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Saturday, May 23, 2015

Which Countries Are Failing To Deliver Gaza Aid?

CC News Letter 22 May - Which Countries Are Failing To Deliver Gaza Aid?

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In Solidarity
Binu Mathew

Massive Military Escalation Looms As ISIS Advances In Iraq
By Niles Williamson

The Pentagon announced Thursday that it will rush 2,000 AT-4 anti-tank rockets to the Iraqi military following the capture of Ramadi, capital of Iraq's western Anbar province, by the Islamic State in Iraq and Syria (ISIS). ISIS fighters have seized control of tanks, artillery and large caches ammunition abandoned by the Iraqi military as they fled. More than 40,000 civilians have been forced from their homes by the ISIS advance

Which Countries Are Failing To Deliver Gaza Aid?
By Annie Slemrod

Gulf Arab states and Turkey have spectacularly failed to fulfill their pledges to Gaza, contributing to a two-thirds shortfall in promised assistance to the beleaguered enclave, a new report reveals. Qatar has delivered just 10 percent of the $1 billion it promised, while Saudi Arabia, Turkey and Kuwait between them have handed over just over $50 million of the $900 million they pledged, according to a World Bank report

How The U.S. Navy Plans To War Game The Arctic
By Dahr Jamail

In Iraq in wartime, I saw what the U.S. military was capable of in a distant ravaged land. In June, I'll see what that military is capable of in what still passes for peacetime and close to home indeed. As I sit at my desk writing this story on Washington's Olympic Peninsula, the roar of Navy jets periodically rumbles in from across Puget Sound where a massive naval air station is located. I can't help but wonder whether, years from now, I'll still be writing pieces with titles like "Destroying What Remains," as the Navy continues its war-gaming in an ice-free summer Arctic amid a sea of off-shore oil drilling platforms

Memorial Day Is A Hoax
By Paul Craig Roberts

Memorial Day commemorates soldiers killed in war. We are told that the war dead died for us and our freedom. US Marine General Smedley Butler challenged this view. He said that our soldiers died for the profits of the bankers, Wall Street, Standard Oil, and the United Fruit Company. Here is an excerpt from a speech that he gave in 1933

How American Lies Have Destabilized Global Regions
By G. Asgar Mitha

Lamentably, the great American nation has morphed into a destructive empire fed by the neocon lies and foreign policies formulated by the Project for the New American Century (PNAC) in 1997 that has included Dick Cheney, Donald Rumsfeld, John Bolton and Paul Wolfowitz among the 25 people responsible for the founding principles

How The Media Deceive The Public About "Fast Track" And The "Trade Bills"
By Eric Zuesse

The way that "Fast Track" is described to the American public is as an alternative method for the Senate to handle "Trade Bills" (TPP & TTIP) that the President presents to the Senate for their approval; and this alternative method is said to be one in which "no amendments are permitted, and there will be a straight up-or-down vote on the bill."

"The Path To Zero: Dialogues On Nuclear Dangers" By Richard Falk And David Krieger
Book Review By John Scales Avery

The complete abolition of nuclear weapons is linked with a change of heart, the replacement of narrow nationalism by loyalty to humanity as a whole, and the replacement of militarism by a just and enforcible system of international law

Altered Genes, Twisted Truths' Author Challenges
Monsanto's Robb Fraley To Respond To His Book
By Colin Todhunter

In a challenge delivered to Monsanto's headquarters on May 20, 2015, US public interest attorney Steven Druker calls on that corporation to find any inaccurate statements of fact in his new book: Altered Genes, Twisted Truth – How the Venture to Genetically Engineer Our Food Has Subverted Science, Corrupted Government, and Systematically Deceived the Public. The thoroughly documented and referenced book exposes the substantial risks of genetically engineered foods and the multiple misrepresentations that have enabled them to permeate world markets

How Development-Socialism Ended In Capitalism
By Saral Sarkar

A true socialist's question is: when will this allegedly "unfortunately necessary" march along the capitalistic path end for China and Vietnam? Will it ever come to an end? And when will the work of building up a socialist society (socialist relations of production, in proper Marxist jargon) begin?

Three Years Of Confronting Western Propaganda
By Andre Vltchek

"Exposing Lies of The Empire" is now in print, but I do not feel that the journey is over. 822 pages (the printing house could not accept 1.000 pages and the font had to be changed) is actually very little, comparing to thousands of horrendous stories that the Empire is triggering all over the world. There is no time to take a break. Pseudo-reality and outright lies of the Western imperialism have to be confronted

The Rohingyas: A Glimmer Of Hope
By Chandra Muzaffar

It is commendable that the Malaysian government has undertaken a systematic Search and Rescue (SAR) operation in the Andaman Sea and the Bay of Bengal aimed at saving the lives of thousands of stranded Rohingyas and Bangladeshis. The right to life is the highest human right and all the governments in ASEAN should have committed themselves to this sacred principle at the very outset of the present crisis

Wine Empire Replaces Redwood Empire
By Shepherd Bliss

Northern California's Sonoma County has been known historically as part of the natural Redwood Empire. Wine industry lobbyists re-branded it as the commercial "Wine Country." Its economy has been so colonized by outside investors, who extract water and resources from the environment and export them, that re-branding would be appropriate. A more accurate description would be that Sonoma County is now part of the multi-national Wine Empire

Prisoners: Kashmir Beyond AFSPA
By Qazi Shibli

When the civil Society of India or elsewhere talks about Kashmir, the first idea that comes to their mind is AFSPA, a draconian Law. They discuss the law thoroughly, Many of them, in fact most of them have by hearted the sections, Cons of this draconian law. However the less talked about vaguely formulated act, PSA which allows detention for up to two years without charge or trial on the purported presumption that they may in the future commit acts harmful to the state, hence preventive detention akin to Preventive war of the U.S in Iraq. And the least talked problem is Oppression

Aruna Shanbaug's Death An Indictment Of Justice, Not An Argument For Euthanasia
By Samar

Aruna Shanbaug's death does not either present a case for legalizing euthanasia or offer a case against it. Her death has nothing to do with that discourse, legitimate as it may be. Aruna Shanbaug's case is about the rule of law in India. Her death, following 42 years of life in a vegetative state, confined to a hospital bed, is about the rot that the Republic carries in the form of its criminal justice system

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