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Wednesday, September 1, 2010

Fwd: [MedicalConspiracies] Ohio Truck Driver's Close Encounter - What Will the 2011 Model of UFO Look Like?

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Date: Wed, Sep 1, 2010 at 7:57 AM
Subject: [MedicalConspiracies] Ohio Truck Driver's Close Encounter - What Will the 2011 Model of UFO Look Like?
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Phantoms and Monsters

The Roswell Incident: Ohio Truck Driver's Close Encounter

Posted: 25 Aug 2010 11:46 AM PDT

cantonrep - Ralph A. Multer was a wounded World War II veteran who walked with a limp and exhibited a gruff exterior. He liked to spin stories about his days as a gunner's mate on a Navy warship, including ones about the Battle of Iwo Jima. Multer worked on cars and rode a motorcycle. His nickname was "Bear," a reference to his large frame. And on occasion, he enjoyed a few swallows of vodka.

At 22 and married, Multer worked hard to support his wife, driving a truck for the Timken Co.

He wasn't normally given to far-flung tales of flying saucers and little green men. Until, that is, the summer of 1947.

Multer is said to be a local connection to the most famous UFO story in world history: The alleged crash of an alien spacecraft near Roswell, N.M., in July 1947.

He told loved ones he hauled material from the crashed spaceship to one of the Timken plants in Canton, OH that summer. A Timken furnace could not dent, damage or melt the UFO wreckage. Not even slightly.

An FBI agent made it very clear. Don't tell anybody about the covert operation. Keep it hush-hush.

That's a fascinating story. A whopper. Is it true? Can it be verified? Especially when you consider Multer died in 1982. Could a company of Timken's iconic stature be complicit in perhaps the greatest government cover-up of all time?


July 8, 1947. UFO historians consider that a monumental date. It is when the Roswell Army Air Field issued a press release that a crashed flying disk had been recovered in the New Mexico desert.

The military quickly changed its story. A second press release stated the 509th Bomb Group at the Roswell base mistakenly had identified a weather balloon as flying saucer wreckage.

Legions of UFO buffs believe the Roswell story. Researchers and authors have interviewed hundreds of people on the subject, including former military officers. Some believers have obtained once-classified documents, connecting the dots to conclude that the government concealed the crash and stashed away dead aliens with balloon-shaped heads, large eyes and child-like bodies.

Others declare the Roswell story to be a ridiculous myth borne out of wild imaginations. They contend it's utter nonsense concocted by nuts who are loose with the facts and heavy on speculation. They argue the UFO crowd has yet to produce hard evidence, such as a hunk of the damaged flying saucer.

Multer was a believer. He became one 63 years ago while working a four-hour shift for Timken.

Multer told his wife the story. Years later, he shared it with his daughter.

It was August or September. Multer had hoped to finish the shift and meet his wife for lunch. But the normalcy of the day quickly faded.

Multer said he and two other drivers were asked to pick up loads at a railroad yard. Three flatbed trucks, covered with canvas, carried the loads.

The load on Multer's truck was the largest. The convoy of trucks was escorted by officials of some type. Multer had some level of security clearance at the company.

FBI agents had met the trio of truck drivers. Multer asked about the loads. An agent told him they were parts of a flying saucer recovered in New Mexico. The strength and durability of the material would be tested in a super-hot Timken furnace.

"They talked to a person later who was there that night (at one of the Timken plants), and they said they couldn't cut it, they couldn't even heat it," said Sundi Multer-Lingle, Multer's daughter. "The piece of metal, well I don't know if you can call it metal, the object was absolutely impenetrable."

Metallic. Lightweight. Silver or dark gray. That's how her father described the mysterious material.

"We grew up with the story," said Multer-Lingle, 58, who was born in Canton and lives in Knoxville, Tenn. "Dad would put us up on his lap, and he would tell us the story."

He never changed his story. Or added details, she said.

"Dad wasn't a liar at all," Multer-Lingle said. "I mean, if he told you something, you believed it because that's just how he was, and I heard this so many times and so much that we never doubted it."

Multer's late wife told UFO researchers the experience left a lasting impression on her husband. It "never left his mind from then on," she said in an interview in the 1990s.


Roswell-related stories inundate the Internet. Books, movies and television documentaries transformed the Roswell story into a pop culture phenomenon. A museum in Roswell is dedicated to the topic. The Roswell UFO Festival takes place each July. A website for the Roswell newspaper features UFO-themed merchandise for sale.

Tucked away on a handful of websites, the Multer story keeps a low profile in the world of sensational UFO accounts. Multer's Roswell story apparently is not mentioned in any book.

At the International UFO Museum and Research Center in Roswell, a search through the library's database and archives turned up nothing about Multer and Timken as they relate to the UFO crash story, a museum employee said.

In the mid-1990s, William E. Jones and Irena McCammon Scott uncovered Multer's story. That's when Multer's wife was interviewed. The duo co-authored an article about Multer in the Ohio UFO Notebook in 1994 as part of a compilation of pieces titled, "The Ohio UFO Crash Connection and Other Stories."

Up until then, Ralph's story had been a well-kept family secret, said Multer-Lingle. Outsiders weren't privy to it. Multer's wife, Violet M. Brown, died in 2009; at the time of her death, she was known as Vikki May Black.

Stricken with health problems, Ralph had died nearly 20 years earlier.

"I remember we went up to Timken (in Canton) and interviewed some people," said Scott, 102, the UFO researcher who helped break the Multer story. "But I don't remember how we got the story to start."


Multer's story is difficult to verify. According to records from the Golden Lodge United Steelworkers Local 1123, Multer left Timken in 1952. His daughter says that is when the family moved to the Portsmouth area in Scioto County, where Multer then worked as a railroad brakeman.

Timken spokeswoman Lorrie Paul Crum said Multer worked with the company in the early 1950s, initially in the steel operations and later as a truck driver. However, a search didn't turn up all of the company records on Multer, Crum said.

"We didn't have his beginning employment records," she said.

"We had partial records. We don't keep them for all the employees."

Multer could have worked at Timken in 1947, said Tom Sponhour, editor of the Golden Lodge News, noting records can be sketchy that far back.

"We talked with retirees and executives familiar with all facets of ... Timken's long-standing relationships with government and scientific organizations serving as one of the world's foremost experts in metallurgy," Crum said.

But "no one had any recollection of Multer's story," she wrote in an e-mail response.

The Repository contacted several Timken retirees who worked for the company in the late 1940s and early 1950s.

Only one recalled hearing about Multer. Dominick T. Rex got a job at Timken in 1946 in the roller bearings plant.

"It was just a rumor about a truck driver (who) did something," Rex recalled. "He did something, and it was Ralph."

But the 84-year-old does not recall anything about a crashed UFO.

Scott, one of the UFO investigators who co-authored the original story about Multer, said she and the other researcher visited Timken in the mid-1990s to inquire about the former truck driver and Roswell.

None of the retired management and engineer employees contacted by UFO investigators had heard of the alleged Canton connection to Roswell, said Scott, who worked on satellite photography in the 1960s for the Defense Intelligence Agency. She is a former biology professor at St. Bonaventure University.

"I don't have a firm conclusion," she said of the alleged UFO crash.

The U.S. Department of Defense did not respond to a phone inquiry or e-mail from The Repository seeking comment about Roswell-related events in 1947 and Multer's story. The agency forwarded the call Thursday to the U.S. Air Force.

As of Friday, the Air Force had not replied. In the mid-1990s, the Air Force issued two in-depth reports, following an inquiry by the General Accounting Office, in an effort to debunk the Roswell story.


Stanton T. Friedman, a well-known researcher and author in the UFO field, said he had not heard of a Canton link to Roswell. Friedman co-authored a book on the topic, "Crash at Corona: The Definitive Study of the Roswell Incident."

Friedman, however, said he's well aware of Timken.

"They're a major company, and they had major responsibilities during the war," he said.

"Timken probably would have had a reputation for developing very strong materials at very high temperatures," said Friedman, 76, a nuclear physicist.

After exhaustive research, including interviews and an examination of countless government records, Friedman said he firmly believes that a UFO crashed near Roswell in 1947.

Donald R. Schmitt has been researching Roswell-related events the last 21 years. He has co-authored multiple books on the subject, including, "Witness to Roswell: Unmasking the Government's Biggest Cover-up."

"This is the granddaddy of them all," Schmitt said of the Roswell story. "If we solve this, the entire mystery is solved."

Schmitt is intrigued by Multer's account. "This is another piece of the puzzle," he said. Schmitt said he's heard "eyewitness accounts" about material being loaded on freight cars near the former Roswell Army Air Field.

"All aftermath, all arrows point directly to Ohio," Schmitt said of Roswell, referring to other alleged Ohio connections, including Wright-Patterson Air Force Base.

"Why would (Multer) lie to his wife about this?," Schmitt said. "He didn't profit (from) this, he didn't gain any notoriety or any publicity, he didn't do any talk shows or any interviews."

Schmitt said he's 99 percent certain a UFO crashed in the Roswell area.

"That remaining 1 percent is the remaining 1 percent of the curiosity until we get a piece of the holy grail," he added. "I do accept the challenge of the true skeptic, not the scoffer, but the skeptic who would remind us until you come up with the piece of the actual hardware, a piece of the ship, you won't have 100 percent."

NOTE: the following are several references to the Roswell crash material that was found and analyzed as well as some information on the Timken Roller Bearing Company which was and remains a major U.S. government contractor (military and aerospace)...Lon

Click for video

An analysis of alleged debris from the Roswell spacecraft that crash landed in 1947.


Reports On Memory-Metal Nitinol 'Missing'

heraldtribune - With a boost from Sarasota resident Tony Bragalia, the enduring Roswell UFO controversy is about to swing the spotlight onto one of the most successful research and development entities in America — Battelle Memorial Institute in Columbus, OH.

At issue are some missing reports from Battelle's study of a nickel/titanium alloy called Nitinol, renowed for its resilience as a "memory metal." Contracted by the U.S. Air Force to assess and exploit its compelling properties in the late 1940s, Battelle participates in or manages six national laboratories for the U.S. Department of Energy, including Oak Ridge, Lawrence Livermore, and Brookhaven.

The problem is, neither Battelle nor the USAF can produce copies of what the scientific literature refers to as the "Second Progress Report on Contract AF33 (038)-3736." Bragalia suspects that's because the data is still highly classified due to its source — a flying disc that crashed outside Roswell, N.M., in 1947.

"Personal testimony is one thing," says Bragalia, whose research skills have been polished by his business as an executive-search consultant. "But when you start talking about documents and the history of science, unlike testimonials, their provenance is not questioned."

Bragalia says his curiosity about the Roswell debris began accelerating in 2007, shortly after a retired Army Air Force veteran from Ellenton named Ben Games told De Void a tale that no one had ever heard before — in July of 1947, he flew Gen. Laurence Craigie to Roswell during the furor over the alleged UFO recovery.

As chief of the Research and Engineering Division at AAF headquarters, Craigie had offices at the Pentagon and at present-day Wright-Patterson AFB in Ohio. In October 1947, he became Director of Research and Development for the U.S. Air Force. At the end of the year, he authorized the first-ever USAF study of flying saucers. From 1948-50, he served as commandant of the USAF Institute of Technology at Wright-Pat.

In 1991, retired brigadier general Arthur Exon confirmed for author/investigators Schmitt and Kevin Randle that the Roswell debris was transferred to Wright Field in '47. Civilians and military personnel who handled the stuff compared some components to aluminum foil, except that it would conform to its original shape after being crumpled.

Exon, a lieutenant colonel on base at the time, said lab chiefs in charge of testing the material "knew they had something new in their hands. The metal and material was unknown to anyone I talked to." However, Exon, who was promoted to Wright-Pat base commander in 1964, never had access to the debris.

But who did? And if, as skeptics contend, the thing that went down in Roswell was simply a classified but hardly exotic balloon project, why did Craigie make a hurried flight to New Mexico from Washington?

Enter Nitinol, which made its debut in 1939. The nickel/titanium metal was created as a byproduct of another project and initially studied for its crystalline structures. Bragalia was unable to find any research on its shape-recovery properties until encountering references to a WPAFB contract with Battelle produced in 1949.

Its "Second Progress Report" — authored by Battelle employees listed only as C.M. Craighead, F. Fawn, and L.W. Eastwood — implies a first progress report, for which Bragalia could find no references at all. Although unable to get his hands on the "Second Progress Report," Bragalia lists four references to its existence in 1952, 1965, 1972, and 1984.

Bragalia didn't read the "Second Progress Report" because nobody appears to know where it is. Kemberly Lang, manager of the Battelle Library, couldn't find a copy, and neither could Annette Sheppard, special collection librarian at WPAFB. Lang reconfirmed to De Void her futility at learning anything about the 60-year-old project beyond published references to it.

"There's something strange going on here, but there is no copy of the contract. And Wright-Patterson doesn't have it, either. Evidently it was never submitted for retention," says Lang, who coordinated her search efforts with WPAFB. "Both sides have miraculously lost their copies of it.

"I don't know what's in it, I don't have a clue. I don't think there's anything malicious going on, but it's kind of in my 'open' file now. It's a mystery."

Bragalia doubts the USAF farmed out the actual Roswell debris to Battelle. More likely, he suspects its scientists were tasked to simulate its morphing abilities through Nitinol, which requires 99.99 percent purity and the application of heat.

Curiously, Braglia says military reports announcing the unveiling of Nitinol as a memory metal cite every year from 1959 to 1963 as its point of discovery. The last word from the U.S. Naval Ordnance Lab lists its debut as 1962 or 1963.

Today, Nitinol has blossomed into the commercial sector, finding its way into everything from medical hardware to bendable eyeglass frames. Among the most ambitious firms incorporating the latest generation of metallic elasticity into a vast array of products is LiquidMetal Technologies, a publicly traded R&D company headquartered in Rancho Santa Margarita, Calif.

Attributing its "amorphous alloys" to researchers from California Institute of Technology — managed by Battelle in cooperation with Lawrence-Livermore — LiquidMetal's Web site says it has collaborated on "numerous shuttle missions for NASA scientists to study its technology in space first hand."

"The NASA connection is huge," says Bragalia. "When you begin taking stuff into space and testing it under microgravity conditions, it allows you to develop material of exceptional purity."

Battelle, listed as a charitable trust exempt from taxation, is most famously known in UFO circles for producing a 1954 Air Force Project Blue Book study called Special Report No. 14. Concluding that 21.5 percent of UFOs in the military database were unknowns, Battelle directly contradicted then USAF Secretary Donald Quarles' assertion that only 3 percent of its sightings were unknown.

"Battelle is very artful at concealing its connections," says Bragalia. "When people say 'the government' knows about UFOs, I wonder. Especially when you consider that Battelle has more or less privatized six of our national laboratories."

By Billy Cox - Memory-metal files are missing


USAF Documents Confirm Roswell Crash Debris Examined

newsvine - A research study that has recently been obtained through FOIA offers stunning confirmation that Wright-Patterson Air Force base contracted Battelle Memorial Institute to analyze material from a crashed UFO at Roswell in 1947. Remarkably, the co-author of this very metals study is the same scientist who decades ago had confessed that he had examined extraterrestrial metal from a crashed UFO while he was a research scientist at Battelle! This just-received document also reveals that another one of its metallurgist authors reported directly to a Battelle scientist who was conducting secret UFO studies for the USAF. It appears that the study represents first-ever attempts in creating highly novel and advanced Titanium alloys. Some of these alloys were later associated with the development of "memory metal" of the type reported as crash debris at Roswell.

The following links provide greater detail:

USAF Docs No Longer Missing

Scientist Admits To Study Of Roswell Crash Debris! (Confirmed by FOIA Document)


Timken Roller Bearing Company

In 1899, Henry Timken and his sons, H.H. Timken and William Timken, established the Timken Roller Bearing and Axle Company in St. Louis, Missouri. This firm initially manufactured tapered roller bearings for the use in wagons. Timken's bearings helped wagons make easier turns and also improved their maneuverability in other ways. In 1901, the Timkens relocated the company to Canton, Ohio, where the firm became known as the Timken Roller Bearing Company.

The Timken Company's bearings became in great demand, especially as the automotive industry originated during the first decades of the twentieth century. Timken bearings were used in the Marmon Wasp, the first car to win the Indy 500. In 1917, the Timken Company constructed its first steel mill to provide the firm with a steady supply of steel to manufacture its products. Beginning in the 1920s, the company increasingly began to use its bearings in the manufacture of agricultural and mining equipment, and during World War II, besides providing the United States military with bearings, the business also manufactured gun barrels and steel tubing.

The Roswell Incident: Ohio Truck Driver's Close Encounter

Fortean / Oddball News - 8/25/2010

Posted: 25 Aug 2010 10:54 AM PDT

Frog the Size of a Pea Discovered in Borneo

telegraph - Microhyla nepenthicola, which was named after a plant on the island, is the smallest frog discovered in Asia, Africa or Europe.

Adult males of the new micro-species range in size from 10.6 and 12.8 millimetres, according to the taxonomy magazine Zootaxa.

Indraneil Das of the Institute of Biodiversity and Environmental Conservation at the Universiti Malaysia Sarawak said the sub-species had originally been mis-identified in museums.

"Scientists presumably thought they were juveniles of other species, but it turns out they are adults of this newly-discovered micro species," he said.

Mr Das published the paper with Alexander Haas of the Biozentrum Grindel und Zoologisches Museum of Hamburg, Germany.

The tiny frogs were found on the edge of a road leading to the summit of the Gunung Serapi mountain in the Kubah National Park in the Malaysian state of Sarawak.

The scientists said they tracked the frogs by their call, a series of "harsh rasping notes" that started at sundown.

They then made the frogs jump onto a piece of white cloth to study them.

The find was part of a global search being undertaken by Conservation International and International Union for Conservation of Nature's Amphibian Specialist Group to "rediscover" 100 species of lost amphibians.

The world's smallest frog is believed to be the Eleutherodactylus iberia, which can be found in southern Cuba. Adult males have a snout vent length of just 9.8 mm; females are 10.5 mm.


Customs Officers Find Ganja in Tombstone

The tombstone was being shipped from Jamaica to England, through Cincinnati in the United States.

US Customs and Border Protection officers made the discovery with help from a narcotics detection dog at the Cincinnati DHL Express hub at the Cincinnati Northern Kentucky International Airport.

Officers questioned last week why someone would ship a tombstone from Kingston, Jamaica, to London.

An X-ray machine revealed packages of the drug in a metal box, wrapped in metal mesh and hidden inside the hollowed-out concrete marker.

The stone bears the name of 35-year-old Delroy Senior. Part of its inscription reads, "your place no one can fill."

Authorities estimate the marijuana's street value at about £34,000. They have no suspects.


Woman Diagnosed With 'Bananaphobia'

metro - The 21-year-old children's worker suffers from bananaphobia, an overwhelming fear of the yellow fruit.

'It began when I was seven and my brother put a banana in my bed as a joke,' said Ms Dando, from Hastings, East Sussex.

'I felt his horrible, slimy thing underneath my body. I was frozen in panic and hyperventilating. Ever since then, if I see one the same feeling comes back.'

She has since been forced to dodge bananas in shops and turn a blind eye to them in the fruit bowl at friend's houses.

'I generally do not explain my fear unless a situation comes up. Then I will say: 'Sorry I am going to have to leave the room'. It is embarrassing – it is such a nonsensical fear.'

However, Ms Dando's two-year-old son, Harrison, loves bananas, which has put her in a tricky situation.

'I have to use a blanket to pick them up and put them in the trolley and then when I am at home I have to wear rubber gloves and use a tea towel to open one and give it to him,' she said.

NOTE: I am allergic to bananas, which is strange enough...but fear of bananas? Phobias are definitely interesting...Lon


Nightmarish Hospital Visit Capped by Beating, Accident Victim Says

UPPER MARLBORO, Md. (CN) - A man who was hurt in a car crash but was misidentified as a cancer patient claims security guards at Prince George's Hospital beat him up when he tried to leave the hospital to avoid chest surgery he didn't need - "to have a potentially cancerous mass removed from his chest." He adds that one guard repeatedly called him "bitch" as he roughed him up.
Joseph Wheeler says a June 23 car accident put him in the hospital, which is owned by Dimensions Health Corporation. When he woke up hungry on June 24 and asked a nurse for food, she told him he couldn't eat because he was scheduled for surgery, Wheeler claims in Prince George's County Court.
Wheeler says the nurse checked his identification bracelet and told him the surgery was "to have a potentially cancerous mass removed from his chest."
Wheeler says his ID bracelet "contained a name that was different from Mr. Wheeler's, appeared to be that of a woman, and had a birth date that was 13 years prior to his own."
The complaint continues: "Mr. Wheeler, still in serious pain from the car accident and subsequent treatment from injuries sustained, was starting to fear for his safety as the hospital had misidentified him and he was being prepped to go into a surgery that he knew nothing about.
"At this point, Mr. Wheeler's wife, Felicia Ann Wheeler, came into the room to see her husband. Mr. Wheeler immediately told Mrs. Wheeler about what was taking place. The Wheelers decided that it was in their best interest to leave Prince George's Hospital Center and seek medical care for Mr. Wheeler elsewhere."
Mrs. Wheeler confirmed with nurses outside her husband's room that he was scheduled for cancer surgery, and when she told the nurses that she and her husband were leaving, "an argument ensued."
According to the increasingly bizarre complaint, Mr. Wheeler, "hearing the argument, took out his I/V, got out of the hospital bed, put his clothes on, and started to walk out of the room. He was bleeding from the spot on his hand where that I/V had been connected.
"Mrs. Wheeler and the nurse met Mr. Wheeler at the door. The nurse told Mr. Wheeler that he was not allowed to leave. She put a bandage on Mr. Wheeler's hand to stop the bleeding from the I/V spot, and then yelled for security.
"Mr. Wheeler, now bandaged and clothed, began to walk toward the exit of the floor while his wife gathered the rest of his belongings. As he moved toward the exit, two large men in security uniforms moved quickly toward Mr. Wheeler."
These men, defendants William Reese and Donovan Scott, worked for the hospital and/or defendant Broadway Services, according to the complaint. The Wheelers say the two security guards were "immediately hostile."
"Defendant Scott harshly asked, 'Where do you think you're going?' Mr. Wheeler told both Reese and Scott that his business was finished at the hospital and that he was on his way out," the complaint states.
"In the moments immediately following this exchange, defendant Scott began to appear angry and upset with Mr. Wheeler. He began to use profanity directed at Mr. Wheeler about getting back to Wheeler's 'damn room.'
"At this point the two officers put on black padded gloves in front of Mr. Wheeler and defendant Scott started to hit his fist against his own hand and moved closer in proximity to Wheeler's face. Defendant Scott appeared angry and agitated."
Wheeler, "in fear for his safety," tried to reason with the guards.
"He told the officers that he had been in a serious car accident and suffered from multiple injuries to the torso and shoulders. Wheeler also told the officers that he was retired from the St. Mary's County Sheriff's Office and that he knew that the security officers had no right or authority to detain him. Wheeler stated that he wanted to leave."
At that point, Wheeler says, Scott grabbed him and shoved him "hard from behind into the adjacent wall and metal railing," hurting his ribs.
The complaint continues: "Mr. Wheeler, in serious pain and feeling like he was going to black out, fell to floor. Defendant Scott stood over him and yelled, 'Get off the floor bitch! This game is over!'
"Defendant Scott continued, 'I don't care who you think you are, this is my camp, you listen to what I got to say!' The vocal officer then grabbed Mr. Wheeler and pulled him up off of the ground as Wheeler pleaded with the officer to stop hurting him.
"At this point the defendant Reese said to the vocal officer, 'Man, ease up on him. He might really be hurt.' Defendant Scott replied, 'Hell no, he don't come up in here and be telling us what the fuck to do!'"
As the two guards "escorted" him back to his room, "Scott accused Wheeler of attempting to push the second officer down a flight of stairs," and "continued to shout expletives at Wheeler," according to the complaint.
Wheeler says the men took him to the hospital security office, where an unidentified lieutenant questioned him.
"After Mr. Wheeler explained what had happened, the lieutenant looked at Wheeler's hospital-provided identification bracelet and acknowledged that Wheeler had been misidentified," Wheeler says.
But that was not the end of the conflict. Wheeler says the lieutenant became agitated when he would not return the incorrect bracelet, and ordered the security guards to stop him from leaving.
He says a plainclothes hospital employee, a woman he identifies as an "administrator ... intervened in the conversation" and after he explained the situation, said she would make sure he "would have his own private room and any type of drug he wanted, just to name the pain killer."
Wheeler says he and his wife chose to leave the hospital, but when he tried to leave with the incorrect ID bracelet, one of the security guards "charged Wheeler, again calling Wheeler 'bitch,' and shoved him against the wall."
"Mr. Wheeler spent the next three days at St. Mary's Hospital and was diagnosed with four broken ribs, a sprained shoulder, a ruptured spleen, and a concussion," he says.
The Wheelers seek $3.2 million in compensatory damages and $9.5 million in punitive damages for assault and battery, false imprisonment and infliction of emotional distress.
They are represented by Bryan Dugan with Dugan, McKissick, Wood & Longmore of Lexington Park, Md.

Court documents

NOTE: this hospital is not far from me, just outside of D.C...Lon

Fortean / Oddball News - 8/25/2010

What Will the 2011 Model of UFO Look Like?

Posted: 25 Aug 2010 08:58 AM PDT

Chris Holly's Paranormal World - Over the years the descriptions of unidentified flying objects has become as diverse as our automobile models. I am of course being silly . I have noticed that as we become more aware of what is happening in our sky we also have been seeing more than one type of unknown object.

The shapes of the unexplained crafts spotted across the world make me think the intelligence piloting them may also be as diverse as the crafts they use to visit us.

We are all familiar with the saucer style UFO. I believe it may be the first type of craft that we reported seeing . Sort of the model T Ford of UFO crafts. There are paintings and assorted artifacts that are thousands of years old that show saucer shape crafts. They also reference crafts that look like short rockets. Bright light glowing from or surrounding crafts also seems to be shown in ancient art.

Saucers are still seen around the world. Cigar shapes, triangles , cross shaped crafts, orbs, rings, diamond and rectangle shaped crafts all have been spotted in our skies. I have received reports of crafts of pure light as well as one that seemed to be a large living creature. There are many unknowns being seen by many. The idea that they are all ridiculous is ridiculous. By the numbers of sightings alone we must admit and realize something is going on out there and many of us are seeing it.

The size of the UFO's being spotted is interesting as they too are diverse and range from car size to huge mother ships the size of a building or as long as a football field. I recall reading years ago about a sighting of a mother ship seen by hundreds over long Island in the 1960's . The newspaper article at the time claimed the craft was at least a mile long and wide. That is a very large craft.

There is no doubt that we are being visited. There is no doubt that the crafts used to transport our visitors come in many shapes and forms. I think the only question that really remains is who is responsible for these crafts and who is visiting us.

Judging from the diversity of the UFO's spotted we are being visited by not one but an assortment of beings. I am sure the intelligent life forms building and piloting the crafts that we are seeing are as different from each other as are the crafts we are seeing.

Reports of aliens being seen by people all over the world have also been widely varied in appearance.

The Gray's seem to be a very common type of alien that is reported across the world. They are human like in form by having a head , arms and legs. They have been reported to have large eyes, small facial features and thin. You do read accounts of people seeing this style of alien that vary slightly however many sightings fit into this type of alien.

Reptilians, Bug beings and the Tall Whites have also been reported by people all over the world. All of these aliens share common traits of having heads, appendages, eyes and stand between 4ft to 8 ft tall.

Recently I have found reports leaning towards robot style beings that appear to be both living and mechanical in nature.

Lastly light beings have been recognized as those joining the ranks of unknown creatures visiting our planet.

I personally do not think we have actually viewed an alien in its natural form.

I think most are covered in protective space suits that may be advanced to the point of looking like a skin covering however are a suit of protection. I do not think we have really seen a naked alien yet.

It makes sense that those visiting from distant planets or dimensions would need protection from our atmosphere or pollution as well as our bacteria and are gloved in highly advanced space suits very much like our astronauts use today.

The difference is ours are primitive and theirs are light years ahead . They may become part of their suit or simply travel as an energy in the suit . I only know we do not know and with that thought understand anything is possible.

Considering the amount of different life forms we have here on earth it is only logical for the universe to be teaming with all kinds of creatures and beings. It is probable that some of the life forms out there are human like to some degree as well as possible they are nothing like us at all. I think the truth would be like the life on our planet. Some of it is alike and some very different.

It is only fair for us to believe that there are alien life forms that would be compared by way of a monkey and a man as well as life forms that would compare to a human and a jellyfish in contrast.

The only way to absorb the possible life forms of our universe would be with a extremely open mind understanding anything is and can be possible.

I am sure there are planets out there where giant spider like creatures that crawl along strangely colored landscapes with little or no thought involved or possible.

I imagine there are other planets where highly advanced intelligent beings exist that look very much like humans. They may be pale skinned or green for that matter however they may be engineered very much like a human and live on earth like planets.

The possible stage, shape or intelligence of what lives beyond our reach in this universe is endless. We fit in this weave of planets and life somewhere between the lowest forms of life and the most advanced.

This explains the varied forms of aliens reported across our planet as well as the increasing sightings of unexplained crafts.

One day if we do not destroy our species we may come to understand the universe around us as well as others that share our space and time.

I think what seems impossible or frightening and unknown will one day be simple science and facts we just do not understand today. Humans are new to science and technology. We have miles to go until we understand what others obviously have already come to know.

Once we climb out of our state of ignorance and join the ranks of others who understand the working of the universe around us we too will be able to travel to other worlds and visit other beings. Until that day we remain the ones who are visited and the species confused to what really goes on in our own cosmic neighborhood.

Along the way hopefully we will continue to work towards understanding the unknown so we too can advance beyond the point of being observed and join the groups of those observing.

For now we need to keep trying to open our minds to the things we do not understand. Realizing that different species of aliens may be visiting us would be a large first step. Noticing they come in many different shapes and forms as well as ships and crafts will help us finally become members of our cosmic community.

I do hope we can accomplish this view sooner than later. Until we decide to give up the silliness of denial and fear we will not be able to join in with the others who make up the very space our planet floats in.

Be careful out there and keep looking up- who knows what this year's model UFO will look like!

Thanks to Chris Holly at Chris Holly's Paranormal World
Copyright © 2008-2010 Chris Holly - all Rights Reserved

NOTE: The views and opinions expressed by guest authors are not necessarily shared by me. Please direct inquiries to the specific writer...Lon

Monsters and Legends - Seneca Lake, NY

Posted: 25 Aug 2010 02:35 PM PDT

Click for video

I came across this video today from Seneca Lake, largest of the New York Finger Lakes (and home to some great wine making). Not sure what to make of it though it does show some characteristics of a large tree branch. Then again, it is quite strange especially when it rises out of the water and swirls. Your thoughts...Lon

Seneca Lake has it's share of legends...including 'The Serpent':

The Echo of Agayentah

In the early years, Hobart students embraced the legend of Agayentah, the bygone Seneca chief struck down by a bolt of lightening. As the story goes, both the chief and the tree where he took refuge were swept down a creek and into the lake. The following day, as storm clouds again gathered, a large tree trunk floated upright "slowly and majestically around the lake, like a funeral barge," according to the writer Arch Merrill. From then on, the tree was said to reappear in the "deathlike stillness that precedes the storm." A manuscript by George M.B. Hawley (Class of 1892) in the HWS archives cites reputable observances of the floating stump, then known, for no apparent good reason, as "The Wandering Jew."

There were some who said Agayentah had somehow angered the God of Thunder, who orchestrated his demise. "As he died," reads the Hobart H Book, "the echo of his cry reached the shore." In the 1850s, Echo of the Seneca became the title of the Hobart yearbook, which was then adorned with images of the Iroquois Nations.

Legend also has it a spirit boatman paddles the lake on moonlit nights, a spectral reminder of natives who narrowly escaped a party of Continental soldiers by climbing down a sheer cliff to canoes waiting below. The cliffs, located near Hector, were painted by the natives, supposedly to commemorate their good fortune.

Lake Drums

The low, distant booms said to occur on still summer evenings almost certainly exist, but explanations vary. Some explain them as gases bubbling up from the lakes depth and escaping with thunderous reports. Native Americans heard them variously as the drums of the ancestors, manifestations of evil spirits, or divine messages from the God of Thunder.


A person drowns in Cayuga Lake and turns up in Seneca — such stories support the belief that underground passages connect the Finger Lakes with one another, and perhaps with the Atlantic Ocean (which would explain the lake's high salinity, too). Jack Jones, a reporter from the Rochester Democrat & Chronicle, researched the topic and became convinced underwater passages in Seneca Lake are a "geological impossibility." William Ahrnsbrak, professor of geoscience concurs — cracks in the bedrock might release salt and allow subterranean seepage, but nothing more.

The Serpent

According to newspaper report in 1900, a Captain Herendeen (perhaps one of the many Hobart Herendeens) was skippering the steamship Otetiani on Seneca one hot summer afternoon when he spied what looked like wreckage of another vessel floating on the surface. While the crew prepared a boat to investigate, the "wreckage" moved. Herendeen called full ahead and the Otetiani bore down on the object, which suddenly reared its head.

A number of prominent citizens were on board that day, including the manager of the phone company, the police commissioner, and the president of the board of public works. One Professor George Elwood, from Ontario, was also there, and described the creature as serpent-like with a head "four feet long . . . armed with two rows of triangular white teeth. . . . The body was covered with a horny substance . . .much like the carapace of a terrapin. . . .

"The belly . . . was cream white. Its eyes round like those of a fish, and it did not wink."

Herendeen gunned the engines and twice rammed the creature at full speed, the second blow proving fatal. As the serpent floated, men from the Otetiani roped it and attempted to hoist it from the lake. Unfortunately, one rope slipped and the serpent sunk to the bottom.

The Geneva Gazette and Rochester Herald reported the incident, the former bemoaning the creature's demise: "It should have been captured alive and squirming, brought to Geneva and exhibited."

The Geneva Daily covered the incident only later, observing that the boat may well have visited wine cellars along Seneca's shores, thus preparing passengers and crew alike for visions of "creatures and monsters of all sizes."

On occasion, divers will still report observing the lake serpent. Don Woodrow, professor of geoscience, attributes it to oversized carp which, when turned over to sun themselves, "look bizarre." — P.R. Legends of the Lake - Sea serpents, immortal natives, underground passageways — stuff like that.


Geneva, N.Y. July 15, 1899

The Otetiani, a side wheel steamboat belonging to the Seneca Lake Steam Navigation company, officered by Captain Carleton C. Herendeen and Pilot Frederick Rose, was between Dresden and Willard a few minutes before 7 o'clock last evening, when Pilot Rose saw about 400 yards ahead, what appeared to him to be an overturned boat. He called Captain Herendeen who examined the object with his glass. It appeared to be about 25 feet long, with a very sharp bow and long, narrow stern. Amidships it was much broader and higher than at either end.

A number of passengers gathered around the pilot house and discussed the supposed boat. Among them were President of the Board of Public Works, Commissioners of Public Works Albert L. Fowle and D.W. Hallenbeck, Police Commissioner George C. Schell, Fred S. Bronson, manager of the Geneva Telephone company, and Charles E. Coon, a commercial traveler for a Philadelphia house, all resident of this city, and Professor George R. Elwood of Guelph, Ont., a geologist who has been studying the country around the lake.

When Captain Herendeen completed his examination of the object, the pilot signalled the engineer to slow down. The steamboat approached to within 100 yards and preparations were made to lower a boat. As the davits were swung outward, the supposed upturned boat turned and began to move away.

"Full speed ahead," shouted the captain. The object was moving slowly and the steamboat gained on it rapidly. The object again turned, this time toward the boat, raising its head, looked in the direction of the boat and opened its mouth, displaying two rows of sharp, white teeth.

The captain said that he would ram the creature with the boat and take it alive, if possible. Otherwise he would kill it, and either take it aboard or tow it to Geneva.

The boat was turned so that the creature would be approached from the side. The deck was crowded with passengers. These the captain ordered amidships in order to avoid any accident should the creature attempt to come aboard after the attack was begun. The captain cautioned everybody to get a life preserver and keep cool, because he said he did not know what would happen when the boat struck the monster. Some of the women, who were in tears, retired to the cabin, the others showed as much interest and excitement in the case as the men. The boat fell away some distance and turned to make the attempt to ram the creature. The captain signalled full speed ahead, and in a moment the Otetiani was under way.

Every eye on deck was fixed on the monster and hardly a person was breathing normally. While the boat was yet some distance from it, the monster again looked at the boat, sank out of sight and the boat passed over the spot where it had been. Some of the passengers decided that they could see a dark outline of the creature's body.

The steamer prepared to continue her course to this city.

"There it is," suddenly exclaimed one of the women passengers, who was standing on the after deck.

The "thing" had come up. The passengers, with the captain in advance, ran to the stern of the vessel and within fifty yards the long, lithe body of the monster was lying on the surface in practically the same position as when discovered. The captain ordered the boat put about and the attack was renewed. Instead of trying to strike the creature full in the side the boat was maneuvered, so that the starboard paddle wheel would strike it about midway between its head and tail.

The boat went ahead under full steam, the monster paid no attention to it, and with a thud which all heard and felt, the steamboat struck the spot.

The force of impact threw every one off his feet, and the vessel careened violently to port, but quickly righted. For an instant everybody wondered what would happen next. There was not a sound on board except the engine. Then the men on board cheered and some of the more timid of the women recovered from their fright and screamed.

Lying close beside the steamer, with a gaping wound in its side, was the monster. It raised its head, gave what sounded like a gasp, and lay quiet. Its spinal column had been broken and it was dead.

The life boats were quickly lowered and rowed to its side and with the aid of boat hook ropes were placed around the carcass. Other ropes which were fastened on board the steamer were then passed up and attached to the improvised swings. All helped to haul the monster in. The carcass was clear of the water when the rope near the tail slipped off and the tail dropped into the water.

The weight on the other rope then became so great that it began to slip through the bands of those holding it. They were compelled to let go or go overboard. As soon as the body struck the water it began to sink and disappeared. At the point where the carcass was lost the lake is over six hundred feet deep and as is well known bodies of persons who have been drowned in that part of the lake never again rise or are recovered.

When the steamer arrived in this city shortly before midnight the stories of the monster were about the same, although in some the imagination was given free play and the length of the monster was estimated at from 25 to ninety feet. The most careful and perhaps most trustworthy account was given by Professor George R. Elwood, a geologist who lives in Guelph, Ont., who was in one of the life boats that made a rope fast around the carcass.

"Do you know what a Clidiastes is?" the Professor asked the Herald correspondent.

"Well, that is exactly what the creature we saw last night seemed to be. It was about twenty-five feet long, with a tail which tapered until within about five feet of the end, when it broadened out and looked much like a whale. The creature weighed about one thousand pounds.

"It's head was perhaps four feet long and triangular in shape. Its mouth was very long and was armed with two rows of triangular white teeth as sharp as those of a shark, but in shape more like those of a sperm whale. Its body was covered with a horny substance which was as much like the carapace of a terrapin as anything else of which I know. This horny substance was brown in color and of a greenish tinge. The belly of the creature, which I saw after the rope slipped and the carcass was going down, was cream white. Its eyes were round like those of a fish, and it did not wink." The Sea Serpent

The following link is to a PDF of 'The Sea Serpent of Seneca Lake'.

Monsters and Legends - Seneca Lake, NY

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