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Thursday, January 7, 2010


On Thu, Jan 7, 2010 at 4:25 AM, <> wrote:

In the last couple of posts on this blog I have pointed out the fact that neither Sourani nor any other Palestinian have criticised me, therefore show no reason - and have no reason ! - for their hostile silence in support of the zionist Gestapo's ongoing torture of my daughter, my son and myself. However, there can be another negative aspect to Sourani's hostile silence.

If a supporter of the Palestinian cause has to choose between the credibility of an unknown individual and the credibility of a Human Rights Palestinian boss - supported as Sourani is by the entire Palestinian leadership ! - Sourani will have the upper hand, even if the facts prove his complicity in the zionist Gestapo torture of the three of us here in Australia.

The logic here is plain to see, because there would be this lingering doubt, namely, that Raji Sourani would have a "good reason" for his apparent treachery which he "cannot disclose" for some unknown reason, therefore it is easier to return to "normal business" and to ignore this "unknown individual", Benjamin Merhav.

Although this series of my autobiography weblogs is an open book for all to visit and read, I have never been accused of bragging about my activities and achievements, because I never did brag . My past support for the Palestinian cause has been based on my opposition to fascism, therefore opposition to zionism, and on my working class orientation which requires to side with the oppressed and to oppose injustice. Consequently I have considered it my duty to support the Palestinian cause.

However, now with the Palestinian betrayal I am obliged to point out some of my activities and achievements over the past 40 years here in Australia, achievements which are only samples of my numerous past activities as an anti-zionist peace activist, and which "earned" me the current ongoing torture by the zionist Gestapo. Below are four of such samples of my activities .

1. My support for the Israeli Black Panthers and my hunger strike outside the embassy of the State of Israel in Canberra early in 1972 in support of the first Israeli draft resisters. Here is the relevant report in my first weblog

"During 1971 some good news, very hopeful news, had reached us from Israel. Two new movements, both anti zionist by implication if not explicitly, sprung up in Israel. One was the Black Panthers movement, and the other was the anti-conscription movement. Both had asked for our support, and I sure committed myself to promote their causes in Australia. For the Black Panthers, the youth of slum dwellers of oriental origin, I regularly disseminated in Melbourne their leaflets and reports about their uprising . On one occasion, when Bob Hawke, the then ACTU president, promoted zionist propaganda inside the Dallas Brooks Hall ,we were assaulted by zionist thugs and I was knocked down unconscious. As for our support for the newly created anti-conscription movement in Israel I shall mention more details soon , but suffice to say now that our participation in the anti-conscription movement in Australia had helped our solidarity activities in support of the movement against the military conscription in Israel too.

Early in January 1972 I went to Canberra to start a hunger strike outside Israel's embassy in protest against the imprisonment of an Israeli draft resister in Israel. The next day I was arrested, beaten by the local police, charged in court ,then acquitted, then returned to my protest outside the zionist embassy. My protest action was rather effective, and gained favourable media coverage not only in Australia but also in Israel."

2. Helping Mordechai Vanunu and exposing the zionist nuclear bombs factory 1986-87
. Here is my first blog again ( see : as well as the next chapter there,
chapter nine ) :

"During the weekend of 18-19 October, 1986, the local Weekend Australian carried a full front page sensational story about a nuclear bombs factory, 6 story underground, next to the secretive Dimona nuclear pile in Israel. The story was the edited version of the Sunday Times of London report which was published a fortnight earlier, on 5 October ,1986. The source of the story was Mordechai Vanunu, a former Israeli who had worked in Dimona as nuclear technician, and secretly took photos inside the zionist nuclear bombs factory.

Upon reading the story I immediately knew it was true. When in Israel I wrote about the subject some 20 years earlier ( which could be the main reason why the zionist Gestapo was on my back already then). It was an article I had written to warn the public in Israel about the dangers of nuclear and ballistic missiles arms race in the Middle East ,as a result of Israel's production of nuclear bombs. That secret plan was revealed to me by prof. Martin Buber during my meeting with him at his home in Jerusalem in the early '60s. Buber was associated with a group of Israeli scientists who had formed the first Nuclear Energy Commission of Israel. They then resigned in protest against the implementation of the secret nuclear bombs plan. So I knew Vanunu's report to be correct, and that now his life would be put in great danger by the vengeful zionist Gestapo unless his service to humanity would be publicised worldwide, and without delay.

However, my first duty remained to help my daughter. I had to be on guard for her daily essentials, washing her cloths and cleaning her flat, and all that without being too intrusive and certainly with respect to her wishes. Therefore, my immediate reaction to the news was to alert other people to Vanunu's case without getting personally involved. Another shortcoming I had was my financial position, as I was in fact living on the poverty line and could not afford the expenses incurred by a public campaign.

Anyway, at that early stage nobody in Australia knew the whereabouts of Mordechai Vanunu. The daily press was full of rumours spread by the zionist Gestapo to further confuse people while allowing the zionist Gestapo do its nasty and illegal kidnapping of Vanunu behind the screen of lies. However, I had no doubt that Vanunu's life was in danger, and the fact that nobody was doing anything for him further increased the danger.

I then tried to get in touch with the Sydney Anglican priest who converted Vanunu to Christianity during Vanunu's visit to Australia. It took the Anglican Office in Melbourne some 2 weeks before letting me know the priest's phone number, and by then the priest had left for London to look for Vanunu there. I had tried other people on the Left too but got nowhere. However, on the 9th of November, 1986, during a reception to the Israel President ,who then visited Melbourne , I participated in a demonstration in support of Vanunu and carried my own sign :

Until November 9, 1986, the zionist government of Israel brazenly denied any knowledge of Vanunu's whereabouts while in reality he was secretly under its interrogation in a zionist Gestapo prison in Israel. Inside Israel heavy censorship was imposed on any news item relating to Vanunu or to the nuclear pile in Dimona and the zionist nuclear bombs arsenal. On the 9th of November Vanunu was taken to court for an arrest warrant, and the zionist Gestapo unleashed a lynch campaign against him worldwide. When taken to court again, on the 22 December, 1986, Vanunu managed to outsmart his tormentors, and to break through his complete isolation by showing to journalists the palm of his hand on which he wrote that he was abducted from Italy ( following his arrival there from London)."

3. The defeat of the zionist bill to silence any anti-zionist opposition in Australia in 1995. Here is my first blog again ( see : ) :

"The Racial Vilification Bill was the original title of the document which the zionist lobby in Australia had the Australian Labor Party push through the federal parliament in an attempt to silence by law opposition to zionism in Australia. Concocted by the zionist lobby in late 1993 the bill was not intended to combat racism. The name of the bill (it would later be changed to The Racial Hatred Bill) - both the original and the later name - is a misnomer, because it could not ,and it was not meant to be ,a bill to combat racism of any kind.

Thus, for example, section 60 (incitement of racial hatred) of the proposed amendment to the Crimes Act (an amendment which is part of the bill) could not be effective against racist offenders. Instead it would have punished people who are opposed to racism for publishing articles which expose zionist crimes, for example. Which is why The Victorian Council for Civil Liberties had presented the government with a submission which opposed the R.H. Bill. Mr. R. Richter, QC, its president, wrote a letter to the editor of The Australian ridiculing the bill. Under the title, This Message to Racists is Strange (see The Australian,29 March,1995), the letter goes to say that
"the Racial Hatred Bill would make it harder to secure a conviction (of a racist offender)."

In other words, the proposed zionist bill would encourage racism rather than combat it. The inevitable conclusion must be that the purpose of the zionist bill was to encourage racism and to punish any opposition to zionism !

Eventually the zionist bill was shelved ( in the wake of the protest by the Victorian Council for Civil Liberties) and nothing was heard about it since. However ,the question remains : what opposition to zionism in Australia was the bill supposed to silence ? It is my question because I am the only person in Australia who has publicly opposed and exposed zionist crimes, and my articles have bothered the zionists for many years now. So much so that to silence me the zionist lobby was going to deceive the entire Australian public with a bogus bill which the zionist lobby had pushed hard to make it law by the Australian federal parliament under the pretence of combating racism. So all the fuss, all the zionist propaganda lies, and all the noise which accompanied them - all that for the purpose of silencing one person who dares to speak out and tells the truth about zionism to people."

4. My A$1000 donation to Badil, the Palestinian refugees organisation in occupied Palestine ( see :

The first of the above examples of Palestinian non-cooperation/hostility occurred a few years ago, but to this day I never got an apology, or any sign of regret. The Palestinian organisation claimed to be concerned mainly with the Palestinian refugees' right to return. I was attracted to it not only because of my full support for this right, but also because it promoted the call for BDS (boycott,divestment, sanctions) against the zionist apartheid regime of Israel issued by Palestinian Civil Society. So much so that I decided to donate to it 1000$A ( which I could hardly afford), and I did ,and got confirmation for receiving my donation. However, the director of the organisation got married in the meantime to a European woman who soon revealed herself - as the organisation's new director - to be influenced by zionist impostors like Norman Finkelstein. To counter that I emailed to her my own article which - based on an article by a Palestinian author - exposed the treachery of Finkelstein and of his mentor Chomsky, but she completely ignored my article without giving any reason, let alone an apology."

A year later the same Norman Finkelstein was exposed by ardent supporters of the Palestinian cause as follows ( see the November 18th 2009 Open Message to All Palestinian leaders on my 6th Autobiography restored weblog ) :

Only one recent treachery of one prominent zionist impostor has been partly exposed by other supporters of the Palestine cause (see : ). Here is how Norman Finkelstein, Chomsky's closest crony, is described here by staunch USA supporter of Palestine :

""He does untold harm to the Palestinian people and the justice and peace movement by peddling his 'softer' but disguised Zionism to his adoring fans in the cloak of "the international consensus," etc. This makes him much more dangerous to the Palestinian solidarity movement than people like Netanyahu or Dershowitz ..."
(Emphasis added - B.M.).

All my above anti-zionist activities/achievements, as well as many others over the past 40 years, had been carried out by myself single handedly with no help or cooperation from anyone. Are they reasons for Palestinian betrayal of me to the zionist Gestapo torture, or should they be considered by Palestinians as good reasons for solidarity with me, with my daughter, and with my son ?

Palash Biswas
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