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Monday, February 8, 2016

Divided we stand!Our children Must die!Mohit after Rohit commits suicide in yet another central university! Muslim,Dalits and Adivasi reamin bonded Vote Bank subjected to continuous persecution in Free India! Here you are at last!#justice forrohitHOKKOLOROB breaks the spine of Manusmriti!Continue Jai Bhim Comrade! Now I plan the ambush.Whoever cares for me in the field where I worked for four decades without any break,my foes and friends as well,just visit the nearby campus immedeitely,ambush it with persecution hearing and report so that the rot would be uprooted.RUSH. Nothing to be diverted! Divided we stand! Our children Must die! Palash Biswas

Our children Must die!Mohit after Rohit commits suicide in yet another central university!

Muslim,Dalits and Adivasi reamin bonded Vote Bank subjected to continuous persecution in Free India!

Here you are at last!#justice forrohitHOKKOLOROB breaks the spine of Manusmriti!Continue Jai Bhim Comrade!

Now I plan the ambush.Whoever cares for me in the field where I worked for four decades without any break,my foes and friends as well,just visit the nearby campus immedeitely,ambush it with persecution hearing and report so that the rot would be uprooted.RUSH.

Nothing to be diverted!

Divided we stand!

Our children Must die!

Palash Biswas

Here you areat last!

#justice forrohitHOKKOLOROB breaks the spine of Manusmriti!Continue Jai Bhim Comrade!

Of course,it is an obligation to manage the floor consensus most wanted to make leagal everything illegal,immoral and unethical that HRD ministry to meet VCs on ending campus discrimination

The Union HRD Ministry has convened a meeting of 46 vice-chancellors of all the universities on February 18 in what is being viewed as an attempt by the government to preempt Opposition attack on the issue in Parliament.

Nothing to be diverted!

Our children Must die!

Mohit after Rohit commits suicide in yet another central university!

Though,No suicide note has been recovered from his room but and documents recovered from the room are being examined, additional SP Ajmer Rural Vinit Kumar Bansal said.

Mind you it is official version of the age old holocaust still contiuing!

Just note!A PhD scholar allegedly committed suicide by hanging himself in his hostel room in Central University of Rajasthan (CURAJ) in Ajmer.

And read between the lines,the not to be published truth of apartheid so brute to reduce us Nimityamatra vedic status in the Hindi nation ruled by the governance of fascism! 

PhD scholar allegedly committed suicide by hanging himself in his hostel room in Central University of Rajasthan (CURAJ) in Ajmer.

"Mohit Chauhan committed suicide in his hostel room on Friday evening. The body was shifted to a local hospital and his parents living in Uttar Pradesh have been informed about the matter," police said.

No suicide note has been recovered from his room but and documents recovered from the room are being examined, additional SP Ajmer Rural Vinit Kumar Bansal said.

"Initial information suggested that he was under depression. There were also allegations that his guide was harassing him," he said.

Investigation is on to ascertain the cause of the suicide.

Mind you ,the nation failed to pay the deserved tribute to those three girls who committed suicide in Chennai medical college.

This morning my friend and eminent journalist Jaideb Hardikar called me and we discussed a little because we could not continue as network failed.We would be talking sooner or later.

I suggested him to ambush the university campus for the most wanted campus persecution replicating campus recruitment.

I would be talking to all my friends in media.Whoever wants to talk to me I am available round the clock and I die to see the holocaust!

As I warned earlier to all the criminals behaving apartheid in the Indian higher education campus that they must spare our children irrespective of identities otherwise I,personally would not leave any stone unturned and they should be all set to face the consequence.

Now I plan the ambush.Whoever cares for me in the field where I worked for four decades without any break,my foes and friends as well,jus visit the nearby campus immediately,ambush it with persecution hearing and report so that the rot would be uprooted. 


Identity is enough for them.

It is the master key to hold the nation bonded,slave!

Please sash it with all the strike power of hell and heaven!

They would live and die with their respective identities and would never never dare to encroach their limit within the identities.Caste System is the ultimate truth in social realism for every Indian citizen in the Hindu nation irrespective of language,caste,religion or race.

If this has to be changed,please break all those barriers as soon as possible lest your children must die.

They would kill you with your identity which is the greatest atomic weapon of mass destruction.

#justiceforrohit/HOKKOLROB continues and the persecution also continues!

The ruling hegemony has got the ultimate weapon of mass destruction as we stand divided and partitioned within inflicted with false,blind nationalism!

Our children must die!

Thus,Indian Express reports:

Caste came up in 3 suicide probes at Hyderabad University

The HRD Ministry wants a judicial commission to probe the events that led to the suicide on January 17 of Vemula.

The University of Hyderabad had all the warning it needed before Dalit research scholar Rohith Vemula committed suicide last month. Three red flags, in the form of three suicides by Dalit students within six years. And three probes that arrived at the same conclusion: this was no campus for the marginalised.

The HRD Ministry wants a judicial commission to probe the events that led to the suicide on January 17 of Vemula, who was among five Dalits suspended by the university for allegedly assaulting an ABVP leader. But the findings of the three committees that probed the three suicides on campus between 2008 and 2014 were clear: the Dalit students faced a "sense of alienation" and "institutional discrimination" owing to "caste consideration".

One of those committees, headed by retired Supreme Court judge Justice K Ramaswamy, stated in its report: "Because of the insensitivity towards problems faced by the students belonging to the aforesaid social groups, frequent occurrences of suicides are taking place."

Senthil Kumar committed sucide in 2008 while P Raju and Madari Venkatesh killed themslves in 2013. The three suicides, like that of Rohith Vemula, happened inside the New Research Scholars (NRS) Hostel on campus.

'Was tense about supervisor' 2008: Prof V Pavarala committee report on Senthil Kumar's suicide On February 28, 2008, Kumar, a PhD student in Physics, consumed poison. The report noted, "Senthil Kumar came from a poor Dalit family from Tamil Nadu, probably a first-generation university student.

 According to his friends, he was also struggling to send some money home. Many of his friends remember him as a strong and brave person, often jovial in his mannerisms. He was interested in reading Tamil literature and would engage in discussions with friends in the Humanities on such topics as modernity and deconstruction.

" Senthil's friends told the committee that he wished to explore options abroad or move to another university. "

He was also apparently under some tension about the supervisor with whom he would have to eventually work for his PhD.

 Students reported that in the last week or so, leading up to his death, Senthil was considerably uneasy and found it difficult to sleep," stated the report. 

The report concluded that most students affected by "ambiguous procedures" in the university were SCs and STs. 

Among its 12 recommendations were: 

* Every school/department must have a grievance redressal mechanism which the students can turn to without fear of reprisals. 

* There is a need for all faculty members to internalise greater sensitivity about students belonging to the reserved categories.

 * It is important to be pro-active in mentoring and advising students who come from less privileged backgrounds, both in the classroom and outside. 

* It is imperative that a top-ranking central institution takes a lead in nurturing and promoting a corps of scientists from among the marginalised sections.

 'No grievance redressal system' 2013:

 V Krishna committee report on P Raju's suicide. On March 19, 2013, P Raju, a student of the Integrated Master of Arts (IMA) and an officebearer in the Dalit Students Federation (DSF), hanged himself. 

After performing well in the first three years, Raju failed in four papers. And according to rules, he would not have been allowed to appear for his eighth semester examinations unless he cleared at least two papers. Raju wrote the exams in January 2013 and was awaiting his results when he committed suicide.

 When the results were declared, he had cleared only one paper. 

Raju's friends told the committee that he had also developed "a crush" on a classmate who had helped him develop his English language skills but was "demoralised" when he realised that the feelings were not mutual. 

"Some students… spoke of a sense of alienation — distinctly accentuated in the case of Dalit students — in coping with the demands of the regular MA programme. 

This was also corroborated by some teachers, although the explanation offered for variation in performance was that in the MA segment, the academic competition was more intense," stated the report. 

"While Raju's personal setbacks may have left him distressed, his academic burdens seem to have only compounded the problem… neither his peer community at large nor his teachers showed the receptivity that could have addressed the seriousness of (his) plight," it said. 

The committee also observed that no grievance redressal mechanism was evident. 

"The Committee did not find any evidence of a grievance redressal mechanism in place in The Centre for Applied Linguistics and Translation Studies (CALTS)… Informal consultation with departments/ schools/ centres also revealed the absence of such a mechanism," the report stated. 'Antipathy clearly apparent' 2014:

 Justice K Ramaswamy committee report on Madari Venkatesh's suicide. On November 24, 2013, Madari Venkatesh, a postgraduate researcher in chemistry consumed poison. 

A committee, under Justice K Ramaswamy, found that Venkatesh was not allotted a supervisor since he joined the School of Chemistry despite several efforts, including a letter to then Vice-Chancellor Prof Ramakrishna Ramaswamy. 

"No Doctoral Committee was constituted to supervise his research which is mandatory. Though six faculty members from School of Chemistry were available, none was willing to supervise his research. 

Whatever research he had done, it was only by his self effort… He was discriminated on the ground of caste consideration," noted the committee. 

Its report stated, "It is the consequence of institutional discrimination and systematic exercise of exclusive and oppressive behaviour of the Institution and the faculty of the School of Chemistry." 

It further observed, "The antagonism, antipathy and insensitive mindset of the faculty, in particular of the School of Chemistry… towards the student belonging to marginalized social groups is clearly apparent."

 Justice Ramaswamy also noted that the suggestions made by the V Pavarala and V Krishna committees were not implemented in full.

 - See more at:

ा.टीम ने किशनगढ पहुंच कर मृत छात्र के परिजनों , विश्वविद्यालय के वी सी डॉ पुजारी, समाज कार्य विभाग के विभागाध्यक्ष जगदीश उल्हास जाधव , प्रोफेसर डॉ नागार्जुन अम्बेडकर और छात्र प्रतिनिधियों तथा पुलिस अधिकारियों से मुलाकात कर इस दुखद घटनाक्रम के तथ्य जाने और आत्महत़्या करने वाले छात्र मोहित को पुष्प अर्पित कर श्रद्धांजलि दी.मोहित बिजनौर उत्तर प्रदेश का रहने वाला गरीब पृष्ठभूमि के परिवार से था और सामान्य वर्ग का छात्र था. मोहित के पिता के मुताबिक उनको बेटे ने बताया था कि उसे उसकी शौध गाईड परेशान कर रही थी.दो बार गाईड बदलने का अनुरोध भी किया गया था,मगर गाईड को नहीं बदला गया था,जिससे मोहित परेशान रहने लगा था. मोहित के साथियों के मुताबिक वह हंसमुख और प्रतिभाशाली शौधार्थी था.

Jaipur: PhD scholar commits suicide

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