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Tuesday, January 5, 2010

Re: Share inspirational stories on Karmayog

On Tue, Jan 5, 2010 at 4:12 PM, <> wrote:
Wishing you the best for 2010.
We have realised that it is important for details of successful initiatives to be shared widely so that these can be replicated or applied in other situations. This is one effective way of reducing various types of social problems that exist in India.
We will create a new section on Karmayog to document and share stories of inspirational work and people in any social field. There are also several magazines seeking such stories who will then contact you for further information.
Please send us a 2-page write-up which covers some of the following points: 
    1. What is your mission? What motivated you to take it up?
    2. What have been the most significant moments? What insights have you obtained?
    3. What are the challenges you still face? How have you learnt to tackle this ?
    4. What are the changes you have seen so far? What changes do you envisage in the future?
    5. What are your future plans? What help do you need?
    6. Has Karmayog been of help in your work?

Please send us this information at . You can send information in any format that you have available, including articles, profiles, videos, interviews, audio, etc. Do let us know of people or organisations whose work you feel is inspirational so that we can contact them.


Vinay -- inspiring action

Palash Biswas
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