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Friday, April 17, 2015

Black Resistance And How Guns Made The Civil Rights Movement Possible

Black Resistance And How Guns Made The Civil Rights Movement Possible


Gaspar Yanga, Afrikan freedom fighter in Mexico, set up first free Black towns in Western Hemisphere

Gaspar Yanga, Afrikan freedom fighter in Veracruz Mexico who set up first free Black territory in the Western Hemisphere

The Afrikans fought back- A Bwa Kayimanresistance to white genocideFreeHaitiMovement posting

Armed Resistance in the Mississippi Freedom Movement

Armed Resistance in the Mississippi Freedom Movement


Black August, Black resistance, Black self-defense, Robert F. Williams, Negroes with Guns. John Horse, Black Seminoles, Gullah Wars, Largest Afrikan Revolt in U.S. History and the untold stories for Black freedom in the United States, in Haiti and with Gaspar Yanga, Zimbi.

Ezili Dantò of HLLN

Ezili Dantò of HLLN/FreeHaitiMovement on Bwa Kayiman and The story of Cecile Fatiman, the historical Ezili Dantò, 1791/See Photos and Celebrating Bwa Kayiman 2014/ Gandhi's non-violence doctrine was founded on a base ofegregious  violence racism and sexism. (47:36 caste violence- Arundhati Roy; and The Myth of Mahatma Gandhi)

Black Resistance In The Western Hemisphere And How Guns Made The Civil Rights Movement Possible

Self-Defense is a human right. The right to self-determination is enshrined in national and international laws.

Contrary to the white establishment spin, Black armed self-defense was an integral part of the civil rights era, especially in the southern U.S. States. The historical image that the majority of Afrikans during the Civil Rights period were non-violent, defenseless and passive in their acceptance of violence by white supremacists toward them is overplayed, every Martin Luther King day, to serve white supremacist interests. A far more balanced view of the US freedom movement would include the fact that armed Blacks with guns were an integral part of the 1960s period as well as the greater African resistance movements to enslavement and white supremacy.

Black resistance to white genocide is an expression of the humanity within.Boukman's Prayer outlined this at the Bwa Kayiman war council in 1791 that began the Haiti revolution. African self-defense is Robert F. Williams, John Horse, theBlack Seminoles, the Gullah Wars and the little known, but largest revolt of the enslaved in U.S. history at Negro Fort in Florida. It's the Gaspar Yanga settlement in Yanga Veracruz Mexico. Yanga's Afrikan-liberated community was recognized in1609 by the Spaniards. It's the first territory in the Americas founded by free Black people who won their freedom in combat with their

Caste and Capitalism
Arundhati Roy: The Doctor and the Saint
The non-colonial narrative on Gandhi
Gandhi, for the major part of his life:

1) Was loyalty and worshiped British imperialism
(2) Supported caste system insisted in the "lower castes"-India's indigenous population staying put, didn't believe in racial equality, and

(3) was a virulent in his sexism and anti-African racism.Supported Apartheid for Africans in SA.
Gandhi's non-violence doctrine was founded on a base ofegregious violence. (47:36 caste violence- Arundhati RoyThe Myth of Mahatma Gandhi by Dr. Velu Annamalai.

How Guns Made the Civil Rights Movement Possible

How Guns Made the Civil Rights Movement Possible

European oppressors. In this case, the Spaniards in Mexico. These are a few of the untold stories for Afrikan freedom in the United States and in the Americas. Afrikans fought back.  Watch the videos researched for you in this Bwa Kayiman post, including the story of  Zumbi of Palmares, Brazil. Born in 1655, the Afrikan warrior Zumbi, led another early free and armedBlack community.

When Martin Luther King's house was fire bombed, he got armed community protection for his family home afterwards whether he wished it or not. As Kwame Ture maintains, non-violence was a strategy for the majority of the active Black freedom fighters in the 1960s. Mostly to gain white liberal funds and strategic support. (Read the books: "This Nonviolent Stuff'll Get You Killed: How Guns Made the Civil Rights Movement Possible" by Charles E. Cobb, Jr. ; "We Will Shoot Back: Armed Resistance in the Mississippi Freedom Movement" by Dr. Akinyele Umoja and  Charles E. Cobb Jr. guest-blogging about "This Nonviolent Stuff'll Get You Killed" ; Dr. Velu Annamalai at The Myth of Mahatma Gandhi and watch on youtube Arundhati Roy: The Doctor and the Saint).

Other good sources of information is to study the life of Robert Williams, who wrote the book "Negroes With Guns". Robert F. Williams is a mostly unherald Black leader, way ahead of his time, as you'll see in this little known interview (posted below). Produced in 1968, this important interview shows something we've learned in the Haiti struggle: The white liberal and the Marxist/Socialist, with few exception, despite avowals to the contrary (Like pharmaceutical industrial complex vampire Dr. Paul Farmer and his World Bank partner Jim Yong Kim, their Institute for Justice and Democracy in Haiti (IJDH) affiliates & interlocking NGO mafias in Haiti) WORK for and to maintain the global racist/imperialistic white supremacist status quo AGAINST Black self determination, liberation and independence.

History shows the White liberal ultimately will conspire to destroy the Black revolutionary while raising funds, writing books, making movies for general consumption about the heroic white hero "in alliance with"or simply "saving" the Black victims of racism/white supremacy. Their god complex/narcissism, like their greed and psychopathic tendencies, know no bounds. Few, like Che Guevara willload a Black freedom fighter's guns. The brilliant freedom fighter Robert Williams, never an Uncle Tom for the socialist or capitalist, explains this in detail, if you're willing to hear.

It's been said that, "when Black people resist, white liberals called it "treason". When white people do it, it's called the 'Tea Party.'"

Click on videos:
1. Negroes With Guns: Robert F. Williams-Let it Burn
2. John Horse and the Black Seminoles: The Forgotten Rebellion: Black Seminoles (Gullah Wars – 1739 to 1858) and the Largest Slave Revolt in U.S. History. (See also,
3. The Robert Williams Documentary (Negroes With Guns)
4. Gaspar Yanga in Mexico and the first recognized Black-ruled territory in the Western Hemisphere, 1609
5. Zumbi, Quilombo Palmares – Another early free and armed Black community. Palmares survived European enslavement up until 1694.When the Palmares free Afrikan territories were finally captured, 200 Palmarista Afrikan soldiers committed suicide rather than return to bondage. In an effort to demoralize and intimidate the Afrikans, General Zumbi was decapitated just as Boukman would be 100-years later in Haiti in a public execution and his head put on display.But instead, free and armed quilombos/marroon communities continued to exist in Brazil and the lore of Zumbi spread asmore maroons formed settlements in Brazil.The triumph of Boukman in Haiti also spread even after his decapitation by the French terrorist-slavers in October 1791. His bravery and that of over 200,000 Afrikans who died for freedom would usher in the creation of Ayiti/Haiti in 1804 – the only Black independent nation founded by enslaved Afrikans. Haiti is barely holding on to its own lands, culture, language and mineral wealth against the overwhelming force and low intensity warfarebeing carried out by the Euro-US capitalists, their white settler encroachments (tourists/investors) and a US military occupation behind UN colonial guns. Ironically, with modern-day Brazil, and the same forces Zumbi fought, as lead commander for the US-Euro recolonizers. The US-Euro insidious but unremitting low-intensity warfare to recapture Janjak Desalin's people, continue. The forms of slavery are different in the 21st century, but through language, education, academia, church/missionaries/NGOs, capital, media propaganda, big pharmaceutical, et al.. the white man put chains on the Black mind. But free Afrikans worldwide continue to fight white supremacy, fascism,Zionism and Arab enslavement.


The story of John Horse, the Black Seminoles/Gullah Wars (1739 to 1858) and Black resistance in the US in general, remainconflated as one in the same with "the Indian Wars" as opposed to a distinct African resistance to white tyranny and all slavery, whether practiced by the US, the French, the Spanish or the Indian. The African "Negro Fort" in Florida, for instance, served as a "beacon of light to restless and rebellious slaves and was a precursor to the Underground Railroad, demonstrating that resistance to slavery arose decades before abolitionism became organized and influential.

The story of John Horse and the Black Seminoles (Gullah Wars) has been largely untold, but it deserves to be remembered for a number of reasons:

- These African manage to create the largest haven in the U.S. South for runaway slaves.
– They led the largest slave revolt in U.S. history.
– They secured the only emancipation of rebellious slaves prior to the U.S. Civil War.
– They formed the largest mass exodus of enslaved Africans across the United States and, ultimately, to Mexico where they secured titles to their own lands.

The story of Cecile Fatiman, the historical Ezili Dantò, 1791 and Bwa Kayiman, the Vodun war council and gathering that began the Haiti revolution, are also famously unknown Black resistance stories.

"A people without the knowledge of their past history, origin and culture is like a tree without roots." – Marcus Garvey, (at Vodun, the Light and Beauty of Haiti, a Photo Essay)

Ezili Dantò,
July 28, 2014 on the anniversary of the first US occupation of Haiti
Libète ou Lanmò – Liberty or Death
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The story of John Horse and the Black Seminoles (Gullah Wars)

Gaspar Yanga in Mexico and the first Black ruled territory in the Americas, 1609

Bwa Kayiman and The Story of Cecile Fatiman, the historical Ezili Dantò, 1791

Palmares (Quilombo)

Forwarded by Ezili's Haitian Lawyers Leadership Network

The calvary is NOT coming, Ile a Vache.
The calvary is NOT coming Haiti. Se mèt kò ki veye kò. Self-defense is a human right. Recall, General Toussaint Louverture thought he could negotiate with the imperialists, but his own sons were with Leclerc's armada come to bring slavery and colonialism back to Haiti. — Ezili Dantò, Haitian Lawyers Leadership Network (HLLN)/FreeHaitiMovement

See Celebrating Bwa Kayiman 2014 and Photos

"The colonial marketplace called Haiti – which the World Superpower amuses itself with, by apportioning off, at will, to various nations and commercial allies – needs no more to be a Bush-Clinton dream place except to get rid of the recalcitrant African population and import a more submissive workforce. Maybe China or India have been approached to help in this next step? " -The Plantation called Haiti: Feudal Pillage Masking as Aid

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