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Wednesday, December 17, 2014

Pakistan: A Failure To Understand

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In Solidarity
Binu Mathew

Terrorist Attack In Pakistan Kills More Than 130 Children
By Keith Jones

A terrorist attack Tuesday by the Tehreek-e-Taliban or Pakistan Taliban on a military-supported public school in Peshawar in north-west Pakistan left more than 150 people dead—the vast majority of them children

Pakistan: A Failure To Understand
By Maryam Sakeenah

The problem with the public perception of the war in Pakistan is that we see only part of it: we see the heartrending images from Peshawar and elsewhere in the urban centres where terrorists have struck. But there is a war that we do not see, hidden from public view. This is the war in the tribal north. The familiar images we see from the war divide the Pakistani victims of this war into Edward Herman's 'worthy' and 'unworthy' victims- both, however, are innocent victims- the ones we see and the ones we do not. But because some victims are unworthier than others, the unworthy victim claims worth to his condemned life in dying, misled into thinking that death by killing others can be a vindication

Ukraine's Two Big Gas Deals Are Now Both Dry
By Eric Zuesse

In June, Shell Oil halted its newly dug shale-gas wells at the Yuzivska gas field in southeastern Ukraine, and gave as the reason the civil war there, though only after Ukrainian Government troops had ousted the local residents (who had opposed fracking) was Shell even enabled to dig the wells, so Shell's departure was puzzling. Then, on 19 June 2014, Igor Alexeev at the oilprce blog presented the reasonable hypothesis of "The Real Reason Shell Halted Its Ukrainian Shale Operations": "In reality, the truth may be closer to the fact that company is disappointed with the economic viability of what it once thought was a large shale deposit and is looking for a way out."

Israeli Role In Syrian Conflict Brought Into The open
By Nicola Nasser

Israel is also capitalising on the war on the IS to misleadingly portray it as identical with the Palestinian "Islamic" resistance movements because of their Islamic credentials. "When it comes to their ultimate goals, Hamas is ISIS and ISIS is Hamas," Netanyahu told the UN General Assembly on September 29

And To All, A Good Night
By John Chuckman

A Contemporary Christmas Tale

Why Is Near Term Human Extinction Inevitable?
By Robert J. Burrowes

Extinction might be howling outside our door but, if you have the courage, you can still fight. There is no downside in trying. But we need to fight strategically so that we defeat elite fear. How long do you want to wait before joining the fight?

To Kiss or Not To Kiss…. ! How A Romantic Issue Turned Patriotic
By Maharathi

What an irony that the saviours of the Indian culture turn violent, throwing to the winds the tenets of the Father of the Nation whose life and teachings are essentially reflective of the Indian ethos! But the so-called "anti-Indian and westernised'' youth adopt non-violence, the moral weapon of Gandhiji, in their battle for their personal freedom

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