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Saturday, July 25, 2015

What, Really, Is Netanyahu’s Game Plan For America?

CC News Letter 23 July - What, Really, Is Netanyahu's Game Plan For America?

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In Solidarity
Binu Mathew

Greek Parliament Rubber-Stamps New EU Austerity Plan
By Christoph Dreier & Alex Lantier

After discussion and debate dragged on into the early morning hours, the Greek parliament overwhelmingly adopted a vast new set of cost-cutting measures and legal "reforms" dictated by the European Union

Representative Democracy Is A Waste Of Time
By Fritz Tucker

The logical countermovement to expansive representational democracy was one that advocated a return to local, participatory governance. In the twenty-first century participatory democracy is not just desirable, but feasible. Digital, electronic communication is essentially instantaneous, recorded in abundance, and easily searchable

What, Really, Is Netanyahu's Game Plan For America?
By Alan Hart

He could order a false flag operation – an attack on American interests somewhere which with manufactured/false evidence he would blame on Iran. That could, probably would, give American neo-cons the pretext they would like for war on Iran

Reviewing Trashy Hasbara Against BDS
By Vacy Vlazna

Boycotting Israel is Wrong: The progressive path to peace between Palestinians and Israelis by Philip Mendes, Nick Dyrenfurth is a slipshod diatribe against the principled efforts of the Boycott Divestment and Sanctions (BDS) movement. It beggars belief that this silly book, riddled with hasbara and anti-arabsemitism, is written by academics with research skills: Monash University's Philip Mendes and Nick Dyrenfurth who, once wrote that Australia's exPrime Minister John Howard "speaks fluent spin"- Dyrenfurth should know!

Ukrainian News Service Says Standard Of Living Is Plummeting
By Eric Zuesse

The plunging economy of Ukraine has evidently become so bad that Ukrainians now can even feel safe to call publicly for stopping the war against the separatist Donbass region of the country, and for reallocationg those military expenditures so that Ukrainians in the non-rebelling part of the country won't starve to death

How China And Russia Are Running Rings Around Washington
By Pepe Escobar

Let's start with the geopolitical Big Bang you know nothing about, the one that occurred just two weeks ago. Here are its results: from now on, any possible future attack on Iran threatened by the Pentagon (in conjunction with NATO) would essentially be an assault on the planning of an interlocking set of organizations -- the BRICS nations (Brazil, Russia, India, China, and South Africa), the SCO (Shanghai Cooperation Organization), the EEU (Eurasian Economic Union), the AIIB (the new Chinese-founded Asian Infrastructure Investment Bank), and the NDB (the BRICS' New Development Bank) -- whose acronyms you're unlikely to recognize either. Still, they represent an emerging new order in Eurasia

The Saudi Proxy In The 21st Century
By Judith Bello

The United States relationship with Saudi Arabia is, on the surface, a mystery. Saudi Arabia has been a U.S. proxy and a protectorate for nearly 100 years, yet it remains a very foreign entity, which consistently engages in activities uncomfortable for US public sensibilities. Wahabism, the state religion of Saudi Arabia, deeply meshed with the government, is the narrowest and most radical fundamentalism in the Muslim world. Strict social limitations on women and a particularly harsh form of Sharia law are maintained by the Saudi regime

Yakub Memon's Blood Is On Us Too
By Samar

Those who planted the bombs have got their death sentences commuted to life, while Yakub, who did not plant a single one, is being sent to the gallows. And, this is where the death sentence starts looking like the revenge of a system frustrated with its failure to catch and punish the real culprits that is killing Yakub on the flimsiest of grounds

Civil Society Comes Out In Support Of Teesta Setalvad And Javed Anand
By Concerned Citizens

Romila Thapar, Admiral Ramdas, Naseeruddin Shah, Mahesh Bhatt, Nandita Das, Githa Hariharan, Aruna Roy, Jayati Ghosh, Rajmohan Gandhi, Tushar Gandhi, Vivan Dundaram, Nilima and GM Shaikh, Henri Tiphange and hundreds of other prominent artists, intellectuals and activists protest against witch hunting of Teesta and Javed

Adv P A Sebastian, The Doyen Of Civil Rights Movement Passes Away
By Anand Teltumbde

Our friend and comrade P A Sebastian, who was the face of Committee for Protection of Democratic Rights (CPDR) for decades, has passed away this morning around 10 am. Sebastian, Sabby for his friends, was an integral part of the radical movement in Maharashtra

Splitting Jammu & Kashmir
By Mohammad Ashraf

Attempts on both sides of the border to take away certain areas of the erstwhile state of Jammy & Kashmir may result in the restoration of the ancient Kingdom of Kashmir!

Early Diagnosis Of Drug Resistance Is Crucial To Ending TB
By Shobha Shukla

Despite being treatable, TB remains a major global public health problem. As Dr Mario Raviglione, Director Global Tuberculosis Programme of WHO, informed, in 2013, 9 million people fell ill with TB in; 1.5 million men, women and children died from it; 480,000 people developed multi drug resistant TB (MDR-TB), with 210,000 associated deaths. Also, 60% of all MDR-TB cases can be attributed to India, China, Russia, Pakistan and Ukraine
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