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Monday, April 20, 2015

The Internet is dead in India if this happens

The Internet is dead in India if this happens

Dear friends across India,

Big telecom companies are trying to control the Internet by bullying us into paying more for services like WhatsApp or Skype. The Telecom Minister has said the Internet is for all not just a few -- but he will only be able to stand against the pressure from telcos if we build massive public support for him to save our Internet. Sign and share with 5 friends now!


Big telecom companies in India are trying to kill the free Internet -- bullying us into paying more to access services like WhatsApp, Youtube or Skype. But if we join the massive, historic online protest now, we cankeep the Internet free and open for all!

Telecom companies want to create a VIP culture online by breaking the web into fast and slow lanes. They'll offer faster download speeds to rich companies who pay them and choke those who can't. This kills net neutrality -- where all websites are treated equal. Let's stop money power taking over the Internet in India by acting now!

Telecom Minister Ravi Shankar Prasad has already tweeted that the Internet belongs to all, not just a few -- but he's under pressure from the telecom giants. So let's build the biggest online petition showing him our support -- we'll use the Internet to save the Internet. Sign and share with 5 friends now:

Without net neutrality the richest 1% will control what we see online. Download speeds for sites that don't pay the telecom companies will become so slow that we'll give up in frustration and any dynamic start-ups will be killed off trying to compete with giants with deep pockets. 

Some argue that telecom companies are after all profit-making businesses so they should be allowed to charge what they like. But a free and open Internet is a public utility and a global consensus is emerging to keep it that way.

The US Communications regulator recently ruled against telecom companies saying there should be no discrimination in terms of speed, access or cost. Tim Berners Lee, the originator of the world wide web also called for any discrimination by Internet services providers to be outlawed. 

Politicians across party lines, celebrities and activists in India have already spoken in favour of net neutrality. Now let's add our community's voices to this amazing effort to save the Internet. Sign now and share this with 5 friends.

It's the apocalypse of the Internet as we know it, and will erase the democratic promise of an information highway for everyone the founders of the world wide web imagined. Together, Avaaz has built on that vision, using the web to fight corruption, save lives, and bring people-powered aid to countries in crisis. Over 3 million of us signed the petition to the US communications regulator to protect the Internet and won! Let's add many more millions to this fight in India. 

With hope and determination,

Alaphia, Risalat, Luis, Alex and the rest of the Avaaz team

More information:

Telecom minister Ravi Shankar Prasad bats for net neutrality. Final decision to be taken by DoT (Economic Times)

Net neutrality is important and more so because most Indians don't even have access to the internet (Quartz)

Airtel wants to ruin the internet by bringing in a digital VIP culture (

Net neutrality explained (CNN-IBN)

Net neutrality: support pours in across party lines (NDTV)

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