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Saturday, July 4, 2015

Sunday’s Vote Will Determine Liberty Or Serfdom

CC News Letter 03 July - Greece: Sunday's Vote Will Determine Liberty Or Serfdom 

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If you think the content of this news letter is critical for the dignified living and survival of humanity and other species on earth, please forward it to your friends and spread the word. It's time for humanity to come together as one family! You can subscribe to our news letter here You can also follow us on twitter, and on Facebook,

In Solidarity
Binu Mathew

Greece: Sunday's Vote Will Determine Liberty Or Serfdom
By Paul Craig Roberts

The greatest and most successful propaganda scam in history is the one that convinces the world that they are nobody if they are not part of The West, the indispensable peoples, the exceptional peoples. If you are not part of The West you are nobody, nonexistent, a nothing. This prevailing propaganda might prevail in Greece on Sunday, in which case a fearful and intimidated Greek population might vote against the only government that, instead of accepting a payoff from Greece's enemies, fought for the welfare of the Greek people

The Artificiality Of Greek Debt And Its Odious Nature
By Ilias Bantekas

The measures imposed against the Greek people were wholly antithetical to fundamental human rights as these stem from customary international law, multilateral treaties and the Greek constitution. Consequently, these 'loans' were held to be odious, illegal or illegitimate. The recommendation of the Committee was that Greece was not only entitled but obliged to unilaterally repudiate such illegal, odious and illegitimate debts on account of its international human rights obligations and economic self-determination

The Never Ending Saga Of Greece's Debt Crisis
By Kavaljit Singh

Everyone agrees that Greece's current public debt is unsustainable. Hence, a debt relief should be the starting point for negotiating a new program. The Eurozone creditors should write off at least half of its debt to Greece while the Greek government needs to tackle massive tax evasion by country's oligarchs besides streamlining its public finances in a time-bound manner. The Sunday's referendum will be keenly watched by the world. Irrespective of its outcome, however one thing is certain: the Greek debt crisis saga is not going to end very soon

Good Health Requires Different Economics
By Dr. Trevor Hancock

For the past three years, I have been leading an important project for the Canadian Public Health Association (CPHA), which led to the release on May 25th of our Discussion Paper and a 100-page technical report on global change and public health. In these documents, we identify what we call the "ecological determinants of health": clean air and water, food, materials, fuel, the great cycles of water, nitrogen and phosphorus, detoxification of wastes, climate stability, and others. These determinants of health come from the Earth's natural ecosystems, and they are threatened by the massive and still growing human-induced global ecological changes now underway. These changes thus represent the greatest threat to the health of the public in the 21st century

Will The Real Issues Be Discussed In 2016?
By John Scales Avery

Let us fervently hope that in 2016 the real issues will be discussed with depth and honesty. Much depends on it, not only in the United States, but also throughout the world

The Surreal Quality Of American Racism
By Romi Mahajan

I was recently on a business trip in a major city and was walking back to my hotel when two white homeless men got into a scuffle in front of me. They exchanged words, a minor blow or two, and started yelling all manner of insults at each other. Finally, one of them (the lighter skinned one) called the other "Nigger." He meant this as an insult. The darker-skinned (but white) man responded by saying that he was not a "Nigger." This exchange went on in that vein ("You are an N".."I ain't an N."….) for some time until the men separated and went their own ways

Kashmir University: The Oppressed Voice
By Sajad Rasool

The episodes which have been taking place in Kashmir University for more than a week now are truly disturbing. The arrest of a student and the breakout of protests for his release by the fellow students is a very common reaction and genuine. This is not the first episode that took place at this highest seat of learning, but there are certain examples from the past, wherein state tried to oppress the student voices. From banning the Kashmir University Students Union to the arrest, thrashing, manhandling of various scholars and students at different occasions

The Other Side Of Gujarat Carnage
By abdul Majid Zargar

There is also another side to the Gujrat carnage- the story of humanity, brotherhood & compassion which also needs to be brought to fore . It is penned down by Harsh Mander in his book "Looking away- page 354" and I am reproducing it for the benefit of readers

'Pehchan' Has Given Transgender People A New 'Pehchan' (Identity)...
By Shobha Shukla

"Government recognition and societal acceptance of us--both are very necessary. My request to society is that please stop seeing us as only sex dolls-- a change in your attitude will do miracles"

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