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Saturday, June 27, 2015

स्लाम की बुराई को खत्म करने के ऐलान को अमेरिकी राष्ट्रपति चुनाव का मुख्य मुद्दा बना दिया है बाबी जिंदल ने! ग्लोबल हिंदुत्व अब उफान पर है।बाबी जिंदल ग्लोबल हिंदुत्व का चेहरा है। पलाश विश्वास

इस्लाम की बुराई को खत्म करने के ऐलान को अमेरिकी राष्ट्रपति चुनाव का मुख्य मुद्दा बना दिया है बाबी जिंदल ने!

ग्लोबल हिंदुत्व अब उफान पर है।बाबी जिंदल ग्लोबल हिंदुत्व का चेहरा है।

पलाश विश्वास

Jindal: We Must Destroy Radical Islam

Louisiana Governor Bobby Jindal, potential Republican presidential candidate, speaks at the Southern Republican Leadership Conference in Oklahoma City, Oklahoma May 22, 2015.


In a speech formally announcing his run for the White House Wednesday, Louisiana Gov. Bobby Jindal blasted big government, vowed to repeal Obamacare, and declared that "radical Islam is evil and it must be destroyed." Jindal acknowledged his less-than-ideal approval ratings but vowed to run "without permission from headquarters in D.C." He also spoke against allowing "people to immigrate to our country so that they can use our freedoms to undermine our freedoms."

Read it at CNN


    ग्लोबल हिंदुत्व अब उफान पर है।बाबी जिंदल ग्लोबल हिंदुत्व का चेहरा है।जो जनम से हिंदू है लेकिन पीयूष नाम के बदले अब उनका नाम बाबी है।उन्होंने अमेरिकी आतंकविरोधी युद्ध का मोर्चा अमेरिका में ही खोल दिया है और इस्लाम की बुराई को खत्म करने के ऐलान को अमेरिकी राष्ट्रपति चुनाव का मुख्य मुद्दा बना दिया है।उनका आरोप है कि मुसलमान अमेरिका पहुंचकर अमेरिकी आजादी का गलत इस्तेमाल करके अपने इलाकों में  शरिअत कानून लागू करते हैं और वे ऐसे मुसलानों के अमेरिका में घुसने पर पाबंदी लगाना चाहते हैं।इस पर दुनियाभर में बवाल मचा हुआ है और इस विवाद में उनका इंटरव्यू प्रसारित करके लोकप्रियअमेरिकी टीवी चैनल को उनके गलत तथ्यों और झूठ के प्रसारण  के लिए माफी मांगनी पड़ी है।पूरे मामले को मशहूर पत्रकार आरिफ जकारिया ने सिलसिलेवार पेश किया है।लेकिन भारतीयमीडिया में इस विवाद का जिक्र भर नहीं है।

    उम्मीदवार बनने की स्थिति में अमरीका का राष्ट्रपति का चुनाव लड़ने वाले भारतीय मूल के पहले व्यक्ति होंगे। दो कार्यकाल तक गवर्नर रहे 44 वर्षीय भारतीय मूल के बाबी जिन्दल पहले संवाददाताओं से कह चुके हैं कि अगर वह चुनाव में उतरे तो उसे जीतने के लिए उतरेंगे। उन्होंने यह भी कहा था कि देश को आगे ले जाने के लिए उनके मन में बहुत सी योजनाएं हैं जिनके आधार पर वह अपना काम शुरू कर सकते हैं। 

    कभी रिपब्लिकन के उदयीमान सितारे के तौर पर देखे जाने वाले 44 वर्षीय जिंदल की चमक साल 2009 में उस वक्त फीकी पड़ गई जब वह राष्ट्रपति बराक ओबामा के स्टेट ऑफ यूनियन ऎड्रेस का उचित जवाब देने में नाकाम रहे। बीते दो वर्षो में उन्होंने लोगों के बीच अपनी उपस्थिति को लेकर खासा ध्यान दिया है और इस दौरान कुछ प्रभावशाली भाषण भी दिए हैं। अपने प्रांत ल्यूसियाना में जिंदल काफी लोकप्रिय हैं। वह इस प्रांत में करीब सात साल से शासन कर रहे हैं। 

    ओबामा के धुर आचोलक जिंदल ने इस साल की शुरूआत में पीटीआई से बातचीत में भारत के रिश्तों में सुधार की पैरवी की थी। जिंदल के माता-पिता भारत से अमरीका आए थे। वह शक्तिशाली रिपब्लिकन गवनर्स एसोसिएसन के उपाध्यक्ष भी हैं। 

    खास बात यह है कि मुसलमानों के खिलाफ बाबी जिंदल के इस जिहाद और भारत को 2021 तक इस्लाम मुक्त करने के आरएसऐश  के एजंडे में कोई खास फर्क नहीं है।रंगभेद की विरासत से अमेरिका अभी रिहा नहीं हुआ है और व्हाइट हाउस के मौजूदा वाशिंदे अमेरिका के पहले अश्वेत प्रेसीडेंट बराक हुसैन ओबामा और फर्स्ट लेडी मिशेल ओबामा इन दिनों खुद रंगभेद का शिकार होने की आपबीती सुना रहे हैं।ऐसे में आर्य आक्रमण सीधे अमेरिका पर होने लगा है।

    बाबी जिंदल कोई मामूली शख्स नहीं हैं।वे रिपब्लिकन पार्टी के राष्ट्रपति उम्मीदवार की दौड़ में शामिल होकर मुसलमानों के खिलाफ यह जिहाद शुरु कर रहे हैं और उनके प्रेसीडेंट बनने की अच्छी खासी संभावना है।जो जायनी लाबी अमेरिका पर हर क्षेत्र में राज करती है,उनका खुल्ला समर्थन बाबी को है,जिनका गठजोड़ ग्लोबल हिंदुत्व के साथ है।जा.नी लाबी और हिंदुत्व के इस गठजोड़ की आर्थिक ताकत भी अमेरिका में क्या सारी दुनिया में सबसे बड़ी है और मुसलमानों के खिलाफ जिहाद के साथ दौड़ शुरु करने वाले लुइसियाना के रिपब्लिकन गवर्नर के खतरनाक इरादे में कोई शक की गुंजािश बी नहीं है।
    मालूम हो कि रिपब्लिकन राष्ट्रपति सीनियर और जूनियर बुश की अगुवाई में इस्लाम के खिलाफ इस युद्ध की शुरुआत हुई थी,जिसमें अब इजराइल और ब्रिटेन के साथ भारत आमेरिका का पार्टनर इस हद तक है कि फलीस्तीन के समर्थन की राजनय उसने छोड़ दी है।

    आरएसऐश का शत प्रतिशत हिंदुत्व का एजंडा भी अमेरिका के इस्लाम के खिलाफ युद्ध का विस्तार है,जिससे भारत ही नहीं,संपूर्ण एशिया अब धर्मयुद्धस्थल में तब्दील है और अब इस महायुद्ध के सिपाहसालार बाबी जिंदल हैं।
    यह मामला कितना संगीन है,इससे अंदाज लगायेंः

    Fox News host Megyn Kelly interrogated Louisiana Gov. Bobby Jindal on Wednesday night over his recently declared support for banning immigrants who adhere to "radical Islam," suggesting that the likely GOP presidential candidate's proposal sets a dangerous precedent.

    Jindal's latest idea — which came on the heels of his much-derided claims about Muslim "no-go zones" in Europe — sparked fierce criticism among advocates for the rights of Muslim Americans. But the governor insisted on "The Kelly File" that he doesn't intend to promote anti-Muslim discrimination.

    "America's built on religious liberty," Jindal said. "We don't discriminate against anybody of any religion and certainly there are many Muslims that are proud patriotic Americans. That's great. It's also true there are radical Muslims — Muslims that want to treat women as second-class citizens, those who want to use our freedoms to manager others."

    Allowing that "members of ISIS may be a different story," Kelly pressed: "But just to say that if you are a radical Islamist or, more specifically, if you believe in Sharia law, then you won't be allowed into the United States is controversial. Who decides how far into Sharia law you have to be? Who decides who's a radical Islamist and who's just an Islamist?"

    Bobby Jindal: Obama not hard enough on terrorists

    By Tom LoBianco, CNN

    Updated 1501 GMT (2201 HKT) June 26, 2015

    Jindal: President hasn't 'gone far enough' to stop ISIS

    Jindal: President hasn't 'gone far enough' to stop ISIS 08:31

    Washington (CNN)Louisiana Gov. Bobby Jindal, the newest Republican to officially enter the wide-open presidential primary, accused President Barack Obama of being soft on terrorism following reports of a terror attack on an American company in France.

    "I don't think he's gone far enough, in terms of hunting down and killing not only ISIS and other Islamic terrorists," Jindal told CNN's "New Day" on Friday, following reports of the latest terror attack.

    A decapitated head and two injured people were discovered in a gas factory in southeastern France, French President François Hollande said Friday.

    RELATED: Hollande: 1 Dead in terror attack, severed head found with message

    As with most Republicans, Jindal has been critical of Obama's handling of the latest struggles in the Middle East, this time with the Islamic State, or ISIS.

    "I know he loves to wage war on transfat and he loves to apologize for America and criticize Christians," Jindal said, getting in a dig on the latest FDA ruling effectively banning transfat from most food. "I'd like to hear him say very directly that Islam's got a problem, that problem is radical Islam."

      Obama succeeded in finding and killing Osama bin Laden and has taken out a string of top-level al Qaeda commanders in drone strikes. So much so, that he has been criticized from the left for his use of drones. But Jindal said the continuing struggles with ISIS prove he has not gone far enough.

      Bobby Jindal's 4 Goals If He Wins the White House

      Ken McIntyre

      He is prone to go on with a policy wonk's enthusiasm for the subject at hand, but Bobby Jindal joined the Republican race for president with a speech that boiled down a four-point agenda into 54 words.

      "We've had enough of talkers, it's time for a doer," @BobbyJindal says.

      If elected president, the Louisiana governor said in winding up his announcement speech late Wednesday afternoon, he'll have four objectives:

      1.  "I will secure our borders."
      1.  "I will replace Obamacare with a health care system that focuses on reducing costs and restoring freedom."
      1.  "I will grow the private sector economy by shrinking the size, scope, and reach of the federal government."
      1.  "And I will rebuild America's defenses and restore our standing on the world stage."

      Before reaching the simplicity of those goals, Jindal, 44, gave supporters a rousing address at Ponchartrain Center in Kenner, La. The speech cast him as a defender of religious liberty, an unblinking foe of radical Islam, a leader in the school choice movement, and a reviver of the American dream.

      Get the Morning Bell!

      As he became the 13th and youngest Republican candidate for president, the two-term congressman turned two-term governor got right to the point with his opening line:

      "My name is Bobby Jindal, I am the governor of the great state of Louisiana, and I am running for president of the greatest country in the world—the United States of America."

      Jindal, whose parents immigrated to Louisiana from India the year he was born, segued from a summary of his family's story to a recitation of his accomplishments as a budget-cutting governor, then said:

      It's time for the folks in Washington to admit the truth: You can't grow the economy and the government at the same time. … The Democrats evaluate success in terms of the prosperity of government. We define success in terms of the prosperity of our people. …

      The United States of America was made great by people who get things done. Not lots of talk or entertaining speeches. To be sure, there are a lot of great talkers running for president already. But none of them, not one, can match our record of actually shrinking the size of government. If great speeches helped our country, we would be on easy street right now. …

      We've had enough of talkers, it's time for a doer. I'm not running for president to be somebody, I'm running for president to do something.

      A transcript of Jindal's complete remarks can be found hereand C-SPAN's video of his speech here.

      Bobby Jindal responds to criticism from Muslim activists

      Published March 19, 2015

      Bobby Jindal responds to criticism from Muslim activists

      This is a rush transcript from "The Kelly File," March 18, 2015. This copy may not be in its final form and may be updated.

      MEGYN KELLY, ANCHOR: Also developing tonight, Governor Bobby Jindal of Louisiana is taking fire from some major Muslim groups after he suggested a ban on those who might promote radical Islam.


      GOV. BOBBY JINDAL, R - LA: We do insist that folks should not come into our country and use the freedoms we give them to undermine the freedoms we grant to everybody. So in other words we shouldn't tolerate those who want to come and try to impose some variant or some version of Sharia law.


      KELLY: Then came the backlash. First, the Muslim Public Affairs Council said what he is doing is fear mongering. This is another one of those issues where he is using fear to garner votes. Then a statement from CAIR, the Council on American-Islamic Relations, who wrote "Governor Jindal's anti-Muslim diatribes are a desperate attempt to pander to society's margins as he hopes to regain the GOP spotlight and crawl away from being nearly dead last in the U.S. presidential polls." Louisiana Governor Bobby Jindal is here. Governor, thank you for being here. Your response to those reactions.

      JINDAL: Well, Megyn, thank you for having me. Look, America's built on religious liberty. We don't discriminate against anybody of any religion and certainly there are many Muslims who are proud patriotic Americans. That's great. But, Megyn, it's also true there are radical Muslims, there are Muslims that want to treat women as second class citizens. There are those who want to use our freedoms to undermine the freedoms of others. It makes no sense to let those types of folks come into our country. It is just common sense. The question I was specifically asked, for example, was would I be for allowing members of ISIS to come to America? Why would I want to allow people who want to kill Americans to come to America.

      Bobby Jindal's Muslim Problem

      How a 'model immigrant' is playing to his evangelical base with ugly allegations.



      January 25, 2015

      Bobby Jindal, who was born a Hindu, has a Muslim problem. The Louisiana governor and potential 2016 Republican presidential candidate has been repeating a lie that even Fox News was forced to apologize for. In an address before the neoconservative Henry Jackson Society in London last week, Jindal warned of so-called Muslim "no-go zones" in the West—areas in which "non-assimilationist Muslims establish enclaves and carry out as much of Sharia law as they can."

      He has since doubled down on the claim, even after being pressed for evidence by a British journalist and failing to provide it. Instead, Jindal asserted that no-go zones "absolutely is an issue for the UK [and] absolutely is an issue for America and other European [or] Western nations."

      It's a sad thing to say for a Hindu convert to Christianity who changed his name from "Piyush" to "Bobby" and paints himself as a model immigrant, but Muslim-baiting is a key part of Jindal's pitch to a demographic that he is aggressively courting: evangelical conservatives.

      In the wake of the 9/11 attacks and in the lead-up to the invasion of Iraq in 2003, evangelical Christians became America's most ardent supporters of wars in Muslim lands. Eighty-seven percent of white evangelical Christians surveyed in early 2003 supported the Iraq war—compared with 78 percent of white Americans overall and just 29 percent of black Americans. Evangelical support for the Iraq war was higher than that of mainline Protestant denominations. White evangelicals, more than any other religious demographic, have consistently been the most likely tosupport torture (the targets of which will invariably be Muslim).

      Evangelicals tend to see America's challenge with jihadism not as part of a war with a radical strain within the world's 1.6 billion Muslims, but as part of a broader war between the Christian (or Judeo-Christian) West and Islam.

      The evangelical idea that this is a war of religions is best demonstrated by the Rev. Franklin Graham, who—in the wake of the jihadist slaughter of cartoonists and Jews in Paris earlier this month—invited Muslims to convert to Christianity during an appearance of Fox News's Sean Hannity Show. Hannity, a Catholic with a soft side for evangelical Christianity, neither interrupted Graham nor reprimanded him. He gave him full license to engage in a display of religious bravado and chest thumping through unabashed proselytization.

      Evangelical Islamophobia is distinct. It's a whole other world when it comes to other Christian denominations, which are making the best displays of American pluralism when it comes to their engagement of Muslims.

      America's oldest Catholic higher education institution, Georgetown University, has been a leader in promoting dialogue between Christians and Muslims.

      Last November, in an exemplary sign of tolerance, the Washington National Cathedral, which is affiliated with the Episcopal Church, hosted Friday prayer services for area Muslims.

      This month, Duke University's associate dean for religious life, a Christian, invited the university's Muslim chaplain to conduct the Muslim call to prayer from the top of the school's chapel. But they were forced to make more modest arrangements after a national backlash spurred in part by a Facebook post by Rev. Graham.

      And, largely at the local level, there is an active Jewish-Muslim interfaith dialogue scene. A major mosque in northern Virginia rents space for Friday prayers at a Jewish temple that shares a parking lot with a Catholic Church. This is everyday American religious pluralism obscured by headlines that reflect a world that is indeed, unfortunately, on fire.

      Over the past three decades, America has been home to growing interfaith dialogue and cooperation between Muslims and Catholic, mainline Protestant, and reform and conservative Jewish communities. But among evangelicals, there is a growing anti-Muslim subculture. This isn't simply a reaction to terrorism perpetrated by jihadists or the undeniable persecution of Christians in Muslim-majority countries. Evangelicals are being taught to suspect and disdain peaceful Muslims who live in their own country. And that culture of fear is exactly what Jindal is playing into.

      There's a cottage industry of terrorism experts and ex-Muslims who speak at evangelical churches and conferences warning about imaginary Muslim plots to take over the United States and establish "sharia law."

      Arif Rafiq is an adjunct scholar at the Middle East Institute and president of Vizier Consulting, LLC, which provides strategic guidance on Middle East and South Asian political and security issues.

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