Friday, October 30, 2009

Re: Taliban Chief blames Blackwater for Peshawar blast - Outlook

On Fri, Oct 30, 2009 at 1:06 AM, Feroze Mithiborwala <> wrote:


The three major blasts that occured over the last few days, need to be analysed - a) The blast in Baghdad, b) The other one in Peshawar & c) Sistan-Baluchistan (Iran).

The normal routine is a) Al Qaeda & b) Taliban & i for one am bored with the daily silly rubbish that we are expected to swallow.

Let's start with Sistan-Baluchistan terror attack. The Indian papers reported that Iran was blaming Pakistan. But it was only in the inside pages that we read that Iran was also blaming the US & UK for the same as well. Basically, Jundullah is another Salafist-Al Qaeda front of the CIA-MI6 & is based in Pakistan. The blast is part of a larger plan to weaken Iran by deepening the Shia-Sunni divisions.

My inference at the very instance of the terror attacks in both the cases was that the Blackwater-Xe was involved along with the local pro-US allies. I had discussed the matter before this report & we have been proved right again.

In the case of the Baghdad blast, it was meant to counter the growing unity within the Arab & Muslim world over the Goldstone Report as well as the crisis & the tensions over the Israeli infringement over the sovereignty of the Al Aqsa Mosque & the rest of the Haram i Sharif. A major blow for Israel has also been that Turkey is now beginning to distance itself from Israel, which in itself is a major strategic blow - this is a direct fallout of the Gaza & Al Aqsa issues.

As for the Peshawar blast, just this morning I discussed this matter with a few of our friends as well as detractors as well. I basically said that it made no sense for the Taliban to blow up Pashtun women & children in Peshawar - their ethnic community & mass base of support. The fact is that the Taliban can & do strike at will across Lahore, Rawalpindi or Islamabad. Clearly the Peshawar blast was to further demonize the Taliban & it was the handiwork of the Blackwater (The world's leading US private mercenary operator - now called 'Xe'), in tandem with the pro-US sections of the ISI and the Military.

Also do note that the Peshawar blast was timed with the visit of Hillary Clinton. Other parallels include the Beslan (Chechyna) school attack timed with the visit of Condoleeza Rice to Russia & more closer at home - the Chittispora Sikh Massacre (Kashmir) timed with the visit of President Bill Clinton to India.

Soon down the line, there will be a need for a Goldstone Report in South Waziristan as well, as the Pak airforce & military have unleashed their entire might against the civilian population. Entire villages are being subjected to the firepower, whilst we are made to believe that people are being liberated.

The fact of the matter is that there is a vast nationalist uprising across the Pashtun regions of Pakistan (23 million) & Afghanistan (17 million), as well as other regions of Afghanistan as well - with increasing support from Uzbek & Tajik nationalists. Barely 10% of the resistance comprises of the Taliban whereas the rest are composed of  a wide array of people committed to ending the occupation of their country from the US-Nato Imperialists, now being supported by the Pak Technocrat-Zamindar-Military elite.

Also the point that well meaning liberals need to understand that you the problems of Women's Rights that they keep on harking back to is a matter of Social Reform - not wars of Occupation. The US is killing & maiming hundreds of thousands of women & children in the process of supposedly saving them. Think about it.

The solution to the Afghan imbroglio is simple actually.

All that Obama needs to say - both to the American people & the International community is the following:

"I offer my sincerest apologies to the people of Afghanistan, Palestine, Iraq, Pakistan & Somalia for all the havoc & mayhem that my country has caused. Dear Americans, it was a lie from the beginning to the end & there was never a threat to the American people. We were never there in Afghanistan to smokeout the Al Qaeda or find Bin Laden or wipe out the Taliban. They were never responsible for 9/11 - & it was all a lie like the WMD's. Yes, the Bush-NeoCons & the Zionists were - & they have led us into two fatricidal wars that have ruined America. We need to leave now more so if we are to save our country & I believe that was the very mandate that you gave me.

We thus ask the United Nations to facilitate the process of our withdrawal, whilst a UN sponsored military force takes over the peace keeping process. For this purpose the armies of the Third World are best placed, as they will be trusted by the local population. The NAM should take a lead in this regard. Sorry for the genocide.

My immediate priority is to find a lasting solution to the Palestine-Israeli conflict & that will be most important foreign policy objective of my presidency. I now warn Israel & request it to comply & abide by all International resolutions or we will cut of all financial & military aid - immediately.

God, please forgive America & bless the World".



Taliban Chief Blames Blackwater for Peshawar Blast
Islamabad | Oct 29, 2009

Pakistani Taliban chief Hakimullah Mehsud has claimed that the controversial American security firm Blackwater was behind the deadly bomb attack on a market in Peshawar that killed over 100 people.

Hakimullah questioned why the Taliban should target the public when it was capable of carrying out attacks in Islamabad and targeting the army's General Headquarters.

In an interview with BBC Urdu, he claimed Blackwater and "Pakistani agencies" were involved in attacks in public places to discredit the militants.

A powerful car bomb exploded at a crowded market in Peshawar yesterday, killing more than 100 and injuring 200 more. No group has so far claimed responsibility for the attack.

The Tehrik-e-Taliban Pakistan had earlier said it was behind an attack on the army's headquarters earlier this month.

About 15 people were killed during that attack. A group of militants took nearly 50 people hostage before they were gunned down or blew themselves up.

Reports in the Pakistani media have claimed that Blackwater has established a presence in the country by tying up with local security firms but these allegations have been rejected by the US administration.

When Hakimullah was asked about the perception among people that militants are involved in attacks on public places, he said: "Our war is against the government and the security forces and not against the people. We are not involved in blasts."

Taliban spokesman Azam Tariq, who was present along with Hakimullah, warned that the militants could target media organisations that are "defaming" the Taliban.

North West Frontier Province Information Minister Mian Iftikhar Hussain and chief military spokesman Maj Gen Athar Abbas have blamed militants for the blast in Peshawar.

They said militants are targeting the people because they are facing defeat in South Waziristan tribal region, where the army has launched a major ground offensive.
Filed At: Oct 29, 2009 20:45 IST ,  Edited At: Oct 29, 2009 20:45 IST

Palash Biswas
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