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Saturday, May 2, 2015

Towns And Villages Totally Devastated And 90% Clinics And Schools Are Unusable In Nepal

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In Solidarity
Binu Mathew

Towns And Villages Totally Devastated And 90% Clinics And Schools Are Unusable In Nepal

With further rise in death toll, devastation of thousands of villages and slow pace of rescue and relief operations the survivors in Nepal earthquake are facing a desperate situation. In areas, towns and villages suffered total devastation. Today, a report said some 600,000 houses have been destroyed in 13 districts

Invest in Activism, Not Bernie Sanders
By David Swanson

So, here I am in the role of "that jerk" telling Bernie Sanders fanatics that it's hopeless -- a self-fulfilling prophecy of doom if ever there was one. But we have limited time, energy, and money. I don't think saving the planet is hopeless. I just think the best place to put our resources is into uncorrupted, principled, policy-driven, nonviolent, creative activism -- including the activism needed to create fair, open, verifiable elections

Salute The Nation That Brought The US Empire To Its Knees
By Kenny Coyle

On the 40th anniversary of the fall of Saigon, April 30, 2015, the momentous events that made it possible are recalled

The May 2nd Odessa Massacre: Why Obama's Coup-Regime Still Runs Ukraine
By Eric Zuesse

The May 2nd Ukrainian massacre of anti-regime pamphleteers last year at the Odessa Trade Unions Building, burning these pamphleteers alive there, was crucial to the Obama Administration's solidification of its control over Ukraine. That massacre was designed to, and it did, terrorize the residents in all areas of Ukraine which had voted overwhelmingly for the man whom Obama had just ousted, Viktor Yanukovych. Especially in the Donbass region, Yanokovych had received 90%+ of the votes. In Odessa, he had received three-quarters of the votes

A Time Will Come, Muslims In India Will Have To Form Their Own National Party: Kancha Ilaiah
Interview By Ajmal Khan & Anish

Professor Kancha Ilaiah had well predicted that Narendra Modi would become the next prime minister under BJP, and he has also been instrumental in raising criticism on how Indian left failed to understand the caste question. After the parliament elections, he described how the caste equations has been used in the country by BJP . As soon as BJP came into power, many decisions have already been taken by the ruling Government, which will make far reaching consequences on the lives of Dalits, Adivasis, Muslims and Bahujans. In this context, Ajmal Khan and Anish are engage in conversation with Kancha Ilaiah on contemporary politics in India, particularly on Muslim, Dalit and Bahujan politics. He argues, that Muslims will have to form their own national party or a national coalition of all the Muslim parties by retaining their political and social identity

United States Commission On International Religious Freedom Places India On Tier 2 List Of Countries
By Shehzad Poonawalla

Although the Modi government has responded by stating that it "does not take cognisance of such reports", it is a fact that world over, the stifling of religious freedoms in India is becoming a debate and is reflecting badly upon us as a plural, liberal democracy. Hence, authorities including the courts, investigative agencies, statutory bodies like National Commission for Minorities and National Human Rights Commission and the Ministry of Home Affairs must treat every case of religious atrocity and discrimination with seriousness so that no country or international agency can point fingers upon a vibrant democracy like ours. Mr.Modi's government must walk the talk on 'Sabka Sath, Sabka Vikas'

Illusory Superiority, Related Psychological Phenomena, And The Importance Of Cross-Cultural Exposure
By Robert Barsocchini

In addition to direct conflicts of interest inherent in the structure and functioning of media, the following psychological phenomena underscore the importance, in terms of approaching truth, of reading and researching on as broad a spectrum and as cross-culturally as possible. People creating and disseminating narratives in any one society or larger group (ie "the west"), are subject to these features of human psychology; to claim or believe they are not is merely to exhibit them

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