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Friday, June 5, 2009

Re: [GovRant] Digest Number 3218

 gostokanan, sodepur, kolkata-700110 phone:033-25659551

From: "" <>
Sent: Friday, 5 June, 2009 18:52:08
Subject: [GovRant] Digest Number 3218


Messages In This Digest (5 Messages)



FOX News: Obama Travels to Middle East to Recruit Jihadists (Satire)

Posted by: "CLG News"   clg_news

Thu Jun 4, 2009 10:48 am (PDT)

*FOX News: Obama Travels to Middle East to Recruit
Jihadists*<http://www.legitgov .org/shulman_ obama_recruits_ jihadists_ 040609.html>
R J Shulman 04 Jun 2009 (Satire)

CAIRO, EGYPT -- (PTSD News) -- Fox News has learned that the real purpose of
President Obama's trip to the Middle East and meet with Arab leaders is to
learn how to recruit jihadists to do his bidding and wreak havoc in the
United States.

In a Fox News Special, "Could Obama Be Plotting a Muslim Revolution in the
US?" Fox News reporter Neil Cavuto said, "It's no accident that Osama bin
Laden released a new tape on the eve of Obama's visit. And it's no surprise
that the liberal media has failed to properly translate bin Laden's message
which said, 'Brother Obama, we welcome your glorious mission in the name of
Allah to overthrow the Infidels that infest the United States."

"The proof that Barack Hussein Hussein Hussein Hussein, did I say Hussein,
Obama hates Christian American," said Sean Hannity, "is that he has chosen
to mingle with known Islamic Koran-thumping terrorists in the Middle East
before he has visited God-fearing American towns such as Jackson, Tennessee;
Williamsport, Pennsylvania; and Provo, Utah."

"The link between Barack Hussein Obama, Saddam Hussein, and Osama bin Laden
is well known," said former Vice President [sic] Dick Cheney. "First, their
names all sound the same. And, all three can spell 'Prague' which proves
that they met there in secret to plot against the United States."

"No matter how much the liberal press Obama lapdog suck-ups try and protect
Obama," said conservative talker Glenn Beck, "they cannot prove Obama is not
in the Middle East to recruit jihadists."

Bill O'Reilly was originally scheduled to host "Could Obama Be Plotting a
Muslim Revolution in the US?" but had to cancel, as he needed to spend time
backpedaling from taking responsibility for his inflammatory comments about
Dr. Tiller who was shot dead in his church by a fanatic, who may have been
an O'Reilly fan. "Frankly, I like the Dr. Tiller story better," O'Reilly
said. "It has church, guns, abortion and death. Who could ask for more,
unless, of course, you could throw in a scare that lesbians were going to
take over NASCAR."

04 Jun 2009

<http://www.legitgov .org/shulman_ fox_obama_ not_president_ 230109.html>
http://www.legitgov .org/shulman_ obama_recruits_ jihadists_ 040609.html<http://www.legitgov .org/shulman_ prejean_to_ run_as_gop_ vp_130509. html><http://www.legitgov .org/shulman_ cheney_regret_ 170109.html>
Lori R. Price
Managing Editor
Citizens For Legitimate Government
http://www.legitgov .org/

You can follow at http://twitter. com/Lori_ Price_CLG
<http://www.legitgov .org/>
<http://www.legitgov .org/9_1_ 1_oddities. html>


Posted by: "palashc biswas"   palashcbiswas

Thu Jun 4, 2009 4:59 pm (PDT)

ACTION ALERT Against MONOPOLISTIC Aggression and PSU SELL OFF and Mass Destruction!
Troubled Galaxy Destroyed Dreams: Chapter 247
Palash Biswas
Dear Friends!
Let us stand United in Global Resistance against TRI Iblis Satanic Corporate Apartheid Manusmriti Imperialist Fascist Global Order!
Let us stand UNITED Rock Solid in National Mass Movement against MONOPOLISTIC Aggression and PSU Sell OFF and Mass Destruction!
For last few days I have been talking to Professors, Little mag Editors, Journalists, grass Root Social and Environment, Committed Ideological Marxists, Trade Unions, Economists, Journalists, Bamcef Friends, NGOs, common commuters in train across the country.
All of us realise that we have to RESIST and Survival Strategy has no ESCAPE route.
 We have to fight out to break the Enslavement!
 Since ILLUMINATI has taken over Indian subcontinent, the War is very DESTRUCTIVE.
 Since State Power has the Licence to kill and all anti People Legislation go on with Excellent Floor Coordination amongst UPA, NDA and the Left, not to mention the Third Front Stepony, we may expect Merciless REPRESSION against us anywhere anytime under the Umbrella of so called National interests, AFPSA, NSA, Twin Terror act and Citizenship Amendment act!
Illuminati Parliament is all set to enact the most Human Drama for Woman`s EMPOWERMENT, Social Welfare and Employment Schemes, human and Civil Right Violations as well as all time HIT HINDUTVA and Dalit issues to SUBVERT the real and Economic issues, Food Insecurity, Starvation, Displacement, Peasantry, Lay OFFs and lock outs, SELL OFF, Foreign borrowing Policy, Interest rates, Bail Out, Retail chain, SEZ, PCPIR, Nuclear Parks, nationalities and Identities, Bonded labour, Working Conditions, Disinvestment and Divestment, Planning, fiscal and Monetary Policies.
 The Anti People Bills have to be Enacted with All party Whip! For Eye washing Walkouts and Turmoils would GUILLOTINE everything in the way without any MINUTES for the Innocent masses already BRAINWASHED by Media, CIVIL Society and Intelligentsia!
I have written about some IAS Officials, media heads and intellectuals UNDERMINING National Mass Movement whatsoever.
We have witnessed the PUNE MULTI Lingual BRHMIN SAMAJ Sammelan before the Loksabha Election which was attended by all the SHANKARACHARYAS and Hindutva Leaders led by Baba Ramdev , a NON Brahamin.

The SAMMELAN decided that the BRAHMINS and Caste Hindus should VOTE for CONGRESS discarding RSS and BJP as they may not Resist Mayawati!
Then Mumbai witnessed the UNPRECEDENTED Sant Samagam openly PLEADING for Hindu VEDIC and Manusmriti RULE.
The follow up was the CLIMAX as Baba Ramdeb arranged an OPEN Massive Meeting in Haridwar in Uttarakhand, the High Caste populated state and MEDIA heads as well as HIndutva leaders planned the CORPORATE mandate to CONTINUE the ECONOMIC Reforms.
Corporate Houses and Media, Icons all joined together to POLARISE Caste Hindu Vote Bank against Mayawati to VOTE for ECONOMIC Reforms and UPA. It resulted in RESURRECTION of CONGRESS and its DYNASTY Rule in all the three spheres , the Himalayan Region, The HINDI Heart land and South India besides in states like Orissa, Bengal, Gujarat and MP.
This CAMPAIGN wiped out Mayawati, the left and Lalu and Paswan as well. It weakened Chandra Babu Naidu, Jailalita and Sharad pawar, all the regional powers and identities with an unprecedented HYPE of National Interests based on Continuous hate campaign, Mis Information, brain washing and mind control as well as BLIND Nationalism.
Economic and Environmental issues, Nature , Natural resources, Nature associated people, LPG Mafia, Washington dictation, Strategic realliance in US and Israel lead, War against Terror,  Foreign Policies, Monetary and Fiscal policies, Bail Out, Human Resource Management and Revenue Management, Food Insecurity, Death Processions and Suicides, Job loss and Unemployment, Displacement and Massacres, CIA and MOSSAD activities and Subversion and even INDO US NUCLEAR deal had not DISCUSSED even by the Left or the Third Front!

We may not depend on these false Ideologies and False Political parties led by the Ruling Manusmriti Hegemony anymore!
It is KNOWN that the RULING HEGEMONY engaged FIVE Hundred retired or Retiring IAS OFFICERS, top Media Heads, Economists including AMARTYA SEN, Intellectuals and Civil societies to BREAK and PURCHASE, Co OPT the splintered MASS Movements Countrywide!
What should we do as Hundred days INDIA INC and ILLUMINATI Agenda relating Human resource and revenue management, Economic Reforms, Displacement and Destruction on the name of Infrastructure, Resource Mobilisation, Capital Flow, Transparency, River Link, development, Industrialisation and Urbanisation , Information Explosion and High Technology is UNDERWAY to be IMPLEMENTED with full Political FORCE!

We have amongst us Dr Binayak Sen, just released after two years!

We have to make a WAY OUT Immediately to ENCOUNTER the Unprecedented CRISIS as we have to face the WRATH of PENTAGON, US Strike Power, CIA and Mossad activities and Almighty Illuminati money Power.

We have depended so much so on our Leftist Friends who have BETRAYED all the way all these SIXTY years after Independence and had been ENGAGED in striking Deal with National Manusmriti Rule to save Marxist Gestapo Hegemony for the Elite Brahmin families in West Bengal, Kerala, and Tripura.

 Third front was a TOOL of Bargaining as Left EVADED the RESPONSIBILITY to lead anti Imperialist Anti fascist Anti LPG Resistance.

Leftist Trade Unions are JUNKED for four decades!

 We may not hope any RESURRECTION as all the Comrades are busy to regain and recapture the lost ground in their traditional bases.

Marxists have not REACTED against the PLOT of Mass DESTRUCTION or the the ENTRY and Control of US Military Power in the Subcontinent, Never challenged the TRANSFER of Internal security to Mossad and CIA and never SPELT a single WORD against ILLUMINATI or India Incs.

The Killer Money Machine eats our Meat and Flesh!

Friends, Lest we PERISH without any attempt to Save ourselves and our people the Black Untouchable masses, we must react.

In Maharashtra, Bamcef Friends are already in Action Mode as they publish handbills, organise workshop and interact with Trade Unions. The Mumbai based Intellectuals and activists, Economists and educationists, govt employees and those in  Targeted PSUS have ACTIVATED themselves for Resistance and I hope them to lead us.

In Karnataka, kerala, Andhra and Tamilnadu, our Intelligentsia is already in move and they are trying hard to empower the masses and INFORM them Reality.

In New Delhi and North India, our friends are ACTIVE and looking for coordination in National Mass Movement.

But we fare very badly in Himalayan Region and Northeast as well as in the West in Gujarat and Rajsthan, Punjab and Haryana, in the West in Bengal, Orissa and Bihar!

We must publish special Issues on LPG and economic Reforms and hundred days Action Plans in our Little mags!

Specially in Bengal, the masses have been DIVIDED Vertically in favour and against Power Hegemony and Resistance Hegemony, BOTH led by Brahamins!
Buddhadeb Bhattacharya  is replaced by yet another BRAHMIN Mamata Bannerjee!
Then CPIM looks for a REPLACEMENT for BUDDHADEB as the Failed CHIEF MINISTER and focus on Another BRAHMIN ASIM DASGUPTA!
It is very hard to get any BREAK Through in West Bengal where most SCIENTIFICALLY Untouchability as well as APARTHEID are in VOGUE as CO OPTION Expert Brahamins are very EXPERT to readjust Demography and Purchase whatsoever RESISTANCE or Personality!

Most of the INTER CASTE marriages amongst SC and Brahamin Communities tamed the already educated and adjusted SC Intelligentsia while the OBCs NEVer RECOGNISE their own IDENTITY and tag themselves with Ruling Brahmins, kayasthas and Baidyas, still getting NOTHING.

 Muslims have been betrayed all these years but they behaved otherwise thanks to SACHHAR COMMITTEE Report and it has nothing to do with Mamata Bannrejee. Muslims had no OPTION but to VOTE her as they had DECIDED to DEFEAT CPIM!
Tribals countrywide are in DEEP SEGREGATION!

What should we do now?

We may use the mainstream Media thanks to some Committed  Journalist still SURVIVING in Print and Electronic media!

We may contact the friends in Eduction Institutions to mobilise the students and youth power!
We may also interact with the friends affliated to Trade Unions and Disillusioned with Ideology as well as leadership in InACTION!

We may ORGANISE Workshop and group meetings at every point.

We may interact with the masses where ever Possible.

Our NGOS engaged in Mass Movement may come out with their Resources and Manpower!

BAMCEF Factions working amongst Indigenous, Aboriginal and Minorities are in a better condition as far as National network, organisation and resources are concerned! They may relieve themselves from the CASTE War and read and circulate AMBEDKAR Ideology on Labour, Human resource, Land, Livelihood and economy.

Bamcef people are STRATEGICALLY best placed to convert their National organisation into a National Mass Movement.

It is GREAT Opportunity for the BAMCEF people irrespective of GROUP and faction, to lead national Resistance Movement since the Marxists hare still in BETRAYAL Mode!

Our Social Activists and environment activists and nationality Movements have ORGANISATION AL and RESISTANCE Experience, provided they chose to come out in the DEFENCE of the Majority Helpless St raving Jobless People, we may CREATE a National mass movement very easily whatsoever may come in the way.
We may use the BLOGS and groups and Website for National Global Networking and social network attracting the Young educated lot.

We may use the Mailing Lists to CIRCULATE and Forward the relevant Matter and Information and where ever and whenever may PUBLISH them on Net as well as in PRINT.

We should COORDINATE our EFFORTS and should not work for Personal Mileage under any PROJECT!

 We may DISCARD Personal EGO, Regionalism and Cultural Ideological Linguistic barriers to break the ARTIFICIAL Divide in Landscape as well as Human scape.

Himalayan region Kashmir to North East, Central India including the Hindi Heart Land or Cow belt and the South India should works as a UNIT as it happened to be during the STRUGGLE of Freedom. It is also a STRUGGLE of Freedom.

We must work for the ANNIHILATION of CASTE so that the CASTE RULE and Hegemonies and Power Equations of CO OPTION and Betrayals may WITHER AWAY. We Must work together for Caste less Classless Society.

 We must give the REQUIRED SPACE for Every Community and the half of the POPULATION, the Women!

Personally, I have experience to work under the leadership of WOMEN in UTTARAKHAND, Jharkhand and Dandakaranya and Even in North East.

 I may assure you that the Ladies are MORE COMMITTED, More Dedicated, More Sacrificing and More Faithful. WE must convince them.

We may share our CELL Phone numbers and EMAIL IDs for OPEN INTERACTION and Constant Coordination.

MY Cell phone Number: 919903717833.

Phone: 913325659551 (Residence)

Email: palashbiswaskl@

U.S. President Barack Obama addresses an audience at the Cairo University in Cairo, Egypt. Photo Gallery
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Govt plans big-bang divestment
4 Jun 2009, 0049 hrs IST, Prabhakar Sinha, TNN


NEW DELHI: With Left Flag out of sight, the government is planning a big-bang disinvestment in the state-owned PSUs. It plans to raise over Rs 25,000 crore in 2009-10, not only to reduce fiscal deficit but also for expansion of public sector enterprises.

The disinvestment department, which was out of action for some time due to strong opposition from the Left parties against any selloff of government stake in PSUs directly or indirectly, has again come under the limelight. Leading merchant bankers are approaching the department's officials to get business in near future.

A senior merchant banker said the department is ready with a number of proposals of stake sales in the coming months. Draft prospectus of PSUs like Oil India, National Hydro Power, RITES and UTI Asset Management Company have already been cleared by Sebi. As the sentiment in the equity market is much better now, these companies may decide to go ahead with their public issues soon.

A senior government official said when the Sensex was hovering around 6,000 points in 2003-04, the government could raise Rs 15,500 through divestments. With Sensex around 14,500 now, government can think of raising anything upwards of Rs 25,000 crore.

The main chunk of fund, a source said, would come from the divestment of government stakes in blue chip companies like BSNL, MMTC, NMDC, Coal India, NTPC and NALCO. Disinvestment of up to 10% in BSNL alone could fetch around Rs 20,000 crore.

Similarly, the market capitalisations of MMTC and NMDC are at present around Rs 1,60,000 crore and Rs 1,40,000 crore respectively, with government's holdings around 99%. Divestments in these companies can also raise substantial funds, the source added.

According to a Religare report on disinvestment, a government committee had already recommended selloff of stakes in 25 companies. But, because of opposition from Left parties, the government could not proceed. As the scenario has changed now, government is likely to go ahead with disinvestment of its stakes in these companies.

Besides these companies, government had also planned to do strategic sale in many other companies but could not proceed due to opposition from allies. In Bharat Aluminium, the government had sold 51% stake to Sterlite Industries, which is now called Vedanta. As per the original agreement with Vedanta, the government should sale the remaining stake also. As management has been already transferred to the private partner, the government is considering to exit the company.

http://timesofindia .indiatimes. com/Govt- plans-big- bang-divestment/ articleshow/ 4614561.cms

Govt to prepare roadmap for PSU divestment: President

NEW DELHI: In what may boost the capital market, the government on Thursday announced to sell equity in PSUs through public offers but committed that its holding would not go below 51 per cent.
“Our fellow citizens have every right to own part of the shares of public sector companies, while the government retains majority shareholding and control,'' President Ms Pratibha Patil said in her address to the joint session of Parliament.
She said the government will set a timeframe for listing of public sector undertakings.
“My government will develop a roadmap for listing and people-ownership of public sector undertakings while ensuring that government equity does not fall below 51 per cent,'' she said.
At present, public offers of two PSUs -- Oil India and NHPC -- are pending.
While initial public offer of Oil India Ltd, the country's second largest state-run explorer, is likely to hit markets in September, NHPC is expected in August.
Oil India Chairman Mr N M Borah had said earlier this week the company has initiated discussions with its IPO adviser's to decide on the timing.
“Stock markets are reviving and so we have started dialogues again with advisers for the IPO,'' he had said. - PTI
Prev: Rupee weakens by 17 paise against dollar
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SEBI issues show-cause to Anil Ambani mutual fund companies
4 Jun 2009, 1852 hrs IST, PTI

MUMBAI: Market regulator SEBI on Thursday asked mutual fund arms of Anil Ambani Group (ADAG) to explain why they violated prescribed advertising norms in launching a new scheme to avert any action.

In a show cause notice, SEBI asked Reliance Mutual Fund and Reliance Asset Capital Management why there should not be a "restraint" on any new scheme by them in view of violations in audio visual advertisement of an infrastructure fund.

"Reliance Mutual Fund and Reliance Asset Capital Management Limited are directed to show cause as to why they should not be restrained from launching any new schemes for an appropriate period for violations," SEBI said in its order yesterday.

SEBI also asked these companies to withdraw the advertisement immediately in the current form and issue it again as per the regulator's norms.

As per the SEBI's norms, any audio visual advertisement for mutual funds should display standard warning for five seconds so that investors are able to take well informed investment decisions.

However, the time for display and voice over of the standard warning in the advertisement for Reliance Infrastructure Fund is for less than five seconds and thus not in compliance with the SEBI norms, the order said.

"The rapid fire manner in which the standard warning as recited in the audio visual renders it unintelligible. This leads to a situation where the investors are not able to take well informed investment decision... This is a serious violation," the order said.

Besides, market regulator's norms also require companies to submit these advertisements to SEBI within seven days from the date of issue.

However, Reliance Mutual Fund has submitted the compact disc of advertisement clippings for new fund offer (NFO) on June 3 even when the NFO opened on May 25.

SEBI said its order may be treated as a show cause notice and Reliance Mutual Fund and Reliance Capital Asset Management Limited may submit their reply within 15 days.

The companies may seek personal hearing in the matter.

HRD ministry to issue notice to college owned by union minister
4 Jun 2009, 1805 hrs IST, PTI


NEW DELHI: A medical college said to be run by Union Minister S Jagathrakshakan has run into problems with Union HRD Ministry on Thursday deciding to serve a notice to it threatening action on the issue of huge capitation fees allegedly demanded by it from students.

The Ministry would be serving a notice to Bharat University of which Shree Balaji Medical College in Tamil Nadu said to be owned by Minister of State in the Information and Broadcasting, is a constituent, seeking to know why the deemed university status should not be withdrawn and other appropriate action not initiated against it, ministry sources said. ( Watch )

The Ministry has also decided to serve a notice to Sri Ramachandra University.

The Ministry's action followed media reports that officials of Shree Balaji Medical College and Sri Ramachandra University and allegedly demanded capitation fees in the range of Rs 12-20 lakh, a charge denied by Jagathrakshakan.

HRD Minister Kapil Sibal, who reviewed the process for declaring an institution as a 'Deemed to be University' directed the University Grants Commission (UGC) to keep "in abeyance" all pending proposals till a thorough review of the functioning of the existing such institutions was undertaken.

Sibal reviewed the process for according deemed-to-be university to status to institutions in view of the concerns expressed in various quarters, the Ministry said.

The Minister also asked the UGC to take up a review of the functioning of all deemed-to-be universities and report the deficiencies within three months with respect to maintenance of standards especially with regard to availability of the qualified faculty and the infrastructure.

The review would also cover the sanctity of the admission process for enrolment of students, the ministry said.

There are about 125 deemed universities functioning in the country now.

Growth, internal security key priorities: President
4 Jun 2009, 1132 hrs IST, IANS

NEW DELHI: President Pratibha Patil on Thursday outlined the United Progressive Alliance (UPA) government's broad agenda for the next five years,

President Pratibha Patil addresses the joint session of the Parliament in New Delhi. (PTI Photo)
More Pictures with economic revival, infrastructure development, financial sector reforms and divestments in state-run enterprises being accorded high priority. ( Watch )

"Our immediate priority must be to focus on management of the economy that will counter the effect of the global slowdown by a combination of sectoral and macro-level policies," Patil said during her address to a joint session of Parliament.

"My government will focus attention on sectors that are adversely affected - especially small and medium enterprises, exports, textiles, commercial vehicles, infrastructure and housing," she said.

This was the President's first joint address after the general elections that gave a second term to the UPA government under Prime Minister Manmohan Singh and constituted the 15th Lok Sabha. Her speech was earlier cleared by the cabinet.

The President also said the government will seek to remove bottlenecks and delays in implementing infrastructure projects, especially in the railways, power, highways, ports, airports and rural telecom sectors.

"Infrastructure is a fundamental enabler for a modern economy and infrastructure development will be a key focus area for the next five years. Public investment in infrastructure is of paramount importance," Patil maintained.

She ruled out privatisation of state-run enterprises, but said a road map will be prepared for the public at large to hold stakes in them and to list them on stock exchanges.

"Our fellow citizens have every right to own part of the shares of public sector companies while the government retains majority shareholding and control," she said, adding the state will continue to hold 51 percent or higher control.

The President also hinted at reforms in the financial sector, saying steps will be taken to pump more capital into banks and enact legislation to set up a pension regulator - a precursor to allowing foreign equity in this area.

"Our country has benefited from large foreign direct investment flows in recent years. These flows, especially foreign direct investment, need to be encouraged through an appropriate policy regime," she said.

"There is also a need to augment resources in the banking and insurance sectors in order to permit them to serve the needs of the society better."

The President said in no uncertain terms that subsidies needed to be reoriented as finding money for infrastructure and other developmental projects will be a daunting task, especially since the government was committed to fiscal responsibility.

"This will require that all subsidies reach only the truly needy and poor sections of our society. A national consensus will be created on this issue and necessary policy changes implemented, " Patil maintained.

Zero tolerance towards terrorism: President
Zero tolerance towards terrorism and stern measures to handle both insurgency and Left-wing extremism are some of the tasks before Prime Minister Manmohan Singh's government as it puts in place a plan to strengthen internal security, President Pratibha Patil mentioned in her address.

"The government has already made a detailed plan to address internal security challenges to be implemented in a time-bound manner," Patil said.

Some of the areas that have already been activated include the multi-agency centre for intelligence sharing and the National Investigation Agency that has been empowered to handle terror related offences.

"A national counter-terrorism centre will be established to take pro-active anti-terrorism measures. Special forces and quick response teams will be raised and deployed in vulnerable areas," Patil said.

The President also mentioned that while the government would pursue police reform, the participation of citizenry in community policing will be promoted.

"Communal harmony shall be preserved at all costs. The mandate my government received was unmistakable in that the people wanted the country's secular fabric to be protected," Patil said.

"With this objective my government will seek early approval of the bill introduced in Parliament for the prevention of communal violence," she added.

Internal security and preservation of communal harmony are among the 10 broad areas of priority for the government over the next five years.

 Kashmir resolution essential for lasting peace: Pakistan
4 Jun 2009, 1949 hrs IST, PTI

ISLAMABAD: Heightening its rhetoric on Kashmir, Pakistan on Thursday said a "fair and just" solution to the long-standing issue with India was essential for lasting peace in the region and rejected as "untenable" attachment of any pre-conditions to the resumption of the peace process.

Attaching any pre-conditions to the resumption of parleys would be "untenable," Foreign Office spokesman Abdul Basit told a weekly news briefing.

He said that a "fair and just" resolution of the Kashmir issue was essential for lasting peace in South Asia.

Basit was responding to a question about India linking resumption of the composite dialogue to Pakistan taking action against the perpetrators of last year's Mumbai attacks.

"Without a dialogue, we can't understand each other and get on with resolving issues facing the region," he said and asserted that there was no question of any compromise on Pakistan's stand on the Kashmir issue.

His remarks came two days after Premier Yousuf Raza Gilani, in a strident anti-India statement, asked "occupying forces" in Jammu and Kashmir to stop repression.

Claiming that the Kashmir issue held "the key to durable peace in the region," Gilani had said "we also hope that Indian occupying forces will cease human rights abuses and violence will come to an end and a conducive atmosphere will be created for the final settlement of the Jammu and Kashmir dispute."

Foreign Office spokesman Basit said that Pakistan appreciated recent comments by President Pratibha Patil and External Affairs Minister S M Krishna about the need to resume dialogue and hoped this would happen "sooner rather than later."

Meetings between the Pakistani envoy in New Delhi and Foreign Secretary Shivshankar Menon and Indian High Commissioner Sharat Sabharwal and Pakistan's Foreign Secretary Salman Bashir were part of the efforts to see how the dialogue could be resumed, he said. In response to a question about the role of the US in settling the Kashmir issue, Basit said there is "a realisation in Washington that the issue needs to be resolved."

"We are working with Washington to see how best this objective can be attained," he said.

In reply to another query, Basit expressed concern about what he alleged human rights violations in Jammu and Kashmir and said Pakistan was hopeful that India would act on concerns expressed by several countries on this issue.

Basit also said Pakistan remained committed to nuclear disarmament, provided it was done in a non-discriminatory manner.

Referring to what he termed as the asymmetry in conventional and nuclear capabilities in the region, he said Pakistan did not want an arms race, but could not be "oblivious to the imperative of maintaining a credible nuclear deterrence."

Pak troops to stay in Swat for a year
4 Jun 2009, 0023 hrs IST, AP
MINGORA: The military offensive to expel the Taliban from Pakistan’s Swat Valley could take another two months to complete, and troops may have to stay for a year to prevent militants from retaking control, commanders said Wednesday.

The armed forces have secured control over several key towns during the month-old campaign in the volatile northwestern region, but the fighting has uprooted some 3 million people from their homes and triggered a series of suspected reprisal attacks elsewhere in the country.

Chief army spokesman Maj Gen Athar Abbas told reporters on a military-organized tour of Mingora town that it could take another two months of fighting to root the militants from all of their hide-outs in the lush, mountainous valleys of Swat and surrounding areas.

He cautioned, though, that two month timetable was “a rough estimate�. Earlier, Maj Gen Ijaz Awan, a senior commander in the eight-day battle for Mingora, said the military is gearing up for a fight in nearby Kabal town where top Taliban leaders are suspected of being holed up.

Holbrooke says US disturbed by Saeed's release, reverses later
3 Jun 2009, 2108 hrs IST, PTI

ISLAMABAD: US Special Envoy for Pakistan and Afghanistan Richard Holbrooke on Wednesday said the Obama administration is "disturbed" by the release of JuD chief Hafiz Mohammed Saeed but, in a reversal of that stand, later commented that it was "Pakistan's internal issue." ( Watch )

Holbrooke, who arrived here on Wednesday, expressed reservations over the release of Saeed, who is allegedly linked to the Mumbai terror attacks.

"His release has disturbed us all," he told Geo News channel. Holbrooke said he would take up the matter of Saeed's release with the Pakistan government.

But, the US envoy reversed his stand hours later at a joint press conference with Pakistan President Asif Ali Zardari and Foreign Minister Shah Mehmood Qureshi, saying it was Islamabad's "internal issue."

"I don't want to comment on the issue at this press conference. It is Pakistan's internal issue. That's all I can say," he said, when asked to comment on the Saeed's release.

The Lahore High Court yesterday accepted Saeed's petition challenging his detention in the wake of the Mumbai terror attacks and ordered his immediate release.   
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India's Economic Reforms
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India's Economic Reforms. What Has Been Accomplished? What Remains to Be Done? Arvind Panagariya*. First printing November 2001. Reprinted February 2002 ... Documents/ EDRC/Policy_ Briefs/PB002. pdf - Similar pages -
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“State-level Performance Under Economic Reforms in India,� in Anne O. Krueger (ed. ..... “Economic Reforms in India: Where Are We and Where Do We Go? ...
harrisschool. uchicago. edu/News/ press-releases/ IPP%20Economic% 20Reform% 20in%20India. pdf - Similar pages -
The Hindu Business Line : India in the era of economic reforms
28 Jan 2004 ... Since India's economic reforms were launched in 1991, the Indian economy has sustained an annual average growth rate of over 6 per cent. ...
www.thehindubusines bl10/stories/ 2004012800401000 .htm - 27k - Cached - Similar pages -
The real debate over economic reforms in India at Sanhati
5 Apr 2007 ... The debate over economic “reforms� in India has been going on for quite a long time now. This long and heated debate has been centered ... excerpted/ 136/ - 98k - Cached - Similar pages -
1 Economic Reforms in India: Where are We and Where do We Go ...
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10 Nov 2006 ... economic reforms programme was initiated in India. But during the latter part of the 1990s, around 1997, the momentum in the corporate ...
rbidocs.rbi. Speeches/ PDFs/74043. pdf - Similar pages -
The Politics of Economic Reform in India
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The Politics of Economic Reform in India. I. After Independence the policymaking elite in India launched a project of economic development ...
emlab.berkeley. edu/users/ webfac/bardhan/ papers/BardhanRe formIndia. pdf - Similar pages -
Montek Ahluwalia, Some Lessons from Economic Reforms in India ... There were six key lessons Ahluwalia said he found from the India experience. ...
info.worldbank. org/etools/ BSPAN/Presentati onView.asp? PID=1069& EID=328 - 57k - Cached - Similar pages -
Broadly, the package consists of reducing fiscal indebtedness, trade liberalisation and trade policy reform. The second phase of economic reforms in India ... feyr2000/ faug2000/ f030820001. html - 11k - Cached - Similar pages -
News results for Economic Reforms in India

India new govt says will focus on growth, poor‎ - 8 hours ago

NEW DELHI (AFP) â€" India's new government promised measures to spur growth and help the country's vast poor population, and announced economic reforms as it ...AFP - 222 related articles »

Roach Says India May Outperform Others in Asia-Pacific Region‎ - Bloomberg - 35 related articles »
Book results for Economic Reforms in India
Democratic Politics and Economic Reform in India - by Rob Jenkins - 264 pages
Economic Policy Reforms and the Indian Economy ... - by Anne O Krueger, ... - 396 pages
The Child and the State in India: Child Labor ... - by Myron Weiner - 236 pages
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Straits Times
India 'to boost economic growth'
BBC News - ‎2 hours ago‎
The strong showing has raised expectations the government will push ahead with economic reforms. In her address - prepared in consultation with the cabinet ...
India new govt says will focus on growth, poor AFP
Growth, internal security key priorities: President Times of India
President outlines 10 priorities of government Sify
Wall Street Journal - Daily News & Analysis
all 213 news articles »
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Indian Express
Sensex gives up gains, drops below 15K - ‎Jun 3, 2009‎
The market may see a pre-budget rally over the next one month on hopes of accelerated economic reforms and pro-reforms announcements. ...
Reforms agenda helps Sensex to end above 15000 Press Trust of India
Sensex rises 329 points on hopes of economic recovery, pro-market ... IBTimes India
Sensex perks up on rising market expectations Hindu
TopNews - Press Trust of India
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Hindu Business Line
Morgan Stanley Asia now more bullish on India than on China
Hindu Business Line - ‎22 hours ago‎
Though India has been improving on the macro-economic and micro-economic fronts, what was missing was a political impetus to reforms, said Mr Roach. ...
'The real surprise in Asia could be India' Business Standard
Roach bets on India, but warns worst not over yet Economic Times
Roach Says India May Outperform Others in Asia-Pacific Region Bloomberg
Moneycontrol. com
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President's address to the joint session of Parliament
Hindu - ‎7 hours ago‎
Following is the text of the President of India, Smt. Pratibha Devisingh Patil's address to the Joint Session of 15th Lok Sabha in New Delhi on June 4, ...
Prez outlines top ten priorities of UPA govt Zee News
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This way lies disaster
Hindustan Times - ‎Jun 3, 2009‎
It is asking for speedier reforms, particularly since the UPA does not require the support of the Left. It is precisely because the Left had prevented the ...
Capital flows may double in FY10, says Morgan Stanley
Business Standard - ‎Jun 3, 2009‎
“The improved sentiment for the country's macro outlook driven by strong political mandate and economic reforms expectations should help India increase its ...
MS uk
FE Editorial : China won the battle
Financial Express - ‎19 hours ago‎
So, in purely economic terms, the Chinese have achieved much more out of the 20 years post-Tiananmen than India has in two decade of economic reform. ...
Video: Tiananmen Square Anniversary Fox Business
People long for liberty Express Buzz
Tiananmen massacre wiped from China's collective memory The Australian
BU Today - Huffington Post
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Business Standard
'It would be imprudent to take the fiscal deficit higher than 6 ...
Business Standard - ‎21 hours ago‎
A year after India ushered in reforms in 1991, C Rangarajan, then a member of the Planning Commission, was picked by then Finance Minister Manmohan Singh to ...
Set up National Inflation Commission - ASSOCHAM SteelGuru
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Parekh roots for mergers
Economic Times - ‎17 hours ago‎
Addressing the gathering, Mr Parekh said a priority area for the government was the need for a “big push� on economic reforms. “One is optimistic to see the ...
India's Inflation Slows to 0.48%, Providing Room for Stimulus
Bloomberg - ‎9 hours ago‎
Mukherjee may announce some economic reforms and higher spending plans, he said. Inflation in India has tumbled from a 16-year high of 12.91 percent in ...
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अप�रैल २००९
Face of the RESISTANCE MANIK MANDAL Troubled Galaxy Destroyed Dreams: Chapter 210 Palash Biswas News results for Indian Economy Rate cuts fail to revive ...
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Troubled Galaxy Destroyed Dreams: Chapter 219 Palash Biswas I knew nothing about ... SWINE FLU FDI Inflicts Indian ECONOMY with DRUG BOOST for Manusmriti ...
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Chapter Palash Biswas - Blogs, Pictures, and more on Blogged
SWINE FLU FDI Inflicts Indian ECONOMY with DRUG BOOST for Manusmriti ... Troubled Galaxy Destroyed Dreams: Chapter 216 Palash Biswas Fresh News Govt to ...
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WASALive ! Home.php - palashbiswas
MS 13, OBAMA, Unregulated Indian Open Market and FREsenSEX Periphery Economy Troubled Galaxy Destroyed Dreams: Chapter 222 Palash Biswas Most Popular on ...
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Indigenous industries were destroyed and Indian economy Read More ... Trillion Economy! Palash Biswas Contact: Palash C Biswas, C/O Mrs Arati Roy, ...
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Palash Biswas Contact: Palash C Biswas, C/O Mrs Arati Roy, Gosto Kanan, Sodepur, Kolkata- 700110, ... What happns to be the affairs of Indian economy? ...
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Rural Mutiny, FARM CRISIS and Cereally challenged Indian Economy ...
Rural Mutiny, FARM CRISIS and Cereally challenged Indian Economy. Troubled Galaxy Destroyed Dreams: Chapter 174. Palash Biswas. Indian ADRs lose nearly $8 ...
blogs.ibibo. com/Baesekolkata /rural-mutiny- farm-crisis- and-cereally- challenged- indian-economy - 194k - Cached - Similar pages -
SWINE FLU FDI Inflicts Indian ECONOMY with DRUG BOOST for ...
Read Palash Speaks Blogs, SWINE FLU FDI Inflicts Indian ECONOMY with DRUG BOOST ... “He ran out with a scythe and attacked Dhiren Biswas, 65, working on his ...
blogs.ibibo. com/.../swine- flu-fdi-inflicts -indian-economy- with-drug- boost-for- manusmriti- apartheid- zionist-tri- iblis-illumina. .. - 399k - Cached - Similar pages -
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Maratha Manoosh, Indian Polity and Valentine Nationality | Palash ...
Maratha Manoosh, Indian Polity and Valentine Nationality. Palash Biswas. Contact: Palash C Biswas, C/O Mrs Arati Roy, Gosto Kanan, Sodepur, Kolkata- 700110, ...
indiainteracts. com/members/ 2008/02/15/ Maratha-Manoosh- Indian-Polity- and-Valentine- Nationality/ - 76k - Cached - Similar pages -
Indian Economy Plunges in Love America! Recession Alarm Rings ...
24 Oct 2008 ... Palash Biswas. Panic sets in as Wall Street plunges at the open .... the outlook for the Indian economy was "somewhat cloudy", PM Manmohan ... com/group/ libertaria/ browse_thread/ thread/bf0ecd874 3a63eec - 145k - Cached - Similar pages -
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Desi ILLUMINITI Campaigns for LPG MAFIA | Palash Speaks
Desi ILLUMINITI Campaigns for LPG MAFIA. Troubled Galaxy Destroyed Dreams: Chapter 202. Palash Biswas. India Inc. - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia ...
blogs.ibibo. com/Baesekolkata /desi-illuminiti -campaigns- for-lpg-mafia - 134k - Cached - Similar pages -
The LPG Mafia has made My country a Valley of Death! CHRONY ...
Read Palash Speaks Blogs, The LPG Mafia has made My country a Valley of Death! ... Palash Biswas. Obama opts for wisdom of establishment advisers ...
blogs.ibibo. com/.../the- lpg-mafia- has-made- my-country- a-valley- of-death- chrony-casino- and-starvation- economy-sustaine d... - 409k - Cached - Similar pages -
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खोज परिणाम
IPL Economics Troubled Galaxy Destroyed Dreams: Chapter 207 Palash Biswas The LPG MAFIA runs the Political system of Mass Destruction and the Colonial ...
hindi.mywebdunia. com/search/ rog/1.html? type=text - 80k - Cached - Similar pages -
Desi ILLUMINITI Campaigns for LPG MAFIA Troubled Galaxy Destroyed Dreams: Chapter 202. Palash Biswas India Inc. - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia ...
kolkatapresents. blogspot. com/ - 977k - Cached - Similar pages -
indiainteracts. com is a social media platform, where users can ...
indiainteracts. com is a social media platform, where users can consume, create and distribute content.Users can organize content and express their views ...
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The LPG Mafia has made My country a Valley of
The LPG Mafia has made My country a Valley of Death! ... Troubled Galaxy Destroyed Dreams: Chapter 111 Palash Biswas Obama opts for wisdom of establishment ...
palashkatha. mywebdunia. com/2008/ 11/27/1227725100 000.html - 360k - Cached - Similar pages -
Massacre Times Ahead: BSEs Sensex and NSEs Nifty
Troubled Galaxy Destroyed Dreams: Chapter 234 Palash Biswas Advanced ... Brahamin Bania Raj, LPG MAFIA and Manusmriti Apartheid Zionist Tri Iblis . ...
palashkatha. mywebdunia. com/2009/ 05/19/1242673860 000.html - 184k - Cached - Similar pages -
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Desi Models - Blogs, Pictures, and more on Blogged
Desi ILLUMINITI Campaigns for LPG MAFIA · palashbiswas ... jago+re. ... related tags: chapter palash biswas, destroyed chapter palash, galaxy destroyed ...
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For Whom the BELL Tolls as National Revenue is Pumped into KILLER ...
8 Dec 2008 ... Palash Biswas. Ind US Strategic Realliance works for the SUPERSLAVEs holding Power in ... DEMOCRACY and Sovereignity to LPG MAFIA! ... com/group/ libertaria/ browse_thread/ thread/95546e123 cb2c8b2 - 145k - Cached - Similar pages -
Election and economics
Troubled Galaxy Destroyed Dreams: Chapter 215 Palash Biswas .... of the ECONOMY and People by LPG Mafia in a WASHINGTON Dictated Polity bypassing parliament ...
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PSU MINES FIELD | Palash Speaks
PSU MINES FIELD. Troubled Galaxy Destroyed Dreams: Chapter 159. Palash Biswas. Commission's Reports Link to Disinvestment Commission's Website … ...
blogs.ibibo. com/Baesekolkata /psu-mines- field - 166k - Cached - Similar pages -
India remains the Goose laying Golden Eggs! | Palash Speaks
Contact: Palash C Biswas, C/O Mrs Arati Roy, Gosto Kanan, Sodepur, Kolkata- 700110, .... During 2007-08, PSU oil firms' losses on sale of petrol, diesel, ...
blogs.ibibo. com/Baesekolkata /india-remains- the-goose- laying-golden- eggs - 101k - Cached - Similar pages -
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Palash Biswas - LinkedIn
View Palash Biswas's professional profile on LinkedIn. LinkedIn is the world's largest business network, helping professionals like Palash Biswas discover ...
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Flickr: Palash Biswas' Photostream
beauty with irresistible attraction by Palash Biswas ... the benches by Palash Biswas. Anyone can see this photo All rights reserved ... photos/palbiswas / - 57k - Cached - Similar pages -
पलाश कथा ग�लोबल प�रतिरोध
Palash biswas द�वारा 24 फ़रवरी, 2009 1:32 AM पर पोस�टेड # ... PSU MINES FIELD Troubled Galaxy Destroyed Dreams: Chapter 159Palash ...
palashkatha. mywebdunia. com/articles/ 6.html - 80k - Cached - Similar pages -
Palash biswas द�वारा 25 फ़रवरी, 2009 9:43 PM पर पोस�टेड # ... PSU MINES FIELD Troubled Galaxy Destroyed Dreams: Chapter 159Palash ...
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PSU firms told to Stay Put in Mutual. Small IT in Big TroubleWhy the ... Sensex Crash Exposes black Money Boom Palash Biswas Contact: Palash C Biswas, ...
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खोज परिणाम
Troubled Galaxy Destroyed Dreams: Chapter 167 Palash Biswas . .... PSU MINES FIELD. PSU MINES FIELD Troubled Galaxy Destroyed Dreams: Chapter 159Palash ...
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Duarsini - A village in Purulia(WB) - Windows Live
FYI there is no permanent power supply in Duarsini cottatages and we got power from 6-10 ... Palash Biswaswrote: nice trip ... wish I could join you guys. ...
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Commission's Reports
PSU MINES FIELD. PSU MINES FIELD Troubled Galaxy Destroyed Dreams: Chapter 159 Palash Biswas ...... Palash Biswas Pl Read: http://nandigramuni ted.blogspot. com/
indiainteracts. com/utilities/ printpage. php?source= blogcontent& id=1698&postid= 234 - 231k - Cached - Similar pages -
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galaxy will be Ruled by Manusmriti Order! | Palash Speaks
Different Historical View and Different Resistance Wanted Unless the galaxy will be Ruled by Manusmriti Order! Palash Biswas Contact: Palash C Biswas, ...
blogs.ibibo. com/Baesekolkata /galaxy-will- be-ruled- by-manusmriti- order - 100k - Cached - Similar pages -
Realliance of Our Forces is a Must, dalit Panchaya | Palash Speaks
This is to introduce you to Mr Palash Biswas, a journalist and strong campaigner for ... od Dalit movement from anti imperialist resistance of tribals. ...
blogs.ibibo. com/Baesekolkata /realliance- of-our-forces- is-a-must- dalit-panc - 99k - Cached - Similar pages -
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Resistance - 28 May
Women Lead Resistance Monday, April 9, 2007. Palash Biswas Both feminism and nationalism in India emerged from the social reform movement of the C19th, ...
resistanceindia. blogspot. com/2007/ 04/women- lead-resistance. html - 45k - Cached - Similar pages -
Chapter Palash - Blogs, Pictures, and more on Blogged
Troubled Galaxy Destroyed Dreams: Chapter 201 Palash Biswas Prophet Jesus ... Groups Resistance against persecution of Bengali Refugees in India Palash ...
www.blogged. com/about/ chapter-palash/ - 31k - Cached - Similar pages -
Brute! Killer regemented Hegemony Ruling West Bengal | Palash …
Resistance against persecution of Bengali Refugees in India Palash Biswas contact: c/o Mrs Arati Roy, gosto Kanan, Sodepur, Kolata-700110, India. ...
palashbiswas. indiainteracts. com/2009/ 01/10/language- americanism/ - 488k - Cached - Similar pages -
Infusing resistance with creativity
3 Dec 2007 ... Infusing resistance with creativity. Palash Biswas. Contact: Palash C Biswas, C/O Mrs Arati Roy, Gosto Kanan, Sodepur, Kolkata- 700110, ...
o3.indiatimes. com/singurkatha/ archive/2007/ 12/03/4821985. aspx - 32k - Cached - Similar pages -
The Agenda for the Dalit Black antiImperialism Resistance
Imperialism Resistance. Palash Biswas. Contact: Palash C Biswas, C/O Mrs Arati Roy, Gosto Kanan, Sodepur, Kolkata- 700110, India. Phone: 91-033-25659551 ...
o3.indiatimes. com/palashbiswas /archive/ 2007/09/01/ 4773126.aspx - 61k - Cached - Similar pages -
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पलाश कथा ग�लोबल प�रतिरोध
Face of the RESISTANCE MANIK MANDAL Troubled Galaxy Destroyed Dreams: Chapter 210 Palash Biswas News results for Indian Economy Rate cuts fail to revive ...
palashkatha. mywebdunia. com/articles/ 3.html - 81k - Cached - Similar pages -
Power flows out from the barrel of gun at Nandigram - Palash Speaks - 28 May
11 Nov 2007 ... Contact: Palash C Biswas, C/O Mrs Arati Roy, Gosto Kanan, Sodepur, Kolkata- 700110, India. ... Face of the RESISTANCE MANIK MANDAL ...
palashspeaks. 2007/11/11/ power_flows_ out_from_ the_barrel_ of_gun_a~ 3280911/ - Similar pages -
Palash BiswasContact: Palash C Biswas, C/O Mrs Read More ... Resistance against persecution of Bengali Refugees in IndiaPalash Biswas(contact: c/o Mrs Arati ...
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Investor wealth crosses Rs 5 lakh cr mark first time in 2009 4 Jun 2009, 2046 hrs IST
Investor wealth has crossed the Rs five lakh crore mark on Thursday with the benchmark index Sensex closing above 15,000 for the first time in nine months.
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Retail giant Wal-Mart Stores will hire over 22,000 people this year, a move that will bring cheer to the country's strained labour market.
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Minister Mamata plays good Samaritan 4 Jun 2009, 1604 hrs IST
Help came from an unexpected quarter for a motorcyclist who fell from his vehicle and got injured after being hit by a speeding car at Delhi's Vijay Chowk. Nagpur girl tops in Maha HSC exams4 Jun 2009, 1613 hrs IST
Nazeem Almas Sayyed, a girl from Nagpur, stood first in the Maharashtra Higher Secondary Certificate examination held this year by securing 98.50%. Jaipur: 152 ill after food poisoning4 Jun 2009, 1820 hrs IST
As many as 152 people, including children, were taken ill after they consumed food at a dinner hosted by local, police said on Thursday. 24-hr bus from Delhi airport to city4 Jun 2009, 1738 hrs IST
In order to provide a convenient public transport system to air passengers, the Delhi government will soon launch a high-quality 24-hour bus service. Duo jailed for power theft, to pay Rs 1cr4 Jun 2009, 1710 hrs IST
In the "highest ever" quantum of punishment awarded in a power theft case in Delhi, a special court here sentenced to jail an industrialistant and his son besides slapping them a Rs one crore fine.50-year- old woman raped in Lucknow4 Jun 2009, 1515 hrs IST
An ailing 50-year-old woman was allegedly raped by a man at a lodge in Charbagh area of the city, police said on Thursday. 1 dead, 300 two-wheelers gutted in fire4 Jun 2009, 1457 hrs IST
One woman was killed and around 300 two-wheelers were gutted when a fire swept a parking shed and some huts near a suburban railway station on Thursday.Patna: Ex-MP, son held for murder4 Jun 2009, 0244 hrs IST, Gyan Prakash
"It's a pure case of kidnapping for murder," said a senior police official about the sensational case of abduction of JD-U leader.17-year- old sodomised in Mumbai4 Jun 2009, 0358 hrs IST, V Narayan
This was the second such incident registered with the BKC police in the last six months. The victim has been sent to the Nagpada Police Hospital for a medical check-up. IIM-A, Duke train young minds again4 Jun 2009, 0214 hrs IST, Vasundhara Vyas Mehta
Sixty-four students from across the country have once again gathered under the same roof to go beyond their school curriculum. Mumbai
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POLITICS: First woman Speaker promises impartial conduct of Lok Sabha
New Delhi, June 3 Ms Meira Kumar today made history by becoming the first woman Speaker of the ...

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To extend time for repayment of crop loans. Hyderabad, June 3 The Andhra Pradesh Government has decided to extend the time for repayment of crop loans for both kharif and rabi season (2008) by a couple of months, to help farmers avail ...

POLICY: Kamal Nath to review policy irritants
The Union Minister of Road Transport and Highways, Mr Kamal Nath, assured highway developers that he would review several of the policy irritants that held up projects resulting in ...
India will get next 400 million mobile users five times faster
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eFiling of personal income-tax getting good returns
DIGITAL DILEMMA WANING. Coimbatore, June 3 The Electronic Filing (eFiling) of income-tax returns by individuals is catching on, albeit ...

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First woman Speaker promises impartial conduct of Lok Sabha
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Seek incentives for labour-intensive manufacturing units. New Delhi, June 3 Concerned over the continuing downtrend in the country’s exports in the first two months of this fiscal, the Commerce Ministry today held a brainstorming session ...

BSNL readying WiMax tender for rural broadband project
7,000 base stations to set up common service centres in villages. New Delhi, June 3 To boost its plans to roll out WiMax-enabled broadband services in the rural areas, state-owned Bharat Sanchar Nigam Ltd will shortly launch a Rs 1,500-crore ...

Bay ‘low’ put off by another day
The India Meteorological Department (IMD) has delayed by one more day the anticipated formation of a low-pressure area over north Bay of ...


OVERSEAS INVESTMENTS: RIL’s German arm files for insolvency
Mumbai, June 3 Reliance Industries’ German textile arm, Trevira, has filed for insolvency following business slowdown ...

OUTLOOK: Unichem looks to establish connection with consumers
Sees 15-20% growth in three years. Mumbai, June 3 Ask Dr Prakash Mody, Unichem’s Chairman and Managing Director, if the recent advertising by his company is a precursor to fund-raising, and he replies in the ...

NEW BUSINESS: Tata Motors bags a lion’s share of bus orders under JNNURM
Ashok Leyland gets orders for 3,200 vehicles. New Delhi, June 3 Tata Motors has bagged a lion’s share of bus orders under the Jawaharlal Nehru National Urban Renewal Mission ...

OUTLOOK: ONGC ready to push ahead with ultra deep drilling
PSU hires Reliance’s deepwater drill ship DD-KG1. Kolkata, June 3 After more than two years, ONGC feels it can now give a push to its ultra deep water drilling campaign in at least eight offshore exploratory oil and gas blocks â€" ...

Chennai, June 3 Tiruchi and Ranipet units of Bharat Heavy Electricals Ltd (BHEL) have entered into an agreement with the Indian Institute of Technology, Madras (IIT) for industrial consultancy, sponsored research and joint ...

IPOS: OIL to file fresh draft prospectus
Oil India Ltd (OIL) may submit the fresh draft red herring prospectus in July for its rescheduled IPO. The company is planning to come out with IPO in September. “We are re-working the DRHP. We are likely to submit the revised DRHP for ...

DIVIDEND ANNOUNCEMENT: McLeod Russel full-year net jumps to Rs 88 cr
Company to pay 40% dividend. Kolkata, June 3 Riding high on improved performance, the board of McLeod Russel India Ltd, the largest producer of tea in the country, at a meeting here on Wednesday recommended 40 per cent dividend (Rs 2 per share ...

OUTLOOK: Patni eyeing next generation telecom tech
Focus on access via phones, better streaming of content. Hyderabad, June 3 Patni Computers is gearing up to take advantage of the potential demand for next generation telecom technologies such as fixed-mobile convergence and long-term ...

OUTLOOK: Tata Power to generate 5 MW from geothermal, solar plants in Gujarat
Gandhinagar, June 3 Tata Power Company Ltd plans to produce 5 MW of power, each from geothermal and solar power plants in Gujarat, with an investment of Rs 200 crore. It is exploring various options in this ...

CORPORATE GOVERNANCE: Minister wants ‘early warning system’ to check Satyam-like scams
New Delhi, June 3 Action seems to be the buzz word in the Ministry for Corporate ...

ALLIANCES & JOINT VENTURES: Aptech sells stake in China jt venture co
Mumbai, June 3 Education and training services company Aptech has successfully completed sale of its 50 per cent equity interest in joint venture company ...

NEW PROJECTS: Mann + Hummel Bosch setting up 2nd plant in Himachal
Bangalore, June 3 Auto filter company, Mann + Hummel Bosch is setting up its second plant in Himachal Pradesh with an investment of around Rs 112 crore for making ...

NEW PROJECTS: GVK Power to raise funds through QIBs
Hyderabad, June 3 GVK Power & Infrastructure Ltd is set to issue equity shares to Qualified Institutional Buyers (QIBs), both domestic and international, to meet the funding requirements for its various ...

FINANCIAL PERFORMANCE: DCM Shriram net zooms to Rs 80 cr
New Delhi, June 3 DCM Shriram Consolidated Ltd (DSCL) has reported a nearly 11 times jump in profits after tax (PAT), from Rs 7.48 crore to Rs 80.75 crore for the quarter ended March ...

DIVERSIFICATION: Lucas Indian Service enters organised car accessories market
New Delhi, June 3 TVS Group company, Lucas Indian Service has entered the organised car accessories market by setting up its first retail outlet in ...

ENVIRONMENT: Green initiatives
Bangalore, June 3 With efforts geared towards environmentally friendly practices globally, corporates seem to have realised that green measures will add up where they really matter: bottom line. Besides, green efforts generate a lot of ...

DIVIDEND ANNOUNCEMENT: Nava Bharat to pay Rs 8 dividend
Hyderabad, June 3 The board of Nava Bharat Ventures Ltd has recommended a dividend of Rs 8 on equity shares of Rs 2 each. This will result in outgo of Rs. 60.9 ...

PEOPLE: Correction
With reference to the photograph in the front page of the edition dated June 3, the designation of Dr S.K. Jain should read as Chairman and Managing Director of Nuclear Power Corporation of India and not as published. The error ...

____________ _________ _________ __

Columnists: • C Gopinath • Harish Bijoor • Ramanujam Sridhar • Radhika Chada • K Srikrishna

INSURANCE: Public sector insurers to dole out incentive payments to employees
Govt approval for proposal awaited. Bangalore, June 3 Even as the private sector insurers are pruning wages, the four public sector insurance companies are preparing to offer performance incentives ...

FOREX: Rupee sheds gains on dollar buying
The rupee touched a seven-month high, but fell in the last one hour of trade on dollar buying. The domestic currency opened higher at 46.91/92 and touched a high of 46.75 during day trade. It weakened to close at 47.06/08, against the previous ...

FOREIGN BANKS: Bank of Bahrain unveils e-banking
Bank of Bahrain & Kuwait BSC (BBK) has launched e-banking facility in India. Mr Mohammed Bin Isa Al Kahalifa, Deputy Chairman of Executive Committee of the Board of Directors of the bank, formally inaugurated the facility here, according to ...

PEOPLE: New CMD for National Insurance
Mr N.S.R.C. Prasad, Director and General Manager, New India Assurance Company Ltd, has been appointed Chairman and Managing Director of National Insurance Company Ltd. He succeeds Mr V. Ramasaamy who retired recently. â€" ...

PRIVATE BANKS: Anand Mahindra ceases to be a promoter of Kotak Bank
Mumbai, June 3 Kotak Mahindra Bank Ltd (KMBL) on Wednesday said that Mr Anand Mahindra will cease to be a promoter of the bank. The private sector bank’s board of directors approved the change in status, requested by Mr Mahindra, ...

PRIVATE BANKS: Friends & promoters
Chennai, June 3 The wheel has come a full circle for Mr Uday Kotak and Mr Anand Mahindra. Twenty-five years ago, Mr Anand Mahindra had told Mr Uday Kotak, who was just starting out in his career, that he would invest in any business that ...

LIFE INSURANCE: Bharti AXA Life targets Rs 1,000-cr fresh premium this fiscal
Mumbai, June 3 Bharti AXA Life Insurance is targeting Rs 1,000-crore fresh premium this fiscal and is likely to break-even by 2012-2013, according to Mr Nitin ...

CREDIT MARKET: Kerala Financial launching scheme for Gulf returnees
Thiruvananthapuram, June 3 The state-owned Kerala Financial Corporation (KFC) is launching a scheme for providing entrepreneurial loans at a low interest rate of seven per cent to those returning from the Gulf countries after losing job in ...

GENERAL INSURANCE: ICICI Lombard plans critical illness cover for high net worth individuals
Kolkata, June 3 ICICI Lombard General Insurance plans to launch in the next quarter a critical illness health insurance cover for high net worth individuals, according to a senior ...

LIFE INSURANCE: LIC sees new biz premium improving
Hyderabad, June 3 Life Insurance Corporation of India (LIC) will continue to invest in equity despite current ...

PRIVATE BANKS: New TMB chief takes charge
Madurai, June 3 Mr Nagamal Reddy has taken charge as the Managing Director and Chief Executive Officer of the Tuticorin-based Tamilnad Mercantile Bank Ltd from June 1, according to a press release from the ...

Financial Institutions
____________ _________ _________ __

Speedy implementation of core projects critical for economy: Srei (June 02, 2009)
ECGC sees 17% rise in claims payout this fiscal (May 28, 2009)
EMFIL sells 20% to Dia Vikas (May 21, 2009)
IFC extends finance to Apollo Hospitals, Max India (May 15, 2009)
IRFC kicks off 2009-10 funds mobilisation; raises Rs 1,811 cr thru bonds (May 01, 2009)
‘Open, merit-based process needed for selecting IMF chief’ (April 28, 2009)
Kannur to get KSIDC growth centre (April 22, 2009)
India upset over ADB’s decision to put off board meet (April 18, 2009)
Financial institutions hike stake in Maytas Infra (April 18, 2009)
IFC to invest in Chinese firm Honiton Energy (April 11, 2009)
IFC to invest in Volkswagen India (April 09, 2009)
Time to look for acquisitions abroad: Exim Bank Chairman (April 08, 2009)
IFC to invest $1b in July 08-June 09 (March 14, 2009)
SKS Micro plans to double loan disbursals in 2009-10 (March 13, 2009)
IRFC plans to raise Rs 470 cr by month-end (March 07, 2009)
Equitas Micro Finance launches skill training to SHGs (March 06, 2009)
Tamil Nadu microfinance body to raise Rs 50 cr shortly (March 06, 2009)
IRFC may raise Rs 7,500 cr next fiscal (February 14, 2009)
ADB to expand coverage of trade finance support (February 11, 2009)
‘India unlikely to get access to ADB’s soft loan window’ (February 06, 2009)
Nabard cuts rates on refinance (February 03, 2009)
MSMEs likely to get Rs 13,000-cr loan at 10% (January 26, 2009)
IFCI, Sicom pick up shares in Maytas Infra (January 22, 2009)
SIDBI to open extension branches (January 19, 2009)
Unitech tumbles as IFCI offloads 1.75 cr shares (January 17, 2009)
IFC global board okays crisis response for emerging markets (January 07, 2009)
Fitch gives national rating for AP financial corporation scheme (January 03, 2009)



RECOMMENDATION: Brigade Enterprises (Rs 94.2): Sell
We recommend a sell in Brigade Enterprises from short-term trading perspective. It is evident for the charts of Brigade Enterprises that from its 52-week low of Rs 27.8 touched in early March, it has been on an intermediate- term uptrend. ...

We reiterate our sell recommendation in DLF. ICICI Bank is experiencing selling interest and SBI has formed a bearish engulfing candlestick pattern. We recommend a sell in these ...

STOCK MARKETS: Morgan Stanley Asia now more bullish on India than on China
Congress victory in elections changed the outlook, says Chairman. Mumbai, June 3 The definitive Congress win in the recent general elections has altered his outlook on India, said Mr Stephen S. Roach, Chairman of Morgan ...

FOREIGN INSTITUTIONAL INVESTORS: Norwest Venture to acquire 2.11% in NSE
Deal values exchange at over Rs 12,000 crore. Chennai/Mumbai, June 3 Norwest Venture Partners, a multi-stage investment firm based in California, has agreed to pick up 2.11 per cent stake in the National Stock Exchange. The deal, organised by ...

STOCKS: Auto majors’ bankruptcies add to challenges facing IT vendors
Reliance on BFSI and telecom verticals may have to be enhanced. The impact of the US recession is beginning to show in the non-BFSI verticals of IT ...

DERIVATIVES MARKETS: Suzlon, Tata Steel, Unitech continue to see accumulation
Turnover remained healthy at Rs 65,165.46 crore in the F&O segment on the NSE. The Nifty May future closed flat at 4540.2 against the spot close of 4530.7. It also added 27 lakh shares in open interest ...

OPEN OFFERS: Satyam breaches Tech Mahindra offer price
Mumbai, June 3 The stock of Satyam Computer Services has been trading above acquirer Tech Mahindra’s open offer price of Rs 58 a piece for the last ...

STOCKS: Clayton Dewandre divests stake in Sundaram Clayton
Mumbai, June 3 More than 74 lakh shares of auto parts major Sundaram Clayton changed hands among promoters under block deals and bulk deals reported on the BSE ...

____________ _________ _________ __

Columnists: • Harish Bijoor • Ramanujam Sridhar • S Ramesh Kumar • Radhika Chada


TELECOMMUNICATIONS: India will get next 400 million mobile users five times faster
Cellular operators revise forecast to 893 million users by 2012. New Delhi, June 3 It took 15 years for India to get 400 million mobile users, but under three years it will add the next 400 ...

E-COMMERCE & E-BUSINESS: eFiling of personal income-tax getting good returns
DIGITAL DILEMMA WANING. Coimbatore, June 3 The Electronic Filing (eFiling) of income-tax returns by individuals is catching on, albeit ...

TELECOMMUNICATIONS: BSNL readying WiMax tender for rural broadband project
7,000 base stations to set up common service centres in villages. New Delhi, June 3 To boost its plans to roll out WiMax-enabled broadband services in the rural areas, state-owned Bharat Sanchar Nigam Ltd will shortly launch a Rs 1,500-crore ...

OUTLOOK: Auto majors’ bankruptcies add to challenges facing IT vendors
Reliance on BFSI and telecom verticals may have to be enhanced. The impact of the US recession is beginning to show in the non-BFSI verticals of IT ...

SOFTWARE: IBM tells channel partners to upgrade sales, service skills
‘We want to work only with those who can deliver results’. Chennai, June 3 IBM is talking tough with its non-performing channel partners, asking them to improve skills or be left out. The US software major has asked its partners to ...

SOFTWARE: Patni eyeing next generation telecom tech
Focus on access via phones, better streaming of content. Hyderabad, June 3 Patni Computers is gearing up to take advantage of the potential demand for next generation telecom technologies such as fixed-mobile convergence and long-term ...

TELECOMMUNICATIONS: HC asks BSNL to maintain status quo on GSM tender till June 10
New Delhi, June 3 The Andhra Pradesh High Court on Wednesday asked Bharat Sanchar Nigam Ltd to maintain status quo in the tendering process for awarding to Huawei a contract for rolling out GSM network in the South zone till June ...

OUTSOURCING: New metrics in BPOs
With the BPO (business process outsourcing) sector being one of the leading revenue-earners of our country, providing millions of job opportunities to Indians, quite naturally it is becoming one such industry where domain expertise is ...

INFRASTRUCTURE: Gujarat Govt, IL&FS sign pact with Cisco
Gujarat International Finance Tec-City Company Ltd (GIFTCL) and Infrastructure Leasing and Financial Services Ltd (IL&FS) on Wednesday signed a memorandum of understanding (MoU) with Cisco for the proposed Gujarat International ...

STOCKS: Satyam breaches Tech Mahindra offer price
Mumbai, June 3 The stock of Satyam Computer Services has been trading above acquirer Tech Mahindra’s open offer price of Rs 58 a piece for the last ...

IT TRAINING: Aptech sells stake in China jt venture co
Mumbai, June 3 Education and training services company Aptech has successfully completed sale of its 50 per cent equity interest in joint venture company ...

HARDWARE: Dell Netbook

HUMAN RESOURCES: Directi to hire 1,500 more in two years
Mumbai, June 3 At a time when technology companies in the country are either laying off people or freezing recruitments, Internet products firm Directi plans to grow its headcount four-fold, to 2,000 from 500 people, within the next ...

OUTLOOK: Wipro sees no major impact from GM bankruptcy
Bangalore, June 3 Wipro Ltd said the bankruptcy declaration of Detroit-based customer General Motors Corp will not have any adverse impact on the ...

From eWorld

HEALTH: Alive and clicking
The healthcare space is ticking with promise for technology players battling spending cuts by clients.. When was the last time you actually celebrated a fever? Years ago when it helped you escape a dreaded Hindi or Maths test? For grownups too, ...

TELECOMMUNICATIONS: Be your own phone exchange
Google Voice calls up with its offer of a single number for your many different phone needs.. The much-awaited Google Voice service is expected to change the way telephone services are managed traditionally. In 2007, Google acquired ...

SECURITY: Caught in a data storm
The leak of information concerning British MPs and other happenings throw focus on electronic information and its handling.. We in India often complain about the aggression of our media and the questionable tactics that they allegedly use ...

WEBSITE REVIEW: Reading, unlimited
Reading is fun and the best of unlimited access to the Internet is that you read as much as you want. Today your favourite classics might be out of print but if you can log onto Project Gutenberg ( ...

INTERVIEW: ‘Tailored to fit SME needs’
Big Blue on its initiative for the small and medium player.. The millions of small and medium businesses in India need the backing of technology to support their plans to get into the big league. However, the current economic downturn has ...

INTERVIEW: Tech is still buzzword…
…for entrepreneurs, asserts this player, which deploys IT in the real-estate segment.. It is not easy to find many who are cheerful during the current downturn. But Challa Sumedh Reddy is different, despite being in the real-estate ...

V.V. Ramanan. 1. According to a recent survey, which Asian country has been judged to have the worst ...

BOOKS: Caution on Cyburbia
More on how the online space is tapped to promote the growth of radical outfits.. From fewer than a hundred jihadi sites that existed prior to September 11, 2001, there are now nearly five thousand, observes James Harkin in Cyburbia: The ...

CARTOON: Cartoon

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Norwest Venture to acquire 2.11% in NSE

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Anand Mahindra ceases to be a promoter of Kotak Bank

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Tata Motors bags a lion’s share of bus orders under JNNURM

____________ _________ _________ __
Auto majors’ bankruptcies add to challenges facing IT vendors

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No major hike in steel prices likely: Naveen Jindal

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30% drop in Haldia dock handling in April-May

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Looking back
May. 24-May. 30
Moser Baer Photo Voltaic’s expansion plans may get pushed back by 1-2 quarters

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Merger move reflects telcos’ need to look beyond India

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Does Bharti-MTN deal signal a recovery?

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Bharti-MTN deal: Pointer to the future

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Fee on operators for disputed amounts mooted

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http://www.thehindu businessline. com/2009/ 06/04/15hdline. htm

PSU IPOs provide better returns: study
Hindu Business Line - ‎2 hours ago‎
The findings indicate that there exists divergence between the returns of PSU IPOs and private sector peers, with a positive edge to PSU IPOs. ...

Indian Express
PSU value unlocking - will it happen?
UTVi - ‎8 hours ago‎
Imagine what kind of money the government of India could have raised if they had disinvested some PSU holdings when the Sensex peaked at 21000 points plus ...
IPOs from PSUs in offing; Fin Min waiting for right timing Press Trust of India
Govt mulls 'creeping disinvestment' Business Standard
Govt. fears slowdown; commits to financial reforms, disinvestment Hindu
Livemint - Times of India
all 31 news articles »
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ITI likely to lead PSU divestment: report
domain-B - ‎3 hours ago‎
The United Progressive Alliance (UPA) government that returned to power at the centre through the April-May general election will kick-off its pet ...
ITI Ltd hits upper circuit on divestment news India
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NPCIL to raise INR 3000 crore from PSU
SteelGuru - ‎13 hours ago‎
Projects Today reported that Nuclear Power Corporation of India Limited is likely to borrow INR 3000 crore from PSU banks during fiscal for early completion ...
Ricketts on Picking PSU  - ‎5 hours ago‎
Wexford, Pa., offensive lineman Tom Ricketts announced for Penn State Wednesday. Cory James caught up with the prospect, who is the son of the former Pitt ...
Penn State lands another top WPIAL recruit Pittsburgh Post Gazette
Dieffenbach Talks PSU Pledge FightOnState. com
North Allegheny offensive lineman Tom Ricketts joins PSU fold
Tribune Review - ESPN
all 46 news articles »
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Confer `Navratna Status' On PSU Banks : ASSOCHAM
Webnewswire. com - ‎Jun 2, 2009‎
The Associated Chambers of Commerce and Industry of India (ASSOCHAM) has urged the government to accord Navratna Status to major PSU Banks and emphasized ...
Disinvest up to 49% in PSUs and banks: Assocham
Disinvest up to 49% in PSUs and banks: Assocham Business Standard
Assocham urges FM to moderate corporate tax
all 10 news articles »
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PSU banks may cut rates by 0.50%
UTVi - ‎7 hours ago‎
MUMBAI: Public sector banks are set to cut lending and deposit rates by 50-75 basis points (0.50-0.75%) . The move may come after the banks' chiefs meet ...
PSU general insurers turn the corner
Indian Express - ‎Jun 2, 2009‎
A year after the government initiated the process to revamp the businesses of the four PSU general insurers, the companies are now showing some signs of ...
Steel Min for restructuring of four PSU units
Business Standard - ‎Jun 2, 2009‎
PTI / New Delhi June 2, 2009, 15:50 IST In an initiative to optimise the functioning of four of its PSUs â€" MSTC, FSNL, KIOCL and HSCL â€" the Steel Ministry ...

Indian Express
Markets waiting to lap up PSU IPOs: Experts
The Statesman - ‎Jun 1, 2009‎
; PTI NEW DELHI, 1 JUNE: Divestment in major state-run firms is set to perk up the IPO space, with about six PSUs, including Air India, BSNL, Oil India and ...
Govt to prepare roadmap for PSU divestment: President Hindu Business Line
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Financial Tech says MCX exchange to divest 18 pct
Reuters India - ‎5 hours ago‎
BO: Quote, Profile, Research) said on Thursday the MCX Stock Exchange plans to divest 18 percent of its equity to Indian banks. ...
MCX stock exchange starts divestment process Livemint
MCX stock bourse to divest 18% equity
Union Bank, BoI pick up 6.48% equity in MCX-SX Hindu Business Line
RTT News
all 10 news articles »
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Govt flags off divestment, ITI first off block
Economic Times - ‎20 hours ago‎
NEW DELHI: The government has kicked off the process of selling loss-making state-owned companies by putting India's first public sector unit Indian ...
ITI Ltd hits upper circuit on divestment news India
ITI likely to lead PSU divestment: report domain-B
Don't see fancy pricing for ITI divestment: IndAsia Fund Moneycontrol. com
Total Telecom
all 14 news articles »
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Indian Express
Govt plans big-bang divestment
Times of India - ‎20 hours ago‎
A senior government official said when the Sensex was hovering around 6000 points in 2003-04, the government could raise Rs 15500 through divestments. ...
Restoring economy priority; divestment, fin reforms to be key Press Trust of India
all 31 news articles »
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Divestment, sops likely for steel sector - ‎22 hours ago‎
The picture is getting clearer on the divestment front as the new government is now settling down. The steel ministry seems to have even sorted out few ...
Rothschild may draw up divestment roadmap
Economic Times - ‎Jun 2, 2009‎
NEW DELHI: The government may rope in merchant banker NM Rothschild to put in place a detailed roadmap for selling stakes in state-owned companies, ...
Govt May Appoint NM Rothschild To Advise On Divestment In PSUs VC Circle
all 2 news articles »
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Straits Times
Divestment back on govt agenda
UTVi - ‎4 hours ago‎
NEW DELHI: The government is quite keen to raise money through sale of stake in government firms. President Pratibha Patil today announced that a plan is ...
New push for foreign capital, divestment: Patil
ANALYST VIEW 1-Indian president outlines government policy Reuters India
Analysis: Prez outlines govt's priority, talks reforms Moneycontrol. com
Earthtimes (press release)
all 224 news articles »
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NHPC likely to float Rs 1670-cr IPO in Aug
Business Standard - ‎21 hours ago‎
With the Congress party getting a clear mandate, the Manmohan Singh-led government is likely to push for divestment of the government's stake in blue-chip ...
US funds face renewed divestment calls on Sudan
Reuters - ‎Jun 2, 2009‎
By Ross Kerber BOSTON (Reuters) - The three largest US mutual fund firms face a wave of shareholder proposals this summer calling on them to divest from ...
Fido shareholders to vote again on human-rights policy InvestmentNews
all 9 news articles »
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Matrix, Aspen complete divestment of joint ventures - ‎Jun 1, 2009‎
Alongside, the company has also announced the completion of divestment of stake of its wholly owned Dutch subsidiary Matrix Laboratories BV in Fine Chemical ...
Matrix, Aspen complete divestment of joint ventures Trading Markets (press release)
Matrix and Aspen complete divestment of JVs Equity Bulls
Mylan to spend Rs 236 cr more for Matrix shares Daily News & Analysis
mydigitalfc. com
all 24 news articles »
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Indian Express
Patel backs partial AI divestment
Daily News & Analysis - ‎Jun 1, 2009‎
New Delhi: Praful Patel has signalled his willingness to champion partial divestment of government equity in Air India, even as his ministry pushes for a ...
Govt mulls Air India IPO Times of India
Market hope for Air India Calcutta Telegraph
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Divestment - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
14 Apr 2009 ... In finance and economics, divestment or divestiture is the reduction of some kind of asset for either financial or ethical objectives. ...
en.wikipedia. org/wiki/ Divestment - 30k - Cached - Similar pages -
Govt plans big-bang divestment - India Business - Business - The ...
A senior government official said when the Sensex was hovering around 6000 points in 2003-04, the government could raise Rs 15500 through divestments. ...
timesofindia. indiatimes. com/Govt- plans-big- bang-divestment/ articleshow/ 4614561.cms - 20 hours ago - Similar pages -
The Hindu Business Line : PSU stocks: On divestment hopes
18 May 2009 ... PSU stocks: On divestment hopes. With the UPA set to form the Government without the support of the Left ... PSU stocks: On divestment hopes ...
www.thehindubusines 2009/05/18/ stories/20090518 51170400. htm - 24k - Cached - Similar pages -
The Hindu Business Line : Divestment not really crucial to reforms
17 Jul 2006 ... The Government should concentrate on improving these policies and, more important, realise that divestment is not an essential reform ...
www.thehindubusines bline/2006/ 07/17/stories/ 2006071700550800 .htm - 27k - Cached - Similar pages -
More results from www.thehindubusines »
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See results for: divestment definition
1. divestment Definition
divestment - definition of divestment - Refers to the sale of an asset for
financial, legal or personal reasons. For corporations, divestment can refer to
a ...
www.investorwords. com/6486/ divestment. html
2. divest Definition
divest - definition of divest - To sell off. Often referred to in the context of
a company selling off divisions that are either a poor fit within the ...
www.investorwords. com/1507/ divest.html
3. divestment definition
divestment - definition of divestment from BusinessDictionary. com: Realizing the
market value of an asset by selling, liquidating, or exchanging it.
www.businessdiction on/divestment. html
____________ _________ _________ __

1. News results for Divestment
MCX stock exchange starts divestment process‎ - 1 hour ago

Mumbai: The MCX Stock Exchange, or MCX SX, on Thursday announced it was initiating a divestment process that would include 18% stake in the first round with ...Livemint - 10 related articles »

ITI likely to lead PSU divestment: report‎ - domain-B - 14 related articles »
Govt May Appoint NM Rothschild To Advise On Divestment In PSUs‎ - VC Circle - 2 related articles » Money channel - The Divestment Development homepage
Money channel - The Divestment Development. ... October 31, 2006. SC upholds divestment of Hotel Agra Ashok. September 24, 2006. Disinvestment put on hold, ... money/divest. htm - 27k - Cached - Similar pages -
Power ministry switches on divestment plan
20 May 2009 ... Arun Kumar, Power ministry switches on divestment plan,disinvestment agenda,initial public offer (IPO),NHPC,hydro- power generator,Power ... standard. com/india/ storypage. php?autono= 358660 - 112k - Cached - Similar pages -
India Inc seeks 100-day focus on divestment, rate cuts
1 post - Last post: 6 days agoNew Delhi, May 29 (IANS) India Inc has readied its 100-day wish list for the new government. It wants the policies to focus on agriculture, ...
www.thaindian. com/newsportal/ business/ india-inc- seeks-100- day-focus- on-divestment- rate-cuts_ 100198447. html - 65k - Cached - Similar pages -
DNA: Money: Restoring economy priority; divestment, fin reforms to ...
The govt unveiled its reforms plan in the financial sector and PSU disinvestment, coupled with measures to tackle the economic slowdown.
www.dnaindia. com/report. asp?newsid= 1261838 - 8 hours ago - Similar pages -
DIVESTMENT DEBUT and HARD SELL.Chasing CYCLONE, Facing Cyclone. Pakistan Bleeding. SUNDERVANA Saves Again the HELL, Named KOLKATA as No One Cares for the ...
palashkatha. mywebdunia. com/2009/ 05/27/1243432260 000.html - 188k - Cached - Similar pages -
Divestment to make a comeback after 5 yrs- Policy-Economy- News-The ...
He also added that it is too early to make even a rough estimate regarding money that government could raise from divestments in the coming years. ...
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Monopolistic Aggression would not allow any Bharatiya village to SURVIVE! Troubled Galaxy Destroyed Dreams: Chapter 125. Palash Biswas ...
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Troubled Galaxy Destroyed Dreams : Chapter 246. Palash Biswas ..... In no way,they are in a mood to RESIST the MONOPOLISTIC AGGRESSION against the MASSES in ...
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Middle East views: Obama's speech
BBC News - ‎58 minutes ago‎
The US president appealed for a new beginning between America and Muslims around the world in his address to Cairo University. People across the Middle East tell the BBC News website what they thought of Barack Obama's speech.
Video: Solana: Obama's Cairo Speech 'Remarkable' EUX.TV
Palestinians, Israelis Have Mixed Reactions to Obama Speech Voice of America  - Times of India - Reuters India - The Associated Press
all 9,441 news articles »
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USA Today
Hong Kong holds Tiananmen vigil
BBC News - ‎2 hours ago‎
A vigil marking 20 years since the Tiananmen massacre has been held in Hong Kong, the only part of China to commemorate the event.
Video: Tiananmen Square Anniversary Fox Business
Thousands Gather in Hong Kong for Tiananmen Vigil New York Times
Reuters India - Times of India - uk - The Associated Press
all 3,424 news articles »
Email this story uk
Debris, Oil Slick From Air France Flight found off Brazilian Coast
Voice of America - ‎28 minutes ago‎
By Carolyn Presutti Brazilian search planes are recovering what officials say is the wreckage of Air France Flight 447 which disappeared Monday off Brazil's northern coast.
Video: Timeline Starting to Form for Air France Flight The Associated Press
Air France jet debris recovered BBC News uk - Xinhua - New York Times - uk
all 11,440 news articles »हिंदी में
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Verdict in 2003 Mumbai twin blasts case likely by month-end
Hindu â€" ‎34 minutes ago‎
Tata to introduce Nano in Thailand: Thai govt agency
Business Standard â€" ‎1 hour ago‎ â€"
all 42 articles »
Tata to Rollout GSM Service â€" ‎7 hours ago‎ â€"
all 27 articles »
Slumdog kids invited to party at the House of Commons
Oneindia â€" ‎8 hours ago‎ â€"
all 215 articles »हिंदी में
Symonds' absence saddens team-mates â€" ‎9 minutes ago‎ â€"
all 399 articles »हिंदी में
20-year-old in Hyderabad is India's 4th swine flu case
Times of India â€" ‎21 hours ago‎ â€"
all 2,033 articles »
UPA's agenda
Daily News & Analysis â€" ‎2 hours ago‎ â€"
all 228 articles »

Elements of racism possible in attacks: Australian envoy
Times of India - ‎1 hour ago‎
4 Jun 2009, 2120 hrs IST, PTI NEW DELHI: Australia on Thursday admitted that some cases of attacks on Indian students in that country may have an "element" of racism.
Australian envoy admits attacks on Indians racist
Attacks on Indians may be racist: Oz Ambassador Zee News uk - BusinessWeek  - Indipepal - Indian Express
all 178 news articles »
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BBC News
UPA's agenda
Daily News & Analysis - ‎2 hours ago‎
President Pratibha Patil in her first address to the joint session of the new Parliament on Thursday has reiterated all the major points of the broad programme of the second UPA government of prime minister Manmohan Singh.
Growth, internal security key priorities: President Times of India
First 100 days and beyond Livemint
domain-B - Bloomberg - Press Trust of India - Hindu
all 228 news articles »
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Experts tell FM to step up spending in infra
Business Standard - ‎1 hour ago‎
PTI / New Delhi June 04, 2009, 21:40 IST Leading economists today asked Finance Minister Pranab Mukherjee to have provisions in the Budget to step up public investment in infrastructure to boost the economy reeling under the impact of the global ...
Union Budget to be presented on July 3
Union Budget on July 3; Rail Budget on July 1
Hindu - Rediff - RTT News - Business Standard
all 14 news articles »
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Chandigarh Tribune
Youth's death triggers fresh violence in valley, 35 hurt
Press Trust of India - ‎4 hours ago‎
Srinagar, June 4 (PTI) At least 35 people were injured in fresh violence that broke out in strike-hit Kashmir Valley today following the death of a youth in protests even as hardline Hurriyat leader Syed Ali Shah Geelani was again placed under house ...
Geelani To People: Don't Abort Stir This Time Kashmir Observer
60 injured in clash in Kashmir Hindu
Times - Zee News - Reuters India - Indian Express
all 103 news articles »हिंदी में
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Reliance Industries wins Iran contract
Business Standard - ‎3 hours ago‎
PTI / New Delhi June 04, 2009, 19:14 IST Reliance Industries (RIL) has won a contract to supply up to 50000 barrels of petrol per day to Iran until the end of this year but may have temporarily halted exports to the Persian Gulf nation.
India IOC to buy 1.31 mln T Reliance fuel-sources Reuters India
Reliance forced to halt exports of petrol to Iran: reports domain-B
Economic Times - WashingtonTV  - Reuters - United Press International
all 21 news articles »
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BBC News
Sant Rama Nand cremated, situation remains peaceful
Hindu - ‎2 hours ago‎
Devotees watch as the body of slain Sant Rama Nand, a cleric of the Dera Sach Khand Sikh sect who was murdered in Austria last month, is cremated in Jalandhar on Thursday.
Thousands pour in for Dera leader's cremation in Punjab Times of India
Funeral held for Punjab preacher BBC News
SamayLive - PunjabNewsline. com - Times of India - Hindu
all 168 news articles »हिंदी में
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World News
Parliament canteen to have sumptuous delicacies
Hindu - ‎2 hours ago‎
New Delhi (PTI) In the wake of Railway Minister Mamata Banerjee instructing Railway Board to ensure quality food is served onboard trains, all the four canteens inside the Parliament complex were on Thursday inspected by top brass of Northern Railway ...
Serve better food, ensure passenger comfort: Mamta tells Board Press Trust of India
Tips on how to keep a railway minister in good humour The Statesman
Indian Express - Merinews - Press Information Bureau (press release) - Hindu
all 26 news articles »
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HRD ministry to issue notice to college owned by union minister
Times of India - ‎4 hours ago‎
4 Jun 2009, 1805 hrs IST, PTI NEW DELHI: A medical college said to be run by Union Minister S Jagathrakshakan has run into problems with Union HRD Ministry on Thursday deciding to serve a notice to it threatening action on the issue of huge capitation ...
HRD takes action against colleges Times
Capitation fee: HRD issues notices to 2 colleges in TN Zee News
Indopia - SamayLive - Times - Times of India
all 22 news articles »
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Straits Times
US advises citizens on India, clarifies after Indian objection
Press Trust of India - ‎47 minutes ago‎
New Delhi, Jun 4 (PTI) The US has claimed that India faces "high threat" from terrorism and has asked its citizens to be vigilant, drawing strong objection from New Delhi which asserted that the country is completely safe and such an advisory is not ...
India objects to US travel advice BBC News
US envoy clarifies to India on advisory SamayLive
SINDH TODAY - Times - Indian Express -
all 69 news articles »
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Results of HSC students caught copying withheld
Times of India - ‎18 hours ago‎
MUMBAI: Even though there was large-scale copying at the HSC examination held in March at Nanded, the home town of chief minister Ashok Chavan, it was detected only during the evaluation of papers in the second week of May.
HSC results of 2883 from Latur withheld Daily News & Analysis
Maharashtra HSC Results Online, SMS
SamayLive - Merinews - Times of India - Times of India
all 11 news articles »
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Hemant Karkare's son comes out in flying colours in HSC exams
Hindu - ‎1 hour ago‎
Mumbai (PTI) Unfazed by the death of his father Hemant Karkare, chief of Anti Terrorism Squad (ATS) who was killed by terrorists during the Mumbai terror attacks last year, Akash Karkare passed his Higher Secondary Examination (HSC) with 78 per cent ...
Hemant Karkare's son pass out HSC exam with flying colours Indopia
State in fix as no IPS man is ready to take ATS reins Times of India
all 6 news articles »
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World News
MP CM asks Kamal Nath to provide four-lane highway
Indian Express - ‎15 hours ago‎
Kamal Nath has assured the chief minister to get early clearance of all the projects. Pointing out that inadequate road infrastructure was hampering investment and development, Madhya Pradesh chief Minister Shivraj Singh Chouhan today urged Union ...
Kamal Nath's assurance to highway developers Hindu
Govt to build national gas highways Economic Times
Times of India - Daily News & Analysis - Reuters India - SINDH TODAY
all 19 news articles »
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Rise above partisan lines: Meira Kumar
Hindu - ‎13 hours ago‎
NEW DELHI: Lok Sabha Speaker Meira Kumar on Wednesday promised to be “entirely impartial� and give opportunities to every Member of Parliament to have his or her say.
Face the Nation: Madam Speaker, talent or tokenism?
Answer to Maya? Meira swears by Sanskrit classics Times of India
Economic Times - Calcutta Telegraph - SamayLive - The Statesman
all 873 news articles »
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Eshwarappa retracts, Opposition grills
Express Buzz - ‎13 hours ago‎
LOCKING HORNS : DK Shivakumar, HK Patil, MP Prakash and other Congress party leaders at the Raj Bhavan. BANGALORE: The national BJP leadership on Wednesday intervened and applied brakes on the current dissidence in the Karnataka unit that had almost ...
Bangalore: Mining Barons Continue to Blow Hot
Big bosses fly in to douse rebellion fire Times of India
Indian Express - Deccan Herald - Times of India - Indian Express
all 53 news articles »
Email this story uk
Immigration scam in UK, three Indians jailed for 19 years
Daily News & Analysis - ‎2 hours ago‎
PTI London: Three persons of Indian origin have been sentenced to 19-years in jail for running a "visa fraud factory" that earned them a whopping 3 million pounds and allowed at least 1000 illegal immigrants to enter or remain in Britain.
Indian trio sentenced in the biggest visa scam in the UK Press Trust of India
Immigration scam in UK, 3 Indians jailed for 19 years
SamayLive - BBC News - Times Online - uk
all 156 news articles »हिंदी में
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Calcutta Telegraph
Stop blame game: Karunanidhi
Express Buzz - ‎13 hours ago‎
CHENNAI: “The opposition parties in Tamil Nadu should stop the blame game over their defeat in the recent Lok Sabha elections. Instead, they should introspect into what went wrong on their part while facing the elections and by the way, ...
Karunanidhi reiterates DMK stand on State autonomy Hindu
Stalin priest for deity Karuna Calcutta Telegraph
Indian Express - The Statesman - Daily News & Analysis - Economic Times
all 105 news articles »
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Pak against any pre-conditions for resuming composite dialogue
Press Trust of India - ‎2 hours ago‎
Islamabad, Jun 4 (PTI) Rejecting as "untenable" attachment of any pre-conditions to the resumption of the Indo-Pak peace process, Islamabad today said that a "fair and just" solution to the long-standing Kashmir issue was essential for lasting peace in ...
Backed by US, Pakistan dictates terms to India Times
Pakistan Army fires at Indian posts in Kashmir Times of India
Economic Times - Daily News & Analysis - Zee News - Xinhua
all 241 news articles »
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Leopard dies in Van Vihar national park
Economic Times - ‎3 hours ago‎
4 Jun 2009, 1919 hrs IST, PTI BHOPAL: Two days after the death of a tigress, a leopard on Thursday died in the Van Vihar National Park here, officials said.
Another animal die in Van Vihar today Central Chronicle
3-year-old tigress dies in Van Vihar national park Indopia
China Daily - Newstrack India -  - Indopia
all 20 news articles »
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World News
Shopian Victims My Sisters: Omar
Kashmir Observer - ‎1 hour ago‎
Srinagar, June 04, KONS - Six days after the Shopian incident Chief Minister Omar Abdullah in a televised statement today said his Government was commited to dig out the truth adding that Nilofar and Asiya were like his sisters and he, as brother, ...
Omar meets security advisor SamayLive
Promote J&K as safe destination: Omar Hindu
Kashmir Watch - Kashmir Live - Rising Kashmir - World Sikh News
all 40 news articles »
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Lawyers on strike in capital
Business Standard - ‎9 hours ago‎
PTI / New Delhi June 4, 2009, 13:26 IST Lawyers in all five district courts in the capital today went on a day-long strike in protest against alleged lack of security in court premises.
Lawyers' strike partially affect functioning at Delhi courts SamayLive
Lawyers to go on strike Times of India
Expressindia. com -  - SamayLive - Expressindia. com
all 20 news articles »हिंदी में
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Tata to introduce Nano in Thailand: Thai govt agency
Business Standard - ‎1 hour ago‎
PTI / New Delhi June 04, 2009, 21:08 IST World acclaimed Tata Motor's small car Nano may drive into the Thai and other markets in the South East Asia, a Thai investment agency official said.
Tata hopes to sell world's cheapest car in US Reuters
Tata Motors to start tree plantation drive Times of India
Wheels Unplugged - Indis'a Automobile Magazine - domain-B - (subscription)
all 42 news articles »
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Calcutta Telegraph
Excl: Anand Sharma says see stimulus for exports in Budget
Moneycontrol. com - ‎46 minutes ago‎
In an exclusive interview with CNBC-TV18, Commerce Minister Anand Sharma said that there would be a stimulus package for exports in this Budget as the government was concerned over the fall in exports and promised to ensure export incentives to ...
Exports at sea eight months on the trot Economic Times
RPT-UPDATE1- India trade minister to seek more help for exporters Reuters India
Business Standard - Hindu - Indian Express - Calcutta Telegraph
all 71 news articles »
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India IOC to buy 1.31 mln T Reliance fuel-sources
Reuters India - Nidhi Verma - ‎2 hours ago‎
NEW DELHI, June 4 (Reuters) - State-run Indian Oil Corp (IOC.BO: Quote, Profile, Research) plans to buy 1.31 million tonnes of fuel this fiscal year from Reliance Industries Ltd (RELI.
Reliance Industries wins Iran contract Business Standard
Reliance forced to halt exports of petrol to Iran: reports domain-B
Economic Times - Reuters - WashingtonTV
all 21 news articles »
BOM:500325 â€" BOM:532743 â€" NSE:RPL.BL
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Audi launches compact SUV
Hindu Business Line - ‎5 hours ago‎
MUMBAI: German luxury carmaker Audi on Thursday launched its compact SUV Q5, in Mumbai priced at Rs 38.57 lakhs. According to estimates, last year India witnessed sales of 7000 luxury cars.
Audi launches Q5 premium SUV at Rs 38 lakh Business Standard
Audi Q5 @ Rs 38.29 lakh Rediff  -  - Wall Street Journal
all 49 news articles »
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RTT News
Gujarat NRE coke eyes Australian company Rey Resources in hostile bid
Economic Times - ‎3 hours ago‎
AHMEDABAD: In a bid to broad base company activities and access new coal resources, Australian subsidiary of Gujarat NRE Coke, Gujarat NRE Minerals (GNM) is aiming to acquire Australian Securities Exchange (ASX) listed Rey Resources Limited.
Guj NRE plans hostile bid for Australian firm mydigitalfc. com
Takeover impact: Gujarat NRE ends at upper circuit Business Standard
Daily News & Analysis - Moneycontrol. com - Equity Bulls
all 22 news articles »हिंदी में
ASX:GNM â€" ASX:REY â€" BOM:512579
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RTT News
Higher cost of operations hit Nalco's net profit
Economic Times - Santanu Mishra - ‎12 hours ago‎
MUMBAI: For National Aluminium Company (Nalco), March quarter has come as one of the weakest in last eight. Though the net sales of Rs 1088 crore marks a drop of only 7% year-on-year, the net profit is down to one-fifth from the year-ago level.
Nalco down 4% on dip in Q4 net Business Standard
Nalco Q4 net profit down 80% at Rs 83 cr Moneycontrol. com
Hindu Business Line - KalingaTimes  - - RTT News
all 17 news articles »
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Govt to aid ITI in three new ventures
Livemint - Shauvik Ghosh - ‎29 minutes ago‎
New Delhi: Public sector telecom equipment firm Indian Telephone Industries Ltd (ITI) will get financial aid from the government to help it invest in at least three new undertakingsâ€"either joint venture companies (JVCs) or special purpose vehicles ...
Don't see fancy pricing for ITI divestment: IndAsia Fund Moneycontrol. com
India to sell telecoms equipment maker ITI -report Reuters
India  - domain-B - Economic Times
all 16 news articles »
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India, Mercosur start preferential trade deal
Reuters India - ‎2 hours ago‎
NEW DELHI (Reuters) - India and South American trade bloc Mercosur have started a preferential trade agreement that offers duty concession on hundreds of product categories, the government said on Thursday.
Post-PTA, India-Mercosur trade to touch $10 bn Business Standard
Free-trade talks with EU on track Calcutta Telegraph
Livemint - Webnewswire. com - Merinews - mydigitalfc. com
all 24 news articles »
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Indian Express
IPOs from PSUs in offing; Fin Min waiting for right timing
Press Trust of India - ‎3 hours ago‎
New Delhi, June 4 (PTI) Giving a boost to the capital market, the government today committed itself to disinvesting minority stake in PSUs through public offering and the Finance Ministry is assessing the right timing for state-owned firms to hit Dalal ...
Govt. fears slowdown; commits to financial reforms, disinvestment Hindu
AK Bhattacharya: Disinvestment - There is many a slip... Business Standard
Economic Times - Times of India - Livemint - UTVi
all 31 news articles »
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Indian Express
Inflation at 0.48%, may see -ve territory soon: ICICI Sec
Moneycontrol. com - ‎7 hours ago‎
Inflation for week-ended May 23 came in at 0.48% as against 0.61% week-on-week (WoW). The Wholesale Price Index (WPI) for all commodities was up 0.04% at 232.3 WoW.
India's inflation rate falls to 0.48 percent Sify
INSTANT VIEW - Inflation at 0.48 pct on May 23 Reuters India
domain-B - Bloomberg - Press Trust of India - Wall Street Journal
all 42 news articles »
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MCX stock exchange starts divestment process
Livemint - Tanmaya Nanda - ‎2 hours ago‎
Mumbai: The MCX Stock Exchange, or MCX SX, on Thursday announced it was initiating a divestment process that would include 18% stake in the first round with Indian banks.
Union Bank, BoI pick up 6.48% equity in MCX-SX Hindu Business Line
Daily market report: MCXCOMDEX up 0.72%
Reuters India - FoodBizDaily. com (press release) - RTT News
all 10 news articles »
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Reliance MF withdraws ad after SEBI warning
Indian Express - ‎3 hours ago‎
Anil Ambani group (ADAG) owned Reliance Mutual Fund said on Thursday that it has withdrawn advertisement of its new scheme following a show-cause notice by the market regulator SEBI.
SEBI asks Reliance to withdraw fund advertisement Reuters India
SEBI pulls up Reliance MF for rule violation India
Economic Times
all 13 news articles »
BOM:500390 â€" BOM:526141 â€" LON:RIFA
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Calcutta Telegraph
Into the future: Apeejay surrendra group post Jit Paul
Economic Times - Rakhi Mazumdar - ‎2 hours ago‎
No one walking on Park Street on Tuesday evening would find anything amiss. The lights were on as usual at Park Hotel, at the iconic Flury's, at the Oxford Bookstore, Junior Oxford beside it and at the shops along the Park Mansion arcade.
Leading entrepreneur Jit Paul passes away Indian Express
Lord Paul attends brother's funeral Indopia
Livemint - Times of India - Calcutta Telegraph -
all 23 news articles »
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Sensex crosses 15000-mark, first time since September
Sify - ‎4 hours ago‎
Mumbai, June 4 (IANS) A key index of the Indian equities markets fought its way back into the green Thursday to close above the 15000-mark, first time since Sep 2, 2008.
Sensex recovers to close above 15000 Economic Times
Reforms agenda helps Sensex to end above 15000 Press Trust of India
Livemint - Indopia - Wall Street Journal - Economic Times
all 421 news articles »
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BoB, IOB, Andhra Bank to set up subsidiary in Malaysia
Hindu Business Line - ‎5 hours ago‎
MUMBAI: Public sector lenders, Bank of Baroda (BOB), Indian Overseas Bank (IOB) and Andhra Bank have signed a joint venture agreement for setting up India BIA Bank (Malaysia) Bhd, a banking subsidiary in Malaysia.
Closing Bell Economic Times
BoB to open a banking subsidiary in Malaysia Indopia
Wall Street Journal - Reuters India - Equity Bulls
all 19 news articles »
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ICICI Bank cuts floating retail loan rate by 50 bps
Moneycontrol. com - ‎10 hours ago‎
ICICI Bank has cut floating retail loan and benchmark advance rates by 50 basis points, which will come into effect from tomorrow.
ICICI Bank cuts lending rates Business Standard
ICICI Bank slashes benchmark lending rate by 50 bps Hindu
Reuters India - domain-B - Equity Bulls
all 36 news articles »हिंदी में
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CarTradeIndia. com
GM bankruptcy may hit Indian auto component sector
Business Standard - ‎5 hours ago‎
PTI / New Delhi June 4, 2009, 16:37 IST Moody's today said filing of bankruptcy by America's largest car maker General Motors may adversely impact India's auto component industry, which should increase its exposure in other expanding markets.
GM reassures buyers, dealers and suppliers Livemint
US parent bankrupt, but GM India plans new car Economic Times
The Statesman - Hindustan Times - Moneycontrol. com
all 119 news articles »
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Govt to carry forward financial sector reforms, says President
Business Standard - ‎9 hours ago‎
PTI / New Delhi June 4, 2009, 13:29 IST The government today committed itself to continue financial sector reforms by easing foreign investment policy, recapitalising state-owned banks and establishing a regulator for the pension sector.
Pension regulator seeks more funds to sell NPS Economic Times
Pension fund investment may get tax exemption Times of India
Livemint - Indian Express - mydigitalfc. com - Wall Street Journal
all 14 news articles »
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Govt to put in Rs 16000 cr in 12 banks
Business Standard - Arun Kumar - ‎1 hour ago‎
The government is planning to infuse Rs 16000 crore in over a dozen public sector banks by subscribing to equity shares through right issues.
Kingfisher gets Rs 2000 cr funding Hindu Business Line
Kingfisher to get 20 bln rupees from banks - paper Reuters India
Moneycontrol. com - Livemint - Merinews
all 25 news articles »
BOM:532747 â€" NSE:SBIN.BL â€" BOM:500112
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Indian Express
Indian rupee drops on lower stocks, firm dollar
Reuters India - ‎12 hours ago‎
MUMBAI, June 4 (Reuters) - The Indian rupee dropped on Thursday, backing further away from seven-month highs struck in the previous session, weighed down by lower domestic stocks and the dollar's strength against majors.
Rupee weakens by 17 paise against dollar Economic Times
Rupee slips 33 paise to 47.40 a dollar Press Trust of India
Daily News & Analysis - - Moneycontrol. com - Moneycontrol. com
all 128 news articles »
Email this story uk
Middle East views: Obama's speech
BBC News - ‎1 hour ago‎
The US president appealed for a new beginning between America and Muslims around the world in his address to Cairo University. People across the Middle East tell the BBC News website what they thought of Barack Obama's speech.

Video: Solana: Obama's Cairo Speech 'Remarkable' EUX.TV
Palestinians, Israelis Have Mixed Reactions to Obama Speech Voice of America  - Times of India  - The Associated  Press - Reuters India
all 8,976 news articles »
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USA Today
Hong Kong holds Tiananmen vigil
BBC News - ‎2 hours ago‎
A vigil marking 20 years since the Tiananmen massacre has been held in Hong Kong, the only part of China to commemorate the event.

Video: Tiananmen Square Anniversary Fox Business
Thousands Gather in Hong Kong for Tiananmen Vigil New York Times
Reuters India  - Times of India  - uk - The Associated  Press
all 3,424 news articles »
Email this story uk
Debris, Oil Slick From Air France Flight found off Brazilian Coast
Voice of America - ‎30 minutes ago‎
By Carolyn Presutti Brazilian search planes are recovering what officials say is the wreckage of Air France Flight 447 which disappeared Monday off Brazil's northern coast.

Video: Timeline Starting to Form for Air France Flight The Associated Press
Air France crash debris recovered as theories focus on speed uk
BBC News - Xinhua - New York Times  - uk
all 11,876 news articles »हिंदी में
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The Associated Press
Backers press for summertime vote on Sotomayor
The Associated Press - ‎1 hour ago‎
WASHINGTON (AP) - Senators are looking closely at the records and writings of Supreme Court nominee Sonia Sotomayor, Republicans seeking any detail that might slow her march toward confirmation and Democrats trying to bolster their case that she's a ...
Sotomayor Favored for High Court by Voters, Quinnipiac Says Bloomberg
Sotomayor's Senate Questionnaire Expected at 2 pm Washington Post
Scripps News - RTT News - The New Mexico  Independent  - Latina
all 4,085 news articles »
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The Associated Press
North Korea reporters' trial begins  - ‎1 hour ago‎
The trial of two US journalists detained by North Korea along its border with China has begun in Pyongyang, North Korea's official media has said.

Video: Vigils Held for US Reporters on Trial in NKorea The Associated Press
North Korea Nuclear Program Undercuts UN Relief Efforts FOXNews
Reuters - TIME - AFP - Reuters India
all 5,083 news articles »
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Times Online
Sri Lanka doctors 'to be tried'
BBC News - ‎2 hours ago‎
By Charles Haviland A group of doctors who worked in Sri Lanka's rebel-held war zone are being held on suspicion of collaborating with Tamil rebels, the government says.
Sri Lanka seizes boat funded by Tiger backers Reuters India
Sri Lanka probes presence of six foreigners in refugee camps Hindu
AFP - Times of India  - Press Trust of  India - Economist
all 1,016 news articles »
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Times Online
Labour prepares to go to war over Gordon Brown's future
Times Online - ‎1 hour ago‎
Labour whips are braced for a resumption of hostilities in the battle over Gordon Brown's future tonight after a day-long truce while voters across the UK delivered their verdict at local and European elections.
Allies of Brown go on offensive BBC News
Gordon Brown seeks to shore up support as voters go to the polls uk
The Associated  Press - Reuters - uk - Reuters India
all 2,059 news articles »हिंदी में
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BBC News
Dutch, British get chance to vent anger in EU vote
The Associated Press - ‎3 hours ago‎
THE HAGUE, Netherlands (AP) - A right-wing lawmaker called on Dutch voters worried about immigration to pick his party Thursday in European Parliament elections expected to bring successes for fringe and extremist groups.

Video: Polls open in EU, council elections ITN NEWS
UK, Netherlands vote in Euro elections CNN International  - Xinhua - BBC News - uk
all 726 news articles »
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Boston Globe
Student Hostages Released in Pakistan
Voice of America - ‎2 hours ago‎
By VOA News Pakistani officials said students and teachers kidnapped by Taliban earlier this week in the northwest have been freed.
US envoy urges more aid for Swat BBC News
Holbrooke asks European, Muslim nations to aid Pakistan Reuters India
The Associated  Press - AFP - Hindu - Washington Post
all 2,573 news articles »
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ABC News
US isolation policy fails as OAS revokes Cuba's exclusion
Xinhua - ‎54 minutes ago‎
SAN PEDRO SULA, Honduras, June 3 (Xinhua) -- The lifting of a 47-year-old ban on Cuba by the Organization of American States (OAS) marks the failure of the United States' isolation campaign against the island country.
OAS ends Cuba suspension after 47 years The Associated Press
Imposing Conditions, OAS Lifts Its Suspension of Cuba New York Times
Melbourne Herald  Sun - CNN International  - AFP - Voice of America
all 2,088 news articles »हिंदी में
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The Associated Press
Poles celebrate defeat of communism 20 years on
Reuters India - ‎1 hour ago‎
By Wojciech Zurawski KRAKOW, Poland (Reuters) - European leaders paid tribute on Thursday to Poland's role in the defeat of communism two decades ago, saying the courage of the Solidarity trade union had made a peaceful, united Europe possible.
Poles remember historic 1989 vote BBC News
Poland celebrates 20 years since historic vote The Associated Press
Reuters - Times Online - Xinhua - ABS CBN News
all 205 news articles »
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Koirala's daughter appointed Nepal Foreign Minister
Hindu - ‎36 minutes ago‎
Kathmandu (PTI): Nepali Congress leader Sujata Koirala on bagged the plump post of Foreign Minister in the much-awaited Cabinet expansion by Prime Minister Madhav Kumar Nepal, nearly two weeks after the CPN(UML)-led coalition government eased out the ...
Nepal cabinet expanded Times of India
Countdown to Nepali cabinet expansion starts Xinhua
Press Trust of  India - WKRG-TV - Times of India  - Times of India
all 147 news articles »हिंदी में
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Iran's young people go green for Mousavi
AFP - ‎1 hour ago‎
TEHRAN (AFP) - With more than 60 percent of Iranians born after their nation's Islamic revolution in 1979, the under-30 vote will be crucial in next week's election in which hardline President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad is being challenged by three fiercely ...

Video: Mir Hossein Mousavi UPI
Iran leader issues veiled criticism of moderates Reuters
New York Times  - Los Angeles Times  - Economist - Khaleej Times
all 721 news articles »
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Safina One Win Away From Her First Major
New York Times - ‎56 minutes ago‎
By CHRISTOPHER CLAREY PARIS - If you had no access to the scoreboard and were simply watching and, above all, listening to the two women on center court at the French Open during Thursday's first semifinal, you would have had the impression that Dinara ...
Kuznetsova to face Safina in French Open final AFP
French Open 2009: Svetlana Kuznetsova sets up Dinara Safina final uk
The Associated  Press - uk - CNN International  - Bloomberg
all 605 news articles »हिंदी में
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ABC News
New England economy could see gay-marriage boost
Reuters - ‎1 hour ago‎
By Scott Malone BOSTON (Reuters) - The expansion of legal gay marriage across New England could deliver an economic windfall by attracting a youthful "creative class" of workers to a region with an aging population.
In NH and Iowa, gay marriage has political angle The Associated Press
New Hampshire is sixth state to allow gay marriage AFP uk - New York Times  - Forbes - Boston Globe
all 1,270 news articles »
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BBC News
Britons convicted of murdering French students
The Associated Press - ‎25 minutes ago‎
LONDON (AP) - A judge sentenced two British men to life in prison Tuesday for what he called the sadistic killing of two French students who were bound, tortured and stabbed to death in a London apartment last year.

Video: French students murders reaction ITN NEWS
Duo get life for brutal French student murders AFP uk - uk - BBC News - uk
all 710 news articles »
Email this story uk
Kevin Rudd's chief enforcer, John Faulkner, delivered ultimatum
The Australian - ‎1 hour ago‎
JOEL Fitzgibbon knew he was in trouble yesterday when Special Minister of State John Faulkner turned up at his office carrying a copy of the Code of Ministerial Conduct.
Sacked minister had no defence in latest embarrassing skirmish Melbourne Herald Sun
Australia's defence minister resigns uk
Radio Australia  - Reuters - ABC Online - The Australian
all 281 news articles »
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Spiegel Online
Berlin presses Arcandor to pursue Metro deal uk - ‎1 hour ago‎
By Noah Barkin and Eva Kuehnen BERLIN/FRANKFURT, June 4 (Reuters) - Germany told struggling retailer Arcandor to consider a deal with rival Metro after the company's bid for special rescue funds from the government appeared to have failed.
Arcandor owners must help to rescue firm - Merkel Reuters India
SCENARIOS-Arcandor' s future without a govt bailout Reuters
Wall Street Journal  - BBC News - Bloomberg - Reuters
all 175 news articles »
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Straits Times
Women, children held after rare protest in Myanmar
Reuters - ‎10 hours ago‎
YANGON, June 4 (Reuters) - Myanmar police arrested five people, including children, outside the US embassy on Thursday where they had sought help for the release of a man detained by the military regime.
Uncertainty over trial of Suu Kyi in Burma ABC Online
Burma reels from poor PR but Aung San Suu Kyi verdict is close uk
The Associated  Press - Voice of America  - Reuters India  - New York Times
all 972 news articles »
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Washington Post
Tsvangirai: Mugabe acrimony over
BBC News - ‎2 hours ago‎
Zimbabwe Prime Minister Morgan Tsvangirai has told the BBC the "acrimony is over" between him and President Robert Mugabe.
Zimbabwe constitution hearings to begin in 10 days: source AFP
Zimbabwe's power-sharing government The struggle goes on Economist  - Reuters - Voice of America  - The Associated  Press
all 383 news articles »
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"Mamata 'natural choice' as West Bengal CM"
Hindu - ‎4 hours ago‎
Kolkata (PTI): Railway Minister Mamata Banerjee will be a "natural choice" as chief minister of West Bengal if the Congress-TC alliance comes to power in ...
Mamata accuses Left Front of unleashing terror in West Bengal Indian Express
Political apathy of West Bengal Express Buzz
all 8 news articles »
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Calcutta Telegraph
Santosh Trophy: Manipur on top, Punjab in contention for semis
Hindu - ‎38 minutes ago‎
Chennai (PTI): Manipur strengthened their semifinal hopes with a 1-1 draw with Bengal while holders Punjab managed a late goal to beat Tamil Nadu by a ...
Bengal cautious vs Manipur Calcutta Telegraph
Bengal manage to hold hosts The Statesman
Bengal spoils TN party Express Buzz  - Times of India
all 38 news articles »
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Calcutta Telegraph
Minister releases Bengal travel guide
Times of India - ‎16 hours ago‎
KOLKATA: Tourists looking for information on their places of interest in Bengal now have a ready reckoner. The first official travel guide on the state was ...
Tourism not affected by 'Aila' Hindu
Tourists few, plans many Calcutta Telegraph
Manab Mukherjee, Tourism Minister, Kolkata releases Bengal travel ... HospitalityBizIndia
all 5 news articles »
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RPT-West Bengal utility to raise 5 bln rupees in FY10
Reuters India - ‎15 hours ago‎
KOLKATA, India, June 3 (Reuters) - State-run West Bengal State Electricity Transmission Company (WBSETC) plans to raise 5 billion rupees through bonds and ...
Low pressure formation likely over Bay of Bengal
Hindu - ‎Jun 3, 2009‎
Kolkata (PTI) The weatherman on Wednesday warned of the likely formation of a low pressure area over the Bay of Bengal and Bangladesh coast on June 6. ...

Governor visits Aila-affected areas
Hindu - ‎13 hours ago‎
Woes aplenty: West Bengal Governor Gopalkrishna Gandhi listening to cyclone victims at Sandeshkhali village in North 24 Parganas district of West Bengal on ...
No mob fury as Governor visits Sunderbans, signs of some relief Indian Express
WB Governor visits cyclone victims Press Trust of India
Gandhi gets warmth where CM faced wrath The Statesman
Times of India
all 10 news articles »
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JSW defers Rs 35000-cr West Bengal project
Business Standard - ‎Jun 2, 2009‎
PTI / New Delhi June 03, 2009, 0:35 IST After cutting investment in the first phase of its ambitious 10-mega tonnes per annum (MTPA) West Bengal project by ...
JSW Steel postpones West Bengal project
JSW Defers Constructions Work At Mega Steel Plant In West Bengal RTT News
JSW decides against closing Texas plate mill Steel Business Briefing (subscription)
all 19 news articles »
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Hindu Business Line
Brewing Bay storm may spare West Bengal coast
Hindu Business Line - ‎Jun 2, 2009‎
Thiruvananthapuram, June 2 The low-pressure area expected to spring up in north Bay of Bengal around the weekend may undergo two rounds of intensification ...
Monsoon hits state, city will have to wait Times of India
After Aila's disruption, city likely to get pre-monsoon showers Indian Express
Aila blow to delay state's date with monsoon Calcutta Telegraph
Commodity Online  - Reuters India
all 38 news articles »
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TC leader killed in Hooghly
Times of India - ‎12 hours ago‎
... (WB): A local Trinamool Congress leader was killed by unidentified assailants at Khanakul in Hooghly district of West Bengal, police said on Thursday. ...
Trinamool Congress activist killed in West Bengal village
Trinamool SC leader killed, Mamata takes up issue with PC Hindu
Trinamul leader killed The Statesman
Calcutta Telegraph
all 13 news articles »
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Inflation dips to 0.48%
Air France debris found
'Govt to boost growth'

ET Cetera
* Angelina Jolie most powerful celeb
* Indian biologist wins Finnish award
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Praful Patel, Civil Aviation minister

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Recruiters seen back at IIM-A
Bleak placement days at the country's premier B-school IIM-A seem to be over.
* Job cuts may rise after summer: Report
* 15% jobless in 13 US cities: Report
* Remanufacturing workplaces
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Himalayas warming faster
* Climate to affect to monsoon
* Kaziranga: 2 poachers held
* Tata Motors to start tree plantation drive
* Project launched for green lighting
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* Searching the net? Watch out, hackers are watching!
Celebrity-related keyword searches and screen savers, and search results offering downloadable files pose the greatest risk.
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Microsoft is once again trying to change the rules of many games simultaneously.
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Losing your cool can cause more damage than you think.
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Indian mkt likely to outperform global peers
4 Jun 2009, 2200 hrs IST, PTI
Benchmark Sensex could hit the 19K-level by end of this year, Morgan Stanley said in a report. Gainers: BSE ( A, B ), NSE | Losers: BSE ( A, B ), NSE I 52 Week: High, Low
* PSU IPOs provide better returns than private peers: Study
* Silver returns outpace gold in 2009 but traders wary
* Investor wealth crosses Rs 5 lakh cr mark first time in 2009
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Elements of racism possible in attacks: Australian envoy
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US probes hiring behaviour at Google, Yahoo: Report
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ET Blog: Stranglehold of bureaucracy increases!
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Crashed Air France jet flying at 'wrong' speed: Report
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ET Blog: Why onions are no longer couch potatoes
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China joins India, wants Australia to ensure students' safety
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Searching the net? Watch out, the hackers are watching!
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It's cool! LG plans ACs as cheap as coolers
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India likely to resume talks with Pakistan
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Yahoo! doesn't need Microsoft deal: CEO
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Tata Motors hopes to sell Nano in United States
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Mumbai is 6th most expensive office market in world
ET Portfolio Wizard:Track and juggle your investments and watch your money grow.
Tata Motors hopes to sell Nano in United States
4 Jun 2009, 2158 hrs IST, REUTERS
Tata Motors hopes to offer the Nano, dubbed the world's cheapest car, in the US within two years, its chairman said. Electric car to hit roads in Sept: Ratan Tata
* Tata's to introduce Nano in Thailand: Thai govt agency
Indian real estate back on the radar of NRIs and PIOs
4 Jun 2009, 2240 hrs IST, KAMLESH PANDYA,ET Bureau
Global property investments are making a comeback, searching for Indian HNIs, who would be willing to buy property abroad. Property investment: Land or apartment
* Mumbai is 6th most expensive office market in world: Report
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GM taps M&M, Tatas for sale of Saturn
M&M & Tata Motors figure in global list of more than dozen firms being tapped by bankers representing GM for sale of Saturn.
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News by Industry
* Bajaj sales down 8.1% in May
* Govt seeks details of Bharti-MTN deal
* Kingfisher gets Rs 2,000 cr fund
* Audi launches compact SUV
Sectors: InfoTech| Telecom | Auto | Transport | Energy| Jobs | More >>   Personal Finance
* New online system for I-T cases
* Investment in NPS may get tax relief
* Investors take midcap picks via MFs
* Bharti Axa plan to infuse Rs 100 cr
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Markets News
* European stocks flat on weak US data
* Book profits as Sensex can fall
* Gold tumbles on weak global cues
* Rupee drops on firm dollar
* RBI buying bonds from traders   Economy
* Govt to focus on fin-hit sectors
* Oil at $68 as 3-month rally resumes
* SBI says room to cut rates by 25 bps
* Banks should review loan policy: RBI
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* US jobless claims down to 6.2 lakh
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* Sensex can outperform its Asian peers: Morgan Stanley
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* Life insurers modify ULIPs to attract investors
* PSU stocks give 40% returns
* At 50%, 'risky' tiny cos top RoI charts
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* Book profits as Sensex can fall to 13500: Amitabh Chakraborty
* Buy Grasim for target of Rs 2480-2610: Nirmal Bang
* Bank stocks more than double in 3 months
* Air India public issue may be considered soon: Patel
* Infra tag hopes boost hotel stocks

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A protester burns chief minister Mr Omar Abdullah in effigy during a protest in Srinagar. Security personnel were deployed across Kashmir Valley as the strike called by hardline Hurriyat leader Syed Ali Shah Geelani against the death of two women under mysterious circumstances entered its third day on Wednesday. - AFP

•Maoist strike in Bankura kills 3 cops
•Cadres leave the money alone
•Song, dance & drama over an air ticket
•Gandhi gets warmth where CM faced wrath

•Jaitley Opp leader in RS, Sushma deputy in LS
•DMK ministers too busy with Karuna’s birthday
•Meira Kumar is Speaker
•Govt mulls scheme for urban poor

•Bangla, Hindi on London Tube
•Catcher in the Rye: The sequel & the suit
•40 students still held captive in Pak
•Koala who thought he was Goldilocks

•letters to the editor
•special article

•Of racism at home
•Time for the meek to fight back

•US firm to buy 2% in NSE
•Union Bank eyes Rs 3 lakh cr business
•New scope for Indian vendors
•Biz Briefs

•Ganguly joins big league of pundits
•Rebels promise fresh upsurge
•The Mushy factor
•India thrash Pakistan

•Aila report contradicts govt claims
•LF ropes in MLAs for relief work

http://www.thestate Airport ground handling policy not cleared for take-off yet
Mumbai/New Delhi, June 3 The Civil Aviation Ministry has not yet taken a stand on the ground handling policy in terms of deferring its implementation date or even changing it ...

gostokanan, sodepur, kolkata-700110 phone:033-25659551


Obama admits US role in 1953 Iran coup 04 Jun 2009

Posted by: "CLG News"   clg_news

Thu Jun 4, 2009 5:30 pm (PDT)

*Breaking News and Commentary from Citizens For Legitimate Government*
04 Jun 2009
*http://www.legitgov .org/* <http://www.legitgov .org/>
All links are here:
*http://www.legitgov .org/#breaking_ news*<http://www.legitgov .org/#breaking_ news>

*Barack admits US role in 1953 Iran
coup<http://www.presstv. ir/detail. aspx?id=97071& sectionid= 351020502>
* 04 Jun 2009 US President Barack Obama has admitted US involvement in the
1953 coup in Iran which overthrew the democratically elected government of
premier Mohammad Mossadegh. "In the middle of the Cold War, the United
States played a role in the overthrow of a democratically elected Iranian
government," Obama said during his keynote speech to the Muslim world from
Cairo University in the Egyptian capital. *It is the first time a sitting US
president has publicly admitted American involvement in the coup*.

*Obama invites world's Muslims to seek 'new
beginning'<http://www.mcclatch story/69420. html>
* 04 Jun 2009 Seeking "a new beginning" with an estimated 1.5 billion
Muslims worldwide, President Barack Obama on Thursday spoke more bluntly
than any U.S. president before him about the chasms dividing the Middle East
and the political double talk behind them.

*Crowd loved Obama's 'Irabac,' even when he got it
wrong<http://www.mcclatch /story/69454. html>
* 04 Jun 2009 One of the Cairo cafe questions debated in the days leading up
to the speech was: Would Obama say "salaam" to the Arabic-speaking world?
...Some thought he was confident enough to use Arabic in his speech. In the
end, Obama gave a "salaam" shout out to the Arabic-speaking world -- and

*Prepared text of Obama's speech to
Muslims<http://www.reuters. com/article/ newsOne/idUSTRE5 532J020090604>--The
prepared text U.S. President Barack Obama's speech in Egypt aimed at
healing a rift with the Muslim world*. 04 Jun 2009 I am honoured to be in
the timeless city of Cairo, and to be hosted by two remarkable institutions.
For over a thousand years, Al-Azhar has stood as a beacon of Islamic
learning, and for over a century, Cairo University has been a source of
Egypt's advancement. Together, you represent the harmony between tradition
and progress. I am grateful for your hospitality, and the hospitality of the
people of Egypt. I am also proud to carry with me the goodwill of the
American people, and a greeting of peace from Muslim communities in my
country: assalaamu alaykum...

*Satire: FOX News: Obama Travels to Middle East to Recruit
Jihadists<http://www.legitgov .org/shulman_ obama_recruits_ jihadists_ 040609.html>--'The
link between Barack Hussein Obama, Saddam Hussein, and Osama bin
Laden is well known,' said former Vice President [sic] Dick Cheney*. By R J
Shulman 04 Jun 2009 FOX News has learned that the real purpose of President
Obama's trip to the Middle East and meet with Arab leaders is to learn how
to recruit jihadists to do his bidding and wreak havoc in the United States.
"The proof that Barack Hussein Hussein Hussein Hussein, did I say Hussein,
Obama hates Christian American," said Sean Hannity, "is that he has chosen
to mingle with known Islamic Koran-thumping terrorists in the Middle East
before he has visited God-fearing American towns such as Jackson, Tennessee;
Williamsport, Pennsylvania; and Provo, Utah." (Satire)

*UN seeks to probe US attacks on
civilians*<http://www.presstv. ir/detail. aspx?id=96989& sectionid= 351020403>
* --Australian law professor criticized the impunity with which US soldiers,
Pentagon officials, intelligence agents and private contractors commit
unlawful killings *04 Jun 2009 A UN human rights expert has called on the
United States for more transparency about the civilian casualties in its
unmanned drone operations overseas. Philip Alston, UN's special rapporteur
on extrajudicial executions, expressed strong concern on the "deeply
troubling" problem of preventable civilian casualties in Washington's
mounting pilotless drone attacks on the territory of other states.
[See: *Unmanned
vehicle spending in the 2010 DOD budget to reach $5.4
billion<http://mae.pennnet. com/display_ article/363553/ 32/ARTCL/ none/EXECW/ 1/Unmanned- vehicle-spending -in-the-2010- DOD-budget- to-reach- $54-billion/>
* 28 May 2009.]

*Afghan reporter freed from US
detention<http://news. News/AsiaOne% 2BNews/World/ Story/A1Story200 90604-146217. html>
* 04 Jun 2009 An Afghan journalist was freed Thursday after spending two
nights in US military detention with two of his brothers following their
arrest during a raid against radical networks, the reporter said. Nowra Jan
Baheer, who works for an Afghan media group in the eastern town of Khost,
was detained with his brothers late Tuesday during a US military operation
against Islamist networks.

*Number of roadside bombs surge in
Afghanistan* < com/hostednews/ ap/article/ ALeqM5hMVOpW0iVX iyOXEWetF62bt8mR DwD98K45K00>04
Jun 2009 Insurgent [and US/NATO] use of roadside bombs in Afghanistan
surged 80 percent this year, remaining the No. 1 killer of foreign troops, a
NATO official said Thursday. The increase since the same period last year
includes bombs that detonated or were found by troops before they could
explode, said Canadian Brig. Gen. Richard Blanchette, a spokesman for NATO's
International Security Assistance Force.

*Three US soldiers, poll candidate killed in
Afghanistan< com/hostednews/ afp/article/ ALeqM5gmVXWcfAJv -SC2IvZb3fxeQLHS lg>
* 04 Jun 2009 Three US soldiers were killed in an attack in Afghanistan
Thursday as other insurgency-linked unrest claimed the lives of five Afghan
civilians, including a candidate in provincial council elections. The
soldiers were attacked just north of Kabul, where US troops are operating
alongside the French military.

*US soldier killed in
Afghanistan* < com/hostednews/ ap/article/ ALeqM5hvWEqwq3Cr RvaQCmt21MfoYhjZ JQD98JMUF80>04
Jun 2009 An American soldier was killed Thursday when a roadside bomb
a U.S. military vehicle in eastern Afghanistan, U.S. and Afghan officials
said. Taliban militants are behind a relentless wave of attacks that are
destabilizing Afghanistan eight years after the U.S.-led invasion.

*U.S. soldier killed in grenade attack in
Iraq<http://news. xinhuanet. com/english/ 2009-06/04/ content_11489215 .htm>
* 04 Jun 2009 An American soldier died of wounds sustained from a grenade
attack in northern Iraq on Thursday, the U.S. military said. The attack
occurred when 'insurgents' hurled a hand grenade on his patrol in the
province of Kirkuk, a military statement said without elaboration.

*Iraq: 9 Killed in Bombing at
Cafe<http://www.nytimes. com/2009/ 06/04/world/ middleeast/ 04briefs- iraqbomb. html>
* 04 Jun 2009 A bomb left in a plastic bag in a popular outdoor cafe in
Baghdad exploded Wednesday evening, killing nine people, according to the
Ministry of Interior. Thirty-one people were injured in the blast.

*6 Texans sue over war-zone burn
pits*<http://www.mysanant news/local_ news/46869842. html>04 Jun
2009 Six people from Texas, including some soldiers, who claim they
were *poisoned by toxins and emissions from burn pits at U.S. camps in Iraq
and Afghanistan* are suing contractors terrorists KBR and Halliburton. The
suit, moved to federal court in San Antonio from state court last week,
alleges the companies operated the large war-zone pits and burned waste
since 2004 that included *trucks, tires, plastic water bottles, medical
waste, hazardous materials, animal carcasses and even human corpses*.

*6 Texans sue KBR, Halliburton over burn
pits<http://www.forbes. com/feeds/ ap/2009/06/ 04/ap6505923. html>--Plaintiffs
say the burning waste released toxins that harmed at least
10,000 people*. 04 Jun 2009 Soldiers are among six Texans suing
Houston-based KBR and Halliburton over burn pits at U.S. camps in Iraq and
Afghanistan. The suit filed in a San Antonio federal court alleges the
military contractors burned everything from trucks and tires to human
corpses in the large war-zone pits.

*Lawmakers refuse Guantanamo closure
money<http://www.presstv. ir/detail. aspx?id=97074& sectionid= 3510203>
* 04 Jun 2009 In another blow to President Barack Obama's plans to close the
Guantanamo prison, US lawmakers denied a request for extra funds and
transferring of detainees. The House Appropriations subcommittee, tasked
with funding the Justice Department and other agencies, threw out a request
for USD 60m to help the department shutter the prison on the US naval base
in southern Cuba. [See: *US Pledges Additional $200 Million in Aid to
Pakistan <http://www.voanews. com/english/ 2009-06-03- voa7.cfm>* 03 Jun 2009.]

*Investigation finds U.S. military hardware easy to buy,
ship<http://www.cnn. com/2009/ POLITICS/ 06/04/us. military. weapons/index. html>
* 04 Jun 2009 Military hardware that can be used in nuclear devices and
ground fighting can be easily purchased In the United States and shipped
overseas, a government investigation revealed Thursday. The Government
Accountability Office (GAO) watchdog agency set up fake companies to obtain
military and dual use items -- which have both military and commercial use
-- in the United States and ship them overseas, according to a report made
public at a House subcommittee hearing.

*Terrorist Attack Simulated At Minot
AFB<http://www.kxmb. com/News/ 385291.asp>--Two-day anti-terrorism
exercise helps area military crews and emergency
personnel 'better prepare'* 03 Jun 2009 Individuals like Colonel James
Gallagher (Minot AFB) spring into action... Gallagher is commander of the
5th Mission Support Group at the Minot Air Force Base, and today, he was
also in command of the Emergency Operations Center for the exercise. While
continuous updates arrived, the National Guard's 81st Civil Support Team and
several other emergency crews gathered in Minot to tackle the source of the

*El Salvador to investigate assassination plot
claims<http://wire. 2009/06/03/ el-salvador- to-investigate- chavez-claims/>
* 03 Jun 2009 El Salvador is investigating claims by Venezuelan President
Hugo Chavez that an assassination plot prevented him from visiting the
Central American nation... Chavez canceled going to the inauguration of
leftist President Mauricio Funes on Monday because he said Venezuelan
intelligence services had "very precise information" that a former CIA
operative and Cuban militant, Luis Posada Carriles, was conspiring with U.S.
intelligence agencies to launch rockets at his plane.

*Mystery deepens over missing Air France
jet<http://news. s/afp/20090604/ ts_afp/francebra zilairaccident_ 20090604134110>--'Suddenly,
we saw in the distance a strong and intense flash of white
light, which followed a descending and vertical trajectory and which broke
up in six seconds.'* 04 Jun 2009 Conflicting clues to the cause of the loss
of an Air France jet and the 228 people on board emerged on Thursday,
deepening the mystery as the hunt for evidence intensified. A Spanish pilot
flying in the same area as the Rio-Paris flight when it plunged into the
Atlantic spoke of an "intense flash", while a Brazilian minister appeared to
rule out a mid-air explosion. The co-pilot and a passenger on the Air Comet
flight from Lima to Lisbon also saw the light, it said, adding that a
written report has been sent on to Air France, Airbus and the Spanish civil
aviation authority.

*Air France bomb threat four days before jet
crashed<http://www.mirror. top-stories/ 2009/06/04/ bomb-threat- 4-days-before- jet-crashed- 115875-21413591/>
* 04 Jun 2009 Air France received a bomb threat four days before Flight 447
plunged into the Atlantic Ocean, it was revealed yesterday. An anonymous
caller made the threat to a plane heading from South America to Paris - just
like the doomed jet. And the theory that Flight AF 447 could have been
downed by a bomb was reinforced last night as it emerged wreckage from the
Air France jet has been found spread over 55 miles of the Atlantic.

*Flight AF 447: **Victims Include Those Who Flocked to Brazil for Business,
and a Royal <http://online. SB12439000183487 4463.html>* 02
Jun 2009 The biographies of passengers aboard the disappeared Air France
airliner likely will serve as a tragic testament to Brazil's rising
importance in global business. Although *Brazilian and French authorities
have yet to release a detailed passenger manifest*, the list is expected to
read like a roster of European and Brazilian blue-chip companies, whose
executives regularly packed the business- and first-class sections of the
trans-Atlantic flight. *[The US gov't/CIA has and will take down an entire
aircraft just to kill one person (i.e., Paul Wellstone, Mike Connell).
Sorry, I'm only reiterating what everyone already knows. --LRP]*

*US judge rejects lawsuits in wiretapping
cases< com/hostednews/ afp/article/ ALeqM5jktBS0y8Jp -2K_XDI_RQ1wIoTr 4w>
* 03 Jun 2009 A US federal judge dismissed dozens of lawsuits against
telecom companies that participated in a wiretapping program without court
authorization during the presidency [sic] of George W. Bush. San
Francisco-based US District Court Judge Vaughn Walker ruled that the
companies had immunity from liability under the FISA Amendments Act
(FISAAA), which the US Congress adopted in 2008.

*Judge halts suits over NSA
wiretapping<http://news. 8301-13578_ 3-10256929- 38.html>
* 03 Jun 2009 A federal judge in San Francisco has tossed out a slew of
lawsuits filed against AT&T and other telecommunications companies alleged
to have illegally opened their networks to the National Security Agency.
U.S. District Judge Vaughn Walker on Wednesday ruled that, thanks to a 2008
federal law <http://thomas. bin/bdquery/ z?d110:h. r.06304:>retroactively
immunizing those companies, approximately 46 lawsuits brought
by civil liberties groups and class action lawyers will be dismissed.

*DOJ rejects Georgia voter verification
requirements<http://jurist. law.pitt. edu/paperchase/ 2009/06/doj- rejects-georgia- voter-verificati on.php>
* 03 Jun 2009 The US Department of Justice (DOJ) has rejected Georgia's
system of voter citizenship verification by way of a Social Security and
driver's license database. In a
letter<http://blogs. l-insider- jim-galloway/ files/2009/ 06/georgia- signed-objection -letter.pdf>released
Monday, Acting Assistant Attorney General Loretta King told Georgia
Attorney General Thurbert Baker that the proposed changes are

*As swine flu wanes, U.S. preparing for second
wave<http://www.reuters. com/article/ middleeastCrisis /idUSN04230085>
* 04 Jun 2009 The outbreak of the new H1N1 flu virus has begun to wane with
the start of summer in North America, and U.S. health officials said on
Thursday they are looking to lessons learned as they prepare for its return
in the autumn. There are now 11,468 probable and confirmed cases of the new
H1N1 swine flu in the United States, Dr Anne Schuchat of the U.S. Centers
and Disease Control and Prevention told reporters in a telephone briefing.

*Australia swine flu count soars near 900:
official< com/hostednews/ afp/article/ ALeqM5ik5UBnRXFJ s8tsGVIQg4gUlJC9 WA>
* 03 Jun 2009 Australia's swine flu tally rocketed by more than a third on
Thursday to nearly 900 as officials scrambled to contain the rapidly
spreading virus. The latest official figures revealed 876 confirmed cases of
A(H1N1) influenza in the world's fourth most affected country -- up from 633
a day earlier and single figures just a fortnight ago. Other Australian
states ordered children returning from flu hotspot Victoria to be
quarantined, earning the wrath of Melbourne officials.

*Further jump in swine flu
cases<http://news. 2/hi/uk_news/ scotland/ 8083809.stm>
* 04 Jun 2009 Scotland has 31 new confirmed cases of swine flu, bringing the
total number to 119, the Scottish Government has said. None of the new cases
are travel-related, and 21 are in the NHS Highland area, which covers

*Mega barf alert! Chicken injected with beef waste sold in
UK<http://www.independ life-style/ food-and- drink/news/ chicken-injected -with-beef- waste-sold- in-uk-1696407. html>
*04 Jun 2009 Cafes and restaurants across Britain have been selling chicken
secretly injected with beef and pork waste, *The Independent* can reveal
today. In a hi-tech fraud run by firms in three EU states, food
manufacturers are making bulking agents out of porcine and bovine gristle
and bones that help inflate chicken breasts, so that they fetch a higher

*Medical bills play a role in 62% of bankruptcies, study
says*<http://www.latimes. com/business/ la-fi-medical- bankruptcy4- 2009jun04, 1,4411773. story>04
Jun 2009 President Obama's push for healthcare reforms gets a boost
from a new study by Harvard University researchers that shows a sizable
increase over six years in bankruptcies caused in part by ever-higher
medical expenses. The study found that medical bills, plus related problems
such as lost wages for the ill and their caregivers, contributed to 62% of
all bankruptcies filed in 2007. On the campaign trail last year and in the
White House this year, Obama had cited an earlier study by the same authors
showing that such expenses played a part in 55% of bankruptcies in 2001.

*Baucus Rules Out Single-Payer
Plan<http://voices. washingtonpost. com/health- care-reform/ 2009/06/baucus_ rules_out_ single-payer. html>
* 03 Jun 2009 Sen. Max Baucus ('D'-Mont.) told advocates for a single
national health plan today that it was a mistake not to include their views
in recent hearings on health care reform, but said the process was too far
along to address the issue now, according to activists who participated in
the meeting. Single-payer advocates have complained for months that they
have been left out of the Washington debate over how to change the nation's
health care system, leading to 13 arrests during a noisy protest at one of
Baucus's hearings last month.

*Wall Street, Obama administration conspire to block financial
regulation<http://www.wsws. org/articles/ 2009/jun2009/ swap-j04. shtml>--'Geithner
headed the New York Federal Reserve Bank and played a key role
in the Bush administration' s bank bailout program before being named to his
present post by Obama.'* By Barry Grey 04 June 2009 In the guise of enhanced
regulation, the Obama administration is working with major Wall Street banks
to sanction a continuation of the speculative practices that precipitated
the financial meltdown and deepest economic slump since the Great
Depression. Treasury Secretary Timothy Geithner has, according to a detailed
exposé published May 1 by the *New York Times*, adopted a proposal drawn up
by a group of big Wall Street firms for new regulations on the lucrative
trade in derivatives such as credit default swaps.

*White House Delivers Trove of Sotomayor
Documents<http://www.washingt wp-dyn/content/ article/2009/ 06/04/AR20090604 03265.html>
* 04 Jun 2009 The White House delivered an extensive collection of
documents, opinions and financial disclosures this afternoon on Supreme
Court nominee Judge Sonia Sotomayor, bragging that it was delivering the
information to the Senate Judiciary Committee faster than any nominee had in
recent history.

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Previous lead stories: *AP source: US broke bombing rules in
Afghanistan< com/hostednews/ ap/article/ ALeqM5iqyaFh_ efr-brDq0rMLF1hk op0tgD98JFAP00>
* 03 Jun 2009 American troops made substantial errors and did not strictly
follow rules for avoiding casualties during an air assault on Taliban
fighters last month, a U.S. defense official said, underscoring a central
quandary for President Barack Obama's new Afghan counterinsurgency campaign.
The defense official said Wednesday that a military investigation faulted
some of the actions of American troops in air strikes May 4 that killed
dozens of Afghan civilians in Farah province.

*Blackwater Accused Again of Murders in
Iraq<http://www.courthou 2009/06/03/ Blackwater_ Accused_Again_ of_Murders_ in_Iraq.htm>
* 03 Jun 2009 Two more Iraqi families accuse Blackwater, now known as Xe, of
murdering their husbands and fathers in Baghdad and covering it up. Azhar
Abdullah Ali, a father of three, was a security guard for the Iraqi Media
Network when Blackwater mercenaries killed him and two others on Feb. 7,
2007, according to the federal complaint. The family of Rahim Khalaf
Sa'adoon claims drunken Blackwater mercenary Andrew Moonen killed Sa'adoon
on Christmas Eve, "for no reason," as Sa'adoon guarded the vice president of

*In CIA briefings, Cheney controlled input on
torture<http://www.presstv. ir/detail. aspx?id=96918& sectionid= 3510203>
* 03 Jun 2009 Dick Cheney attempted to win support for harsh interrogation
of 'suspected terrorists' by controlling the information Congress would
receive on the matter, a report says. In 2005, the former US vice president
[sic] directed 'at least four' related briefings with Congressmen during
which he would produce 'an impassioned defense' of 'enhanced interrogation
techniques' -- the former administration' s euphemism for torture, *The
Washington Post*
reported<http://www.washingt wp-dyn/content/ article/2009/ 06/02/AR20090602 03999.html>on

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Utah Man Charged With Making Threats, Said He Was 'On a Mission to K

Posted by: "CLG News"   clg_news

Thu Jun 4, 2009 8:48 pm (PDT)

*News Update from Citizens For Legitimate Government*
04 Jun 2009
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*Breaking: **Utah Man Charged With Making Threats, Said He Was 'On a Mission
to Kill the President' <http://www.legitgov .org/#utah_ terrorist_ charged>* 04
Jun 2009 *Item to be updated on CLG site*

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CLG Managing Editor: Lori Price. Copyright © 2009, Citizens For Legitimate
Government ® All rights reserved.

Creditors use loophole to seize protected benefits

Posted by: "Kathy Leonard-Bushman"   sassykathy46

Thu Jun 4, 2009 11:06 pm (PDT)

- "Activists say the issue has festered for years, but has intensified as
more recipients get their benefits deposited directly into bank accounts."
http://www.oregonli ve
.com/newsflash/ index.ssf? /base/national- 3/12439628011024 60.xml&storylist =washington& thispage= 2
Creditors use loophole to seize protected
benefits<http://www.oregonli /index.ssf? /base/national- 3/12439628011024 60.xml&storylist =washington>
*The Associated Press


(AP) — WASHINGTON - Bill collectors are exploiting a legal loophole to seize
Social Security and veterans' benefits even though federal law is supposed
to protect the payments from creditors.

Lawmakers from both parties who have been pressing the Treasury Department
for years to close the loophole with new regulations are growing impatient.
The Obama administration is now promising action but has offered no
timetable for developing the new rules.

Federal law has long protected Social Security and veterans benefits from
most creditors, with a few exceptions for child support, alimony, unpaid
federal taxes and debts to other federal agencies. But creditors have been
seizing the payments anyway by getting court orders to freeze and garnish
bank accounts that receive the benefits through direct deposit.

Activists say the issue has festered for years, but has intensified as more
recipients get their benefits deposited directly into bank accounts.

Many people who receive Social Security or veterans benefits can't afford to
have their bank accounts frozen for even a short period of time, said Margot
Saunders of the National Consumer Law Center. It's hard to hire a lawyer to
get your money back when all your resources are frozen, she said.

"They take all your money, and they take it illegally," Saunders said. "But
when you live on $700 or $800 a month and have all that money garnished,
there's very little recourse."

Over a 12-month period in 2006-2007, an estimated $178 million was garnished
from bank accounts that included a mixture of Social Security benefits and
other deposits, according to the Social Security Administration' s inspector

"Some banks are doing the right thing to protect their customers by denying
creditors' requests to freeze and garnish accounts with Social Security
funds, but too many banks are not," Sen. Herb Kohl, D-Wisc., chairman of the
Senate Special Committee on Aging, said this week.

"We need our banking regulatory agencies to recognize this widespread
problem and start enforcing the law," he said.

*Kohl and other lawmakers have introduced a bill that would stop further
promotion of the direct deposit programs for Social Security and veterans'
benefits until (OR IF - Kathy) the Treasury Department issues rules to
protect the benefits from creditors.* More than 80 percent of the 51 million
Social Security recipients get their payments through direct deposit.

Assistant Treasury Secretary Michael Barr was asked by lawmakers to commit
to new regulations last month, before he was confirmed by the Senate.

"I am fully committed to ensuring that federal anti-garnishment statutes are
given full force and effect," Barr said in a written response to questions
from Kohl. But he said he also wanted to do it "without imposing burdens or
shifting liabilities to financial institutions. "

A Treasury official said this week the department has already reached policy
agreements with the agencies that issue protected benefits. The next step is
to write formal rules, said the official, who spoke on condition of
anonymity because she was not authorized to publicly discuss the rulemaking

In a related issue, the California Supreme Court ruled Monday that Bank of
America could recoup overdrafts and insufficient funds fees from accounts
that include Social Security payments. The court said it based its ruling on
state law.

Bankers say they are often confronted with court orders to garnish accounts
that include deposits from multiple sources-including money that is not
protected from creditors. They often respond by freezing the account while
the bank customer and the creditor resolve the issue, said Mark Tenhundfeld,
a senior vice president of the American Bankers Association.

"The banks want to do the right thing," Tenhundfeld said. "But we can't tell
which of the two parties are entitled to the money."

He said one possible solution would be a rule exempting a certain amount of
money from being frozen, so bank customers would have access to at least
some money while the dispute is resolved.

"There are instances where people experience real hardships," Tenhundfeld

IMHO, we Americans have only ONE 2 faced War Party which graciously offers
us the choice of two mediocre candidates from which to choose. We
Americans who supposedly pride ourselves on our hatred of monopolies have
allowed two parties to monopolize our political system until they've fallen
into the practice of colluding to destroy our democracy with a political
version of price fixing.

Please consider,IF at least 3 - but hopefully 5, 6 , or even 7 parties were
vigorously contending with one another, every party would be forced to
present its best possible candidate and we voters would have real viable
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