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Wednesday, February 6, 2013

পদ্মা সেতুর কাজ দেয়া হবে বাংলাদেশ সেনাবাহিনীকে - please think again

 পদ্মা সেতুর কাজ দেয়া হবে বাংলাদেশ সেনাবাহিনীকে - please think again

Being a civil engineer (graduated from BUET with 1st class in 1980 and worked in both Government and Private organization in Bangladesh, Oman and New Zealand) I polite disagree with this concept. I might be wrong. But I am giving my idea.


I ponder Engineering Core of Bangladesh Army cannot be the "main contractor" or able to carry out such a highly

·        Technical,

·        Sophisticated,

·        Complicated

·        Multi-disciplinary and

·        Gigantic work of high risk


Engineering Core of Bangladesh Army does not have similar or nearly similar work experience (wrt Size, capacity, complexity and technicality). It is not like Hateerjhil or a small Road Flyover project!


They do not have required

·        Equipment,

·        Machinery,

·        Manpower and

·        Logistic support


To carry out such a very technical, highly sophisticated, Multi-disciplinary, extremely complicated and gigantic work with high risk.


But they can get some real work experience - if they do some works as sub-contractor of main contractor, which can be used in next similar but smaller size project!


What Engineering Core of Bangladesh Army can do and contribute as a:

Major or main sub-contractor of the main international contractor for some civil, mechanical or electrical works, like,

·        Piling works,

·        Construction of Precast RCC girders,

·        Pre-stressing of Girders  

·        Road and pavement works


Beximco Engineering Ltd was main subcontractor to M/S Hyundai Ltd of South Korea (main contractor of the Bangabandhu Jamuna Bridge).


Engineering Core of Bangladesh Army can also be main "transport subcontractor" of all materials related to the Padma bridge project and approach roads and other road & pavement works, river training works etc.


They can contribute most in this item and local CHADABAZI, MASTANI could be avoided.


They can also work jointly in Project Management of this project and get experience to carry out such a multi-disciplinary work.


Army Engineering Core may be main maintenance contractor / agent after completion of the bridge


But they cannot be the main contractor of this huge multidiscipline project like Padma Bridge.

Any positive  and constructive criticism, different opinion and suggestions are welcome.



"Sustha thakon, nirapade thakon ebong valo thakon"


Engr. Shafiqur  Rahman Anu
New Zealand

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