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Friday, April 5, 2013

Stockman & Walker on: Federal Debt and The Economy

Stockman & Walker on:
Federal Debt and The Economy
13.04.04 video:
David Stockman and David M. Walker talked about
   the impact of national debt on the economy. 

-- some of Stockman's statements: 
FED's Monetary Politburo Race To The Bottom -
Ride My Bubble Again, You Can Trust Me -
This is the closest thing to legal thievery that's been created in a long time -
We're all hostage ... we're in this massive bond bubble --
The Great Enabler ... of the Fiscal Failure is The Rogue Central Bank,
The Politburo of 12 fiscal planners who are off the deep end in monetary policy,
never tested in human history & can't possible survive -
This is a Fiscal Doomsday Machine,
it will hit the wall in the next few years,
and don't expect anything to stop it!
The Great Argument is Not between Keynes & Hayek
The Great Argument is between Freeman & Carter Glass
The Coup d'etat was a defacto Coup d'etat
run by Hank Paulson on the 3rd floor of the Treasury Bldg.
with all the Goldmanites running around, fluttering around;
and if you don't believe me, read his memoirs
and you will see that he was in constant contact with Wall Street,
you have one call in there where you know, Blankfein calls him up & says:
'Oh I'm worried, the shorts are going after Morgan Stanley, it's in deep trouble,
it's going to go down, if Morgan Stanley goes down I'm next,
You have to do something!'
And guess what, the very next few days, these massive bailout lines were put out,
Morgan Stanley was saved, it had a $100 Billion worth of Federal money injected in days,
you can see it, it's in the report ... National Crisis Inquiry Commission
I'm not saying it was Coup De Tat like some Military Junta in Argentina,
I'm saying that they were running the country!
Bush was clueless! He was hunkered down in the White House,
The only thing he knew was this sucker's going down! That's what he said.
That was the extent of his knowledge
They had the Congress buffaloed. Read what some of the Congressman have said since then.
They told them horror stories. Depression 2.0! Lights Out! ATMs going dark! Payrolls not being met!
IT WAS ALL LIES! It wasn't true.
& I think it's time the public wakes-up to the fact that this is how the country is being run today.

Who Rules your Rulers


David Stockman: 
Ben Bernanke Is The Most Dangerous Man In US History

The Federal Reserve has exhausted its legitimacy.
It is a morally, legally, and politically bankrupt entity.

"What I do know is that this market lives and dies by the last word of the 
Fed and the people at the Fed have no clue what they're doing. Bernanke is 
the most dangerous man ever to hold high financial office in the history of 
the United States." - David Stockman, former Director of the Office of 
Management and Budget (1981-1985).

David Stockman: Ben Bernanke Is The Most Dangerous Man In US History
Stockman says Fed is off the deep end

$32 Trillion Offshore?

Mass Mobilization for 1% Wall Street Sales Tax
Can Stop Obama-GOP Push for Killer Austerity
Momentum Grows for 1% Wall Street Sales Tax
as Alternative to Bipartisan Killer Cuts
1% Wall Street sales tax solution to stablize US federal budget

 Austerity is a Scam: Crisis Legislation and Dodgy Debt Repayment Schemes
Insane Levels of Inequality - Which Hurt the Economy - Are Skyrocketing

How Congress Could Fix Its Budget Woes, Permanently



Iraq war costs U.S. more than $2 trillion -study
Says interest payments could swell cost to more than $6 trillion
BushCo Iraq War - Still Sabotaging American Middle-Class ?
C-Span Caller  - John from New York sick & tired of Zionism!

The Neo-Zionist Order - Who Rules your Rulers
Interview with Eustace Mullins


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