Union for Democratic Rights Sumanta Banerjee has ...

    File Format: PDF/Adobe Acrobat - Quick View
    EPW has been India's premier journal for comment on current affairs ... businessman, and Narayan Sanyal, a central committee member of the CPI (Maoist), ... - Similar
  8. [PDF]

    Public health budgets constitute a

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    august 15, 2009 vol xliv no 33 EPW. Economic & Political Weekly .... 1 Central health, FW and Ayush. 8438.12 8086.46 10733.54 10086.26 13081.82 ..... alliance with the Maoists. While the Communist Party of India (Marxist) has indeed ...
  9. [PDF]

    The annual report of the ministry of

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    by G NAVLAKHA - 2006 - Cited by 5 - Related articles
    Economic and Political Weekly June 3, 2006. 2186. GAUTAM NAVLAKHA ... Maoists in India. To advocate seizure of power and to work to change the world ..... When the central government speak of. Maoists obstructing development, such as ... - Similar
  10. [Reader-list] 'The Blitzerization of Indian TV' by Trevor Selvam

    29 Oct 2009 ... Greenhunt' and the conflict with Maoists in Central India. ... However, the two guests on this show, Mr. Gautam Navlakha of the EPW and ... - Cached
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  1. Rants & Raves -

    Arundhati Ray is NO Alice in Woderland.The Unprecedented Violence is the mainstay ... I have visited many places as known as RED Corridor in Central India. ... To all those bleeding hearts that justify Maoist terror , do you really know ... - Similar
  2. 2009 October 17 « Indian Vanguard

    17 Oct 2009 ... Who is the problem, the CPI (Maoist) or the Indian State? .... What has Driven the Tribals of Central India to Political Extremism? ... Prof Aswini Ray, Prof Rani Ray, Arundhati Roy, Monica Sakhrani, Dr Kumar Sanjay ... - Cached
  3. Victims of the Home Ministry? « Indian Vanguard

    17 Oct 2009 ... Who is the problem, the CPI (Maoist) or the Indian State? .... What has Driven the Tribals of Central India to Political Extremism? » ... Prof Aswini Ray, Prof Rani Ray, Arundhati Roy, Monica Sakhrani, Dr Kumar Sanjay ... - Cached
  4. palashscape: What Hell needs more? Central India IMMOBILISED ...

    Maoist violence in India remains a cause for "grave concern", ...... Media led by the Brahamins like Mamata Banerjee, Mahashweta Devi,Arundhati ray, ... - Cached
  5. Palash chandra Biswas's Blog at BIGADDA >> SALWA JUDUM All OVER ...

    21 Jan 2010 ... India launches Maoist offensive in five states! » .... The headquarters of the guerrillas is in the dense forests of Central India, named Dandakaranya; ..... Arundhati Ray article in outlook only Projected VEDANT in ... - Cached
  6. WTF // Current

    Arundhati Roy: "We May Not Need Peace in This Unjust Society; ... India's prime minister has called the Maoists the country's "gravest ... encounter with the armed guerrillas in the forests of central India. .... For all those writers who are mad as hell and not willing to take this anymore - there's a ray of hope. ... - 10 hours ago
  7. Maoism in India: Panic or Panacea? at Sanhati

    19 Jun 2009 ...Arundhati Roy, 27 March, 2007, Tehelka ... extortion business in the form of 'levy', police and central security officials said. ... This paper seeks to place the present panic over Maoism in India in perspective through a ..... D. Rai Chaudhuri [Jan 11]; Workers News [Oct 23]; Sankar Ray [Dec 9] ... - Cached - Similar
  8. India is 'losing Maoist battle' - Page 15 - RevLeft

    20 posts - 3 authors - Last post: 20 Nov 2009
    Sumanta Ray Chaudhuri, DNA, November 5, 2009 .... The film also presents the views of Arundhati Roy and Mahesh Bhatt, .... The government is waiting to re-assert its authority in the forested reaches of Central India. ..... The Maoist movement was born in India in the late 1960s, after a radical ... - Cached

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  9. Operation "Green Hunt" Launched in Central India against Maoists

    India's central government, meanwhile, has said tackling Naxalism is a ...... Strongly opposing the anti-maoist operation Arundhati Roy, Booker Prize winner ... - United States - Cached
  10. Vijay Prashad: The Killings in Bengal

    22 Jan 2010 ... Ray McGovern / Coleen Rowley CounterTerrorism in Shambles .... In the midst of this bloodbath, the writer Arundhati Roy told IBN-CNN's Karan .... areas in Central India where the Maoists have established themselves. ... - Cached
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  1. News results for US Pakistan relations

    Clinton hails 'new day' in Pakistan relations‎ - 4 hours ago
    US-Pakistan relations have been strained in recent years with the US suspecting Islamabad of playing a double game: pledging support for the West's war ...
    The Australian - 1136 related articles »
  2. PakistanUnited States relations - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

    India's decision to conduct nuclear tests in May 1998 and Pakistan's matching response set back U.S. relations in the region, which had seen renewed U.S. ...–_United_States_relations - Cached - Similar
  3. Foreign relations of Pakistan - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

    Jump to United States of America‎: The United States established diplomatic relations with Pakistan in 1949; reluctantly, at first. ... - Cached - Similar
  4. [PDF]

    Pakistan - U.S. Relations

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    human rights protection; the ongoing Kashmir problem and Pakistan-India tensions; and economic development. A U.S.-Pakistan relationship marked by periods ... - Similar
  5. [PDF]

    Pakistan-U.S. Relations

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    by KA Kronstadt - Cited by 33 - Related articles
    Pakistan-India Rivalry. The China Factor. Pakistan's Political Setting. Pakistan-U.S. Relations and Key Country Issues. Security. International Terrorism ... - Similar
  6. Reuters AlertNet - FACTBOX-Key facts in U.S.-Pakistan relations

    23 Mar 2010 ... Pakistan shares a border with Iran, with whom Washington has tense relations, particularly over Tehran's nuclear plans. The United States is ... - Cached
  7. U.S.-Pakistan Relations - Council on Foreign Relations

    An interactive timeline exploring the history of US-Pakistan relations. ... India and Pakistan at 60: A Tale of Two Economies. Updated 8/23/2007 ...
    www.cfr.orgby publication typeinteractives - Cached - Similar
  8. PAKISTAN: U.S.-Pakistan Relations - Council on Foreign Relations

    20 Feb 2008 ... What has Pakistan done in the war on terror? Why do critics say it hasn't done enough? What were U.S.-Pakistan relations like before 9/11? ...
    www.cfr.orgby publication typebackgrounders - Cached - Similar
  9. Chowk: Current Affairs: A History of US- Pakistan Relations

    The issue troubling the US was Pakistan's closer relations with China. The Indians and Chinese had fought a war in 1962 in which China had given India a ... - 17 hours ago - Cached - Similar
  10. [PDF]

    U.S.-Pakistan Relations TESTIMONY

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    The RAND Corporation. U.S.-Pakistan Relations. Assassination, Instability, and the Future of U.S. Policy2. Before the Foreign Affairs Committee ... - Similar
  11. U.S.-Pakistan Relations: Assassination, Instability, and the ...

    The dramatic events in Pakistan during the last 10 months,including the assassination of two-time Prime Minister BenazirBhutto, cast doubt on the future ... - United States - Cached
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Q+A-What business risks do India's Maoist rebels pose?

Reuters - Krittivas Mukherjee - ‎Mar 24, 2010‎
NEW DELHI, March 24 (Reuters) - Maoist rebels have stepped up attacks in parts of India this week in response to a planned government ...

Founder of India's Maoist rebellion commits suicide: police

AFP - ‎Mar 23, 2010‎
KOLKATA — A founding member of the Maoist insurgency that has plagued large parts of India for 40 years died Tuesday after committing suicide in the village ...
The last rebel Deccan Herald

Maoists kill two CPI (M) leaders in Medinipur

Oneindia - ‎29 minutes ago‎
West Medinipur (West Bengal), March 25 (ANI): A group of over 100 Maoists raided a village and gunned down two local leaders of Communist Party of India ...

Children at risk as schools become barracks in anti-Maoist war

The Hindu - ‎8 hours ago‎
Even as young girls from Classes I to V cowered in their hostel, Maoist cadre killed 55 policemen in an adjoining wing of the building. ...

Indian policemen die in clash with Maoist rebels

BBC News - ‎Mar 24, 2010‎
The rebels are fighting in rural areas to establish communist rule in a large swathe of India. More than 6000 people have died in the 20-year fight. ...

Maoist states asked to guard tracks

Calcutta Telegraph - ‎19 hours ago‎
... the CPI(Maoist) are not serious about their pronouncement of stopping violence and having a meaningful dialogue with the Government of India on various ...

Maoists as part of the solution

Economic Times - ‎16 hours ago‎
The Maoists are trying their level best to prove right Prime Minister Manmohan Singh's assertion that they represent India's biggest internal security ...

Maoist strike iron ore shipment of NMDC in Chhattisgarh

SteelGuru - ‎12 hours ago‎
It is reported that a 48 hour strike called by the outlawed Communist Party of India Maoist has hit iron ore shipment by India's largest iron ore miner, ...

Maoists kill 'police informer', ransack CPI-M local office

Zee News - ‎8 hours ago‎
Midnapore: Maoists killed a fisherman, suspecting him to be a police informer, at a village in the Binpur police station area of West Midnapore district. ...
Maoists kill former CPM man Calcutta Telegraph

Maoist shutdown hits iron ore shipment in Chhattisgarh

Sify - ‎Mar 23, 2010‎
A 48-hour strike called by the outlawed Communist Party of India-Maoist (CPI-Maoist) has hit iron ore shipment by India's largest iron ore miner, NMDC Ltd, ...

  1. Communist Party of India (Maoist) - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

    The Communist Party of India (Maoist) is a Maoist political party in India which aims to overthrow the government of India. It was founded on September 21, ... - Cached - Similar
  2. Maoist Communist Centre of India - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

    The Maoist Communist Centre (MCC) was one of the largest two armed Maoist groups in India, and fused with the other, the People's War Group in September ... - Cached - Similar
  3. Maoist Communist Centre - Left Wing Extremism, India, South Asia ...

     - 2 visits - 19/09/09
    When the Communist Party of India (Marxist-Leninist) was formed with the merger of several Maoist groups in 1969, one left-wing extremist group, ... - Cached - Similar
  4. Communist Party of India-Maoist (CPI-Maoist) - Left Wing Extremism ...

    The Maoist Communist Centre of India (MCC) and the Communist Party of India (Marxist-Leninist) People's War (also known as the People's War Group or PWG) ... - Cached - Similar
  5. News results for maoist india

    Q+A-What business risks do India's Maoist rebels pose?‎ - 1 day ago
    By Krittivas Mukherjee NEW DELHI, March 24 (Reuters) - Maoist rebels have stepped up attacks in parts of India this week in response to a planned government ...
    Reuters - 366 related articles »
  6. Video results for maoist india

  7. Naxalite Maoist India

    6 Jan 2010 ... Press releases of CPI(Maoist)Karnataka State Committee. History of the Naxalite Movement in India. Economic and Political Weekly Articles ... - Cached - Similar
  8. Maoist attacks put brakes on flagship Rajdhanis - India - The ...

    24 Mar 2010 ... Following an attack that derailed the Bhubaneswar-New Delhi Rajdhani Express on Tuesday, the Railways imposed a 75 kmph speed cap on all ... - 17 hours ago - Cached

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  9. India's Maoist dilemma: the case of Lalgarh | openDemocracy

    8 Jul 2009 ... India's Maoists are not a newly formed group and do not have any direct links with Maoist movements in neighboring countries such as Nepal. ... - Cached - Similar
  10. [PDF]

    The annual report of the ministry of

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    by G NAVLAKHA - 2006 - Cited by 5 - Related articles
    Maoists in India. To advocate seizure of power and to work to change the world is a legitimate project. Whether this should be through an armed ... - Similar
  11. Maoism in India: Panic or Panacea? at Sanhati

    19 Jun 2009 ... This paper seeks to place the present panic over Maoism in India in perspective through a consideration of the interlinking lenses of the ... - Cached - Similar
  12. DAWN.COM | Front Page | Faiz, Iqbal Bano resonate in India's ...

    Faiz, Iqbal Bano resonate in India's Maoist heartland. By Arundhati Roy Saturday, 20 Mar, 2010. font-size small font-size large font-size print email share ...,-iqbal-bano-resonate-in-indias-maoist-heartland-030 - Pakistan - Cached
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  1. Indo-Pakistani relations - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

    Plagued by years of suspicion and hatred, relations between India and Pakistan are ... Indo-Pakistani relations are grounded in the political, geographic, ..... Thar Express · Indo-Pak Confederation · Indo-Pak Joint Judicial Committee ... - Cached - Similar
  2. Indo-Pak relations have direct bearing on J&K: Omar Abdullah ...

    2 Mar 2010 ... Jammu and Kashmir chief minister Omar Abdullah said the relation between the neighbours has a direct bearing on the state. - Cached
  3. Indo-Pak relations

    4 Jan 2010 ... More than 60 years history of Indo-Pak relations is evident that hostile .... Indo-Pak relations. relation between Pakistan and India. ...
    www.articlesbase.comNews and SocietyPolitics - Cached
  4. J-K CM says Indo-Pak relations have direct bearing on J&K ...

    J-K CM says Indo-Pak relations have direct bearing on J&K. by Vijay Kumar March 02, 2010. Jammu, March 02 (Scoop News) - J&K Chief Minister, Omar Abdullah ... - Cached
  5. Indo-Pak Relations

    Indo-Pak Relations. Anatomy of Indo-Pak Summit · Agra Summit - Dynamics of Manifest and Latent Forces · The Summit that did not Fail ... - Similar
  6. India Pakistan (Indo-Pak) Relations : IN-DEPTH Coverage ...

    India Pakistan (Indo-Pak) Relations Top Stories UN military observers' role can be discussed with India, Pak: Annan Taking into account the positive strides ... - Cached - Similar
  7. Indo-Pak Relations: Viable Partnership? - ...

    Indo-Pak Relations: Viable Partnership? Reflections on the US Role .... and the development of the US-India relationship is one of the great success stories ... - Cached
  8. | 'Indo-Pak Relations Have Direct Bearing on ...

    2 Mar 2010 ... "The smooth relations between India and Pakistan have good effect on our state and bad relations create an adverse result. ... - Cached
  9. Himalayan Affairs

    War swallows Life! India and Pakistan, two nations united by history but divided by destiny, has travelled a long way in an attempt to bring peace to the ... - Cached - Similar
  10. Indo-Pak relations: challenges before new millennium - Google Books Result

    M. G. Chitkara - 2001 - History - 248 pages
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  1. India – United States relations - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

    The U.S.-India defense relationship derives from a common belief in freedom, democracy, and the rule of law, and seeks to advance shared security interests. ...–_United_States_relations - Cached - Similar
  2. Indo-US Relations and its Implications for Asian Security

    A dramatic transformation has occurred in India-US relations in the last decade. The interactions between the two democracies have expanded enormously and ... - Cached - Similar
  3. 'There is no slowdown in Indo-US relations' : Business

    16 Mar 2010 ... 'There is no slowdown in Indo-US relations' | Rediff Business News: Latest India business news, India Economy news, Indian stock market ... - Cached
  4. News results for Indo US relations

    US-Pak dialogue should not be judged only on civil N-deal: Pak‎ - 4 hours ago
    To judge the success or failure of our relations with the US or this ... He recalled that when the Indo-US civil nuclear deal was being finalised, ...
    Hindustan Times - 1135 related articles »
  5. India-United States (Indo-US) Relations @

    Indo-U.S. relations are undergoing a qualitative transformation. Cooperation and consultations have broadened and diversified considerably. ... - Cached - Similar
  6. Indo-US ties should not be at Pak's cost: Qureshi: ...

    25 Mar 2010 ... Indo-US relations should not be at Pakistan's cost: Qureshi. March 25, 2010 09:06 IST. Tags: Shah Mahmood Qureshi, Pakistan People's Party, ... - 14 hours ago

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  7. Bush administration boosted Indo-US relations : US - Think India ...

    1 Mar 2010 ... Hailing it as "one of the great successes of the Bush administration", a top Obama government official today gave credit to the former US ... - Cached
  8. Indo-US relations - Google Books Result

    Shri Ram Sharma - 1999 - Political Science - 115 pages
  9. The Hindu Business Line : Uncertainty in India-US relations

    21 Jan 2010 ... The India-US relationship has vast potential for cooperation in areas ranging from agriculture, education, infrastructure development and ... - Cached
  10. Indo-US relations should not be at Pakistan`s cost: Qureshi ...

    21 Mar 2010 ... Indo-US relations should not be at Pakistan`s cost: Qureshi. In an apparent reference to India`s stance that it can`t resume composite ...
  11. 'No slowdown in Indo-US relations'

    16 Mar 2010 ... It is refreshing to meet the head of a global corporate giant who speaks candidly, including about his rivals. W James (Jim) McNerney, Jr, ... - Cached
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Photo illustration of (from left) Heidi Montag, Ke$ha & Jesse James (; Snapper Media/Splash News; JCA/ZOJ/
U.S. Army advisor trains Afghan National Police in Kandahar province, Afghanistan (© John Moore/Getty Images)


Can't direct probe against politicians: Supreme Court

New Delhi: Refusing to order an investigation against Sikkim Chief Minister Pawan Kumar Chamling in an alleged disproportionate assets case, the Supreme Court Thursday said it cannot direct probe against politicians facing corruption charges.

A three-judge bench led by Chief Justice K.G. Balakrishnan said that if the court directs for prosecution it would cause "serious prejudice" to the accused.

"This court cannot sit in judgment over whether investigations should be launched against politicians for alleged acts of corruption," the bench ruled.

"If the Supreme Court gives direction for prosecution, it would cause serious prejudice to the accused, as the direction of this court may have far reaching persuasive effect on the court which may ultimately try the accused."

Petitioner Kungamina Lepcha, an opposition leader in Sikkim, was asked to approach the investigating agencies concerned in case he had any such grievance against the chief minister.

"The onus of launching an investigation into such matters is clearly on the investigating agencies such as the state police, Central Bureau of Investigation or the Central Vigilance Commission. It is not proper for this court to give directions for initiating such an investigation under its writ jurisdiction," the court said.

The court also questioned the motive behind the petition filed by the opposition party.

"Even if we were to accept the locus standi of the petitioners keeping in mind that allegations of corruption on part of the incumbent chief minister do touch on public interest, this court is not the appropriate forum for seeking the initiation of investigation."


My dear Friends,

I must thank you that Outlook is dealing the Plight of Excluded Land Scape as well as human Scape with so much so honesty as the Entire Intelligentsia,Civil society, NGO World bank Sponsered world on Fire, Brahaminical Zionist Media do justify the Economic ethnic Cleansing and Chidamabarm` Corporate war, it Exposes the EXTREME Violation of democratic norms, Civil and Human rights.

Arundhati Ray is NO Alice in Wonderland.The Unprecedented Violence is the mainstay symptom of US Sponsored Free Market democracy and the Economic Disaster named Economic Reforms. Budget Allocation of 1,73,000 for Infrastructure sector, 1,37, 000 for Government Expenditure on the name of So called social sector flagship Programmes do not relate anywhere to these EXCLUDED Communities. It means Blind Land Acquisition and Exploitation of Natural Resources. The Neolibral LPG Mafia is Nothing New as it had emerged at the very moment of so called Freedom at Mid night with Power transfer to Brahmin Bania raj empowered with Pune pact and Co Opted Creamy layer Politics. While the Taxation and Resource Management were loaded against the majority Eighty Five Percent Indigenous aboriginal Minority Communities, the Black Untouchables as the Zamaindars and Princes turned capitalists overnight and Nehru adopted Mixed Economy with a Socialist face with Complete Control of Indigenous as well as Foreign capital and Monopoly Houses. Fiscal policies were absent from the beginning and Monetary Policies were Targeted to cash Liquidity based on Borrowing and Government Expenditure which created Deficit Budget system which could neither Mobilise the Revenue or Resource nor Generate Employment while Indigenous Livelihood Crashed.

Urbanisation rate was Never less than THIRTY percent and it consisted the Slum dog Communities mainly belonging to the Aboriginal Landscape , the Central India who were DISPLACED en masses on the name of development without Compensation or Rehabilitation. SC, ST Reservation or Quota would Never help them as the most of the Aboriginal Villages were Never Registered as revenue Villages. The Tamil and Bengali Refugees rehabilitated in the Dandakaranya Project and else where Never had the OWNERSHIP of Land except in 36 colonies in Dinesh pur Area of Uttarakhand. Now, Unique Identity Number project followed by Citizenship amendment Act is Targeted to KILL whatever Resistance Possible as the CITIZENSHIP being denied the land losers remain in No status of defence.

The Majority Masses stand DEFENCELESS stranded in the Corporate War of Mr Chidambaram. Kapil Sibal has opened up all doors and windows of Knowledge Economy. Disinvestment and Privatisation make the Reservation and quota Irrelevant. SEZ created Hundreds of FOREIGN Territories within the Country. Scheduled area Emergency FUND NEVER Used. Scheduled Areas under Sixth Schedule always remained deprived of AUTONOMY. Scheduled Areas are Delimited to accommodate Land Acquisition. Agriculture killed with Green Revolution and Gentcally Modified SEED, Fertiliser, medicine, Pesticide and chemical Package. IPL generates Political capital with the involvement of Shahsi Tharur phenomenon amounting 1.42 Billion dollar which could feed all the School children countrywide for all the year round and which could fetch daily Rs 1,32 Crore from a MIS account in Post Office, if deposited.Political circus and cricket do not help our people in an UNILATERAL Civil war and Partition within partition Condition sustained as All Out Monetary Manusmriti Rule to feed the Killer Money Machine with our Blood, Bones and Flesh for SIX Decades Full. Our people stand Defence less as they find shelter in an Ideology of Violence in a country of Non violence as all the Ideologies Gandhi, Ambedkar, Marx, Lohia, Socialist failed to Express their Concern and commitment to the EXCLUDED Communities. No land reform and No social Justice!

Thanks ARUNDHATI who is emerging the leader of all Environmental Social Activists dislodging MAHASHWETA Devi who is rather Silent against the Economic reforms depending so much so on the Human Face of Mass Destruction. Provided N- Liability Act Passed, it would not need any Military Option as Bhopal gas Tragedy, Chernobyl and Hiroshima and Nagasaki would be replicated without any Punishment, Execution or Compensation.

Arundhati is doing the Most Important social service. I have visited many places as known as RED Corridor in Central India. I have no difference with opinion with Ms Ray

Palash Biswas

US assures Pak of security assistance package!The Obama Administration's goal is to provide a multi-year security assistance package to Pakistan, US Secretary of State Hillary Clinton said and termed the demand for nuclear deal as one of the several "complicated" issues with Islamabad.

US, Pakistan see new spirit of trust while India remains INDULGED in Chidambaram`s corporate war!As I have been writing that NO Democratic Process is ever Possible in Free market Democracy which is implemented on the very day of Power transfer to Brahman Bania Raj as ILLUMINATED as Freedom at Mid Night. Zamindar Intact and the Princes turned Capitalists overnight under Semi Colonial Semi Feudal Structure eliminating, Executing and Excluding Majority Indigenous, Aboriginal, Minority Communities consisting of Eighty Five national Human Scape as well as Land Scape and the Development Model was Called Soviet under Nehruvian Hegemony which later continued with post Modern Manusmriti Apartheid Corporate Colonial Rule in disguise of Free market US Sponsored Democracy in this World on Fire Ruled by Zionist Brahaminical market Dominating Immoral Impostors and super slaves to continue the Age Old Enslavement, Bondage and Inherent Injustice and Inequality. Arundhati Ray Single handedly Exposing the Extreme violation of Civil and Human rights in Central India Just see the Latest Issue of Outlook India!

Just see:

Kashmir is cornerstone of Pak foreign policy: Gilani

Clinton said she is working together to ensure that Pakistanis have access to affordable and reliable power, which is essential to funding economic development. Earlier in the day, Qureshi made a pitch for the civilian nuclear deal by seeking "non-discriminatory access to vital energy resources" as Pakistan struggles to overcome massive power cuts.

Secretary of State Hillary Clinton said on Wednesday that the United States supported dialogue between India and Pakistan, after Islamabad appealed for a larger US role on Kashmir.

Pakistani Foreign Minister Shah Mehmood Qureshi, taking part in high-level talks that the United States hopes will show goodwill, called for a "constructive engagement" by the United States on Kashmir.

"I was pleased to inform the Foreign Minister (Qureshi) that our goal is a multi-year security assistance package, including foreign military financing, based upon identified mutual strategic objectives, which would further strengthen our long-term partnership with Pakistan," Clinton said.

 The United States and Pakistan pledged on Wednesday to build a new spirit of trust after years of mutual recriminations, with Islamabad's top diplomat saying that US suspicions have now evaporated.

But officials from the former Cold War partners, holding a first-of-a-kind "strategic dialogue" in Washington, acknowledged a bumpy road lay ahead with the United States cool to Pakistan's more ambitious appeals for cooperation.

Clinton backs 'in-depth' India-Pakistan dialogue

Secretary of State Hillary Clinton said the nations were starting a "new day" with the dialogue, which the United States hopes will show the Pakistani public that it wants a relationship that goes beyond battling militants.

Pakistani Foreign Minister Shah Mehmood Qureshi was visibly happy coming out of talks, saying that US officials and lawmakers were no longer questioning whether his country was two-faced in its fight against extremism.

"It's a 180-degree difference," he told a joint news conference with Clinton.

"There were no more question marks, there was no suspicion, there was no 'do more,'" he said. "There was appreciation for what we had already done."

Qureshi also said that the United States would pay by the end of June some two billion dollars which Pakistan says it is owed for its role in past military operations.

President Asif Ali Zardari last year ordered a major offensive against homegrown Taliban extremists. Pakistan has also arrested a number of senior militants including the Afghan Taliban's number two.

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Operation Green Hunt kills 90 Maoists in Chhattisgarh as Chidambaram say that US, UK should pressurise Pak to close terror camps!On the other hand as Business Standard reports:

 Letters: Head-on with Headley
Business Standard  | 2010-03-22 01:40:00

India has once again got into a complicated legal tangle — this time, in matters of extraditing Pakistani-American David Coleman Headley, who has confessed to having done the groundwork for the Mumbai terror attacks. After the case of Italian businessman Ottavio Quattrocchi, an accused in the 1987 Bofors pay-offs case, the case of extradition of Headley is going to be another big headache for India.

Though Home Minister P Chidambaram has said that India will continue to seek the extradition of Headley from the US, it is by no means certain that this will be an easy task.

Hence, the Centre should keep on mounting pressure on the US government to bring Headley to India as soon as possible.

P Senthil Saravana Durai, Hyderabad

Pakistan's "friends" like the US and the UK should put "pressure" on it to close the terrorist camps operating in Pakistan, Home Minister P Chidambaram said, adding terror training must come to en end.

In an interview to BBC, he lamented that the civilian government in Pakistan has not moved towards reining in the ISI and likened Pak-based terror group Lashkar-e-Taiba to al-Qaeda.

Chidambaram, on an official visit here, said things would be better "if there is a truly civilian government in Pakistan which can rein in the ISI and direct the army and the ISI to move in and dismantle their terror infrastructure".

Row in India as Headley escapes death, extradition

"The camps must be closed. Training must come to an end", he said.

To a question whether he has seen any movement in that direction in Pakistan, Chidambaram replied "nothing so far".

Asked what he believed would persuade Pakistan to do that, he said, "the UK, the US know the answer to that question better. Certainly, we have not been able to persuade Pakistan. It is Pakistan's friends, mutual friends, who would have to bring pressure on Pakistan."

Chidambaram said it would be "naive" for Western countries to think that only India faces the threat from Pakistan-based terrorists.

"Once you allow these terror groups to train, recruit and be able to build capacity to strike, they can strike in India, they can strike in UK, they can strike in Denmark as they were planning out of the Karachi project", he said.

"No country is truly safe....Don't think that India alone is under threat. Every country is under threat from these groups and the Lashkar-e-Taiba today is like the al-Qaeda, a multi-country group".

India will act decisively if another attack happens: Chidambaram

About his reading of what happened in Pune, Chidambaram said, "Pune was a case where it slipped through the cracks. Pune was a target. There was specific intelligence shared by the Central government with the Maharashtra police and the government. The area, Koregaon park was under a security cover.

"Three times advisory was given to German Bakery and its manager's acknowledged the advisory on every single occasion but they did nothing. They did not even take the minimum security precautions. So, it is an unfortunate case that I would say slipped through the cracks."

He added, "As I said in Parliament, it's a blot. But the lesson is that when there is intelligence, pointed intelligence and advisories are issued, people must cooperate. shops, establishments, hotels, malls must take minimal security precautions."

Asked what had he learnt from Pune about the connection to Pakistan, the Home minister said, "Nothing so far has been brought to my notice."

To a question if he knew where the plot originated from, Chidambaram replied, "I don't know. The investigation is on. Unless it is complete, I can't comment on it."

More than 90 Maoist militants were killed and 12 terror camps dismantled during the government's anti-Maoist Operation Green Hunt, Chhattisgarh Home Minister Nankiram Kanwar said on Thursday.

"As many as 90 Maoists were killed and 12 of their terror camps were destroyed till Feb 27 this year in state's Bastar region under Operation Green Hunt," the minister told legislators during question hour in the assembly.

Naxals set ablaze rest house in Gadchiroli

The minister did not mention the date when the operation was launched in the state and also skipped a question from his Bharatiya Janata Party (BJP) colleague Devjibhai Patel about how many policemen were killed during Operation Green Hunt.   

When Patel pressed for a number, the minister said: "It's sure policemen are just a few... situation in state is far better now compared to earlier situation when policemen were getting killed without inflicting much casualties to the enemies.

US offers transport, energy help to Pakistan

US Defense Secretary Robert Gates, who joined the dialogue, told a congressional hearing it was "extraordinary" to watch Pakistan's growing realization that Islamic extremism poses an "existential threat."

But many foreign officials and analysts have questioned Pakistan's motivations in Afghanistan, believing it is more concerned about preserving influence than fighting the Taliban.

In Washington, there nonetheless has been growing unanimity on the need to engage Pakistan and assuage rampant anti-Americanism in the Islamic world's only declared nuclear power.

The US Congress last year approved a five-year, 7.5 billion-dollar aid package for Pakistan, hoping to chip away support for Islamic extremism by building schools, infrastructure and democratic institutions.

Clinton said the United States wanted to be a partner of Pakistan on a "full range of matters," while acknowledging the two nations would not always see eye-to-eye.

"We have listened and we will continue to listen and we want to demonstrate by both word and deed our respect for Pakistan's concerns and ideas and share our own. This is a dialogue that flows in both directions," she said.

Clinton announced that the United States would approve road and energy projects and let Pakistan International Airlines fly to Chicago. It will be the flag carrier's second destination in the United States after New York.

But the United States appeared cool to some key items on Pakistan's wish list.

Pakistan wants a civilian nuclear deal with the United States similar to a landmark agreement reached by India. The rival nations stunned the world with nuclear tests in 1998.

Clinton said only that the United States was dedicated to helping Pakistan "meet its real energy needs," pointing to 125 million dollars in past support for civilian energy projects.

Pakistan FM says no more US 'suspicion'

The United States has longstanding worries about proliferation from Pakistan.
Qureshi also sought a "constructive" US role on Kashmir, the Muslim-majority Himalayan territory divided between Pakistan and India since the subcontinent's partition.

The United States has walked a fine line as it also builds relations with India, which considers Kashmir a domestic issue. India has said it is willing to discuss all issues on Kashmir except redrawing boundaries.

Former State Department official Marvin Weinbaum, now a scholar at the Middle East Institute, sensed US attitudes were changing on Pakistan since Zardari made good on threats to attack militant strongholds.

Despite longstanding concerns about Pakistan's Inter-Services Intelligence, the spy agency's chief Lieutenant General Ahmed Shuja Pasha has won trust in Washington, Weinbaum said.

"I don't think people's suspicions about Pakistan have gone away, but I think there is a new willingness to give them the benefit of the doubt," he said.

ONGC, partners bag 17 blocks under Nelp-VIII
BS Reporter  | 2010-03-20 01:20:00

State-run Oil and Natural Gas Corp (ONGC) walked away with more than half of the 33 oil and gas blocks awarded to successful bidders of the recently-concluded eighth round of auction under the New Exploration Licensing Policy (Nelp).

The Cabinet Committee on Economic Affairs (CCEA) approved the award of 33 of the 36 exploration areas that were bid under the Nelp round, which closed on October 12, Home Minister P Chidambaram told reporters today.

Of the 70 blocks offered under Nelp-VIII, only 36 attracted bids, with ONGC and partners bidding for 25 — the maximum. The state-owned company and its partner won 17 areas.

Dearness allowance
The Union Cabinet today decided to release an additional instalment of dearness allowance (DA) to central government employees and dearness relief (DR) to pensioners, with effect from January 1, 2010. This represents an increase of 8 per cent over the existing rate of 27 per cent of the basic pay/pension and aims to compensate for price rise.

AIIMS-like institution
The Cabinet also approved the Revised Cost Estimates (RCE) to set up six new institutions like the All India Institute of Medical Sciences (AIIMS) and upgrade 13 existing government medical colleges.

CCEA had earlier approved Rs 3,975 crore for the scheme and, with the additional funds, the total outlay now stands at Rs 9,307 crore.

The new institutions or upgraded facilities in the existing medical colleges would provide tertiary health care facilities under the Pradhan Mantri Gram Swashthya Suraksha Yojana.

Due to changes in the cost and scope of the works, the requirement of funds has trebled, which necessitated a fresh Cabinet approval.

Population register
It also approved the creation of National Population Register of usual residents of the country. The project would cover an estimated population of 1.2 billion and the total cost of the scheme is Rs 3,539.24 crore.

US is bound by Extradition Treaty, says Solicitor General
2010-03-24 21:20:00
Last Updated: 2010-03-25 00:10:16

New Delhi: With the US ruling out handing over of David Headley to India, Solicitor General Gopal Subramanium has asked the government to act tough and settle for nothing less than his extradition, arguing that a plea bargain cannot be a substitute an international treaty.

Subramanium, whose advice was sought by the Home Ministry on Headley case, has underlined that the US was under obligation to hand over the Lashkar-e Taiba operative as the Extradition Treaty between the US and India was binding on the two countries as per international covenants, sources said.

No U-turn by US on direct access to Headley, says PC

The argument of plea bargaining can't be a substitute for an international extradition treaty as the latter would always prevail over domestic laws, Subramanium told the Ministry in a meeting last night.

The law officer has advised the government that Headley, the 49-year-old terrorist who has admitted to plotting the audacious Mumbai terror attack, once extradited to India should be subject to sustained interrogation to ensure that sufficient material evidence was gathered to ensure his prosecution in India independently out of the proceedings being conducted in the US.

Under the plea bargain, India can have access to the terrorist through deposition, video conferencing or Letters Rogatory.

US doesn't want to expose Pakistan's terror links: BJP

The US has, however, refused to extradite Headley and made it clear that no decision had been taken on giving India a direct access to him.

Headley had last week pleaded guilty to all the 12 terror charges of conspiracy involving bombing public places in India, murdering and maiming persons and providing material support to foreign terrorist plots and Pakistan-based LeT besides aiding and abetting the murder of six US citizens in the 26/11 attacks that killed 166 people.

Headley was arrested by the FBI in October last year.

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27 Nov 2008 ... Wave of Terror Attacks Strikes India's Mumbai, Killing at Least 82, Several
sites in Mumbai, India's financial capital, were hit Wednesday ...,2933,4578
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30 Nov 2008 ... Report: Mumbai Terror Attack Aimed to Kill 5000 People, Indian police have heard
the first full account of what led up to the devastating ...,2933,4592
IBNLive Features - Mumbai Terror Attack | Mumbai (Bombay) Blasts ...
Watch full coverage of terror attack in Mumbai. A complete coverage of Mumbai
blasts in the night of horror, one of the most heinous terror attacks in ...
Business Standard :: India-Pakistan Tensions
28 Nov 2009 ... One year after the dastardly terrorist attack in Mumbai, he is the only
government functionary who has been held accountable and punished. ...
A year on from Mumbai terror attack, city is fearful but defiant ...
26 Nov 2009 ... Indian city will come to a halt to mark anniversary of massacre by Pakistani
militants that left nearly 180 dead.
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Indian railway police rehearse for first anniversary commemorations of the
Mumbai terror attacks 25 Nov 2009: Men accused of planning and helping carry out

Stop Encounter Killings In The Name Of Countering Maoism!

Public Statment

23 March, 2010

We, the undersigned, strongly condemn the recent killings of senior CPI (Maoist) leaders Sakhamuri Appa Rao and S. Kondal Reddy in 'encounters' by the Andhra Pradesh police.

While the AP police have claimed that they were killed in gun battles in two different incidents in Prakasam and Warangal districts, there are strong grounds to believe that the two Maoist leaders were first arrested in Maharashtra, taken back to AP and then shot in cold blood.

The use of assassination, kidnapping and torture by the forces of the Indian State to contain the Maoist insurgency is not new or surprising but remains even now, as before, an illegal, immoral and reprehensible strategy.

Firstly, the use of such methods by the Indian police, paramilitary forces or army - under whatever pretext- go against basic provisions of the Indian Constitution and puts them on par with ordinary criminals or even terrorists. The fact that the Maoists do not believe in the Indian Constitution does not mean the Indian government should also abandon its commitment to the only consensus document that gives it its own legitimacy. The Indian State has a duty to uphold the Constitution, irrespective of the opponents it faces, and failure to do so robs it of its entire claim to represent 'Indian law'.

Secondly, there is enough evidence to show that the use of such dirty methods, once justified by the political masters, unfortunately becomes a bad habit making the Indian security forces a threat to the lives of millions of ordinary Indian citizens. The fact that India has one of the world's highest numbers of custodial deaths and ranks extremely high in the list of countries using torture is testimony to this dubious phenomenon. The people at the receiving end of such violations of law by the Indian State on a day-to-day basis are the Dalit, Adivasi, Muslim, poor communities as also the people of Kashmir and the North-East and this is completely unacceptable.

We demand that the Home Minister of India and the Indian government put an immediate end to the use of abduction, torture and fake encounter killings to tackle the Maoist and other armed insurgencies. Lawless governance and impunity for wrongdoers in uniform leads to loss of faith in democracy. The institutional failures that give rise to insurgencies also need to be understood and tackled in a political manner for any lasting solutions.

A.Marx, Academic/Activist, Chennai

Bhaskar Vishwanathan, Activist, Chennai

Amit Bhaduri, Economist, New Delhi

Dilip Simeon, Academic/Activist, New Delhi

Satya Sivaraman, Journalist, New Delhi

Aseem Srivastava, Economist, New Delhi

Amit Sengupta, Journalist, New Delhi
Rabin Chakrabarty, Academic/Activist, Kolkata

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U.S. officials push for 'hot pursuit' plan in Pakistan

By Elliot Blair Smith, USA TODAY

ISLAMABAD, Pakistan — A congressional delegation has urged Pakistani President Pervez Musharraf to allow U.S. forces to engage in "hot pursuit" of al-Qaeda and Taliban forces if they flee into his country from Afghanistan.

Sen. Bill Nelson, D-Fla., said Monday that a delegation that visited Pakistan last week "pressed President Musharraf and other high-ranking officials in Islamabad about the question of hot pursuit." Nelson said the lawmakers insisted "that we see hot pursuit approved."

The suggestion that U.S. troops might have to pursue fleeing enemy fighters into Pakistan was first raised March 20 by the top U.S. commander in Afghanistan, Maj. Gen. Franklin Hagenbeck. At that time, Pakistani officials neither rejected nor accepted the idea, even though any strong military action by U.S. troops here could endanger the Musharraf government by inflaming extremists.

Nelson said neither Musharraf nor other Pakistani officials with whom members of Congress met rejected outright the idea of allowing U.S. forces to pursue enemy fighters into Pakistan.

But since Hagenbeck first raised the issue, Pakistani officials have publicly cited the arrest of about 300 suspected al-Qaeda and Taliban fighters, most at the border, as evidence that security in Pakistan is adequate. Maj. Gen. Rashid Qureshi, the government's chief spokesman, said last week that Pakistan had "sealed its border."

Other government officials repeated that view Monday. At a news briefing, Foreign Minister Abdul Sattar said, "There has been no need for U.S. forces to cross from the Afghanistan side into Pakistan territory."

U.S. military commanders in Afghanistan, however, have been frustrated over what they see as the ability of Taliban fighters and al-Qaeda terrorists to slip across the border at will.

There is evidence that at least some al-Qaeda and Taliban members made that crossing, and then moved farther into Pakistan. A U.S.-directed police raid of Islamic fundamentalist strongholds Thursday and Friday in two eastern Pakistan cities resulted in the arrest of at least 60 suspected al-Qaeda and Taliban fighters, including about 20 Arab nationals. On Monday, a large cache of weapons smuggled from Afghanistan was found in Peshawar, Pakistan, near the border.

Nelson said that after his visits last week to Afghanistan and this country, "it became apparent to me that for our military to be successful we are going to have to be able to pursue them across the border."

Nelson, a member of the Senate Armed Services Committee, is part of a congressional delegation led by Sen. Richard Shelby, R-Ala., vice chairman of the Senate Select Committee on Intelligence, that is visiting several countries in South Asia and the Middle East.

Speaking from India, Nelson said, "I think we have to give our military the tools it needs to finish the job. If it needs hot pursuit over the border, so be it. I liken it to Bonnie and Clyde robbing banks and crossing the county line where the sheriff could not apprehend them," Nelson said.


Osama issues fresh threats to US if 9/11 mastermind executed

Dubai: World's most wanted terrorist, Osama bin Laden on Thursday warned that al-Qaeda will kill American soldiers if the self-confessed mastermind of the 9/11 attacks Khalid Sheikh Mohammed is executed.

Osama issues fresh threats

"The day America will take such decision [to execute Khalid Mohamed and any others] it would have taken a decision to execute whoever we capture," Bin Laden said in the latest audio record, broadcast on Al-Jazeera.

He also said that US president Barack Obama was "following the footsteps of his predecessor", a reference to George Bush, the former US president.

"The politicians in the White House were practicing injustice against us and still they are. Especially by supporting Israel in its continuous occupation of Palestine.

"They used to think that America across the oceans is protected from the rage of the oppressed until our reaction was loudly heard at your home on the 9/11 with God's help," he said in the recording.


Under-fire Raghuvanshi removed as ATS chief

Mumbai: Additional Director General K P Raghuvanshi was today removed as the head of Maharashtra Anti-Terrorism Squad, days after he was criticised by the Centre for disclosing some information following the arrest of two suspected terrorists here.

He will be replaced by Joint Commissioner of Police (Crime) Rakesh Maria, a Home Department source said. "Raghuvanshi has been relieved of the responsibilities of the ATS chief. Joint Police Commissioner Maria will take over," the source said.

Raghuvanshi has been transferred as Additional Director General (Law and Order). Maria met Home Minister R R Patil after the reshuffle. The Union Home Ministry had come down heavily on Raghuvanshi for disclosing "more than sufficient" information to the media after the arrest a few days ago of two terror suspects who, police said, were planning to attack ONGC office and shopping centres in the metropolis.

Joint Police Commissioner (Law and Order) Himanshu Roy is likely to replace Maria. The Maharashtra government had last week said it would discuss possible action against Raghuvanshi.

Chief Minister Ashok Chavan had said though the state government has not received any directive regarding Raghuvanshi, he was aware that the Centre was unhappy with the way certain information was given away soon after the arrests.

Raghuvanshi was appointed the ATS chief on June 11 last year after the Bombay High Court pulled up the authorities over the crucial body remaining headless since the killing of Hemant Karkare in 26/11 terror attacks.

A 1980 batch IPS officer, Raghuvanshi was the first to head the ATS when it was formed in 2004. Earlier, he had worked with CBI for a brief period.

Source: Agencies


ISI pressurising Indian terror suspects to launch attacks

New Delhi/Karachi: Indian terror suspects who are enjoying the patronage of Pakistan's ISI are being pressurised to launch terror attacks in the country.

Official sources said many terrorists who have been given protection for quite a number of years have been asked to prove their worth or face consequences.

This was revealed during investigations into the alleged plans of Sikh militant group Babbar Khalsa International men to plant a bomb in the national capital and Himachal Pradesh.

Sources said the men were being provided directions by Pakistan-based Wadhwa Singh and Parminder Singh, who figure in dossier of wanted terrorists passed to Pakistan recently.

"The men have been provided cover for so long. There are no free lunches in the world. They have to show their worth to enjoy the shelter of the ISI," a source said. He said attempts are being made by certain men to re-group and launch attacks on country's stability.

Sources said that with Commonwealth Games scheduled later this year, the terror groups being provided all help by ISI are under more pressure to launch attacks but are jittery over busting of various modules by police across the country.

They said the efforts are to launch an attack and try to project the country as unsafe before the Games. They said the strategy would be to launch an attack through various groups based here rather than by those from outside the country.

Incidentally, on Wednesday, hundreds of armed militants including top LeT commander Abdul Wahid Kashmiri and Hizb-ul-Mujahideen chief Syed Salahuddin had gathered in Kotli town of Pakistan occupied Kashmir (PoK) vowing to wage 'jihad' against India.

Afghan Taliban chief's close aide arrested in Karachi

A close aide of Taliban leader Mullah Mohammed Omar and former governor of Afghanistan's Oruzgan province, Abdul Hai Salik, was arrested here Thursday, a media report said.

Salik and one of his associates, Zaki Izzat Mohammad, were arrested in Karachi's Sohrab Goath area, Aaj News reported.

While Salik is the alleged mastermind behind attacks against US and NATO forces, Mohammad is one the richest men in Egypt and is allegedly involved in financing the Al Qaeda terrorist network, the report said.

The report further said that Mullah Omar himself may be in Karachi, according to British and US intelligence.

Earlier this month, Pakistani security forces in Karachi detained Taliban's political and military strategist, Agha Jan, and five of his aides.

In February, Afghan Taliban's number two, Mullah Abdul Ghani Baradar, was arrested from a Karachi madrassa, while another Taliban leader, Mullah Mohammad Younis, was also arrested recently.

Pakistan – United States relations

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United States – Pakistan relations
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Pakistan – United States relations are the relations between the Islamic Republic of Pakistan and the United States of America. The United States established diplomatic relations with Pakistan started on October 20, 1947. The relationship since then was based primarily on U.S. economic and military assistance to Pakistan. Pakistan is a Major non-NATO ally of the United States.



[edit] Military pacts and suspension of aid

Pakistan's partnership in the Baghdad Pact, CENTO and SEATO strengthened relations between the two nations. At the time, its relationship with the U.S. was so close and friendly that it was called the United States' "most-allied ally" in Asia. The U.S. suspension of military assistance during the 1965 Pakistan-India war generated a widespread feeling in Pakistan that the United States was not a reliable ally. Even though the United States suspended military assistance to both countries involved in the conflict, the suspension of aid affected Pakistan much more severely. Gradually, relations improved and arms sales were renewed in 1975. Then, in April 1979, the United States cut off economic assistance to Pakistan, except food assistance, as required under the Symington Amendment to the U.S. Foreign Assistance Act of 1961, due to concerns about Pakistan's nuclear program.

[edit] Soviet invasion of Afghanistan

The Soviet invasion of Afghanistan in December 1979 highlighted the common interest of Pakistan and the United States in peace and stability in South Asia. In 1981, Pakistan and the United States agreed on a $3.2 billion military and economic assistance program aimed at helping Pakistan deal with the heightened threat to security in the region and its economic development needs. With U.S. assistance – in the largest covert operation in history – Pakistan armed and supplied anti-Soviet fighters in Afghanistan, eventually defeating the Soviets, who withdrew in 1988.

[edit] Nuclear weapons

Recognizing national security concerns and accepting Pakistan's assurances that it did not intend to construct a nuclear weapon, Congress waived restrictions (Symington Amendment) on military assistance to Pakistan. In March 1986, the two countries agreed on a second multi-year (FY 1988–93) $4-billion economic development and security assistance program. On October 1, 1990, however, the United States suspended all military assistance and new economic aid to Pakistan under the Pressler Amendment, which required that the President certify annually that Pakistan "does not possess a nuclear explosive device."

India's decision to conduct nuclear tests in May 1998 and Pakistan's matching response set back U.S. relations in the region, which had seen renewed U.S. Government interest during the second Clinton Administration. A presidential visit scheduled for the first quarter of 1998 was postponed and, under the Glenn Amendment, sanctions restricted the provision of credits, military sales, economic assistance, and loans to the government. An intensive dialogue on nuclear nonproliferation and security issues between Foreign Secretary Shamshad Ahmad and Deputy Secretary Talbott was initiated, with discussions focusing on CTBT signature and ratification, FMCT negotiations, export controls, and a nuclear restraint regime. The October 1999 overthrow of the democratically elected Sharif government triggered an additional layer of sanctions under Section 508 of the Foreign Appropriations Act which include restrictions on foreign military financing and economic assistance. U.S. Government assistance to Pakistan was limited mainly to refugee and counter-narcotics assistance.

[edit] Alliance with US

Prior to the September 11 attacks in 2001, Pakistan and Saudi Arabia were key supporters of the Taliban in Afghanistan, as part of their "strategic depth" objective vis-a-vis India, and to try to bring stability to Afghanistan after years of civil war following the Soviet withdrawal. The Taliban, being primarily Sunni and Pushtun, are of the same ethnic origin as Pakistanis on the other side of the Afghan border and were natural allies.

After 9/11, Pakistan, led by General Pervez Musharraf, reversed course under pressure from the United States and joined the "War on Terror" as a US ally. Having failed to convince the Taliban to hand over bin Laden and other members of Al Qaeda, Pakistan provided the U.S. a number of military airports and bases for its attack on Afghanistan, along with other logistical support. Since 2001, Pakistan has arrested over five hundred Al-Qaeda members and handed them over to the United States; senior U.S. officers have been lavish in their praise of Pakistani efforts in public while expressing their concern that not enough was being done in private. However, General Musharraf was strongly supported by the Bush administration – a common theme throughout Pakistan's relations with the US has been US support of military dictators to the detriment of democracy in Pakistan.

In return for their support, Pakistan had sanctions lifted and has received about $10 billion in US aid since 2001, primarily military. In June 2004, President George W. Bush designated Pakistan as a major non-NATO ally, making it eligible, among other things, to purchase advanced American military technology.

Pakistan has lost thousands of lives since joining the U.S. war on terror in the form of both soldiers and civilians, and is currently going through a critical period. Suicide bombs are now commonplace in Pakistan, whereas they were unheard of prior to 9/11. The Taliban have been resurgent in recent years in both Afghanistan and Pakistan. Hundreds of thousands of refugees have been created internally in Pakistan, as they have been forced to flee their homes as a result of fighting between Pakistani forces and the Taliban in the regions bordering Afghanistan and further in Swat. In addition, the economy is in an extremely fragile position.

A key campaign argument of U.S. President Barack Obama's was that the US had made the mistake of "putting all our eggs in one basket" in the form of General Musharraf. Musharraf was eventually forced out of office under the threat of impeachment, after years of political protests by lawyers, civilians and other political parties in Pakistan. With President Obama coming into office, the U.S. is expected to triple non-military aid to Pakistan to $1.5 billion per year over 10 years, and to tie military aid to progress in the fight against militants. The purpose of the aid is to help strengthen the relatively new democratic government led by President Zardari and to help strengthen civil institutions and the general economy in Pakistan, and to put in place an aid program that is broader in scope than just supporting Pakistan's military.

[edit] Post Independence: 1947–52

Liaquat Ali Khan meeting President Truman(during the 1950's when Pakistani Prime minister made a good will tour in the U.S.[1]

After Pakistan's independence by the partitioning of the British Raj, Pakistan followed a pro-western policy. The Indian government followed a different, non-aligned policy stance, which leaned closer to the Soviet Union rather than the United States of America. Pakistan was seeking strong alliances to counter its neighbour, India. At this time, India was neutral and went on to be a part of Non Aligned Movement.

[edit] Ayub Khan era: 1952–69

Pakistan joined the US led military alliances SEATO and CENTO. In 1954 the United States signed a Mutual Defense Assistance Agreement with Pakistan.

[edit] Partition of East Pakistan: 1969–72

President Richard Nixon used Pakistan's relationship with China to start secret contacts with China which resulted with Henry Kissinger's secret visit to China in July 1971 while visiting Pakistan. America supported Pakistan throughout the war and supplied weapons to West Pakistan although Congress had passed a bill suspending exporting weapons to the nation. Near the end of the war and fearing Pakistan's defeat by the joint forces of Mukti Bahini and Indian forces, Nixon ordered the USS Enterprise into the Indian Ocean, although it was never used for actual combat.

[edit] Zia eEra: 1977 – 1988

In 1979, a group of Pakistani students burned the American embassy in Islamabad to the ground killing two Americans.

In the 1980s, Pakistan agreed to pay $658 million for 28 F-16 fighter jets from the United States; however the American congress froze the deal citing objections to Pakistani nuclear ambitions. Under the terms of the American cancellation, they kept both the money and the planes, leading to angry claims of theft by Pakistanis.[2]

[edit] Democratic governments: 1988–1998

The stage was set for a very tumultuous situation; the 1990s was an era of intense upheaval in Pakistan. Pakistan found itself in a state of extremely high insecurity as tensions mounted with India and Afghanistan's infighting continued. Pakistan's alliance with the U.S. was strained due to factors such as its support for the Taliban and public distancing of the Pakistani government from the U.S.

[edit] Post-September 11

President Musharraf with President Bush.

After the September 11 attacks in 2001 in the United States, Pakistan became a key ally in the war on terror with the United States. However, US$5 billion earmarked to train the Pakistani army in counter terrorism were instead spent on unrelated military purposes.[3][4] On November 6th, 2001, US President George W. Bush declared his policy: "You are either with us or against us". President Musharraf later claimed that the U.S. had threatened to bomb Pakistan "back to the Stone Age" after the September 11 attacks, if Pakistan refused to aid and help America with its war on terrorism.[5]Pervez Musharraf acknowledges the payments in his book:

We've captured 689 and handed over 369 to the United States. We've earned bounties totaling millions of dollars
—Former President of Pakistan Pervez Musharraf

In 2003,US officially forgives US$1b in Pakistani debt in a debt ceremony in Pakistan as one of the rewards for Pakistan joining the U.S war on terror "Today's signing represents a promise kept and another milestone in our expanding partnership," U.S. Ambassador Nancy Powell said in a statement, "The forgiveness of $1 billion in bilateral debt is just one piece of a multifaceted, multibillion dollar assistance package." The new relationship between the United States and Pakistan is not just about September 11,' Powell said.'It is about the rebirth of a long-term partnership between our two countries.'However Pakistan support of the U.S and it's war ,has angered many Pakistanis that do not support it.

In October 2005, U.S. Secretary of State Condoleezza Rice made a statement where she "promised ... that the United States will support the country's earthquake relief efforts and help it rebuild" after the Kashmir Earthquake [6].

On 11 June 2008, a US airstrike on the Afghan-Pakistani border killed 10 members of the paramilitary Frontier Corps. The Pakistani military condemned the airstrike as an act of aggression, souring the relations between the two countries.[7].However after the drone attacks in June, President Bush had said 'Pakistan is strong ally '.[8]

In the November 2008 Mumbai attacks, the United States informed Pakistan that it expected full cooperation in the hunt for the plotters of the attacks.

[edit] United States-Pakistan skirmishes

The United States and Pakistan have experienced several military confrontations on the Durand Line. These skirmishes took place between American forces deployed in Afghanistan, and Pakistani troops guarding the border. These incidents ended and reportedly caused no casualties.

[edit] Present relations

Clinton with Pakistani Prime Minister Yousaf Raza Gillani during an October 2009 visit to Islamabad.

U.S. Ambassador to Pakistan Anne W. Patterson addressed senior bureaucrats at the National Management College and emphasized that the United States will assist Pakistan's new democratic government in the areas of development, stability, and security.[9] The United States Agency for International Development (USAID) and the United Nations World Food Program, in Pakistan, officially announced the signing of an agreement valued at $8.4 million to help ease Pakistan's crisis.[9]

The CIA believes Osama Bin Laden to be hiding in Pakistan.[10][11]

On 14 September 2009, former president of Pakistan, Pervez Musharraf, admitted that US Foreign Aid to Pakistan was diverted by the country from its original purpose to fighting the Taliban, to prepare for war against neighboring India.[12]. The United States government has responded by stating that they will take these allegations seriously.[13].However Pervez Musharraf also said '"Wherever there is a threat to Pakistan, we will use it [equipment provided by the US] there. If the threat comes from al-Qaeda or Taliban, it will be used there. If the threat comes from India, we will most surely use it there,"[14].

In late 2009, Hilary Clinton made a speech in Pakistan about the war against the militants where she said "we commend the Pakistani military for their courageous fight, and we commit to stand shoulder to shoulder with the Pakistani people in your fight for peace and security."[15]

In December 1 2009, President Barack Obama in a speech on a policy about Pakistan said "In the past, we too often defined our relationship with Pakistan narrowly. Those days are over.... The Pakistani people must know America will remain a strong supporter of Pakistan's security and prosperity long after the guns have fallen silent, so that the great potential of its people can be unleashed."[16]

In the aftermath of the thwarted bombing attempt on a Northwest Airlines flight, the US Transportation Security Administration (TSA) has issued a new set of screening guidelines that includes pat-downs for passengers from countries of interest, which includes Pakistan[17]. In a sign of widening fissures between the two allies, Pakistan on January 21 declined a request by the United States to launch new offensives on militants in 2010 [18]. Pakistan say it "can't launch any new offensives against militants for six months to a year because it wants to 'stabilizes' previous gains made. However the U.S praises Pakistan's military effort against the militants.[19]. Furthermore Pakistan president, in meeting with the U.S. delegation, had said Pakistan "had suffered a... loss of over 35 billion dollars during the last eight years as a result of the fight against militancy." But the President also said for "greater Pak-US cooperation".

In October 2009, the U.S. Congress approved $7.5 billion of non-military aid to Pakistan over the next five years. In February 2010, U.S. President Barack Obama sought to increase funds to Pakistan to "promote economic and political stability in strategically important regions where the United States has special security interests".[20].Obama also sought $3.1 billion aid for Pakistan to defeat Al Qaeda for 2010.[21]

In February 2010, Anne Patterson (U.S. Ambasador to Pakistan) said that the United States is committed to partnership with Pakistan and further said "Making this commitment to Pakistan while the U.S. is still recovering from the effects of the global recession reflects the strength of our vision. Yet we have made this commitment, because we see the success of Pakistan, its economy, its civil society and its democratic institutions as important for ourselves, for this region and for the world."[22]

In mid February, after the capture of Taliban No.2 leader Abdul Ghani Baradar in Pakistan the White house 'hails capture of Taliban leader'.Furthemore White House press secretary Robert Gibbs said that this is a "big success for our mutual efforts(Pakistan and United States)in the region" and He praised Pakistan for the capture, saying it is a sign of increased cooperation with the U.S. in the terror fight.[23].Furthermore Capt. John Kirby, spokesman for Adm. Mike Mullen, chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff, has said 'We also strongly support Pakistani efforts to secure the border region,Kirby added, noting that Pakistan has lost soldiers in that effort.'Mullen, (President Barack Obama's senior military adviser)has made strengthening 'U.S. military relationship with Pakistan a top priority'.The U.S. and Pakistan have a robust working relationship that serves the mutual interests of our people,' Kirby said. "We continue to build a long-term partnership that strengthens our common security and prosperity.".[24]

In March ,Richard Holbrooke U.S special envoy to Pakistan had said U.S.-Pakistani relations have seen 'significant improvement' under Obama. Furthermore he also said 'No government on earth has received more high-level attention' than Pakistan[25][26]

[edit] References

  1. ^ [1]
  2. ^ Benjamin, Daniel & Steven Simon. "The Age of Sacred Terror", 2002
  3. ^ Peters, Justin (2007-12-24). "Foreign Aid Betrayed". Slate. 
  4. ^ ROHDE, DAVID; CARLOTTA GALL, ERIC SCHMITT and DAVID E. SANGER (2007-12-24). "U.S. Officials See Waste in Billions Sent to Pakistan". The New York Times. 
  5. ^ U.S. threatened to bomb Pakistan over war on terror: Musharraf
  6. ^ [
  7. ^ Riaz Khan (2008-06-11). "Pakistan blames US coalition for troops' death". Google News (Associated Press). 
  8. ^ [2]
  9. ^ a b "The United States Embassy" (in English (U.S.)). Retrieved 2008-12-21. 
  10. ^ CIA chief says bin Laden in Pakistan, The Boston Globe, 2009-06-11 (link broken)
  11. ^ CIA says Bin Laden is in Pakistan, CBS News/AP, 2009-06-11
  12. ^ [3]
  13. ^ [4]
  14. ^ [5]
  15. ^ [6]
  16. ^ [7]
  17. ^
  18. ^
  19. ^ [8]
  20. ^ [9]
  21. ^ [10]
  22. ^ [11]
  23. ^ [12]
  24. ^ [13]
  25. ^ [
  26. ^ [14]

[edit] See also

[edit] External links

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