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Wednesday, September 1, 2010

Fwd: [MedicalConspiracies] Retired Veteran's Recent Remarkable Disclosure - Amelia Earhart's Plane, Remains Found

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Date: Wed, Sep 1, 2010 at 7:56 AM
Subject: [MedicalConspiracies] Retired Veteran's Recent Remarkable Disclosure - Amelia Earhart's Plane, Remains Found
To: "1 MedicalConspiracies@googlegrou" <>, "1" <>

Phantoms and Monsters

Retired Veteran's Recent Remarkable Disclosure

Posted: 28 Aug 2010 12:36 PM PDT

The following account was posted at
Sky Ship Over Cashiers by Mary Joyce.

Background: Paul Epley served in the U.S. Army from 1948 to 1955. He was a master sergeant, a first sergeant, a company commander and worked for the government. Because of his clandestine assignments, the government/military refused to acknowledge his service and denied him benefits even after 21 legal appeals were made by his attorneys. No matter what steps he took, his records and benefits were denied until 50 years after the end of the Korean War which was in 2003. The disclosure is an incredible revelation, if true...which really is the $64,000 question. Is it true?:

When Paul Epley finally talked publically about some of his secret military activities, his story ended up in a small North Carolina newspaper. Guess what? Two weeks later, two FBI men showed up where he was working and said, "If you don't keep your mouth shut, we'll shut it."

That was in the 1990s, but today Paul no longer cares if they kill him. He's 80 years old, fighting cancer and wants to get three things off his conscience. On August 8, 2010, two of us from the Sky Ship website and two men with video cameras were invited to his home to record stories that have haunted him nearly his entire life. We also were given access to documents and an earlier video that originally weren't to be released until after his death.

Saw live Roswell alien

In the summer of 1950, Paul was in the U.S. Army and working at Camp Wallace on the James River in Virginia. One day, for reasons he no longer can recall, he went to Camp Peary near Williamsburg, Virginia. While there, he recognized an MP guarding a bunker; they had served in Guam together.

"I went down and asked him what he was guarding," says Paul, "and he said I can't show you. So I kept talking to him and he said, 'All right, I'll give you a brief look at it.' So he opened the door."

Behind the door, just 15 to 20 feet from him, was an alien standing in a small cage with a base that was only three to four feet square. The alien was about 4 ½ feet tall and only wearing briefs.

What caught Paul's eye the most was the alien's skin color which he described as "an old orange-gray, dead-looking color." Despite the color, Paul assured us it was alive and seemed to be aware of his presence.

Though smaller and skinnier, Paul found the alien's features remarkably human-like. The shape of the head, ears, eyes, nose, chest, arms and legs were all similar to those of a human being. He did say the alien was almost bald with just a little bit of hair. He also noticed the alien's fingers were longer than those of a human being.

After viewing the alien for several minutes, Paul left the bunker. He recalls the guard saying "that was the fifth one from Roswell" and "they were taking it up north somewhere." In an earlier interview, Paul explained that the alien was transported from Roswell, New Mexico to Fort Hood, Texas before arriving at Camp Peary, Virginia. "At that time," Paul adds, "Camp Peary was the most secret place that we had in America. I didn't know much because I didn't stay there long, but I know you had to have top secret (clearance) to get in."

NOTE: Camp Peary is known as 'The Farm'. Officially it is referred to as the Armed Forces Experimental Training Activity (AFETA) under the auspices of the Department of Defense, but it is widely believed to be the location of a covert CIA training facility. During the 1950's, the Navy secured the location and access required high-security clearance...Lon

Used as a military assassin

This part of Paul's story has haunted him since the Korean War ended in 1953. Since then, he has nightly nightmares, suffers from Post Traumatic Stress Disorder and must take medication to help calm his nerves.

A simple 18-year-old country boy from North Carolina wasn't prepared for what he got into when he joined the U.S. Army. During basic training, he severely broke his ankle and was going to be discharged. Paul, however, wanted to be a soldier and pleaded to remain in the service. The military agreed to let him stay and do only light duties - with one condition. He had to do anything he was asked without question.

That agreement pretty much destroyed his life. When the Korean War was ending, the United States didn't want the North Koreans, the ones who had helped the U.S. during the war, to return to their homes. There was concern they would reveal U.S. intelligence information to the North Korean government/military. The solution was to assassinate the Korean allies and make it look like they'd died in combat.

Time and time again, he carried out assassination orders. Typically, he was told a "prisoner of war" was escaping and to shoot him dead, roll him in a trench and then toss in a grenade so it would look like a combat death.

Within a two or three week period, he also was taught to fly a plane – but not how to land it. His mission was to crash a plane into a desolate island and bail out before impact. When he went to the back of the plane to jump, he saw bound Koreans in the cargo section including two women. Yes, Paul says, the crash was to make their deaths look accidental.

Asked to assassinate Martin Luther King

In 1967, long after Paul was discharged from the U.S. Army, he was called to a meeting at Langley Air Force Base in Virginia. Because of the nature of what he wishes to reveal, here are Paul's exact words:

PAUL: "I had to run up to Langley. So I got up there, went in the meeting. They was two civilians and two colonels – an Air Force colonel and an Army colonel. They sat down there and talked, didn't say no name or nothing, but they talked about what all was going on in the country and that they had one person that they had to get rid of. Everybody knowed who it was from the way they was talking, all this stuff in Rocksville (Little Rock?), down south and everything. They was talking about Martin Luther King. That was in '67 in the summer and they wanted me to help them. And I told them that I had a good job, raising a family and didn't want nothing else to do with it. But they sure approached me and tried to get me to help them."

QUESTION: "In your mind, do you feel like they were asking you to help with an assassination hit on Martin Luther King?"

PAUL: "Right. That's exactly what they wanted."

QUESTION: "Do you have any idea why they wanted to get rid of him?"

PAUL: " 'Cause there was so much trouble going on with the Blacks."

QUESTION: "And they thought that would fix it?"

PAUL: "Well, it did."

Here is a link to an unedited 21-minute interview with Paul Epley and his son Kendall. It was taped on August 8, 2010 at the Epley home. An additional video was taped at the end of this interview to clarify information - Paul Epley interview.

NOTE: What do you make of this 'disclosure'? I'm not going to say that Mr. Epley's spinning a yarn, but some of the scenarios and information just don't fit IMO. Nonetheless, there are some statements that do register on my radar...Lon

Retired Veteran's Recent Remarkable Disclosure

MUFON CMS: Close Encounters in Michigan and Texas

Posted: 28 Aug 2010 12:17 PM PDT

The following encounter scenarios were posted today (8/28/10) at the MUFON Case Management System:

MUFON CMS Report - Clair Shores, Michigan - 1979 (unedited): This is the encounter my mother had back in 1979/1980 in St. Claire Shores Mich at the playground/ballfield by Talbot st.& New York st. It was 7:00pm maybe 8:00pm, August or Sept, she was 45 yrs old & I was 10 yrs old or so, and my sister was 16yrs old. my mother just recalled this past incident about 4 or 5 months ago,and told my sister the story, who then informed me of it this past July. It began that evening, my mother took our dog Rocky out for a walk, she is never gone more than hour or so, but that all changed during this walk. After an hour I began to worry, I must have told my sister because she clearly remembers me being alarmed.

Here is the story my mother conveyed: While I was walking Rocky across the park/ballfield I noticed odd lights all different colors flashing on the ground,I thought It was strange that utility workers would be working at this time in the late evening. Next I saw several who I thought were small children all around me. They didn't look like normal kids though and then they began to talk to me,not through their mouths,but through their minds. I heard them clearly in my mind. The beings said why don't you come with us, and I said to where,and one of said to our craft right over there. I said no i'm busy why should I go with you, and they responded because we want to help you.Then another being asked me what is that next to you? before I could answer one other being said that's her pet. Then one of them said again come with us we want to help you, I told them if you want to help me you should go to Washington. What is Washington? one of them said. After that exchange my mother says she remembers very little.A note to the reader, I had an encounter in my yard when I was 7 or 8 years of age. a craft was hovering over our front yard and I saw 3 beings staring down upon me from inside the craft, which was about 60 or 70 ft above me. Also my sister saw a UFO hovering near her while she was on her bike, she was 10 or 11 at the time, and it occurred at Talbot st and New York st also. Our house is only 5 or 6 houses from New York st. Today the house is still there, but nobody resides there yet. By the way my childhood friend & his family always told me & others that our house was haunted,because they saw bluish glowing or bluish orbs over our rooftop more than once back in the late 70's.


MUFON CMS - Eastland County, Texas - 1990 (unedited): We were traveling from the Cisco, Tx countryside on back roads towards Eastland, Tx and a large round white light was following us most of the way, jigg-jagging from one side of the car to the other with no sound. Our windows were all rolled down and the object was not far away but we heard nothing. We were a family of six with kids ranging from six to ten yrs of age all of whom were very excited and a little scared. This object followed us most of the way, then just darted away quickly. A few days later the object was hovering above our home for several hours while we were all outdoors having a cookout. We lived a few miles out in the country in a secluded area. I don't know if it's related, but also around about the same time of the month, our home started shaking or trembling sort of like an earthquake, although there were none reported in the area. This actually caused cracks in the mortar of our rock house. It's nice to finally get this off my mind my telling someone. Thanks.

MUFON CMS: Close Encounters in Michigan and Texas

Fortean / Oddball News - 8/28/2010

Posted: 28 Aug 2010 10:25 AM PDT

'Ghost Train' Hunter Killed By Train In North Carolina

CNN - The facts: On August 27, 1891, a passenger train jumped the tracks on a tall bridge near Statesville, North Carolina, sending seven rail cars below and about 30 people to their deaths.

The legend: On the wreck's anniversary, the sounds of screeching wheels, screaming passengers and a horrific crash might still be heard. You might also see a uniformed man with a gold watch.

Shortly before 3 a.m. Friday, on the 119th anniversary of the Bostian Bridge train tragedy and at about the same time, between 10 and 12 ghost hunters were on that approximately 300-foot long span.

They were hoping to hear the sounds of the crash, and perhaps see something.

Instead, a real Norfolk-Southern train -- three engines and one car -- turned the corner as it headed east to Statesville, about 35 miles north of Charlotte, authorities said.

The terrified "amateur ghost watchers" ran away, back toward Statesville, trying to cover the nearly 150 feet to safety, said Iredell County Sheriff's Office Capt. Darren Campbell.

All but two made it.

Christopher Kaiser, 29, of Charlotte, was struck and killed, said Campbell.

A woman who witnesses say Kaiser pushed to safety fell about 30 to 40 feet from the trestle and was injured. Her name and condition were not known Friday night. She was being treated at Carolinas Medical Center in Charlotte.

"There was no way out, said Campbell. "They almost made it."

The engineer of the train, which was traveling at its customary 35 to 40 mph, hit the horn and "stopped as fast as he could," Campbell said.

Campbell, 38, is from the area and has heard all the stories, although he said he knows of no one who has ever seen or heard the "ghost train."

On the 50th anniversary of the Bostian Bridge incident, a woman said she witnessed it all again. In 1991, hawkers sold T-shirts and other memorabilia, and there were an estimated 150 people waiting for the train, according to the Charlotte Observer.

There are occasional reports of railroad crossing arms dropping without cause, Campbell said.

The ghost trip on the anniversary has become an annual tradition of sorts.

A woman who did not want to be identified, but who was part of the group of onlookers, told CNN affiliate WCNC, "We were there looking for what people say happened. You hear the train wreck or hear people screaming. We were just watching."

Kaiser's mother said the family was too distraught to talk about the incident, WCNC said.

Campbell said most of the ghost hunters, who were from out of town, have been interviewed. Many fled because they were trespassing on railroad property, he said. Campbell said there were no patrols near the bridge early Friday.

Although the investigation is continuing, Campbell said the incident appears to be an accident.

At least two blogs that cover the phenomena, N.C. Ghost Guide and, detail the 1891 wreck's legend. While accounts vary somewhat, the man with the gold watch reportedly was first seen on the first anniversary.

According to, Hugh K. Linster was a baggage master for the Asheville-bound train that crashed into Third Creek that August of 1891.

"Hugh Linster never made it to retirement," the blog reads. "His body was found in the wreck having been killed immediately upon impact with a broken neck."

One year later, a group of people at the bridge said they saw a man in a railroad uniform, holding a watch.

He vanished before their eyes, legend has it.


Numerous Great White Sharks Seen Lurking Off Southern California Beaches

underwatertimes - There have been 8 confirmed and 5 suspected white shark sightings and breaches reported from Sunset Beach, Los Angeles, in less than two weeks. Observations have occurred from early morning to late afternoon. Reports of juvenile and adult white sharks from this location are not new or unique.

Last October 3rd several photographs of a breaching white Shark were posted on the Pacific Coast Shark News page. Many more have been posted since that date. Daily reconnaissance by helicopter of this location has yielded some intriguing results over the past 13 days.

According to the helicopter pilot Lance O: "White sharks have been active at Sunset Beach every day with no less than 5 sharks present. The sharks range in length from 7 – 18+ feet."

The sightings are not limited to just Sunset Beach, but have also been reported with some regularity from San Onofre State Beach as well. Other locations have included; Point Mugu, Pismo Beach, Carpenteria, Venice Breakwater, La Jolla, Point Dume, Gaviota, Huntington State Beach and Topanga State Beach to name but a few. Year to date there have been 4 authenticated, unprovoked shark attacks on humans. The date, location, and victim activity are listed below.

*2 Jul 2010, Surfing, Silver Shoals at Shell Beach (Pismo Beach), CA
*2 Jul 2010, Paddleboard, Dog Patch, San Onofre State Beach, CA
*2 Aug 2010, Kayaking, 5 Nautical Miles off Gaviota State Beach, CA
*14 Aug 2010, Kayaking, Bean Hollow Beach, Pigeon Point, CA

Photographs and narratives for these recent encounters are posted on the Shark Research Committee's Pacific Coast Shark News page.

Shark encounters are not unusual this time of year in the Southern California area, which is believed to be a birthing location and nursery for white sharks. Juvenile sharks are frequently observed close inshore during those times of the month when the California Grunion spawn.


Venezuelan Politician Offers Breast Implants As Raffle Prize To Raise Election Funds

telegraph - "There are critics but also some people think it's a nice idea," said Gustavo Rojas, an opposition candidate for a National Assembly position.

Cosmetic surgery, especially breast enlargement, is widespread in image-conscious Venezuela, whose beauty queens have won numerous international pageant titles.

Even a recession has not diminished Venezuelans' appetite for cosmetic surgery with many people taking out loans for the surgery.

Mr Rojas, of the opposition First Justice party, told El Universal newspaper that he was not too worried about the medical details of his offer.

"The raffle is a financing mechanism, nothing else," he told the newspaper. "It's the doctor who will do the operation, not me."

Venezuelans vote on Sept 26 for a new parliament.

The country's president, Hugo Chavez, on Friday denied rumours that he was suffering from cancer.

Local media reports had claimed that the 56-year-old was suffering from cancer in the nasal cavity.

His failure to appear on Wednesday's first day of campaigning for the parliamentary elections fuelled the speculation, although it later transpired that Mr Chavez had been holding a lengthy meeting with his mentor, Fidel Castro, in Cuba.

Mr Chavez, who has inherited Castro's mantle as Latin America's leading critic of the United States, took power in 1999 and plans to run again for the presidency in 2012.


NC Woman Convicted of Resisting Arrest After Recording Traffic Stop from Her Porch

alternet - The resisting-arrest conviction last week of Felicia Gibson has left a lot of people wondering. Can a person be charged with resisting arrest while observing a traffic stop from his or her own front porch?

Salisbury Police Officer Mark Hunter thought so, and last week District Court Judge Beth Dixon agreed. Because Gibson did not at first comply when the officer told her and others to go inside, the judge found Gibson guilty of resisting, delaying or obstructing an officer.

Salisbury Police Chief Rorie Collins wouldn't comment on the case specifically, but did discuss the charge in general terms with the Salisbury Post:

Post: What is "resisting arrest" or "resist, delay, obstruct an officer" in the performance of his/her duties?

Collins: "These are basically the same charge. Some call the charge simply "resisting arrest," and some call it by its longer and more official title.

Post: If the police stop someone in a car in front of my house, do I have the right to stand in my yard or on my porch and watch?

Collins: "The answer to this question is not quite as clear cut as the first. The short and quick answer is, 'yes,' in general, you do have that right!

"However, just as with many other scenarios, it is important to remember that every situation is based upon its own merits/circumstances. There are some circumstances in which the police who have stopped the vehicle in front of your house may determine that it is in the interest of safety (the officer's, yours or the individual stopped) to require that folks move. As with other circumstances, it is best advised that an individual merely obey by the officer's commands."

Fair enough. So, is that what happened here? No.

Gibson was not the only bystander watching the action on the street. She was the only one holding up a cell-phone video camera. But court testimony never indicated that Hunter told her to stop the camera; he just told her to go inside.

The police arrested this woman for recording their traffic stop. From her own private property. Cops don't like video.

Seems to me that the judge should've thrown this case out. If the bystanders without cellphone cameras weren't 'resisting, delaying or obstructing' the officers, how is it that she was?

NOTE: similar incident below:

Click for video

I was arrested with felony charges for expressing protest against acts of injustice against a neighbor.

After cops felt her up during the traffic stop and illegally began to search her vehicle against her will, I expressed myself and got arrested. After the video, they illegally trespassed and searched my vehicle, finding one of my many legal firearms and held me 24 hours on a felony charge that was dropped the next day.



Rick Phillips at UFO Disclosure Countdown Clock has posted an interesting post at Contrails in TV Advertisements that includes several videos. Take a moment and check it out.

Fortean / Oddball News - 8/28/2010

Claim: Amelia Earhart's Plane, Remains Found

Posted: 28 Aug 2010 09:04 AM PDT

stuff - Seventy-three years after the aircraft flown by aviatrix Amelia Earhart went missing, the wreckage of a plane some claim is hers has been found in deep water 800 kilometres east of where she was last seen.

But claims that the Lockheed Electra – with the remains of two humans in it – is lying in the Solomon Seas, off the west coast of the island of Buka in Papua New Guinea, have provoked derision from professional Earhart hunters, who believe she got further.

"It is causing a lot of excitement here," journalist Stain Sawa, from PNG's National Broadcasting Corporation, said yesterday.

Although he has yet to see it himself, he says experts say the plane is an Electra, the type Earhart was flying when she disappeared. "The plane is still intact but is partly covered by coral reef."

The fate of the American celebrity flier and her navigator Fred Noonan has been an enduring mystery since they took off from Lae, in New Guinea, on July 2, 1937, for Howland Atoll, an uninhabited United States island 3000 kilometres southwest of Honolulu.

Some claim she fell into Japanese hands and was taken prisoner and killed as a spy, while others say she crashed on the island of Nikumaroro in Kiribati and died there.

Tighar, a foundation based in the US state of Delaware, has a contract with Discovery Television to explore Nikumaroro for Earhart, and claims it has found evidence.

Executive director Ric Gillespie said that while Buka would have been on the route Earhart flew, Tighar believed it could prove she got much further. "Someone finds an Earhart plane at least once a month," he said from Delaware.

The find at Buka, which is at the northern end of the province of Bougainville, has turned into a political drama with fears that an American group is trying to take as much of the plane as it can.

Local politicians have become involved and an expedition is to be mounted next month in a bid to confirm the identity of the plane.

It lies in waters up to 40 metres deep.

The Earhart mystery has had a tenuous New Zealand link.

In 1940, a British colonial ship, Viti, took 17 New Zealand soldiers and radio operators to the Gilbert Islands to act as coastwatchers. After dropping the men off, the ship went on to Nikumaroro, where they found two sets of human bones.

They packed them into a wooden sextant box. Back in Suva, a doctor concluded that one set must have belonged to a white man. They closed the box and the war went on.

The box has never been found but it has long been rumoured that it is in the vast attic at Government House, Suva.

As for the New Zealanders, October marks the 70th anniversary of their execution by Japanese soldiers on Tarawa atoll.

NOTE: Below are previous posts on Amelia Earhart...Lon

Originally posted 10/8/2007

Amelia Earhart Mystery May Soon Be Solved

honoluluadvertiser - Archaeological researcher Gary Quigg thinks he's solved the mystery of what happened to Amelia Earhart 70 years ago — and he thinks the answer might lie on an island in the Pacific Ocean.

"I am sure we are looking in the right spot," Quigg said during a visit last week to the Aviation Museum of Kentucky in Lexington. "I think eventually we will find the smoking gun that it takes to conclusively say this is where the flight ended."

Earhart and her navigator Fred Noonan disappeared in July 1937 and have never been found.

Quigg, 45, is an archaeological researcher who spent a month on Nikumaroro Island this summer looking for clues as a member of The International Group for Historic Aircraft Recovery.

Previously, another team that went there found aluminum that could have come from Earhart's plane, along with pieces of a shoe.

The Lockheed Electra Flying Laboratory that Earhart flew on her doomed around-the-world flight was funded, in part, by the Purdue Research Foundation. Earhart had been a women's career counselor and visiting instructor at Purdue University in West Lafayette, Ind., for two years before the flight.

Nikumaroro is in the Phoenix Islands, southwest of Hawaii. It is three miles long and 1.5 miles wide.

Some historians dispute the evidence, but Quigg disagrees.

He said the Navy sent a battleship with observation planes to the area shortly after Earhart disappeared because of radio transmissions on her frequency.

"The historical evidence really points to this island," Quigg said.

Originally posted 11/4/2009

Coverup: Amelia Earhart Died in Japanese Camp According to Relative

nevadaappeal - Wally Earhart of Carson City, the fourth cousin of Amelia Earhart, says the U.S. government continues to perpetrate a "massive coverup" about her mysterious disappearance in the Pacific 72 years ago.

Because of the current surge in interest about the pilot's fate spurred by the recent release of the film "Amelia," starring Richard Gere and Hilary Swank, it is time the American public "know the truth about Amelia's last days," said Earhart, who will portray Abraham Lincoln as grand marshal of the Nevada Day parade today.

Amelia and her navigator, Fred Noonan, did not die as claimed by the government and the Navy when their twin-engine Electra plunged into the Pacific on July 2, 1937, Wally Earhart said in an interview.

"They died while in Japanese captivity on the island of Saipan in the Northern Marianas," claims Earhart, a 38-year Carson City resident who often portrays Lincoln and other historical figures at appearances sponsored by groups such as the Nevada Historical Society.

"The Navy and the federal government would have you believe that Amelia and Noonan died on impact when their plane ran out of gas while attempting to reach Howland Island during their flight around the world," Earhart said.

"Their airplane did crash into the Pacific, but instead of dying, the pair was rescued by a nearby Japanese fishing trawler. The Electra airplane was still floating and the Japanese hauled it aboard their ship in a large net.

"The Japanese then transported Amelia Earhart, Noonan and the airplane to Saipan. Noonan was beheaded by the Japanese and Amelia soon died from dysentery and other ailments," Wally Earhart continued. He added that the Japanese troops on the island cut the airplane into scrap and tossed the remnants into the Pacific.

"There are many people, including Japanese military and Saipan natives, who witnessed all these events on the island," said Earhart, who disputes claims by several historical researchers that Amelia Earhart and Noonan were instantly killed when their plane hit the water or they died of starvation and disease on either Howland Island, Gardner Island or in the Marshall Islands.

Why do the government and Navy continue to "cover up" the true facts of the case?

There are two major theories, according to Wally Earhart.

One is that the Navy was "inept" in not finding and rescuing the aviators after their aircraft crashed. The other is that President Franklin D. Roosevelt "wanted the whole matter kept under wraps," Earhart said.

"Roosevelt had asked Earhart, a close family friend, to scout Japanese military installations in the Pacific during her flights in the region. This was kept a deep secret back in 1937 and it is being kept a secret today because Japan and the United States are good friends and military allies and the government doesn't want to drudge up old antagonisms," Wally Earhart believes.

Earhart also noted that Amelia Earhart had close relations with Nevada.

"She loved Northern Nevada and often visited friends in Carson City and at Lake Tahoe. And she also made several flights across the state, stopping at a half-dozen cities," Earhart added.

On one flight, while flying a small plane between Las Vegas and Salt Lake City in 1928, she was declared missing after making a forced landing in bad weather in a deserted area near the Nevada-Utah state line. Rescuers were called out when it was feared she had crashed into a mountain peak in isolated Lincoln County in eastern Nevada.

Searchers ultimately found Amelia sitting beside her downed plane. She was uninjured but the craft suffered a bent propeller and other minor damages.

In 1931, Earhart crossed Nevada in an autogiro, the forerunner of the helicopter, making landings at Wendover, Elko, Battle Mountain, Lovelock and Reno.

And in 1929, George Putnam, her future husband and millionaire heir to a publishing fortune, divorced his first wife, Dorothy, in Reno. Amelia Earhart and Putnam were married two years later.

The mystery surrounding the fate of Amelia Earhart may never be solved. It remains the most famous missing person case in United States history.

Claim: Amelia Earhart's Plane, Remains Found

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