Friday, October 30, 2009

Re: Prez Michel Suleiman: Tel Aviv behind Katyusha attack on Israel

On Fri, Oct 30, 2009 at 3:13 PM, satyamevjayte <> wrote:
Suleiman: Tel Aviv behind Katyusha attack on Israel
Thu, 29 Oct 2009 18:07:09 GMT
Lebanese President Michel Suleiman
Lebanese President Michel Suleiman charges Tel Aviv with a Katyusha-type rocket attack on the Israeli eastern town of Kiryat Shmona calling it a Zionist attempt to keep tensions high in Middle East.

In an interview with the Arabic language al-Akhbar newspaper in Beirut, Suleiman said the rocket "is an excuse for Israel to keep violating Lebanon's sovereignty and immediately use it to continue its intelligence activity in Lebanon due to Hezbollah's presence."

The Lebanese leader explained that the rocket attack from Lebanon served Israeli interests and noted that the one who launched it was an Israeli agent. "Therefore, I do not rule out the possibility that Israel is the one behind the Katyusha attack," he said.

"I believe that Israel must deal with the main problem, which is expressed in its attacks on Jerusalem (al-Quds) and Gaza, its rejection of the right of return, the continued construction in settlements, and the restoration of rights to their owners."

Suleiman, meanwhile, stressed that Lebanon does not serve as a platform to violate the UN Security Council Resolution 1701, which ended the Second Lebanon war. "I said this during my last visit to south Lebanon. I stressed that we will not allow anybody to violate the international resolution," he concluded.

Israel has used rocket attacks from Lebanon as an excuse to violate Lebanese borders and openly run intelligence operations there. It has also boasted that as long as Hezbollah is part of the Lebanese government, it will continue running such provocative operations against its northern neighbor.

Palash Biswas
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