Friday, October 30, 2009

Re: Red Alert in Copenhagen – 7 meters rise of sea level

On Thu, Oct 29, 2009 at 5:21 AM, Jens Galschiøt <> wrote:

Palash C Biswas

                                    Unsubscription, see bottom

Dear info list,

*In December the world's leaders will come to Copenhagen for a climate summit to discuss the global warming.

*We will launch the happening 'Seven Meters' to welcome the delegates. A 24 km line of blinking red LED lamps will illustrate how the city will look like when all the ice cap of Greenland has melted with the result of a 7 meters rise of the sea level. The lamps will be visible from the Bella Center, the venue of the COP15 summit and in the City, along roads, lakes and canals. Simultaneously we will surround the COP15 with huge art installations depicting the climate crisis.

*Join our effort to establish a new international symbol saying that too little is done to curb the global warming. We'll encourage everybody to make use of the blinking LED lamp (e.g. a rear bike lamp) as a symbol that we're facing a climatic catastrophe and that immediate action is called for.

*We've made an appeal (in English, Spanish, French and Danish) to make symbolic use of the LED lamps. We hope you will forward it to your entire network. You'll find the appeal at:

*Visit our homepage where you can post a comment or ask for further information.

*Make your own SevenMeters actions locally or globally, and send us the information, then we'll upload it on the website.

*You'll find a list of ideas at

*For sure, you cannot change the climate using red lamps. But we can create a movement and a symbol that we are ready to change our consumption, and that we believe that the politicians are not doing enough. If you and millions of others help spreading the idea, our joint effort can create a butterfly-effect, that lets a red blinking storm blow over the world, saying: "Do something now, and do it speedily!".

*I hope you'll join this art manifestation against global warming.

The best hectic climate greetings from

Jens Galschiot
and the many busy activists of the Seven Meters project

***Contact for further information:
Jens Galschiot,, tel. +45 6618 4058

Administrator of the SevenMeters project:
Lasse Markus,, tel.+45 6170 3083 or +45 6618 4058


****SEVEN METERS appeal - SEVEN METERS appeal*****

I encourage you to join to make a proclamation and create a global symbol showing that the politicians are not doing enough to tackle global warming.

90 percent of UN's climate experts agree that we are facing a climate threat, that we ourselves have created and which is threat to our civilization. But can we change our behavior and thereby avoid the disaster? And are we willing to do so? Or are we yet another bunch of lemmings headed for the abyss.

The solution is simple: The climate crisis can basically only be avoided through choosing and investing in CO2-free consumption and energy-production. The problem is when, how and how fast we will do this? If all Greenland's ice melts, sea water will rise 7 meters. This is one of the long-term consequences of global warming. The campaign is named SevenMeters after this water increase because it is a very tangible and understandable result of the climate changes.

24 Kilometers of Red flashing lights will make a line 7 meters above water's surface in Copenhagen during UN's climate summit in December 2009. Apart from that SevenMeters are making numerous buildings glow red with the 'earth pulse', placing dozens of climate sculptures and much more to call on the 'red alert'. Activists around the globe are encouraged to make SevenMeter-activities as well where they live. The goal is to make the symbol so strong, that a simple act, like flashing a bicycle light at a climate meeting, at a demonstration or elsewhere will signal that too little is done to stop global warming.

We will use SevenMeters and flashing lamps to highlight the human consequences of global warming. It will show that global warming is not just about wildlife, plants and rising water. That it will also have a colossal impact on mankind in form of future migrations caused by drought and floods. And it will have produced 200 million climate refugees within the next 40 years unless we do something drastic. is launched from Denmark. But the campaign's focus is global as well and supports and encourages activists across the globe to take up the idea and make 'new' water-marks in their own countries - or in other ways use the symbol of red flashing lights or bring attention to the climate problems.

Can you change the climate by using red lights? No! - but we can create a movement and a symbolize that we are ready to change our consumption, and that we believe that the politicians are not doing enough. If you and millions of others help diffusing the idea, we can together create a butterfly-effect, that lets a red blinking storm blow over the world, which says: "Do something now, and do it speedily!".

We encourage you to:

- Forward this mail to everyone on your email list. Check our website at and join the SevenMeters mailing list. Then you will receive updates on the project and the ongoing activities.
- Become active in the SevenMeters-campaign. Join, or create, a local SevenMeters group, and make creative actions to highlight global warming and its consequences and push for necessary changes.
- If you're already active in an environmental group or something else, SevenMeters encourage you to use the symbolism and the signal value from flashing red lights to put focus on what you already do.

It is the Danish sculptor Jens Galschiot who is behind the SevenMeters-manifestation. The artist is independent of all political and religious interests and has often made global art events in the defence of a humanism in society. For example in cooperation with the Pro-Chinese Democracy Movement in Hong Kong, and the indigenous people in Mexico. We hope that a many individuals and organizations will join the project and contribute by using red LED-lights as a symbol of global warming consequences.

Contact us at; Banevaenget 22 - DK 5270 Odense N, Tel: +45 6618 4058 / 6170 3083, Fax +45 6618 4158, e-mail:



If you want to be removed from our mailing list, just answer this message writing 'Remove' in the subject box.

Anyway, it may be worth a consideration that this mail is not covering all our info messages. The themes are manifold: human rights, the world's imbalance, women's and children's rights, racism, war and peace, arts debate, etc.

Palash Biswas
Pl Read:

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