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Friday, May 1, 2015

Press Invitation - Press Conference on 2nd May at IWPC, Delhi

Press Invitation

Bhumi Adhikar Andolan

Movement for Land Rights

(A collective of mass and class organisations and social movements)

The collective of mass and class organisations and social movements whoorganised the mass procession on 24th February at Parliament Street against the Land Acquisition Ordinance of the NDA government have emerged as the mainstream national platform in the name of Bhumi Adhikar Andolan ( "Movement for Land Rights)" working all over the country to advance the struggle of the peasantry and the public against the Land Acquisition Bill.

The Movement for Land Rights has called up on the peasants and agricultural workers and the public to join a March to Parliament on 5th May in protest against the sinister move of the NDA Government to go ahead with the Land Acquisition Bill in the ongoing session of the Parliament.

In this context we are organising a press Conference at 3pm on 2nd May, 2015 at IWPC (5 Windsor Place, Ashoka Road).

We request you to depute your Reporter, Photographer/Cameraman to attend the press conference and give wide coverage.

Thanking you, 

Vijoo Krishnan, Madhuresh, Roma, Raghib Asim, Prathap Choudhury, Shweta, Sanjeev Kumar, Kanika Sharma and P Krishnaprasad

On behalf of coordination committee

Movement for Land Rights

Ms. Roma ( Adv)
Dy. Gen Sec, All India Union of Forest Working People(AIUFWP) /
Secretary, New Trade Union Initiative (NTUI)
Coordinator, Human Rights Law Center
c/o Sh. Vinod Kesari, Near Sarita Printing Press,
Tagore Nagar
District Sonbhadra 231216
Uttar Pradesh
Tel : 91-9415233583, 
Email :

Delhi off - C/o NTUI, B-137, Dayanand Colony, Lajpat Nr. Phase 4, NewDelhi - 110024, Ph - 011-26214538

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