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Saturday, March 16, 2013

Cobra Post Sting has well exposed Swiss Banks at home. The story has some meat as ICICI Bank has suspended 18 employees, a day after the lender and two of its peers were accused of indulging in money laundering activities.

कोब्रापोस्ट स्टिंग: एचडीएफसीकडून चौकशीसाठी 'डेलॉईट'ची नेमणूक

Politicians have not to go abroad to adjust black money any more. Hence, PSU banks get killed!Slow Poisoned!

অভিযোগ প্রমাণ হলে কড়া সাজা ব্যাঙ্কগুলিকে, অর্থমন্ত্রকের হুঁশিয়ারি

कोबरा पोस्‍ट के स्टिंग का असर: ICICI बैंक के 18 कर्मचारी निलंबित

Palash Biswas

Cobra Post Sting has well exposed Swiss Banks at home. The story has some meat as ICICI Bank has suspended 18 employees, a day after the lender and two of its peers were accused of indulging in money laundering activities.It is spontaneus attempt by private banking sector to quell the hue and cry. Politicians have not to go abroad to adjust black money any more. Hence, PSU banks get killed!Slow Poisoned.

The suspension is pending the bank's investigation into money laundering charges, sources in ICICI told PTI. The probe is expected to be completed in two weeks.

Earlier in the day, shares of all the three banks accused of money laundering — ICICI Bank, Axis Bank and HDFC Bank — ended with losses in the range of 1-4 per cent. After falling nearly 5 per cent during the day, shares of ICICI Bank finally ended at Rs 1,067.15, down 3.93 per cent from the previous close on the BSE. Similarly, Axis Bank closed with a loss of 0.90 per cent at Rs 1,342, while HDFC Bank was down 1.67 per cent at Rs 638.75.

"Banking stocks such as ICICI Bank and HDFC Bank pared their recent gains after news of the RBI probing the money-laundering practices in the said banks weakened investor sentiment," said Rakesh Goyal, senior vice-president, Bonanza Portfolio.

The country's three largest private banks were yesterday accused of indulging in money laundering with an online portal claiming that a sting operation conducted by it had revealed a scam. The portal Cobrapost played the contents of purported video recording of bank officials allegedly agreeing to receive unverified sums of cash and put them in their investment schemes and benami accounts in violation of anti-money laundering laws.

After the sting operation was played out, ICICI Bank had said that it had constituted a high-level inquiry and a report would be submitted in two weeks. "ICICI group conducts its business with the highest level of compliance to legal and regulatory requirements. All employees of the group are trained and required to adhere strictly to the group code of conduct," the bank had said.

खोजी पत्रकारिता के लिए प्रसिद्ध ऑनलाइन पत्रिका 'कोबरापोस्ट' ने काले धन को 

सफेद बनाने की शिकायतों को लेकर निजी बैंकों में स्टिंग ऑपरेशन कर दावा किया है देश में प्राइवेट सेक्टर के सबसे बड़े बैंकों एचडीएफसी बैंक, आईसीआईसीआई बैंक और एक्सिस बैंक मनी-लॉन्डरिंग (काले धन को जायज या सफेद बनाना) में मदद करते हैं। 

कोबरा के 'ऑपरेशन रेड स्पाइडर' से से तिलमिलाए तीनों बैंकों ने इन आरोपों का खंडन किया है और स्पष्टीकरण देते हुए कहा है कि वे इन आरोपों की जांच करवा रहे हैं। इस स्टिंग ऑपरेशन के टीवी पर दिखाए जाने के तुरंत बाद आयकर विभाग ने भी हरकत में आते हुए कोबरा पोस्ट के आरोपों पर जांच शुरू कर दी है। 

वीडियो रिकॉर्डिंग्स के साथ ही जारी की गई 'कोबरापोस्ट' की प्रेस विज्ञप्ति के अनुसार पिछले कई माह तक ढके-छिपे तरीके से देशभर में चली इस जांच से बड़े और देशव्यापी मनी-लॉन्डरिंग रैकेट का खुलासा होता है, जो एचडीएफसी बैंक, आईसीआईसीआई बैंक और एक्सिस बैंक द्वारा चलाया जा रहा है। 

इन बैंकों की इस शर्मनाक आपराधिक गतिविधियों से बड़े पैमाने पर काले धन को बैंकों द्वारा अपनी नियमित गतिविधियों में शामिल कर सफेद बनाया गया है। 

'कोबरापोस्ट' ने मनी-लॉन्डरिंग के इन मामलों में इन बैंकों के आला अधिकारियों के शामिल होने का भी आरोप लगाया है। एक संवाददाता सम्मेलन में 'कोबरापोस्ट' के प्रमुख अनिरुद्ध बहल ने कहा कि इन बैंकों ने न सिर्फ रिजर्व बैंक ऑफ इंडिया द्वारा तय किए गए बैंकिंग और केवाईसी (नो योअर कस्टमर) के नियमों का उल्लंघन किया है, बल्कि फेमा का भी सरासर उल्लंघन किया है।

बहल ने दावा किया कि उनके पास इन बैंकों की विभिन्न शाखाओं में की गई सैकड़ों घंटों की वीडियो रिकॉर्डिंग मौजूद हैं, हालांकि उन्होंने यह नहीं बताया कि ये रिकॉर्डिंग्स कब की गई थीं।

ये सभी बैंक भले ही आरोपों को नकार रही हों, लेकिन शेयर बाजार में यह खबर आते ही तीनों बैंकों के शेयर नीचे गिरने शुरू हो गए हैं। (वेबदुनिया)

ब्लैकमनी को वाइट बना रहे टॉप बैंक?

मुंबई : 
प्राइवेट सेक्टर के टॉप के बैंक आईसीआईसीआई, एचडीएफसी और एक्सिस ने कहा है कि वे उन आरोपों की जांच कर रहे हैं जिनके मुताबिक, देश भर में स्थित उनकी कुछ ब्रांचों के मनी लॉन्ड्रिंग (ब्लैकमनी को वाइट करना) होने की बात कही जा रही है। गौरतलब है कि न्यूज वेबसाइट कोबरा पोस्ट डॉट कॉम के एडिटर इन चीफ अनिरुद्ध बहल ने एक स्टिंग ऑपरेशन के जरिए इन बैंकों पर ऐसी गतिविधियों में शामिल होने का आरोप लगाया है। 
कोबरा पोस्ट के मुताबिक, जांच में खुलासा हुआ है कि इन बैकों की दर्जनों ब्रांच मनी लॉन्ड्रिंग की गतिविधियांे में शामिल रही हैं। बहल ने एक न्यूज चैनल पर गुरुवार को कहा कि मैंने भारत भर में फैले इन बैकों की दर्जनों ब्रांचों से सैकड़ों घंटों की विडियो फुटेज जुटाई है। बहल ने इस स्टिंग के विडियो कानूनी एजेंसियों को उपलब्ध कराने की बात कही है। 
कैसे हुआ खुलासा: कोबरा पोस्ट पर पब्लिश एक आर्टिकल के मुताबिक, न्यूज वेबसाइट के जर्नलिस्ट ने छद्म नाम से इन बैकों के अधिकारियों से मुलाकात की। इस मुलाकात में जर्नलिस्ट ने खुद को किसी काल्पनिक राजनेता का सहयोगी बताया और बैंक अधिकारियों से ब्लैकमनी को निवेश करके उसे वाइट बनाने संबंधित सुझाव मांगे। इन बैंकों के अधिकारियों ने अंडरकवर जर्नलिस्ट को तमाम तरीके सुझाए। आर्र्टिकल में दावा किया गया है कि इन बैकों में सीनियर लेवल पर काबिज अधिकारी मनी लॉन्ड्रिंग और दूसरी गैरकानूनी किस्म की लेनदेन में शामिल हैं। 
बैंकों ने दिलाया जांच का भरोसा: आईसीआईसीआई बैंक ने कहा है कि उन्होंने इस मामले की जांच के लिए हाई लेवल इंक्वायरी कमिटी बनाई है, जो दो हफ्ते में अपनी रिपोर्ट सौंपेगी। एचडीएफसी के मुताबिक, वे इस मामले को टॉप प्रायॉरिटी पर रखकर जांच कर रहे हैं। एक्सिस बैंक ने भी मामले की गहराई से जांच कराने की बात कही है। 

कोबरापोस्ट के स्टिंग ऑपरेशन के बाद कई गंभीर सवाल खड़े हो गए हैं। ट्विटर पर भी खूब सवाल खड़े किए जा रहे हैं। कोबरापोस्ट ने अपने स्टिंग ऑपरेशन में बैंकों के ब्लैक मनी को व्हाइट करने के खेल का पर्दाफाश किया है।

पढ़िए ट्विटर से ली गईं कुछ चुनिंदा प्रतिक्रियाएं...

Arvind Kejriwal

कुछ टीवी चैनल कोबरा पोस्ट का स्टिंग ऑपरेशन क्यों नहीं दिखा रहे हैं, क्या यह भी उनके लिए खबर नहीं है?

Parmesh Shahani
कोबरापोस्ट का कालेधन पर खुलासा देखा, सोच रही हूं कि एचडीएफसी से अपना खाता शिफ्ट कर दूं...।

स्विस बैंकों की क्या जरूरत है जब अपने ही देश में काले धन को सफेद करने का धंधा चल रहा है।

SominduS ‏@SominduS
जब सरकार इतनी भ्रष्ट हो तो बैंक वालों की हिम्मत भी समझ में आती है। यह अंतिम कील है।

और बोलो
कोबरापोस्ट के खुलासे के बाद बैंक अकाउंट स्टेटमेंट के बजाये क्लेरिफिकेशन स्टेटमेंट दे रहे हैं।

amit pandey ‏
कोबरापोस्ट के स्टिंग की इतनी कम कवरेज हो रही है। क्या यह बहुत छोटा मुद्दा है? उम्मीद है बीजेपी इस मुद्दे को संसद में जोर शोर से उठाएगी। क्या हमारे सिस्टम ने खुलासे से सुरक्षाकवच तैयार कर लिया है?

Dhanya Rajendran
अभी बैंकों के बारे में कोबरापोस्ट का स्टिंग ऑपरेशन देखा। हिला कर रख देने वाला। तो इस तरह हमारे बैंक कालेधन को सफेद कर रहे हैं। पैसा छुपाने की जरूरत ही नहीं है।

Forever Sleepy
कोबरा पोस्ट ने एचडीएफसी, आईसीआईसीआई और एक्सिस बैंक को डंक मारने के लिए रेड स्पाइडर की मदद ली। अब इस घोटाले पर पर्दा डालने के लिए सरकार के हिट मारने का इंतजार है।

Manish Sisodia
अगर कोबरा पोस्ट के पत्रकार यह खुलासे कर सकता है तो पूरा का पूरा वित्त मंत्रालय क्या कर रहा था, चिदम्बरम क्या कर रहे थे,कहाँ थे मनमोहन सिंह?

कड़वा सच ‏
कोबरा पोस्ट के खुलासे से तो क्या,ये सरकार तो 15 के तीव्रता वाले भूकंप से भी नही हिलने वाली,क्यों की सरकार को पता है की ये नामर्दों का देश है

Jainendra Nahata
कोबरा पोस्ट के इस खुलासे के बाद वित्त मंत्रालय जांच करेगा या काले कारोबार के आकाओं के पैसे को ठिकाने लगाने मदद करेगा?

Abhishank Babbar ‏@TheABPunk
निरमा और एरियल जैसी सर्फ बनाने वाली कंपनिया अब कंगाल हो जाएंगी। अब एचडीएफसी, एक्सिस और आईसीआईसीआई कहेंगे, 'हम आपके ब्लैक को व्हाइट कर देंगे।'

क्या काले धन को सफेद करते हैं बैंक?

 गुरुवार, 14 मार्च, 2013 को 17:25 IST तक के समाचार
अनिरुद्ध बहल

कोबरा पोस्ट के संपादक अनिरुद्ध बहल ने कहा कि यह ऑप्रेशन एचडीएफसी बैंक, आईसीआईसीआई और एक्सिस बैंक में किया गया है.

एक ऑनलाइन मैग्ज़ीन कोबरा पोस्ट डॉट कॉम ने दावा किया है कि उसने एक स्टिंग ऑपरेशन किया है जिसमें यह साबित होता है कि देश के कई बड़े निजी बैंक काले धन को सफेद करने में मदद कर रहे हैं.

उसका आरोप है कि देश के कुछ बड़े बैंक काला धन नकद में लेते हैं और उसे बीमा और सोने में निवेश करते हैं ताकि वो सफेद हो पाए.

दिल्ली में प्रेस कांफ्रेस करते हुए कोबरा पोस्ट के संपादक अनिरुद्ध बहल ने कहा, ''यह ऑपरेशन देश के कई शहरों में तीन बैंक यानी एचडीएफसी बैंक, आईसीआईसीआई और एक्सिस बैंक में किया गया है.''

पोस्ट ने इसके बारे में वीडियो भी दिखाए जिसके सही होने की पुष्टि बीबीसी नहीं कर रहा है.

बैंको की सफाई

अपनी सफाई देते हुए आईसीआईसीआई बैंक ने कहा है कि उसने मामले की जांच के लिए एक उच्च-स्तरीय समिति बना दी है जो दो हफ़्तों में अपनी रिपोर्ट देगी.

उधर एचडीएफसी बैंक का कहना है कि वो इस पर अपनी प्रतिक्रिया बाद में देगा.

कोबरा पोस्ट का दावा है कि इस स्टिंग में उनके रिपोर्टर ने इन बैंकों के अधिकारियों से यह कह कर संपर्क साधा कि उसे एक नेता के करोड़ों रुपए के काले धन को सफेद कराना है.

पोस्ट के मुताबिक बैंक अपनी शाखाओं में काले धन को अपनी विभिन्न निवेश योजनाओं में लगाते हैं और इसके लिए वो अकाउंट खोलते हैं.

बिना पैन कार्ड

यह भी आरोप लगाया गया है कि बिना रिजर्व बैंक के नियमों की परवाह किए पैन कार्ड के बगैर ही खाते खोले जा रहे हैं.

कोबरा पोस्ट का यह भी आरोप है कि ग्राहक के काले धन को कई टुकड़ों में बांट कर बैंक में जमा किया जाता है.

ये भी आरोप है कि बैंक कालेधन को सफेद में बदलने के लिए बेनामी अकाउंट का इस्तेमाल करते हैं और कालेधन को खपाने के लिए दूसरे ग्राहकों के अकाउंट का इस्तेमाल होता है.

आईसीआईसीआई बैंक का कहना है कि वो अपने कारोबार में नियम कायदों का पालन करता है. उसका कहना है कि उसने मामले की जांच के लिए एक उच्चस्तरीय कमेटी बना दी है जो दो सप्ताह में अपनी रिपोर्ट देगी.

एचडीएफसी ने कहा है कि इन आरोपों में दम नहीं है और वो बाद में अपना पक्ष रखेंगे.

इसे भी पढ़ें

অভিযোগ প্রমাণ হলে কড়া সাজা ব্যাঙ্কগুলিকে, অর্থমন্ত্রকের হুঁশিয়ারি

অভিযোগ প্রমাণ হলে কড়া সাজা ব্যাঙ্কগুলিকে, অর্থমন্ত্রকের হুঁশিয়ারি
নয়াদিল্লি: অর্থ তছরুপে জড়িত প্রমাণ হলে কঠোর শাস্তি হবে দোষী ব্যাঙ্ক কর্তৃপক্ষের৷ বেসরকারি ব্যাঙ্কগুলির বিরুদ্ধে ওঠা অর্থ তছরুপ কেলেঙ্কারির প্রসঙ্গে শুক্রবার এ কথা জানালেন অর্থমন্ত্রকের আর্থিক বিষয়ক সচিব রাজীব টাকরু৷

এইচডিএফসি, আইসিআইসিআই এবং অ্যাক্সিস ব্যাঙ্ক গ্রাহকদের কালো টাকা সাদা করার উপায় বাতলাচ্ছে৷ বৃহস্পতিবার কোবরাপোস্ট ওয়েবসাইটের গোপন ক্যামেরায় উঠে এসেছে এই তথ্য৷ দেশের তিন বৃহত্ ব্যাঙ্কের বিরুদ্ধে অর্থ তছরুপ কেলেঙ্কারিতে জড়িয়ে থাকার অভিযোগ উঠেছে৷ অভিযুক্ত ব্যাঙ্কগুলি বিষয়টি খতিয়ে দেখতে উচ্চপর্যায়ের তদন্ত শুরু করেছে৷ রিজার্ভ ব্যাঙ্কও অভিযুক্ত একটি ব্যাঙ্ককে এ বিষয়ে নোটিশ পাঠিয়েছে৷ পাশাপাশি, কেন্দ্রীয় ব্যাঙ্কও এই তছরুপ কেলেঙ্কারির তদন্তে নেমেছে৷ এ প্রসঙ্গে টাকরু বলেছেন, কেলেঙ্কারির প্রকৃত তথ্য জানতে আরবিআই এবং অর্থমন্ত্রক দু'পক্ষকেই কড়া পদক্ষেপ নিতে হবে৷ এখন সব তরফ থেকে তথ্য সংগ্রহ করা হচ্ছে৷ সত্য সামনে এলেই পরবর্তী পদক্ষেপ সম্পর্কে সিদ্ধান্ত নেবে মন্ত্রক৷ তবে দোষ প্রমাণিত হলে শাস্তির মুখোমুখি হতেই হবে ব্যাঙ্ক কর্তৃপক্ষকে৷

তবে তিনি এও বলেছেন যে আগে থেকেই ব্যাঙ্ক কর্তৃপক্ষকে দোষী ঠাওরানো যায় না৷ অভিযোগ প্রমাণ না হওয়া পর্যন্ত কর্তৃপক্ষের উপর দায় চাপানো যায় না৷

বৃহস্পতিবার কোবরাপোস্টের ক্যামেরায় ধরা পড়েন, গ্রাহকের হিসাব-বহির্ভূত টাকা সংশ্লিষ্ট ব্যাঙ্কের বিনিয়োগকারী স্কিমে ঢেলে বা বেনামী অ্যাকাউন্টে টাকা রেখে সেই কালো টাকা সাদা করে দেওয়ার পন্থা বাতলাচ্ছেন ব্যাঙ্ক আধিকারিকরা৷ অর্থ-তছরুপ রোধী আইনের তোয়াক্কা না করেই গ্রাহকদের দুর্নীতি কী ভাবে চাপা দেওয়া যায় তার সব রকম উপায় বের করছেন ব্যাঙ্ক আধিকারিকরা৷ তিনটি বেসরকারি ব্যাঙ্কের বিভিন্ন শাখায় এই একই চিত্র ধরা পড়েছে৷ বোঝাই যাচ্ছে, আধিকারিকদের একার মাথা এর পিছনে কাজ করেনি৷ কর্তৃপক্ষের অঙ্গুলিহেলন না থাকলে সব আধিকারিক একই ধরনের কথা বলতেন না৷ কিন্ত্ত টাকরুর মতে, এটা কাকতালীয় হতে পারে যে সকলেই একই কথা বলছেন৷ কিংবা এর পিছনে আরও গভীর রহস্য রয়েছে৷ যেটা উদ্ধার করতে সরকারি তদন্তকারী সংস্থাকে কাজে নামানো উচিত৷ তাঁর মতে প্রাথমিক ভাবে মনে, বিষয়টি খুবই গুরুতর৷

বৃহস্পতিবার সেন্ট্রাল বোর্ড অফ ডিরেক্ট ট্যাক্সেও এ বিষয়ে তদন্তে নেমেছে৷

টাকরুর কথায়, 'এরকম একটা ঘটনা খুবই দুর্ভাগ্যজনক৷ এই রকম অভিযোগ আমরা সকলেই শঙ্কিত৷ তবে অভিযোগ যদি ভিত্তিহীন না হয়ে, তা হলে অপরাধীকে তার মূল্য চোকাতেই হবে৷'

ব্যাঙ্ক ও বিমায় প্রত্যক্ষ বিদেশি বিনিয়োগ টানতে ডিসেম্বরেই বিল পাশ হয়েছে সংসদে৷ দেশের অর্থনীতিকে তুলে ধরতে ব্যাঙ্ক ও বিমা ক্ষেত্রে সংস্কার এনেছেন অর্থমন্ত্রী চিদম্বরম৷ এ ছাড়া কর্পোরেটদের নতুন ব্যাঙ্ক খোলার অনুমতিও দিয়েছে অর্থমন্ত্রক৷ গত মাসেই নতুন ব্যাঙ্ক খোলার নিয়মাবলি প্রকাশ করেছে রিজার্ভ ব্যাঙ্ক৷ এমন সময় বেসরকারি ব্যাঙ্কে এই অর্থ তছরুপ কেলেঙ্কারি সরকারকে খানিকটা লজ্জায় ফেলবে বলেই মনে করা হচ্ছে৷ বৃহস্পতিবারই বিভিন্ন বিরোধী দলের বক্তব্য ছিল, বেসরকারি ও বিদেশি সংস্থাকে ব্যাঙ্ক ব্যবসায় প্রবেশ করতে দিলে এমনটাই হবে৷ এ ধরনের আশঙ্কার জন্য ব্যাঙ্ক ক্ষেত্রে সংস্কারের বিরোধিতা করেছিলেন তাঁরা৷ শুক্রবার শেয়ার বাজারেও এইচডিএফসি, আইসিআইসিআই এবং অ্যাক্সিস ব্যাঙ্কের শেয়ার ১ থেকে ৪ শতাংশ পড়ে যায়৷ এই তিন ব্যাঙ্কের বিরুদ্ধে তদন্ত হচ্ছে শুনে বিনিয়োগকারীরা এদের শেয়ার এদিন বিক্রি করতে থাকেন বাজারে৷

कोब्रापोस्ट स्टिंग: एचडीएफसीकडून चौकशीसाठी 'डेलॉईट'ची नेमणूक

cवृत्तसंकेतस्थळाने केलेल्या स्टिंग ऑपरेशननंतर खडबडून जागे झालेल्या देशातील प्रमुख तिन्ही खासगी बॅंकांनी आता वेगाने अंतर्गत चौकशी करण्यास सुरुवात केलीये. 
आयसीआयसीआय, एचडीएफसी आणि ऍक्सिस या तिन्ही खासगी बॅंकांमध्ये काळ्या पैशाचे विविध मार्गांनी पांढऱया पैशात रुपांतर करण्यात येते, असा आरोप कोब्रापोस्टने केला होता. त्यानंतर रिझर्व्ह बॅंक ऑफ इंडिया आणि केंद्रीय अर्थ मंत्रालयानेही या संपूर्ण प्रकरणाची गंभीरपणे दखल घेतली होती. 
एचडीएफसी बॅंकेने आपल्यावरील आरोपांची चौकशी करण्यासाठी लेखा परीक्षण क्षेत्रातील अग्रगण्य कंपनी 'डेलॉईट टच तोमात्सू इंडिया'ची नेमणूक केलीये. स्टिंग ऑपरेशनमध्ये करण्यात आलेल्या आरोपांची डेलॉईट कंपनीकडून चौकशी करण्यात येणार आहे. बॅंकेने घालून दिलेल्या मार्गदर्शक तत्त्वाचे किंवा आचारसंहितेचे उल्लंघन झाले आहे का, हे तपासण्यासाठी अमरचंद ऍंड मंगलदास ऍंड सुरेश ए श्रॉफ कंपनीची नेमणूक बॅंकेने केलीये. बॅंकेने शनिवारी काढलेल्या एका निवेदनात याबद्दल माहिती दिली. अंतर्गत पातळीवर बॅंक आपल्या कर्मचाऱयांची चौकशी करते आहे, याचीही माहिती निवेदनात देण्यात आलीये.
दुसरीकडे ऍक्सिस बॅंकेने कथित गैरव्यवहारांचे आरोप करण्यात आलेल्या बॅंकेच्या १६ कर्मचाऱयांना मुख्य प्रशासकीय कार्यालयाशी संपर्क साधण्यास सांगितले आहे. बॅंक संबंधित कर्मचाऱयांची अंतर्गत चौकशी करते आहे. त्याचाच भाग म्हणून १६ कर्मचाऱयांना प्रशासकीय कार्यालयाशी संपर्क साधण्यास सांगण्यात आले आहे.
आयसीआयसीआय बॅंकेने आपल्या १८ कर्मचाऱयांना या प्रकरणी निलंबित केले आहे. बॅंकेने नेमलेल्या चौकशी समितीचा अहवाल दोन आठवड्यात मिळणार असल्याची माहिती देण्यात आली आहे.

Cobrapost Undercover Operation: HDFC Bank to conduct forensic audit

Updated: Mar 16, 2013

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HDFC Bank today said it has appointed accounting and audit firm Deloitte Touche Tohmatsu India to carry out an independent forensic inquiry into allegations of some of its officials facilitating money laundering activities.

The bank has also appointed Amarchand & Mangaldas & Suresh A Shroff & Co to examine the breaches, if any, of the bank's Code of Conduct & Ethical Standards, by any bank officials, HDFC Bank said in a statement.

"The bank is committed to the highest standards of compliance, corporate governance and ethics, and has in place systems and procedures to ensure that its business is conducted in compliance with laws and regulations," it said.

The statement further said internal departmental enquiry is underway to verify the truth or untruth or correctness, as the case may be, in the reported tapings of bank officials.

This process has been initiated without prejudice to the authentication of the video recordings or electronic data, it added.

Country's three largest private banks – ICICI Bank, HDFC Bank and Axis Bank – were accused of indulging in money laundering both within and outside, with an online portal Cobrapost claiming that a sting operation conducted by it has revealed a money laundering scam.

Earlier this week, the portal Cobrapost had played the contents of a purported video recording of officials of private banks including HDFC Bank, allegedly agreeing to

receive unverified sums of cash and put them in their investment schemes and benami accounts in violation of anti-money laundering laws.

The footage taken in 'Operation Red Spider', purportedly shows a number of senior executives of the three banks verbally agreeing to take huge amounts of cash from the undercover reporter and putting them into a variety of long-term investment plans so that the black money ultimately is converted into white.

However, neither any account was opened nor any cash deposited for the purpose in these banks.


ICICI Bank, Case 19: A. Vyas, Branch Manager; A. Singhania, Key Relationship Manager; K.S Bindra, Accounts Manager, Jaipur, Rajasthan

Mar 13, 2013

The advice here is: Get a DD from some cooperative bank or route the cash through an account and there will be no problem Posing as a family friend of a noted politician, the Cobrapost reporter is directed to A. Singhania who is working as Relationship Manager with this branch of...

ICICI Bank, Case 18: Ganpathi R., Branch Manager, Hyderabad, Andhra Pradesh

Mar 13, 2013

"NRI account mein poora amount dump kar dena (Dump the whole amount in the NRI account)" Our reporter tells Ganpathi R. that the money is in cash and belongs to a politician who wants to invest it discreetly. Ganpathi tells his visitor to open an NRI account with the bank: "NRI...

ICICI Bank, Case 17: S.Walia, Branch Manager, Chandigarh

Mar 13, 2013

"Aapko tension lene ki zaroorat nahin hai (You need not take any tension)" Walia politely brings the Cobrapost reporter to his cabin downstairs where he advises him to opt for an insurance plan, GSIP, with guaranteed returns: "Saara cheque se aayega…saara tax-free hoga (All the return will come by cheque and...

ICICI Bank, Case 16: J. Dwivedi, Investment Manager; N. Ghosh, Officer, Faridabad, Haryana

Mar 13, 2013

"Kuch bhi comfortable hai … sab kuch comfortable hai (Anything is comfortable… everything is comfortable)." The moment the Cobrapost journalist announces that he is there to invest a large amount of money, he is taken to Investment Manager J. Dwivedi at this Faridabad branch of ICICI Bank. Within a few seconds,...

ICICI Bank, Case 15: A. Dubey, Assistant Manager, West Delhi

Mar 13, 2013

Showing black money as the proceeds from the sale of property is Dubey's preferred method for making it legitimate: "Profile hum log dikha denge ki ye hai property holder (We will show in the profile that he is a property holder)" Posing as a frontman for a politician, the Cobrapost journalist...

ICICI Bank, Case 14: A. Pathak, ICICI Lombard, Mumbai, Maharashtra

Mar 13, 2013

Advising our reporter to go to HDFC Bank, this ICICI insurance advisor says the way to make black money white is to get DDs made from a cooperative bank and then invest Oddly enough, at this ICICI Lombard branch somewhere in Mumbai (the general insurance arm of ICICI Bank), bank official...

ICICI Bank, Case 13: R. Ranjan, Associate Key Relationship Manager; A. Kumar, Deputy Branch Manager, South Delhi

Mar 13, 2013

"Mantriji's name will not come to light ever." – Ranjan   In this branch of ICICI Bank somewhere in South Delhi, the Cobrapost journalist is taken to meet R. Ranjan who looks after investments.After exchanging pleasantries the reporter, posing as a relative of a politician, gets down to brass tacks. A known...

ICICI Bank, Case 12: L. M. Rao, Branch Manager; Ganesh, Investment Manager, Hyderabad, Andhra Pradesh

Mar 13, 2013

"Cash kab dega sir humko?…Kal subah aake hum collect kar sakte hain (When will you give us the cash, Sir … We can come and collect it the next morning)" – L. M. Rao At this branch of ICICI Bank in Hyderabad, the Cobrapost reporter, posing as a relative of a...

ICICI Bank, Case 11: R.Bhardwaj, Branch Manager; H. Chandra, Branch Sales Manager, Faridabad, Haryana

Mar 13, 2013

"Black ko white karne ka yehi sabse best tarika hai (This is the best way to turn black money into white)"   Here, H. Chandra and R. Bhardwaj are welcoming and resourceful. On hearing the story about the politician, Bhardwaj suggests: Open an account and deposit the cash. There is no problem...

ICICI Bank, Case 10: A.S. Kumarakrishnan, Branch Sales Manager, Chennai, Tamil Nadu

Mar 13, 2013

"Ismein cash daalna… uske baad sab kuchh wahan se main lena hai (Put in the cash in it after which I would take all from there)" The Cobrapost reporter goes through the same ritual at this branch somewhere in Chennai. After meeting various bank officials, he is Branch Sales Manager A.S....

ICICI Bank, Case 9: R. Sharma, Branch Manager, Faridabad, Haryana

Mar 13, 2013

"We can discuss and figure something out"   It was the inauguration day at this branch of ICICI Bank somewhere in Faridabad. Amid the festive mood our reporter first meets Mohit and tells him why he is there. Sometime later Mohit introduces him to Ratan, who works as investment advisor with the...

ICICI Bank, Case 8: K. R. Rao, Key Relationship Manager, ICICI Prudential, Hyderabad, Andhra Pradesh

Mar 13, 2013

  For this banker, it helps when a client speaks openly about black money. Says K.R. Rao, "Whenever you are hiding something dono ko hi mushkil ho jayega (it will be difficult for both)" Branch Relationship Manager K.R.Rao in Hyderabad understands the needs of high-value clients and is very co-operative. When told...

ICICI Bank, Case 7: Deepanshu, Branch Manager; H. Maheshwari, Assitant Manager, Aligarh, Uttar Pradesh

Mar 13, 2013

  "We will make some jugaad for you" At this ICICI Bank branch in Aligarh, the Cobrapost reporter meets a busy H. Maheshwari who takes him to the Branch Manager, Deepanshu. Since Deepanshu joined the branch quite recently, it is Maheshwari who does most of the talking. What is the source of...

ICICI Bank, Case 6: J. Suneja, Cluster Head; Neeraj, Relationship Banking/Privilege Banking, Central Delhi

Mar 13, 2013

The complicity permeates all levels, with senior managers as willing as junior staff to turn black into white because it is a common practice for them: "Sir, sachi baat ye hai aap bol rahe hain. Ninenty-nine per cent log karte hain wo bolte nahin hain (Sir, the truth is that...

ICICI Bank, Case 5: S. A. Ahuja, Senior Financial Service Manager; G. Raikar, Manager, Bangalore, Karnataka

Mar 13, 2013

  Here, the suggested route for laundering black money is to show the fictitious politician as an NRI Posing as a businessman who wants to move to Bangalore, the Cobrapost journalist walks into this branch of ICICI Bank somewhere in Bangalore where the receptionist directs him to Senior Financial Service Manager S....

ICICI Bank, Case 4: N. Kumar, Business Manager; Aastha, Deputy Branch Manager, Noida, Uttar Pradesh

Mar 13, 2013

      A stream of reassurances from Kumar and Aastha on how to turn black money into white The Cobrapost journalist strolls into this Noida branch of ICICI Bank in Uttar Pradesh and recites his request to Business Manager N. Kumar: a well-known minister wants to invest a 'handsome amount' of black...

ICICI Bank, Case 3: Gayathri, Branch Manager; C. Sridhar, Sr. Customer Service Associate (Operations), Bangalore, Karnataka

Mar 13, 2013

      Gayathri and Sridhar understand instantly that black money has to be turned into white because they deal with so many such customers The guard at this branch of ICICI Bank somewhere in Bangalore directs the Cobrapost reporter to Branch Manager Gayathri. The Cobrapost reporter gives her the same spiel. Initially,...

ICICI Bank, Case 2: R. Gupta, Branch Manager, ICICI Prudential, Agra

Mar 13, 2013

      Why it is not good to invest with banks: "Saara paisa aap doh number mein nahin laga payenge (You will not be able to invest all in No. 2)" ICICI Prudential is a sister arm of ICICI Bank. Here, once the pleasantries are over, the reporter tells Branch Manager R. Gupta...

ICICI Bank, Case 1: V. Srivastava, Privilege Banker, Central Delhi

Mar 13, 2013

      "Kya ghumana hai kaise ghumana hai bata doonga main (What has to be manipulated and how I will tell you all)" "Returns main saare white mein kara deta hun (I will make all the returns white)" Walking into this Central Delhi branch of ICICI Bank in the national capital,...

ICICI Bank:True to its Motto, Khayal Aapka, ICICI Welcomes Tainted Money to Make It Clean

Mar 13, 2013

      A countrywide undercover investigation by Cobrapost finds ICICI Bank committing gross violations of the Income Tax Act, FEMA, RBI regulations and the anti-Money Laundering Act. These activities render the vast assets it manages, the deposits it maintains, the profits it makes, and the spectacular growth it has registered, suspect. It was...

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HDFC Bank, Case 20: N. Sharma, Manager,Jaipur, Rajasthan

Mar 13, 2013

  Investing half a core of black money is no big deal: "Yeh toh bahut chhota amount hai, koi bada amount nahin hai (It is a very small amount, not a big one)." Visiting the this branch of HDFC in Jaipur, the Cobrapost reporter finds Branch Manager N. Sharma receptive to the...

HDFC Bank, Case 19: S. Yadav, Deputy Manager (Retail),West Delhi

Mar 13, 2013

Don't worry about your black money, it is safe investing with us, "Itna mat daro hum bank mein hain (Don't fear like this)."The reporter meets S. Yadav, who is working as deputy manager with this branch of HDFC Bank in West Delhi. Preliminaries over, Yadav is told upfront that a...

HDFC Bank, Case 18: Venkateswar Rao, Bank Assurance Officer, Hyderabad

Mar 13, 2013

 Cobrapost undercover reporter walks in to a Hyderabad branch of HDFC Bank and leads himself to V Rao. V Rao is the Bank Assurance Manager with HDFC Bank. He informs his client about the various lucrative investment plans with the bank.The undercover reporter makes his intent very clear that he...

HDFC Bank, Case 17: J. Bajaj, Branch Manager; N. Sharma, Faridabad, Haryana

Mar 13, 2013

"Bilkul white ho jayega. Account ke through karwa lo koi problem nahin (It will sure become white. Do it through account, there is no problem)." – J. Bajaj At this branch of HDFC in a tony are in Faridabad, Haryana, the Cobrapost journalistmeets Branch Manager J. Bajaj and N. Sharma, her...

HDFC Bank, Case 16: A. Srivastava, Investment Banker; H. Singh, Assistant Branch Manager,West Delhi

Mar 13, 2013

      Invest your black money in insurance as "Saat saal baad IT Department bhi nahin poochta isko (After 7 years, the IT Department does not ask any question about it)." – A. Srivastava The Cobrapost journalist visits this branch of HDFC Bank in West Delhi where he meets A. Srivastava, Investment Banker,...

HDFC Bank, Case 15: A.G. Toppo, Senior Manager,Kolkata, West Bengal

Mar 13, 2013

All invest their black money in insurance: "Sub log aise hi karte hain Sir. In fact, saara jo kala paisa hota hai na sub insurance mein hi jaata hai (Yes, yes. Don't worry, Sir. All people do like this only. In fact, all black money goes into insurance)." It did not...

HDFC Bank, Case 14: V. Bana, Cluster Head (Bulandshahar Cluster),Ghaziabad; R. Sharma, Greater Noida, Uttar Pradesh

Mar 13, 2013

      Sending money abroad is not a problem. "Ek se dedh kar denge (We will do one to one and a half)." There is an amount of Rs. 50 lakh in cash to be invested to make it white and earn interest on it. Could R. Sharma lend a hand? The...

HDFC Bank, Case 13: S. Sharma, Branch Manager, HDFC Standard Life Insurance, South Delhi

Mar 13, 2013

Invest the black money in smaller chunks through multiple accounts and close them after making the money white When S. Sharma first hears the Cobrapost reporter's proposition, he tries to project himself as clean, calling it risky. But it takes very little cajoling for the manager of this branch of HDFC...

HDFC Case 13: S. Sharma, Branch Manager, South Delhi

Mar 13, 2013

Invest the black money in smaller chunks through multiple accounts and close them after making the money whiteWhen S. Sharma first hears the Cobrapost reporter's proposition, he tries to project himself as clean, calling it risky. But it takes very little cajoling for the manager of this branch of HDFC...

HDFC Bank, Case 12: N. Gupta, Portfolio Relationship Manager/Deputy Manager; K. Jain, Personal Banker, Jaipur, Rajasthan

Mar 13, 2013

      Black money is not new to us: "Wo to hota hi hai. Sir naam nahin batayenge. Johari Bazaar mein baithe hain to aap khud hi samajh sakte ho. HDFC Bank aur Johari Bazaar dono cheez aisi hain (That sure happens here. Sir, we won't divulge the names. When are sitting...

HDFC Bank Case 11: N. Singh, Backup Branch Manager (Branch Banking), Faridabad, Haryana

Mar 13, 2013

      Would it be possible to convert black money white? Yes, as Singh says: "Wo ho jayega (That will be done)."Here the Cobrapost journalist meets N. Singh, Backup Branch Manager, at this branch of HDFC Bank in Faridabad to discuss his proposition: A politician wants to invest Rs. 50 lakh. The...

HDFC Bank, Case 10, A: Pandey, Branch Manager, Ghaziabad, Uttar Pradesh

Mar 13, 2013

Open multiple accounts and invest the black money in insurance in smaller chunks – this is the safest recipe. Asking the same question – can Rs. 50 lakh of black money belonging to a politician be invested in any of the bank's products – the Cobrapost reporter  approaches this branch of...

HDFC Bank, Case 9: VP Singh, Branch Head, Central Bank

Mar 13, 2013

  "Aapka 50 lakh kaisa hai, black ka hai white ka hai (Is that Rs. 50 lakh of yours black or white)?"Is it possible to invest Rs. 50 lakh of black money with his bank, asks the visitor to this branch of HDFC Bank somewhere in Central Delhi? The money is...

HDFC Bank, Case 8: S. Singh, Branch Head, Central Delhi

Mar 13, 2013

Black money will be routed through an account into investment by DD and then the account would be closed, and any amount of cash would doPlaying the friend of a politician who wants to invest Rs. 50 lakh of black money, the Cobrapost journalist meets S. Singh, head of this...

HDFC Bank, Case 7: V. K. Tandon, Branch Manager, Retail Banking; Navneet, Faridabad, Haryana

Mar 13, 2013

      Both bankers are not only willing to make black money white but also help with transferring it abroad A politician wants to make about Rs. 50 lakh of black money white. More black money is due in February. When the Cobrapost journalist, supposedly working for the politician, goes with this proposition...

HDFC Bank, Case 6: A. Kar, Branch Manager, Kolkata, West Bengal

Mar 13, 2013

      "Business to aap kar hi sakte hain. Aaloo patti hai, kuch patti hai, to cash transaction to ho sakta hai (It will be known if it is a savings transaction. You can do business, always, like you deal in potatoes, so there can be cash transaction)." The manager of this branch...

HDFC Bank, Case 5: M. Faisal, Deputy Manager; A.R. Miglani, Branch Manager, West Delhi

Mar 13, 2013

"HDFC baitha hi hua hai black money khane ke liye (HDFC is here to eat up all the black money)." – Faisal Here, at this HDFC Bank branch in West Delhi, the Cobrapost journalist first met Deputy Manager M. Faisal, telling him straightaway that a politician wants to invest Rs. 50...

HDFC Bank, Case 4: N. Mahajan, Senior Manager; Shabee, Sales Development Manager, South Delhi

Mar 13, 2013

Investing black money here is made easy by getting DD made for the cash through some other bank. "Humara kaam hi yehi hai. Humare yahan sub ko sub kuchh pata hota hai (This is our job. Everybody here knows about everything)." – Shabee At this branch of HDFC Bank in a...

HDFC Bank, Case 3: K. Gerard, Branch Manager; M. Kumar, Financial Consultant, HDFC Bank, Venkateswaran K, Territory Manager, HDFC Standard Life Insurance, Chennai

Mar 13, 2013

      "Cash we do not collect it as such actually. But in other banks mein we deposit cash and take DDs also." – Gerard Posing as a real estate businessman, the Cobrapost journalist visited this branch of HDFC Bank in Mylapore, Chennai. His stated purpose: A certain politician wants to invest black...

HDFC Bank, Case 2: A. Gupta, Sales Development Manager; M. Jain, Circle Manager, HDFC Standard Life Insurance, East Delhi

Mar 13, 2013

      Black money is welcome with the approval of superiors. "Ye mujhe aap cash de dijiyega main iski DD banwa loongi (You can give me the cash and I will get the DD made for it)." – Gupta Posing as a decoy customer, the Cobrapost journalist visits the branch of HDFC Standard...

HDFC Bank, Case 1: P. Bhowmik, Personal Banker, South Delhi

Mar 13, 2013

Nothing to fear. "Aapko kuch nahin aayega, humari surety hai (Nothing will come to you, this is the surety we give you)" The Personal Banker, P. Bhowmik, with the HDFC branch somewhere in South Delhi, was quite forthcoming when the Cobrapost journalist sought her help to invest Rs. 50 lakh of...

HDFC Bank: Bank on Us to Make Black Money White

Mar 13, 2013

A nationwide, undercover investigation across dozens of branches by Cobrapost reveals HDFC Bank is involved in extensive money laundering. The bank is blatantly violating various sections of the Income Tax Act, FEMA, RBI regulations and the Anti-Money Laundering Act, making the legitimacy of its deposits and its phenomenal profits and...

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Axis Bank

Axis Bank, Case 9: S. Bhattacharya, Deputy Vice President/Branch Head; T. Anand, Deputy Manager,South Delhi

Mar 13, 2013

"Dekhiye rules and regulations jitne hote hain na usse doh kadam zyada aage uske tarike bhi hote hain aur tarike se kiya jaye to wo within laws hota hai (You see for all the rules and regulations there are methods which are two steps ahead of them and if you...

Axis Bank, Case 8: A.K. Gupta, Branch Head; A.K. Bansal, Assistant Manager (Operations),Ghaziabad, Uttar Pradesh

Mar 13, 2013

"Ek hota hai number do ka paisa theek hai. Ab number do ka paisa number one kaise banana hai that is also a problem. Hum wo bhi kar sakte hain (One type of money is No. 2, is that right? Now making number two money number one, that is also...

Axis Bank, Case 7: V. Juneja, Manager (Operations/Investments); S. Singh, Manager (Business Banking), Noida, Uttar Pradesh

Mar 13, 2013

"Ek banda ITR panch lakh dikha raha hota hai, wo saal mein kum se kum panch crore kama raha hota hai …kahan jana hai paisa saara (A fellow who files an ITR of 5 lakh doesn't earn less than 5 crore a year… where will all this money go)?" –...

Axis Bank, Case 6: A. Gupta, Assistant Vice President, Axis Bank; P. Sinha, Relationship Associate, MAX Life Insurance, Sahibabad, Ghaziabad

Mar 13, 2013

"Sir ka account khulna hai urgently char accounts… aur cash uthana hai 60 lakh (We have to open account for Sir, urgently … four accounts … and also pick up Rs. 60 lakh cash)." – A. Gupta When the Cobrapost journalist reaches this branch of Axis Bank, somewhere in Sahibabad industrial...

Axis Bank, Case 5: S. Banerjee, Deputy Manager; D. Bhattacharya, Operations Head, North 24 Parganas, Kolkata, West Bengal

Mar 13, 2013

      "Agar aap chahte hain main aapka account PAN ke bina bhi khol sakta hun… PAN ke bina (If you want, I can open your account even without PAN … without PAN). It won't be tracked." – S. Banerjee Yet another branch. Still the same proposition. No disappointment, however.At the very gates...

Axis Bank, Case 4: G. Singh, Senior Manager; R. Seth, Trust/NGO In-charge; N. Gupta, Assistant Manager, Panchkula, Haryana

Mar 13, 2013

Take TCDC card to transfer money abroad or float trust, they suggest, or NGO to make your money clean Walking to the desk, the Cobrapost journalist tells the woman executive he wants to invest a big amount in some long-term insurance plan with good returns. N. Gupta immediately starts telling about...

Axis Bank, Case 3: S. Srivastava, Deputy Manager (Operations); S. Kaur, Branch Head, Noida, Uttar Pradesh

Mar 13, 2013

The bankers at this branch of Axis Bank know it well how to keep such dubious transactions off the radar, and will put all their resources at your command to make it white The Cobrapost reporter walks straight up to the desk of a lady banker at this branch of Axis...

Axis Bank, Case 2: N. Chopra, Assistant Manager, Kolkata, West Bengal

Mar 13, 2013

A refined man that Chopra is, he will never ask the colour of the money, and help make it white whichever way we want, PAN or no PAN routing it through sundry accounts, even get us a fake PAN When the Cobrapost reporter announces he has to discuss a 'handsome investment'...

Axis Bank, Case 1: A.Mishra, Deputy Manager, East Delhi

Mar 13, 2013

"Aur bhi accounts hote hain na sir…kiske through kaise route karna hai sab dekh lenge (There are some other accounts, Sir. How it is to be routed through which account we will see to it)" Walking into this branch of Axis Bank in a tony locality of East Delhi in the...

Axis Bank: Axis of Money Laundering

Mar 13, 2013

      A pan-India undercover investigation by Cobrapost finds Axis Bank is engaged in money laundering, flagrantly violating various RBI guidelines, the provisions of the Prevention of Money Laundering Act, the Income Tax Act, and KYC norms, making the vast assets it manages, the spectacular growth it has achieved and the profits...

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नई दिल्‍ली: कोबरा पोस्ट के स्टिंग ऑपरेशन के बाद आईसीआईसीआई बैंक ने कार्रवाई करते हुए अपने 18 कर्मचारियों को सस्पेंड कर दिया है. 

बैंक ने आरोपों की जांच कराने का फैसला भी किया है. ये खबर समाचार एजेंसी पीटीआई ने सूत्रों के हवाले से दी है.

कोबरा पोस्ट के स्टिंग ऑपरेशन के बाद आईसीआईसीआई बैंक ने अपने कर्मचारियों के खिलाफ कार्रवाई की है. समाचार एजेंसी पीटीआई ने बैंक के सूत्रों के हवाले से खबर दी है कि कोबरा पोस्ट के खुलासे बाद आईसीआईसीआई बैंक ने अपने 18 कर्मचारियों को सस्पेंड कर दिया है. बैंक ने फैसला किया है कि ये सभी कर्मचारी जांच पूरी होने तक सस्पेंड रहेंगे.

कोबरा पोस्ट ने गुरुवार को स्टिंग ऑपरेशन के जरिए आरोप लगाया था कि देश के तीन बड़े प्राइवेट बैंक- आईसीआईसीआई बैंक, एचडीएफसी बैंक और एक्सिस बैंक काले धन को सफेद करने में लगे हैं.

कोबरा पोस्ट के स्टिंग में आरोप लगाया गया है कि ये सभी बैंक रिजर्व बैंक ऑफ इंडिया, इनकम टैक्स विभाग और फॉरेन एक्सचेंज मैनेजमेंट एक्ट यानी कि फेमा के नियमों और निर्देशों की अनदेखी करके काले धन को रखने और विदेश भेजने के काम में लगे हैं. 

आईसीआईसीआई समेत तीनों बैंकों ने कहा है कि वो अपने कामकाज में सभी नियम कायदों का पालन करते हैं, फिर भी लगाए गए आरोपों की जांच करेंगे.

पीटीआई के मुताबिक आरबीआई भी तीनों बैंकों पर लगे मनी लॉन्डरिंग के आरोपों के बारे में जानकारियां इकट्ठा कर रहा है.

केंद्र सरकार ने भी कहा है कि जो भी लोग मनी लॉन्डरिंग में शामिल पाए जाएंगे, उनके खिलाफ कड़ी कार्रवाई की जाएगी.

इस खबर का असर शुक्रवार को तीनों बैंकों के शेयरों पर भी दिखाई दिया. आईसीआईसीआई बैंक के शेयर करीब चार फीसदी की गिरावट के साथ बंद हुए, जबकि एचडीएफसी बैंक के शेयर में करीब डेढ़ फीसदी और एक्सिस बैंक के शेयर में करीब एक फीसदी की गिरावट दर्ज की गई.

Cobrapost sting: Why banks' heads can't plead innocence

by  Mar 15, 2013

Cobrapost sting: Why banks' heads can't plead innocence

by  Mar 15, 2013


In the end, all it took to pull down the shiny reputations of three of India's most high-profile private banks was one intrepid reporter with a sting camera – and a yarn about wanting to launder money on behalf of a leading politician.

The images of front-office staff and middle-level managers at the branches of banks and insurance companies across India virtually gloating about their experience of handling dubious cash transactions on behalf of their other shadowy customers to get them of the taxman's radar make a mockery of any claims that these banks may make to abiding by ethical business practices. "HDFC Bank exists merely to eat up black money," preens a bank manager in Delhi. "I myself counted Rs 90 lakh in cash at this very table," squeals a young lady at another bank.

What the Cobrapost sting video reveals is that the Standard Operating Procedures for money-laundering by these banks (and, almost certainly, others as well) have been refined to a high art, which points to the institutionalisation of the process within the banks. It is perhaps this that lulled the staff into a sense of complacency into being rather more indiscreet than was warranted when a potential customer walked in with the promise of bringing Rs 50 lakh worth of funny money onto their balance sheet.

Finance Minister P Chidambaram. Image courtesy PIB

Finance Minister P Chidambaram. Image courtesy PIB

All three banks have pledged to conduct investigations into the damning sting video allegations, and reiterated their commitment to the pursuit of ethical business.

Yet, only the incredibly naïve will believe that these middle-level managers and the lower-rung staff put their jobs on the line in so blatantly soliciting shady business – or that those higher up the hierarchy did not have even the faintest inkling of precisely how all that new business was being drummed up. Bank employees are, of course, set punishing targets for new business, and anyone who wants to climb up the greasy pole—and who doesn't?—has an incentive to go rogue. But just the breezy manner in which they operated – in packs, in some cases – and the fact that so many of them (across cities) were ready to put themselves out on a limb tells a rather more sordid story: that these were the accepted norms within these banks, rather than the excesses of a rogue employee.

It's very likely that, as happened in the wake of the Harshad Mehta stock market scandal of 1992 and the Ketan Parekh scam of 2001, the lower-level bank functionaries who were caught on camera in this case will be eased out, with a compensation big enough to buy their silence for eternity. That ought to serve as a warning to those at the bottom of the food chain: that the "oral orders" that they receive from their superiors to bend the rules don't count for much when the game is up. Those on top will walk free, leaving them to carry the can.

Yet, for all the deniability that the heads of these banks—and the regulators—have given themselves, they cannot entirely escape the taint of the scandal. Chairman and CEOs are, of course, not in on day-to-day transactions, nor should they be. But, as stakeholders in the brand equity of the bank, they must decidedly bear the cross for the wholesale failure of governance and ethical practices mechanism that the expose represents. To claim that they didn't know mischief was afoot or that it didn't have even their tacit consent sounds incredulous. But even if that were true, the buck stops with them.

In his first, and only public comments thus far in response to the Cobrapost sting, Chidambaram observed on Thursday that he had spoken to the chairman of two of the banks (the third, he said, was travelling overseas), but that the government wasn't "jumping to conclusions" about the sensational disclosures.

Coming from a finance minister who has—rightly—been deploying the carrot-and-stick approach to bring tax evaders into the net, and fairly successfully at that, that remark is considerably underwhelming. Under his watch, the Income Tax Department is going after high-rolling big spenders who have thus far been flying beneath the taxman's radar – and, as he himself acknowledged on Thursday, that effort is yielding dividends, as reflected in the spike in the number of income-tax assessees this year.

But that same earnestness about going after tax-evaders seems to be lacking in Chidambaram's response to the sting video, which establishes the widespread prevalence of rather more big fish—and politically connected ones at that—that are being helped by some of India's biggest banks to dodge the tax net. This is doubly galling because Chidambaram is not unaware of the nature of the problem: after all, he introduced the Banking Cash Transaction Tax some years ago, solely to disincentivise cash transactions that were become conduits for channeling—and laundering—black money. (Of course, he was forced to backtrack on that provision, just in time for the 2009 elections.)

One would have therefore expected him to respond with a trifle more alacrity to the sting video's sensational revelations of big banks helping the big fish to evade tax and launder black money. It might also help for Chidambaram to call the heads of these banks and the banking regulator to account – and not buy too readily into their anticipated denials and disavowals that these were aberrations of rogue employees of which they knew nothing. The Cobrapost video lays bare the rotten innards of the banking system, and holds an unflattering mirror to some of India's leading financial institutions. Chidambaram's response to this will determine how serious he is about going after the big moneybags that are making a mockery of the system.

Full coverage

Cobrapost Sting: ICICI Bank suspends 18 employees

Indian Express - ‎10 hours ago‎
Cobrapost Sting: ICICI Bank has suspended 18 employees, a day after the lender and two of its peers were accused of indulging in money laundering activities. The suspension is pending the bank's investigation into money laundering charges, sources in ...

Cobrapost sting: HDFC Bank hires Deloitte to conduct forensic audit

Financial Express - ‎5 hours ago‎
Country's three largest private banks – ICICI Bank, HDFC Bank and Axis Bank – were accused of indulging in money laundering both within and outside, with an online portal Cobrapost claiming that a sting operation conducted by it has revealed a money...

Cobrapost sting fallout: ICICI Bank suspends 18 staff

Firstpost - ‎12 hours ago‎
Cobrapost had at a press conference played out the sting video, which showed officials of the three private banks, including ICICI Bank, agreeing to receive large sums of cash and channel them into their investment schemes through benami accounts in...

Cobrapost sting: Probe starts in money laundering case against ICICI, Axis, HDFC

Indian Express - ‎Mar 14, 2013‎
Cobrapost Sting: The finance ministry and RBI are investigating allegations of money laundering practices at top private sector lenders ICICI Bank, HDFC Bank and Axis Bank. Goldman Sachs, meanwhile, said the allegations, if proven, could slow growth for ...

Money laundering case: HDFC Bank suspends 20 employees pending ...

Economic Times - ‎55 minutes ago‎
The sting operation by, an online news provider, claimed that staff at ICICI Bank, HDFC Bank and Axis Bank were helping customers do deals that violate income-tax, enforcement and banking laws. Axis Bank earlier directed 16 of its staff ...

Cobrapost sting: ICICI Bank, Axis Bank, HDFC Bank shares down 4.5%

Indian Express - ‎Mar 15, 2013‎
Cobrapost sting: ICICI Bank, Axis Bank and HDFC Bank shares tumbled today as much as 4.5 per cent following accusations that the lenders have indulged in money laundering. ICICI Bank slumped 4.5 per cent to Rs 1,060.70, while Axis Bank was down ...

Cobrapost sting: HDFC Bank, ICICI Bank, Axis Bank in Money-laundering net ...

Indian Express - ‎Mar 14, 2013‎
India's top private sector lenders ICICI Bank Ltd, HDFC Bank Ltd and Axis Bank Ltd said they were investigating allegations, made in sting by independent investigative journalist, Aniruddha Bahal of Cobrapost, about the widespread money laundering ...

BSE Sensex falls 143 pts on Cobrapost sting as money laundering shock floors ...

Indian Express - ‎Mar 15, 2013‎
Cobrapost sting operation hit BSE Sensex today forcing the index to fall by 143 points on heavy selling in private banks, shares including ICICI Bank and HDFC Bank - government has promised action will be taken against the guilty in the alleged money ...

Cobrapost sting reveals money laundering by 3 private banks

The Hindu - ‎Mar 14, 2013‎
The country's three largest private banks were on Thursday accused of indulging in money laundering both within and outside with an online portal claiming that a sting operation conducted by it has revealed a scam. The portalCobrapost played the contents ...

Key takeouts from CobraPost sting on HDFC, Axis and ICICI - ‎Mar 14, 2013‎
The CobraPost sting operation that has uncovered alleged connivance in money laundering by three of the bluest of blue chip Indian banks – HDFC, ICICI and Axis – is a stinging indictment of our black money culture and the Reserve Bank's ability to police ...

CobraPost sting: RBI probes banks, BJP demands answers

Firstpost - ‎Mar 14, 2013‎
After the CobraPost expose on money laundering, it becomes amply clear that, as far as the country's top private banks are concerned, there is really no stigma or any fear when their wealthy clients come to them seeking conversion of 'black' money into ...

Cobrapost Sting: ICICI Bank suspends 18 in money-laundering probe

Financial Express - ‎2 hours ago‎
ICICI Bank Ltd, India's No. 2 lender, has suspended 18 employees pending an inquiry into suspected money laundering, the bank said in a statement on Saturday. The move comes after a report by an independent journalist who said on Thursday he had...

BSE Sensex, NSE Nifty gain despite Cobrapost sting on ICICI BAnk, Axis, HDFC ...

Indian Express - ‎Mar 14, 2013‎
The BSE Sensex today rose by nearly 99 points in early trade, extending gains for the second straight session, on sustained buying by funds amid a firm trend on other Asian bourses - this is despite Cobrapost sting on ICICI Bank, Axis bank, HDFC Bank over ...

HDFC Bank, Axis Bank announce fresh measures in money laundering probe

Livemint - ‎4 hours ago‎
In a email statement HDFC Bank said it had appointed audit firm Deloitte Touche Tohmatsu India Pvt. Ltd "to carry out an independent forensic enquiry into the allegations and reported statements, as made by Cobrapostrepresentatives". It had also suspended ... HDFC Bank, Axis Bank and ICICI Bank are facing questions over their internal procedures after a sting operation video by Delhi-based website revealed that some bank employees had helped people with illegal money laundering activities. The exposé by ...

Why the Cobra's sting will not poison any of the banks

Firstpost - ‎Mar 15, 2013‎
If there is one prediction one can make about the CobraPost sting that exposed HDFC Bank, ICICI Bank and Axis Bank managers as being more than willing to help people launder money, it is this: after everything is said and done, more will be said than done ...

10 things that the CobraPost sting tells us about banks

Firstpost - ‎Mar 14, 2013‎
Stings in India have till now been carried out to expose politicians or bureaucrats. Today's CobraPost sting has brought into the public domain the doubtful way in which the big Indian private banks operate. The sting, if it holds up to judicial scrutiny, brings out ...

Money laundering charges: HDFC Bank appoints Deloitte to conduct enquiry

Hindu Business Line - ‎6 hours ago‎
ICICI Bank, which is also one of the three banks involved in the alleged money laundering racket as claimed in its sting operation, has suspended 18 employees pending an inquiry into the suspected money laundering case, the bank ...

Banks are using insurers to launder money

Daily News & Analysis - ‎8 hours ago‎
A closer look at online magazine Cobrapost's money laundering expose highlights how it is actually the insurance industry that's being used to convert black money into white due to easier regulations. The sting operation at three top private banks is a case ...

Banks to probe sting revelations

Times of India - ‎Mar 14, 2013‎
MUMBAI: The three private banks on which the Cobrapost sting operation has been conducted have initiated investigations into the matter. All the three banks have said that there are stringent anti-money laundering systems in place to ensure that there is no ...

Will take firm action if needed: Govt on Cobrapost expose - ‎Mar 14, 2013‎
Rajiv Takru Banking Secretary in a conversation with CNBC-TV18 today said that Reserve Bank of India had already contacted the banks involved in the Cobrapost sting and also stressed that if anything wrong was found then the government will comedown ...

Sting exposes in public interest, say media watchers

The Hindu - ‎Mar 14, 2013‎
Even as Cobrapost, an online media platform, was screening its 'expose' on money laundering, ICICI Bank, implicated in the scandal, put out a statement. The bank was 'deeply concerned', and had set up a high-level committee to probe the matter.

Money laundering by banks: CBDT orders probe into Cobrapost expose

IBNLive - ‎Mar 14, 2013‎
The sting also showed that money laundering services were being openly offered even to walk-in customers who wished to launder their money and a variety of options are offered. So far the Cobrapost sting has shown HDFC Bank and its insurance affiliates ...

Money laundering allegation: banks start probes

Hindu Business Line - ‎1 hour ago‎
Days after a sting operation purportedly show bank officials helping launder money, HDFC Bank on Saturday said it has hired independent audit firm for conducting forensic inquiry while Axis Bank initiated a probe into the matter. "The bank has appointed accounting and audit firm Deloitte Touche Tohmatsu India to carry out an independent forensic enquiry into the allegations and reported statements, as made by Cobrapost representatives, when secretly taping bank officials," HDFC Bank said in a statement.

I challenge the three bank heads to an open debate: Aniruddha Bahal

IBNLive - ‎Mar 15, 2013‎
sting operation conducted by online magazine Cobrapost across various branches of private banks has revealed how bank employees are accepting black money from customers to convert them into white money.Cobrapost Editor Anirudh Bahal has ...

Cobrapost money-laundering sting on HDFC Bank, ICICI Bank, Axis Bank - full ...

Indian Express - ‎Mar 14, 2013‎
Cobrapost pan-India undercover investigation spanning several months, unearths a vast, nation-wide money laundering racket being run by HDFC Bank, ICICI Bank and Axis Bank. The brazen criminal activity by these banks is channelizing vast amounts of ...

Cobrapost sting:Banks under RBI,FIU scanner

Sahara Samay - ‎Mar 14, 2013‎
Cobrapost had played the contents of purported video recording of officials of HDFC, ICICI and Axis Bank allegedly agreeing to receive unverified sums of cash and putting them in their investment schemes and 'benami' accounts in violation of anti- money ...

Money laundering: Banks on a damage control spree

IBNLive - ‎2 hours ago‎
New Delhi: Private banks are in damage control mode after their employees were shown aiding money laundering in a sting operation by online magazine Cobrapost. While ICICI Bank has suspended 18 employees pending an investigation, HDFC Bank says ...

ICICI Bank, Axis Bank, HDFC Bank shares slump on Cobrapost sting

Indian Express - ‎22 hours ago‎
Shares of three private sector banks ICICI Bank, Axis Bank and HDFC Bank today ended with losses in the range of 1-4 per cent, following accusations that the lenders have indulged in money laundering. After falling nearly 5 per cent during the day, shares of ...

Sting operation 'exposes' three banks

The Hindu - ‎Mar 14, 2013‎
An online magazine, Cobrapost, on the basis of a sting operation conducted over several months, has alleged that three major banks are involved in channelling 'vast amounts of black money into the regular banking system as laundered white money.' ...

Cobrapost Sting: Fin Min Assures Action Against Guilty

Outlook - ‎Mar 15, 2013‎
The comments follow Cobrapost website playing what it said was video recordings of officials of HDFC Bank, ICICI Bank and Axis Bank allegedly agreeing to receive unaccounted sums of cash and put them in their investment schemes and benami accounts ...

Sting on 3 private banks: Managers fail ethics test if CEOs don’t talk ethics

Mar 15, 2013, 05.54AM IST

By Anand Mahadevan

There are some fine CEOs running the very banks whose officials were caught on camera, allegedly agreeing to help a walk-in customer launder money, flout know-your-customer norms and stash black money in oversized lockers. It is unthinkable that any of these CEOs would ever promote such behaviour under any circumstance.

How, then, does one explain the footage from the Cobrapost sting â€" which if it is indeed authentic â€" does seem to suggest that branch managers offered "edgy" assistance to help a walk-in customer wanting to convert black money into white?

There can be only one explanation: there is a gaping ethics hole among middle managers in India Inc even in companies where the top managements are spotless.

Many CEOs, especially the CEOs of these banks, without any doubt, live and work by the highest standards of ethics. There has never been even a hint of suspicion of any impropriety on their part. Equally true is the fact that most CEOs, not just these, also drive their employees to deliver the best performance, and then, better it. And they are extremely good at this.

What is often lost in translation is that ethics can never, ever be compromised in order to boost performance. But the Cobrapost sting suggests that all middle managers may not share this conviction that exists at the top.

The footage from the sting has no evidence that any of these managers asked for any personal gratification to help the reporter posing as a customer to launder money. If indeed they violated any laws, the only motive would be more business for the banks they work for and, obviously, better performance against their name.

One is, therefore, tempted to surmise that these branch managers saw their quarterly targets, and they also saw the code of ethics at these banks and the laws of the land, and chose to take some liberty.

This is their failure. But, in some sense, it is also a failure of those above them.

In the brutal reality of doing business in India, such dilemmas between business targets and ethics are played out every single day. Only the very naive will doubt which of the two prevails more often. Just that every time ethics are compromised in order to achieve a business goal, a sting operation is not standing by to capture it on camera.

At the middle manager level, if ethical conduct is to have any chance of withstanding the strong pressures that arise from the unrelenting demand for more growth and better performance, the CEO has to lead the battle.

The CEO is responsible to set and communicate business targets. The CEO is also responsible to promote clean and ethical conduct at all times. Unless the CEO communicates the latter with as much gusto as the former, India Inc and its middle managers will never be able to live up to a higher moral code.

Far too many CEOs do not do this enough. As a result, far too many companies never manage to take the essence of the values dutifully enshrined in their codes of conduct and infuse it into the daily work and business culture of thousands of employees.
Most meaningful discussions on ethics, governance and values have, unfortunately, been limited to boardrooms. Over the years, many boards have become more and more committed to improving the overall quality of corporate governance. This is good. But this commitment is stronger within the board than outside it.

That needs to change. And it is the CEO who must take this discussion out of the confines of the boardroom and into the daily work culture of the companies they run. It is the CEO who must find and argue the business case for ethical conduct in every corner of his company.

It is the CEO who must show the rest of the organisation the long-term value that can be created for all stakeholders if and only if the organisation eschews short-term success in favour of long-term sustainability. It is the CEO who must persuade analysts to put a greater premium on governance. It is the CEO who must first learn to value purpose above profit.

Thursday's expose should force India Inc CEOs into some soul-searching. Truth be told, the shame of the branch managers caught on camera â€" if they are indeed guilty â€" is not theirs alone.

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