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Friday, June 26, 2015

In The Warming Arctic Seas

CC News Letter 26 June - In The Warming Arctic SeasDear Friend,

If you think the content of this news letter is critical for the dignified living and survival of humanity and other species on earth, please forward it to your friends and spread the word. It's time for humanity to come together as one family! You can subscribe to our news letter here You can also follow us on twitter, and on Facebook,

In Solidarity
Binu Mathew

 In The Warming Arctic Seas
By Subhankar Banerjee

The United States, which assumed the chairmanship of the Arctic Council in late April, is currently leading the process of large-scale industrialization of the Arctic Ocean, not "environmental stewardship" that Secretary John Kerry insisted at the Arctic Council Ministerial Meeting in Iqaluit, Canada. In light of this significant public policy decision, it is not difficult to imagine that the Paris climate summit, which will commence soon after Shell completes the drilling season in the Chukchi Sea, will be more about lofty rhetoric to save faces, not the sincere actions desperately needed to mitigate climate change

US, NATO Powers Intensify Preparations For Nuclear War
By Thomas Gaist

The NATO military alliance is preparing to implement a more aggressive nuclear weapons strategy in response to alleged "Russian aggression," according to NATO sources cited by the Guardian Wednesday evening

Latin American Revolutions Under Attack
By Andre Vltchek

Do not take the Latin American revolutions for granted. They inspired the entire Planet. They brought hope to every corner of our scarred Earth. But now they are themselves in need of our support. If left alone, they would thrive for decades and centuries. But the Empire is once again on the offensive. It is shaking with fury. It is ready to invade, to smash, burn to ashes all the hopes, all that which had been achieved

Firsthand Accounts Of Israeli Massacre In Gaza
By Robert Barsocchini

The UN has now released its investigation into Israel's 2014 massacre in Gaza. While the report covers crimes committed by both Israel and the comparatively defenseless resistance bands in the Gaza refugee ghetto, international law experts remind that this does not mean there is any equivalence between the "sides" or the gravity of their violations

Pentagon Admits For First Time To Testing Mustard Gas,
Other Lethal Chem Weapons On 60,000 African Americans Circa WWII
By Robert Barsocchini

The US now officially admits to conducting human experiments with mustard gas and other chemical weapons on 60,000 African Americans, as well as Japanese and Puerto Rican people. This is in addition to other human experiments the US carried out on African Americans, Guatemalans, Marshall Islanders, whom mainstream US culture referred to as "savages", and others

Percentage of Health-Uninsureds in U.S. Rises by 1.7%
Since Obama First Promised to Lower It by 100%
By Eric Zuesse

On 23 June 2015, Bloomberg news bannered "Uninsured Rate Falls to Lowest Since Obamacare Implementation" and reported that, "Last year, 16.3 percent of adults under age 65, or about 31.7 million people, lacked medical coverage, according to a CDC survey published Tuesday. That's down from 20.4 percent a year earlier [2013, when Obamacare started]."

"A Boot Stamping On A Human Face –Forever"
By Javeria Younes

"If you want a picture of the future, imagine a boot stamping on a human face—forever." Perhaps the author of these words, George Orwell, could not have expected his prophesy would materialize quite as it has today. Torture has become a hard-hitting reality of our time; it is no longer an issue of prisonersof war or alien combatants. It has now seeped into the very core of our society and the criminal justice system

Healing Our Wounds: Restorative Justice Is Needed For Albert Woodfox,
The Black Panther Party & The Nation --
An Interview With Law Professor Angela A. Allen-Bell
By Angola 3 News

On Monday, June 8, 2015, US District Court Judge James Brady ruled that the Angola 3's Albert Woodfox be both immediately released and barred from a retrial. The next day, at the request of the Louisiana Attorney General, the US Fifth Circuit Court of Appeals issued a temporary stay of release set to expire on Friday, June 12. On Friday, June 12, the Court responded by scheduling oral arguments for late August and extending the stay of release at least until the time that the Court issues its ruling later in the Fall

Nobody Spat On American GIs!
By Jerry Lembcke

We need to reject the political, economic, and militarist logic that leads to endless wars, and to remember the inspiring history of returning veterans who, along with the anti-war movement and GI resistance, brought the troops home from Vietnam

Praful Bidwai On #FTIIStrike

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